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The prototype Sperrin, with flaps down, holding formation with a Short Seamew.
Самолёты на фотографии: Short SA.4 Sperrin - Великобритания - 1951Short SB.6 Seamew - Великобритания - 1953
The second Sperrin first flew on August 12, 1952, and was delivered to RAF Woodbridge for dropping trials on April 11, 1955.
Самолёты на фотографии: Short SA.4 Sperrin - Великобритания - 1951
View of VX158 in the paint scheme it wore at the 1951 SBAC Show at Farnborough.
Самолёты на фотографии: Short SA.4 Sperrin - Великобритания - 1951
Самолёты на фотографии: Short SA.4 Sperrin - Великобритания - 1951
Three Short Sperrin fuselages under construction at Belfast in 1948.
Самолёты на фотографии: Short SA.4 Sperrin - Великобритания - 1951
The prototype Sperrin, VX158, nearing completion in 1951.
Самолёты на фотографии: Short SA.4 Sperrin - Великобритания - 1951
The Short Sperrin VX158, re-engined with D. H. Gyron turbojets, lands at the SBAC Show, Farnborough, during September 1956.
Самолёты на фотографии: Short SA.4 Sperrin - Великобритания - 1951
The prototype Sperrin. The massive nacelles are conspicuous.
Самолёты на фотографии: Short SA.4 Sperrin - Великобритания - 1951
View of VX158 in the paint scheme it wore at the 1951 SBAC Show at Farnborough.
Самолёты на фотографии: Short SA.4 Sperrin - Великобритания - 1951
Both Sperrins over Aldergrove in 1952, with VX161 nearest.
Самолёты на фотографии: Short SA.4 Sperrin - Великобритания - 1951
This view of the prototype Sperrin shows the arrangement of the four Rolls-Royce Avon turbojets in vertical pairs, giving minimal drag in spite of their bulkiness when viewed from the side.
Самолёты на фотографии: Short SA.4 Sperrin - Великобритания - 1951
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- B.Gunston - Short's Stop-Gap Bomber
- D.Brown - Southern Martlet /British pre-war ultralights/
- H.Levy, R.Riding - Burnelli's Lifting Fuselages (5)
- H.Scanlan - Handling the Harvard
- M.O'Leary - Iraqi Fury
- R.Gillman - Pilot's progress (3)
- R.Williams - Siskin Successor