Bleriot-SPAD S.33 / S.46 / S.50 / S.56 / S.66
Страна: Франция
Год: 1920

Пассажирский самолет с экипажем из одного пилота
Bleriot-SPAD S.33, S.46, S.56 и S.66
Flight, July 1921

Bleriot-SPAD S.33, S.46, S.56 и S.66

В августе 1914 года компания "Societe Bleriot-Aeronautique" приобрела фирму SPAD ("Societe Pour les Appareils Deperdussin"), оказавшуюся на краю банкротства после того, как ее владелец Арман Депердюссен был арестован за финансовые махинации. Блерио сменил название фирмы на "Societe Anonyme Pour l'Aviation et ses Derives", сохранив при этом прежнюю аббревиатуру. На протяжении Первой мировой войны Блерио позволял выпускать фирме самолеты под собственным названием, но в 1921 году SPAD вошла в состав основной компании, которая стала называться "Bleriot-SPAD".
   Первым опытом в создании транспортных самолетов для компании стал S.27, построенный в количестве нескольких экземпляров. За ним последовал Bleriot-SPAD S.33, прототип которого взлетел 12 декабря 1920 года. Оба самолета были оснащены двигателем воздушного охлаждения Salmson мощностью 250 л. с. (186 кВт), но на последнем позднее установили более мощную (260 л.с, 194 кВт) версию этого мотора. В закрытой кабине размещались четыре пассажира, а за ней располагалась открытая кабина, в которой сидели пятый пассажир (по правому борту) и пилот. Один S.33 был переделан для обучения полетам по приборам, обучаемый сидел внутри зашторенной кабины.
   S.33 оказался удачным самолетом - была построена 41 машина, которые вместе со своими вариантами доминировали на европейском рынке небольших транспортных самолетов до начала 1930-х годов. Первым из вариантов стал самолет S.46, летные характеристики которого улучшили установкой двигателя Lorraine-Dietrich 12Da мощностью 370 л.с. (276 кВт) и крыла увеличенного размаха. За первым прототипом, взлетевшим 16 июня 1921 года, последовало еще 38 серийных машин.
   Самолет S.56, прототип которого взлетел 3 февраля 1923 года, представлял собой вариант S.33 с крылом металлической конструкции и двигателем воздушного охлаждения Gnome-Rhone (Bristol) Jupiter мощностью 380 л.с. (283 кВт). В пассажирской кабине изменили положение кресел и добавили вторую дверь.

   За прототипом последовали единственный S.56/2 с двигателем Jupiter мощностью 400 л.с. (298 кВт), восемь S.56/3 с мотором мощностью 380 л.с. (283 кВт) и доработанным шасси и S.56/4, конструкция которого претерпела существенные изменения. Кабина пилота (и пассажира) размещалась сразу за двигателем Jupiter мощностью 420 л.с. (313 кВт), а позади нее располагалась пассажирская кабина на шесть человек. Доработали и конструкцию крыла. Всего построили восемь S.56/4, а еще два переделали из S.56/3. У самолета S.56/5, впервые взлетевшего в 1928 году, пассажирская кабина делилась на два отсека: в переднем размещались четыре пассажира, а в заднем - два, но последний отсек мог использоваться и для перевозки грузов. Шесть S.56/3 были переделаны в этот вариант. Последней версией стал S.56/6, построенный в количестве двух экземпляров. Этот четырехместный самолет с кабиной пилота, снова перенесенной назад, выпускался специально для компании "Air-Publicite" и предназначался для буксировки рекламных баннеров.
   Восемь S.33 были позднее переделаны в вариант S.66, с заголовниками-обтекателями для пилота и сидящего рядом с ним пассажира.


   S.48: один S.33 некоторое время летал с двигателем Lorraine мощностью 275 л.с. (205 кВт)
   S.50: два прототипа с двигателями Hispano-Suiza 8Fb мощностью 300 л.с (224 кВт), позднее в этот вариант переделали еще три S.33. Один из прототипов, оснащенный крылом от S.46, использовался как правительственный транспорт
   S.86: один S.66 в 1925 году оснащен двигателем Lorraine мощностью 450 л.с. (336 кВт)
   S.116: 32-й S.66 оснащен в 1928 году мотором Renault 12Ja мощностью 450 л.с. (336 кВт) вместо Lorraine-Dietrich
   S.126: S.86 в 1929 году оснащен двигателем Hispano-Suiza 12На мощностью 450 л.с. (336 кВт)


