Поиск по сайту:
- Bombardier - Global Express - 1996 - Канада
- Bombardier - Global-5000 / Global-6000 / Global-7000 - 2003 - Канада
- Bombardier, Raytheon - Sentinel - 2004 - International
- SAAB - GlobalEye - 2018 - Швеция
Bombardier Global Express и Global Express XRS
В июне 1999 года правительство Великобритании выбрало Global Express в качестве платформы для системы разведки и управления ASTOR. По программе ASTOR пять самолетов Global Express должны были пройти модернизацию в вариант Sentinel R.Mk 1 для британских ВВС (основной подрядчик целевого оборудования - фирма "Raytheon"), но работа затянулась из-за сложности интеграции электронной аппаратуры. Последний Sentinel R.Mk 1 заказчик получил в феврале 2009 года после успешных эксплуатационных испытаний в Афганистане.
- Описание
Air International 2008-09 / J.Winchester - Raytheon Sentinel R1 /Aircraft of the RAF/ (5)
In recognition of 5(AC) Squadron's Lincolnshire base, the Sentinel R1s display the City of Lincoln coat of arms on the port side of the nose. They also sport the 5(AC) Squadron crest - a green maple leaf on white disc centred in a red band, on the fin - although the aircraft are also used by 54(R) and 56(R) Squadrons.
Авиация и Время 2006-04 / А.Совенко - Жаркие дни "Фарнборо-2006"
Самолет РЛДН, разведки и управления полем боя Sentinel R1
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Антенна РЛС системы ASTOR расположена в массивном подфюзеляжном обтекателе внизу носовой части фюзеляжа.
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Дислоцирующиеся на авиабазе Уоддингтон (Линкольншир) Sentinel и E-3 Sentry составляют в британских ВВС флот самолетов, используемых для ведения воздушной разведки и наблюдения.
Air International 2006-08 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents, Airshow
Making its Waddington debut was this Sentinel R.1, ZJ692, which, along with four other aircraft, will form the complement of 5( AC) Squadron.
Air International 2013-08 / News
Raytheon Sentinel R1 ZJ692 (c/n 9131, ex C-FZWW) has been given a red tail featuring a maple leaf - as depicted on the unit's badge - as part of the celebrations for No.5(AC) Squadron's centenary. The aircraft is shown on July 7, 2013 prior to take-off for its participation in the RAF Waddington International Air Show in Lincolnshire, during which it flew in company with the Rad Arrows aerobatic team. It was painted with the special markings about two weeks prior to its appearance at the airshow held at No.5(AC) Squadron's home station. The unit was formed at Farnborough, Hampshire, on July 26, 1913, flying a variety of types. Although the fives Sentinels are officially due to be withdrawn at the end of 2014, as announced in the 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR), RAF sources are confident that its service career will be extended until the next SDSR in 2015, when a decision will be made on its long-term future.
Air International 2015-05 / N.Graf - Red Flag Turns Forty /Military/
Red Flag 15-1 involved two first-time participants: Royal Australian Air Force C-130J Hercules and Royal Air Force Sentinel R1s.
Авиация и Время 2020-04 / Р.Мараев - Пролог второй "холодной войны"?
Британский самолет-разведчик Sentinel R.1
Air International 2007-07 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Seen here during a sortie on May 30, 2007 is Sentinel R.1 ZJ690, the first of the type to enter service with the RAF's 5 (AC) Squadron at RAF Waddington, Lincolnshire.
Air International 2008-01 / D.Willis - Bombardier's Special Mission Aircraft /Special missions/
This view of the Sentinel R1 clearly illustrates its Bombardier Global Express business jet origin.
ASTOR is the United Kingdom’s latest ISTAR system and comprises ground and air components. The air element consists of five heavily-modified Global Express business jets, with the in-service designation Sentinel R.I. All five Sentinels will be in service by early 2008. -
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Силовая установка Sentinel включает два турбовентиляторных двигателя Rolls-Royce BR710, примененных и на Nimrod MRA.Mk 4.
Air International 2008-09 / J.Winchester - Raytheon Sentinel R1 /Aircraft of the RAF/ (5)
In recognition of 5(AC) Squadron's Lincolnshire base, the Sentinel R1s display the City of Lincoln coat of arms on the port side of the nose. They also sport the 5(AC) Squadron crest - a green maple leaf on white disc centred in a red band, on the fin.
Air International 2008-09 / J.Winchester - Raytheon Sentinel R1 /Aircraft of the RAF/ (5)
To offset the destabilising effects of the antennae fairings the fin height has been increased and two underfuselage strakes have been added.
Air International 2008-02 / J.Lake - RAF at 90 - A Gathering Storm? /Military/ (2)
The RAF is investing significant resources in its ISTAR capability, the latest addition being the Sentinel R.1, which will be used for battlefield surveillance. The type is pictured in formation with the other two aircraft types that are based at RAF Waddington and undertake ISTAR, a Nimrod R.1 and an E-3D Sentry AEW.1.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing E-3 Sentry - США - 1972Hawker-Siddeley Nimrod MR.1 / R.1 / MR.2 / HS.801 - Великобритания - 1967
Air International 2018-08 / ??? - UK Air Power /Military/ (1)
One of the RAF's five Sentinel R1 aircraft is understood to have been withdrawn from service; the future of the other four aircraft seems set to come to an end in 2021 when the type will be withdrawn from service.
Air International 2007-06 / T.Ripley - Spreading the Net /Military/
Sentinel R.1s will help add to the overall picture of the battle space by being able to track ground targets as well as provide high resolution imagery at distances of several hundred miles. They will provide a capability similar to the USAF's E-8 J-Stars.
Air International 2021-04 / News: Commercial, Military
RAF Sentinel R1 ZJ694 from V(AC) Squadron landing at RAF Waddington in the gathering gloom on February 25, 2021 as it returns from the type’s final operational mission before retirement
Air International 2005-09 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Sentinel R.1 ZJ691 (c/n 9123), the first to be converted to full ASTOR configuration in the UK, gets airborne from Hawarden Airfield on July 25, 2005 for its first flight.
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Наземная станция управления. Британское Минобороны приобрело 8 наземных станций управления, две из которых - станции управления оперативного звена - созданы на базе аэромобильных 20-футовых контейнеров ISO, а в других шести станциях управления тактического звена использованы 10-футовые контейнеры. Каждая станция тактического звена включает до четырех контейнеров, размещенных на шасси армейских автомобилей Steyr Pinzgauer 718K с колесной формулой 6х6.
Air International 2011-08 / News
Northrop Grumman E-11A BACN 11-9001 (c/n 9001, ex N901GX) arrived at RAF Mildenhall, Suffolk, on July 13, 2011 on its way to southwest Asia. The aircraft is seen departing the following day.
Air International 2018-10 / Airscene
E-11A 11-9001 landing at Mildenhall on September 3, 2018, showing the various external system fairings.
Air International 2021-07 / News: Commercial, Military
A BACN-equipped E-11A on the flightline at Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts, in July 2018
Авиация и Время 2004-03
ASTOR (Airborne Stand-off Radar)
Air International 2020-03 / K.Chapman - JSTARS Shine On /Military/
Lockheed Martin - teamed with Raytheon, Bombardier and SNC - offered a platform almost identical to the RAF's Sentinel R1.
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Sentinel выдает командирам подразделений координаты, направление и скорость движения своих, вражеских и неопознанных подвижных объектов, позволяя лучше планировать действия и более оперативно реагировать на изменение обстановки. На фото - антенна наземной станции управления.
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Наземная станция управления.
- Фотографии