Air International 1993-11
R.Niccoli - Multi-mission Stormo
First 707T/T to be delivered, MM.62148 made its maiden flight on October 31, 1990, having been refurbished to 'zero hours'. It is seen here taking-off from Pratica.
G222RM ‘14-20’ of 71° Gruppo. The bulge under the nose contains an infra-red source. This is tracked by a ground-based IR theodolite, during ILS calibration.
G.222VS, MM62107, is dedicated to the EW role and is clearly identifiable from its transport variant family by the radomes on the fin tip and under the nose.
Camouflaged PD.808GE and 'RM in high visibility colour scheme, formate over the Mediterannean.
A PD.808VIP being prepared for flight; note the FOD guard on the nose wheel.