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Страна : Великобритания

Год : 1938



Cierva (автожиры X. Сиервы)

   Последним проектом Сиервы стал автожир С.40 - параллельная с проектом C.30 разработка с фюзеляжем смешанной конструкции (металлический каркас и деревянная обшивка) и незакапотированным звездообразным мотором Salmson 9Ng мощностью 175 л.с. (130 кВт). Девять автожиров С.40 построила компания "British Aircraft Manufacturing Со." в Хэнуорте в 1938 году. Улучшенная втулка винта позволяла автожиру взлетать без разбега - это выполнялось путем раскрутки несущего винта почти до скорости вращения, необходимой для отрыва, при этом лопасти ставились с нулевым углом атаки, затем они переводились на положительный угол для создания подъемной силы. Семь из этих автожиров попали в ВВС Британии, два остальных сначала получили гражданскую регистрацию, но затем их также мобилизовали на военную службу.

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  • C.40
  • Flight, June 1939
  • Flight, September 1939
    To-day's Light Aeroplanes
  • Flight 1938-11 / Flight

    THE latest Cierva Autogiro - the C.40 - ordered for the Army and the Fleet Air Arm, shows its paces, piloted by Mr. Marsh. The two pictures were taken from the same viewpoint, the upper showing the machine in position ready for the jump-start. On the lower it is seen clearing the tape. The engine is a 170 h.p. Salmson. This is the first jump-start two-seater Autogiro. The experimental C.30, on which the early tests were made, carried a pilot only.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1977-01 / M.Langley - Fifty years in aviation

    The Cierva C-40 was built under licence by the British Aircraft Manufacturing Co. Powered by a 180 h.p. Salmson 9 NG radial, it first flew in 1930.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1976-11

    Cierva C.40 Rota II autogiro L7589 flying in the late 1930s.

  • Air Pictorial 1994-08 / G.Swanborough - British aircraft at war, 1939-1945 (8)

    A pre-war photograph of the third C.40 Rota II, which was written off at Odiham in April 1940 after brief service in France.

  • Flight 1939-06 / Flight

    The C.40 Autogiro is considerably “cleaned-up,” as compared with the C.30, by a streamline casing around the upper part of the pylon and a windscreen of generous dimensions in front of the cockpit. In spite of side-by-side seating the machine looks slimmer than its predecessor.

  • Flight 1939-06 / Flight

    A “differential tail” (incidence larger on one side than on the other) and a streamlined fairing on the rudder are features of the C.40.

  • Flight 1939-06 / Flight

    The machine is seen landing on a spot that would be quite inaccessible to an aeroplane.

  • Flight 1939-09 / Flight

    Demonstrating the new C.40 Autogiro from suitably impossible country. In this photograph the machine has just left the ground from a point beside that where the spectator is standing.

  • Flight 1939-06 / Flight

    The pictures tell the story of a landing and a take-off. On the left, the machine is about to touch down. The centre photograph shows it at rest, and by the building behind it can be seen that there was no landing run. In the right-hand view (joined to the other in correct relative position as regards the ground) the machine has just “jump-started" from the spot in which it landed. Note the forward tilt, which helps the forward acceleration.

  • Flight 1939-06 / Flight

    The rotor head of the C.40 is quite different from the “autodynamic.” The flapping hinges are outside the incidence hinges, and a single shock damper is placed in the centre of the head, connected by arms with the three rotor blades.

  • Фотографии