Air Pictorial 1958-02
A new French light two-seat monoplane is the Legrand-Simon LS-50 Dauphine, designed and built by an ex-Breguet engineer M. Simon, and Paul Legrand who is with the SNECMA organisation.
Air Pictorial 1957-09 / Air Pictorial's photo-review
A new French two-seat sports plane is the Legrand-Simon LS-50-01. Built by amateurs, the LS-50 has a maximum speed of 128 m.p.h. on 90 h.p. All wood with fabric covering.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1964 / 01 - Aircraft
Legrand-Simon LS.60 (90 hp Continental C90 engine)
Air Pictorial 1958-03
LEGRAND-SIMON LS-50. The LS-50 was designed to fill various roles and was intended to be suitable for private touring, for club or school training of pilots or for the towing of single-seater gliders, provided that the latter were fitted with wheels to facilitate take-off. The mixed wood and metal construction was dictated partly by the need to keep the overall weight as low as possible in order to have a reasonable range for touring purposes, and partly by the desire to have a design which could be easily produced in series. In order to achieve this last aim a degree of sub-contracting and prefabrication is possible, which is unusual in this type of aeroplane. On the prototype several components, such as cowling panels, wheel discs, spinner and door sills, have been made in fibre-glass, and for production models this number would be increased. The fuselage is a basically rectangular, rigid wooden box built up on four longerons. At the rear end is bedded a stout post which bears the mountings for the tailplane and from which the rudder is hung. At the forward end the fuselage is mated to a sturdy metal framework which unites the cabin and wing-supporting structure, the two side-by-side seats, the control column and its mechanism, and the undercarriage unit and shock absorbers. This welded steel structure supports the controls, flap mechanism, radio, doors and instrument panel. Full dual control is fitted as standard, and the various trim controls are placed on the centrally mounted flap lever in the cabin roof, accessible to both seats. The wing is built up on a single spar at 25 per cent chord, and forward of this spar is plywood covered, forming a torsion box which is extended diagonally to the rear at the roots. The ailerons are cable-operated, the flaps by torsion tube. Ribs are built up of wood and the whole wing, braced by a single strut each side, is fabric-covered. The tail unit is constructed of welded steel tube with a fabric cover.