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Страна : Великобритания

Год : 1920

Единственный экземпляр


Sopwith. Самолеты 1919-1920 годов

   На основе Wallaby был спроектирован гражданский самолет Antelope с мотором Wolseley Viper мощностью 180 л. с. Летчик размещался в открытой кабине, а два пассажира - в закрытой. Единственный Antelope выполнил первый полет в 1920 году. Позже на самолете установили мотор Siddeley Puma, в таком виде машину использовали для доставки авиапочты до 1935 года.

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  • Sopwith. Самолеты 1919-1920 годов
  • Flight, July 1920
    The Olympia Aero Show 1920
  • Flight, August 1920
  • Flight 1920-08 / Flight

    Пассажирская "Антилопа" стала одним из последних самолетов, выпущенных под знаменитой маркой "Сопвич".
    The Sopwith "Antelope," 180 h.p. Hispano-Suiza engine

  • Flight 1930-01 / Flight

    The Sopwith Antelope;

  • Flight 1920-07 / Flight

    The Sopwith Antelope at Olympia: In this machine the cabin is entered straight from the ground through a door in the port side

  • Flight 1922-06 / Flight

    RACING AT WADDON: On the left, F.P.Raynham is starting for the Surrey Open Handicap on his Sopwith "Antelope." On the right he is seen crossing the finishing line as winner.

  • Flight 1920-12 / Flight

    MODERN CABIN MACHINES: The Sopwith "Antelope."

  • Flight 1920-07 / Flight

    The aft seat in the Sopwith Antelope: The back-rest is hinged, and allows, when resting on the arm-rests of the wicker seat, the passenger to be seated higher, with his head protruding through an opening in the roof

  • Flight 1920-07 / Flight

    The sliding panel of the Sopwith Antelope is provided with a wind screen for the protection of the passenger when he is seated with his head outside

  • Flight 1920-07 / Flight

    The engine housing on the Sopwith Antelope is designed with a bonnet like that of a motorcar, the whole side hingeing along the bottom longeron

  • Flight 1920-07 / Flight

    The steering tail skid of the Sopwith Antelope: The opening in the bottom of the fuselage has an oilcloth cover which prevents dirt from getting into the interior of the body

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