   Bleriot-SPAD S.33

   Тип: пассажирский самолет с экипажем из одного пилота
   Силовая установка: один двигатель воздушного охлаждения Salmson СМ.9 мощностью 260 л. с. (194 кВт)
   Летные характеристики: максимальная скорость 180 км/ч на оптимальной высоте; крейсерская скорость 160 км/ч на оптимальной высоте; потолок 3800 м; дальность полета 1080 км
   Масса: пустого 1050 кг; максимальная взлетная 2062 кг
   Размеры: размах крыла 11,66 м; высота 9,08 м; высота 3,20 м; площадь крыльев 42,18 мг
   Полезная нагрузка: до 5 пассажиров

Flight, July 1921

250 H.P. Salmson A-Z9 Engine

   GRADUALLY on the London-Paris air line the converted war machines are giving place to machines specially designed for the class of work for which they are being used. The original service started with de H.4's and similar types, with a small conservatory roof added above the heads of the passengers. It was soon found, however, that it was not a very paying proposition to run passenger services with such machines, and gradually they have been replaced by others. From Captain de Havilland's drawing-board, the latest - and most economical - machine to be used regularly is the 18, which has given most excellent results. Yet there is every reason to believe that the machines now coming along at Stag Lane will surpass in efficiency the 18. The French services have long been run - as regards the smaller types - with converted or "semi-commercial" types, and it is not until quite recently that attempts have been made to introduce more suitable types. As a representative of French 1920 commercial design, the Spad "Berline," type S.33 bis six-seater, is of interest in showing M. Andre Herbemont's ideas of a commercial aeroplane. Several of these machines may now be seen at the Waddon aerodrome near Croydon.
   In general lay-out, the Spad 33 bis follows previous machines of Herbemont's design. That is to say, the fuselage is of the monocoque streamline type, the wings are characterised by a backswept top plane, and a single interplane strut on each side. The rudder is of that curious fin shape (piscatorial not aerodynamic) which has for several years been typical of the Spads. The fuselage is of fairly ample proportions, much more so than in the earlier types, where the passengers were very much cramped. Seating accommodation is provided for five passengers, in addition to the pilot. The arrangement of the seats is reminiscent in a general way of that of the Westlands. That is to say the pilot sits well aft, on the port side. Next to him, and on a slightly lower level, is a seat for a passenger, who, however, sits with his head projecting through the roof, instead of being inside, as in the Westland. In front of the pilot's cockpit, which is partly partitioned off, are two wickerwork seats, one behind the other, along the port wall of the cabin. On the starboard side are two more seats, placed back to back. On the whole the cabin is fairly comfortable, although of somewhat Spartan appearance. There is no upholstery and no padding, but the cabin, with its white walls and numerous windows and port-holes, is light and well ventilated. The door is near the front of the cabin, on the starboard side, and it must be admitted that it is in an uncomfortably close proximity to the propeller. In fact it would appear that, as there are no external fastenings for keeping the door open against the slip-stream from the propeller, it has been the object of the designer to prevent the engine being run until all the passengers are on board.
   In the roof of the cabin, and just clear of the leading edge of the top plane, is a hatchway covered with transparent material. This hatchway is evidently intended as an emergency exit in case, for some reason, the door is jammed; also the cockpit next to the pilot affords a means of getting out of the machine, so that, even in case of alighting on the sea, there should be a good chance for the passengers of getting out safely. The monocoque fuselage would probably keep the machine afloat for a considerable time.
   The engine, a Salmson A-Z9 nine-cylindered radial water-cooled, is known as one of the most reliable of French engines. It is variously known as a 250 and 275 h.p., but in reality it develops, we believe, about 300 h.p. at 1,500 r.p.m. The bore and stroke are 140 mm. and 170 mm. respectively, and the fuel and oil consumption amounts to approximately 0.56 lb./h.p./hour at full power. The weight of the engine, including magnetos and carburettors, but without water, is 660 lbs. As will be seen from the accompanying illustrations, the engine is neatly covered in, with a circular radiator in front of it. A small door in the front wall of the cabin gives access to the carburettors and magnetos from inside the cabin, thus doing away with the necessity of removing the cowling for the purpose of inspecting these two accessories. Furthermore, there is a circular opening in the lower part of the cowl itself.
   The petrol system is of the simplest possible. Two large petrol tanks are placed on top of the upper plane, and the supply to the engine is by gravity from these main tanks, thus doing away with petrol pumps, and at the same time getting all the petrol away from the cabin.
   As regards the performance of the Spad "Berline," the machine should be fairly economical to run, as the load carried per horse-power is fairly high. At the same time, the speed is not by any means bad, the top speed being in the neighbourhood of 110 m.p.h., with a cruising speed of about 97 m.p.h. We have no information relating to the landing speed, but in view of the fact that the wing loading is approximately 9.5 lbs./sq. ft., the landing speed must be somewhat high. The machine is now in use by the Messageries Aeriennes, alternating with the older types, and probably it is the intention of the management to substitute it, as requirements demand, for these.

