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Авиация и Время 2002-06 / В.Беляев - Гражданская авиация на рубеже столетий (6)
Сверхзвуковой S-21G - совместная разработка российского ОКБ П.О.Сухого и американской фирмы "Гольфстрим Аэроспейс"
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL
'Notional' Gulfstream SBJ model used to announce the project (1999)
Air International 1990-11 / Airdata File
A three-view drawing of one version of the Gulfstream-Sukhoi SSBJ (supersonic businessjet), with three engines. Power plant development is to be a joint effort by Rolls-Royce and the Lyulka design bureau, and may allow the SSBJ to evolve as a twin-engined design.