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airplane photo

Страна : Великобритания

Год : 1970

Конвертоплан (проект)

  • Air Pictorial 1969-06

    Impressions of the Westland VTOL projects: 20-seat tilt-rotor machine (LEFT) and 100-seat tilt-wing aircraft

  • Aviation Historian 39 / M.Willis - Tilting at windmills

    Westland started looking seriously at convertiplane projects the same decade, particularly after its takeover of Fairey Aviation Ltd, which had put great effort into the Rotodyne. Westland gravitated towards the “tilting powerpack and rotor”, going so far as to produce a full-scale mock-up of the nacelle assembly for the Westland WE-01 small transport in the early 1970s, pictured here. Much larger military and civil transports were proposed but none progressed to actual hardware.