Туполев Р-3 / АНТ-3
Страна: Россия
Год: 1925

АНТ-3 (Р-3) и АНТ-10 (Р-7)
Flight, November 1928

АНТ-3 (Р-3) и АНТ-10 (Р-7)

Прототип АНТ-3 выполнил первый полет в августе 1925 года, самолет предназначался, в первую очередь, для военного применения в качестве разведчика и обозначался Р-3. Это был неравнокрылый биплан цельнометаллической конструкции с гофрированной металлической обшивкой. После замены исходного мотора Liberty мощностью 400 л. с. (298 кВт) на двигатель Napier Lion мощностью 450 л. с. (336 кВт) самолет стал обозначаться Р-3НД.
   На первых 12 серийных машинах стояли моторы Liberty, последующие 18 получили моторы М-5, которые представляли собой двигатель Liberty советского производства. На следующие 79 машин установили 450-сильные двигатели Lorraine Dietrich; самолеты обозначались Р-3ЛД. Испытывался один АНТ-3 с мотором BMW VI мощностью 680 л. с.
   Максимальная скорость Р-3ЛД составляла 205 км/ч, вооружение - три 7,7-мм пулемета, на внешней подвеске самолет мог нести десять 10-кг бомб.

Flight, November 1928


Two Russian Machines

   Of the two larger Russian machines exhibited at the Berlin Show, one was a mail 'plane while the other was an ambulance machine. Both were to a large extent of metal construction, but little could be seen of the detail, and no information was available on the stand during our visit beyond some very brief data printed on placards exhibited on the stand.
   The Russian mail 'plane was a machine of rather pleasing appearance, and the workmanship and finish were very good. In the design of the A.N.T.3, as this machine was styled, there were traces of both German and French influence, and one received the impression that the designers of the A.N.T.3 had examined carefully a number of French and German aeroplanes of various types, and had then incorporated in their design such features as appeared to them to be worth developing. The result was, if one may judge from outward appearances, rather successful, and the machine did not suffer by comparison with aircraft produced by nations with many years' experience in aircraft design and construction. In the A.N.T.3, French influence was traceable in the general design, with the wings arranged en sesquiplan, while German influence was mostly to be found in the constructional features, which were rather reminiscent of Junkers' practice.
   The A.N.T.3 was described as a mail 'plane, and the small cross-sectional area of the fuselage would probably result in the internal space being rather restricted. However, the space behind the pilot's cockpit, which had a sort of screw-down "lid" over it, presumably for the mail compartment, might be converted to take a gun, although the swelling found on all the Italian "commercial" machines was certainly absent. The fuselage, incidentally, was of triangular section, with the two longerons at the top and a single longeron at the bottom. The sides, however, were slightly curved, and covered with corrugated Duralumin sheet, after the Junkers fashion. The engine, a 12-cylinder water-cooled Vee, was described as a 400 h.p. "Aviatrust," but looked uncommonly like a good old "Liberty." Cooling was by two Lamblin radiators of the "lobster pot" type, mounted one on each side of the engine, near the bottom of the fuselage.
   The sesquiplane wings were of all-metal construction, the covering being corrugated Duralumin. The two halves of the top plane were bolted to short streamline stubs rising from the fuselage deck, while the lower wing halves were bolted to the single lower longeron. The interplane struts were of "L"-shape, with a light strut running from the curve of the foot of the "L" to the top rear spar, as shown in one of our sketches
   The undercarriage was of the "split" type, without axle and the telescopic legs were attached at their upper ends to the fireproof bulkhead behind the engine.
   The following particulars of the machine were given on a placard: Tare weight 1,350 kg. (2,970 lbs.); permissible load, 750 kg. (1,650 lbs.); gross weight, 2,100 kg. (4,620 lbs.); maximum speed, 210 km./h. (130 m.p.h.); landing speed, 90 km./h. (56 m.p.h.); climb to 1,000 m. (3,280 ft.), in 3-5 mins.; to 3,000 m. (9,840 ft.) in 15 mins.
Р-3 ЛД (N 4085), 55 аэ, ЛВО, пилот Е.А.Разинко, март 1930г.
Р-3 ЛД (N 4114) с тропическим радиатором, "Комсомол Таджикистана", 35 оао, САВО, пилот В.Мареев, март 1932г.
Р-3 ЛД (N 4109) с тропическим радиатором, 37 аэ, САВО, пилот С.С.Стрельников, май 1930г.
Разведчик Р-3, Среднеазиатский военный округ, 1931г.
Р-3 ЛД (N 4106/5) с тропическим радиатором, 40 оао, САВО, пилот Маруженко, март 1931г.
АНТ-3 "Пролетарий"
Civil-registered ANT-3 flown to several European cities in 1926.
Самолет-разведчик Р-3 (АНТ-3) "Пролетарий". 1925г.
Showing the Red Flag by Air: Soviet Russia is making every effort not to lag behind in the world of aeronautics, and recently the Russian pilot, Capt. Gromov, accompanied by his mechanic, Radzevich, made a tour of Europe in a Russian-built biplane fitted with a Napier "Lion" engine. They left Moscow on August 31 and flew to Konigsberg, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Prague, Warsaw, and back to Moscow (September 3.) Our picture shows the machine at Rome. The "Ant," as the machine is called, is of all-metal construction,and maintained an average speed of 115 m.p.h. over the 4,350 miles.
A Russian Mail 'Plane: The A.N.T.3 sesquiplane is of all-metal construction, and bears strong evidence of German (Junkers) influence with its corrugated Duralumin covering. The fuselage is of approximately triangular cross-section.
Р-3М5 опытный на испытаниях в НИИ ВВС.
Р-3М5, переоборудованный под сотовые радиаторы. Эксплуатировался в гражданской авиации.
Разведчик Р-3 с М-5. На основе разведчика Р-3ЛД (модификация Р-3 под французский мотор Лоррен-Дитрих мощностью 450 л.с.) в конце 20-х годов пытались создать легкий бронированный штурмовик ШР-3
Большинство Р-3 состояло на вооружении ВВС РККА, но часть самолетов под обозначением АНТ-3 использовалось для почтовых перевозок, выполнения связных и пропагандистских полетов.
Разведчик Р-3ЛД
Ремонт Р-3ЛД в мастерских 37-го авиапарка в Ташкенте, 1932г. Слева - дополнительный выдвижной водорадиатор и стойка шасси Р-3
Ремонт в полевых условиях.
The M-5 engine was also fitted to the Tupolev R-3 reconnaissance biplane, built using the new Kolchug construction technique, similar to the corrugated structures used by Junkers. The R-1’s large drag-inducing radiator was replaced on the R-3 with a pair of Lamblin "lobster pot” radiators, one of which is clearly visible here.
Аварийный посадки Р-3 в среднеазиатских барханах были не редкостью
Р-3ЛД N4106/5, 40 оао, 5 апреля 1931г., пилот Маруженко врезался в гору между Тамерлановыми Воротами и Китабом. Полет для установления связи с отрядом кзыл-аскеров.
RUSSIAN METAL CONSTRUCTION AT THE BERLIN SHOW: The mail 'plane A.N.T.3 was built entirely of Duralumin. The larger sketch shows the wing bracing, while insets illustrate details of the wing strut attachment with incidence adjustment, the step on the side of the fuselage, and the method of finishing off the trailing edge of the metal wing covering.