Following are the main characteristics and performance data for the Spad 33 bis :-
   Span, 38 ft. 4 ins.
   Length overall, 29 ft. 9 ins.
   Height, 10 ft. 6 ins.
   Area, 463 sq. ft.
   Weight empty, 2,200 lbs.
   Useful load, 2,200 lbs.
   Weight loaded, 4,400 lbs.
   Load per sq. ft., 9.5 lbs.
   Load per h.p. (300), 14.66 lbs
   Speed near ground, 110 m.p.h.
   Speed at 3,300 ft., 110 m.p.h.
   Speed at 6,600 ft., 109 m.p.h.
   Speed at 10,000 ft., 105 m.p.h.
   Climb: 3,300 ft. in 10 mins. 5 secs.; 6,600 ft. in 22 mins. 54 secs.; 10,000 ft. in 45 mins. 32 secs.
Изображен S.33, в 1933 году использовавшийся французской авиакомпанией CIDNA ("Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aerienne"). Самолеты этого типа составляли основу парка компании, эксплуатировавшегося на европейских авиалиниях.
F-CMAZ, the prototype Bleriot Spad 33, seen with intermediate-type fin. The awkwardly-positioned cabin door can be seen open.
THE SPAD "BERLINE": Side view.
The first production Spad 33, F-ACMA. In this view it is seen with the final form of fin and rudder. The cabin windows differ from those of the prototype and other production examples.
THE SPAD "BERLINE": Three-quarter front view.
THE SPAD "BERLINE": Three-quarter rear view. Note the two petrol tanks on the top plane.
THE SPAD "BERLINE": Front view.
Cie. Franco-Roumaine de Navigation Aerienne's silver-painted Bleriot Spad 33, F-FREE or F-FREF, at Le Bourget.
THE SECOND CZECH INTERNATIONAL AERO EXHIBITION AT PRAGUE: Bleriot-Spad Limousine, exhibited by the Compagnie Franco-Roumaine de Navigation Aerienne.
The race for the Coupe Lamblin was over the circuit Paris, Brussels, London, Paris. Our photograph shows Jean Casale on a Spad-Herbemont. Note his engine being started by the aid of the Odier starter.
The Bleriot Spad 46 F-FRER was a Spad 33 conversion.
CIDNA’s Bleriot Spad F-FRER at Dubendorf Airport, Zurich.
F-ADAR was almost certainly the prototype Bleriot Spad 50. No construction number has been traced for this aeroplane and it may have been a converted Spad 33.
A RECORD-BREAKER: The Spad 56 on which Casale has recently established world's altitude records. The machine is fitted with a Bristol "Jupiter" engine, manufactured in France by the Gnome and Rhone Co.
The prototype Bleriot Spad 56, with Gnome-Rhone Jupiter engine.
The nose, undercarriage and cabin area of the Bleriot Spad 56/1 before the addition of extra windows.
The Bleriot-Spad 56, with Bristol "Jupiter" engine, which flew from Paris to Teheran in 34 flying hours.
CIDNA’s Bleriot Spad 56 F-AIEP was originally built as a Spad 56/3 and is seen here as a 56/5 incorporating 56/4 improvements with forward cockpit and improved passenger accommodation.
CROYDON DURING THE STRIKE: The general strike resulted in a vast increase in the air traffic between Croydon and the Continent and a great number of extra machines were called into service. Shown a line-up of machines, among which may be recognised two Farman "Goliaths," a Spad, and two Handley-Page W.10's.
THE SPAD "BERLINE": View inside the cabin, looking forward. Note emergency exit in roof.
Looking aft in the passenger cabin of a Bleriot Spad 56/4.
KEITH WOODCOCK'S painting of a Cie. Franco-Roumaine de Navigation Aerienne Bleriot Spad 46 F-AEGF.
SPAD-Herbemont S.33 bis 250 hp Salmson Engine