Air International 1987-03
??? - Last of a Genus ... The Heinkel 115 /Warbirds/ (2)
Один из трех гидросамолетов He 115A-2 норвежской морской авиации, перелетевших на Британские острова вместе с захваченным немецким He 115B-1. Эти машины оснастили английским вооружением и приспособили для выполнения секретных заданий по заброске агентов на территорию противника.
The last survivor of the three Norwegian He 115A-2s that succeeded in reaching the United Kingdom. Photographed on 1 October 1942, this aircraft, which had been assigned the serial BV186, had been modified for clandestine operations, but had not, in the event, been employed for such.
The export He 115A-2 as operated by the Norwegian Marinens Flyvevaben equipping Nos 2 and 3 Flyavdelinger
One of the similar to Norwegian aircraft supplied to the Swedish F2 coastal unit, the Roslagens Flygflotilj.