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Air International 1982-11 / C.Burnet, E.Morgan - Dumbo and Seagull
The first S.24/37 (R1810), showing the smaller rudder at first used.
Air International 1982-11 / C.Burnet, E.Morgan - Dumbo and Seagull
Photograph of the second prototype of the Supermarine S.24/37 (R1815)
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-08 / P.Jarrett - Nothing ventured... (5)
The Supermarine Type 322 Experimental Monoplane (Rolls-Royce Merlin 30 engine).
The ungainly-looking Supermarine 322 first prototype flying with the wing fixed at zero incidence in so-called high-speed configuration. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-08 / P.Jarrett - Nothing ventured... (5)
The first Dumbo in flight with near-maximum wing incidence and with slots open and flaps down.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-08 / P.Jarrett - Nothing ventured... (5)
Another view of the first Dumbo, shown after modification with a taller fin and rudder, flying with a large angle of wing incidence. Note the shadow cast on the aircraft's nose by the wing leading-edge slats.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-08 / P.Jarrett - Nothing ventured... (5)
This front view shows the Dumbo's narrow-track fixed undercarriage and the reasonably good forward visibility.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-08 / P.Jarrett - Nothing ventured... (5)
Two views of the second Dumbo.
Air International 1982-11 / C.Burnet, E.Morgan - Dumbo and Seagull
A close-up of the S.24/37 (R1810), showing the wing in the fully-down position.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-08 / P.Jarrett - Nothing ventured... (5)
The Dumbo had foldable wings for ship stowage. The wing covering of R1810, illustrated, was diagonal plywood planking. The second aircraft, R1815, had wings covered in aluminium-coated duralumin.
Air International 1982-11 / C.Burnet, E.Morgan - Dumbo and Seagull
The incidence-changing gear in the Supermarine 322. Alternative hand and electric operation was provided.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-08 / P.Jarrett - Nothing ventured... (5)
A diagram of the Dumbo's incidence gear. Alternative hand and electric operation was provided.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-08 / P.Jarrett - Nothing ventured... (5)
Contemporary silhouettes published in The Aeroplane Spotter.