Luscombe Phantom
Страна: США
Год: 1934

Two-seat cabin monoplane
Luscombe Phantom, Luscombe 4 и Luscombe 8
Flight, September 1935

Luscombe Phantom, Luscombe 4 и Luscombe 8

В 1933 году Дон Ласкомб создал в Канзас-Сити, штат Миссури, компанию "Luscombe Aircraft Engineering Company", первой продукцией которой стал самолет Phantom - подкосный высокоплан, имевший цельнометаллическую конструкцию и неубирающееся шасси с хвостовым колесом. Самолет имел весьма комфортабельную внутреннюю отделку с расположением кресел по два в ряд и оснащался двигателем Warner Super Scarab мощностью 145 л. с., который обеспечивал самолету максимальную скорость 270 км/ч. Высокая стоимость при достаточно высоких летно-технических характеристиках ограничили спрос на самолет Phantom всего 25 машинами. Но компания такую ситуацию предвидела, и в 1938 году появился более дешевый вариант Luscombe 4 (Model 90). Новая машина имела компоновку, сходную с Phantom, была дешевле в производстве и оснащалась двигателем Warner Scarab Junior мощностью 90 л. с. Впрочем, активного интереса к самолету не возникло - было построено менее 10 машин.

Flight, September 1935

Details of the American Luscombe Phantom Seen at Heston: Side-by-Side Seating and Interesting Equipment

   AT Heston last week operators and pilots were waxing lyrical or critical concerning an all-white high-wing monoplane with Swiss registration markings which had been brought in by M. Tschudi. This machine, which is distinctively Monocoupe lines, was interesting them not so much because of its all-metal construction but because of its unusually adequate standard equipment and of its very com<...>ing interior upholstery.
   Much things as navigation lights and landing lights had been designed as part of the machine, and the dashboard in front of the side-by-side seating included the usual blind flying equipment as well as a rate of climb indicator and an interesting radio set which could be tuned in to either broadcasts, weather rts or radio beacons - in America. The upholstery and <...>rnal fittings were well up to the standard of those in a <...>d car, and the view from either of the seats was extremely <...>d over the short cowled radial engine. The roof of the cabin was almost entirely transparent, and even the leading edges of the wing had been faired into the screen with mica<...>ions.
   This machine, the Phantom, is a product of the Luscombe Aeroplane Development Corp., of Trenton, N.J. It is of metal construction and was designed, in fact, by Mr. Don Luscombe, who was responsible for the Monocoupe series.

Specialist Assembly

   Having determined that the conventional method of aircraft construction was too costly, the Luscombe company decided to restrict its activity to the assembly of parts manufactured by specialist firms. The machine being of metal construction, it was necessary only to have the dies manufactured and any stamping concern could then stamp out the various parts. These stampings are delivered to the Luscombe factory, where they are heat-treated before use.
   Of duralumin monococque construction, the fuselage has length characteristics which more than satisfy the requirements of the American Department of Commerce for aircraft of a top speed in excess of 150 m.p.h. Metal spars and ribs has also employed, eliminating all wood from the structure.
   Flaps of high aspect ratio are provided across the greater portion of the wing span. To permit the full effectiveness of the high aspect ailerons, these flaps are located well forward of the latter surfaces, on the underside of the wing, where, it is claimed, they have little or no detrimental effect on lateral control. The flaps are operated by a small electric motor which stops automatically when they have reached their maximum position. Their movement may, of course, be arrested at any point, and manual control is also provided. It is said that the flaps - which keep the landing speed below the 45 m.p.h. mark - may be operated when the machine is travelling in terminal velocity dive. As well as the motor operating the flaps and the landing lights mounted in the wings, a wireless set, electric starter, navigation lights and an engine-driver generator are fitted as standard.
   The undercarriage is of extraordinarily clean design, embodying wire-braced oleo struts having a deflection of 5 1/2 in. The combination of a leaf spring, supported by a vertical member with rubber discs carried in the fuselage, permits the use of a small rubber swivelling tail wheel which will neither "shimmy" nor puncture and has a low drag.
   Petrol feed is by gravity and a sediment trap is carried at the lowest point in the circuit: in addition to the usual filter.
   Access to the roomy cabin is obtained through two large doors. Windows are provided in the top and rear sections, and the ventilating system has been designed to make possible the regulating of cabin temperature and to keep it free from engine fumes.
   A Warner radial engine of 90, 125 or 145 h.p. is normally fitted. This is enclosed in a long-chord tunnel-type cowling which provides forced and controllable cooling of all cylinders. With the 145 h.p. Super Scarab engine, the Phantom sells in America for 6,000 dollars (?1,200) - or for 3.500 dollars with the 90 h.p. Warner Junior.

Warner Super Scarab - 145 h.p.

   SPAN ... 31ft.
   LENGTH... 21ft. 6in.
   WING AREA ... 132 sq. ft.
   DISPOSABLE LOAD ... 650 lb.
   GROSS WEIGHT ... 1,950 lb.
   MAXIMUM SPEED ... 168 m.p.h.
   CRUISING SPEED ... 142 m.p.h.
   LANDING SPEED ... 45 m.p.h.
   RANGE AT CRUISING SPEED ... 500 miles
Самолет Phantom обладал хорошими летно-техническими характеристиками и предоставлял опытному пилоту отличные возможности. Но из-за высокой стоимости заказов поступило немного.
The Luscombe "Phantom" Two-seat Cabin Monoplane (145 h.p. Warner "Super-Scarab" engine).
Luscombe Phantom
ONE OF TWO NEW LUSCOMBES: Designed for quantity production and with many interchangeable parts, this Luscombe model is primarily interesting because it shows the way in which metal construction is appearing amongst even the smallest types in America. It is powered by a 90 h.p. Warner Radial. It is two-seater and have been given its A.T.C. - the American C. of A.
STEEPENING THE GLIDE: Electrically operated flaps, placed well inside the trailing edge, extend outwards almost to the wing tips in the Luscombe Phantom
The Luscombe Phantom at Heston. Note the undercarriage bracing and tne tunnel cowling.