Thomas-Morse S.4
Страна: США
Год: 1917

Thomas Brothers и Thomas-Morse. Самолеты

   В январе 1917 года компания "Thomas Brothers" объединилась с "Morse Chain Company", в результате чего появилась "Thomas-Morse Aircraft Corporation", которая предприняла серьезную попытку закрепиться на рынке учебных самолетов для ВС США. Первым был создан прототип одноместного самолета для повышенной подготовки летчиков - Thomas-Morse S-4. Это был равнокрылый биплан с ротативным мотором Gnome мощностью 100 л. с.
   С учетом результатов испытаний спроектировали вариант S-4B (построено 100), затем появился S-4C (498, в том числе 51 с мотором Gnome, остальные - с более надежным 80-сильным Le Rhone). ВМС США приобрели десять самолетов S-4B и четыре S-4C, плюс еще шесть S-4B с поплавковым шасси под обозначением S-5. Единственный прототип спортивного S-4E отличался обновленным крылом и мотором Le Rhone мощностью 110 л. с.
Restorer Ernest Freeman’s son Roger flew the Scout for Howard Levy’s air-to-air pictures.
The world's only airworthy World War One Thomas Morse Scout is still on patrol.
The Scout, which bears its original serial, is powered by an 80 h.p. le Rhone rotary engine which Ernest Freeman discovered in a Texas boatyard.
The Thomas-Morse scout during its barnstorming demonstration. Many examples of this scout/trainer passed into civil ownership at the end of their service lives.
A rare air-to-air view of a 1918 vintage Thomas-Morse S-4C single-seat advanced pursuit trainer (80-h.p. Le Rhone C9) which has been rebuilt by Pau Kotz, Jnr., of Amityville, long Island. Mr. Kotz, who works on Cougar final assembly at Grumman on Long Island, plans to present this S-4C to the Smithsonian Institute when their new National Aeronautical Collection building is completed. He intends to fly the S-4C to Washington. D.C. Colour scheme: olive green overall with black and yellow checkerboard cowling and blue, white, red (hub) wheels. On the fuselage the numeral "5" is in black and on the rudder the stripes are red (fore), white and blue (aft).
B9913 clears power lines, chased by Nissen’s Thomas Morse Scout.
The GARDNER T-M Scout. World-War-One replica of the Thomas-Morse Scout. Exhibited during the P.F.A. Rally at Cranfield in July 1985 and awarded the TIGER CLUB CUP for the best original design. Available in kit form 1986.
THE FORD RELIABILITY TOUR: Some of the competing machines which took part in the 1,900-mile reliability air-tour in America for the trophy presented by Mr. Edsel B. Ford. (1) The Yackey Sport.
The S-4C’s cockpit.
A Thomas Morse Scout is catapulted from a ramp and dives into a “French” farmhouse. The stunt backfired several times, each reshoot accounting for the loss of a perfectly good aircraft.