Air International 2017-09 / M.Broadbent - Falcon 5X /Commercial/
13 декабря 2017г. журнал Flight International сообщил, что французская компания Dassault Aviation объявила о прекращении работы над бизнес-джетом Falcon 5Х. Такое решение было принято из-за разрыва контракта на поставку двигателей Silvercrest производства Safran Aircraft Engines, вызванного непрекращающимися проблемами с этой силовой установкой.
Visible in this view of the Falcon 5X are the flaperons, in the middle part of the wing trailing edge, which combine the lift/drag-producing effects of flaps and the roll control authority of ailerons. -
Air International 2017-09 / M.Broadbent - Falcon 5X /Commercial/
Dassault's latest Falcon business jet, the 5X, during its maiden flight on July 5, 2017.
Air International 2017-09 / M.Broadbent - Falcon 5X /Commercial/
The Falcon 5X’s development has been delayed by development issues with the Snecma Silvercrest engines powering the aircraft.
Air International 2015-07 / News
The 5X is the second new Dassault Falcon to emerge within six months, following the unveiling of the ultra-long-range 8X last December.
Air International 2014-06 / News
Dassault announced on May 1, 2014 the joining of the main centre fuselage sections of the first Falcon 5X business jet at Biarritz in southwest France. The front (seen here) and rear sections will be added in June and the completed fuselage will be delivered to Merignac for final assembly. The Falcon 5X was revealed in October 2013 during the National Business Aviation Association Convention in Las Vegas. Ground tests are scheduled to start in the summer with the maiden flight due in the first half of 2015, certification in the last quarter of 2016 and service entry in mid-2017. Three aircraft will participate in the flight test programme.
Air International 2014-12 / News
The first Falcon 5X is due to fly in the second quarter of 2015.
Air International 2020-01 / Focus: Rotary, Business, Technology
The fuselage of the first flight test Falcon 6X.
Air International 2021-02 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology, GA
Aircraft manufacturer, Dassault Aviation, has unveiled its new Falcon 6X long-range business jet during a closed-door ceremony held in the Charles Lindbergh Hall at its Bordeaux/Merignac plant in France. A traditional rollout could not be held as a result of COVID-19 restrictions, resulting in a virtual launch event that was held on December 8, 2020. The prototype, F-WAVE (c/n 03), is expected to make its maiden flight in the coming months after completing a ground test programme. Service entry for the Falcon 6X is expected to take place in 2022
Air International 2022-06 / News
Heading the line-up of Falcons at Geneva Airport during EBACE was Falcon 6X F-WZOA
Air International 2022-04 / D.Willis - State of the business
Dassault increased its backlog of orders at the end of 2021, partly thanks to announcing new models. Flight testing of the Falcon 6X began in March 2021
Prototype Dassault Falcon 6X F-WSIX departs Bordeaux-Merignac for its maiden flight on March 10, 2021 -
Air International 2021-07 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology
The flight test programme for the Falcon 6X received the second aircraft at the end of April 2021
Air International 2023-05 / D.Willis - Smooth operators
The third Falcon 6X first flew on June 24, 2021, testing and evaluating a range of systems from in-flight entertainment to environmental features
Air International 2023-05 / D.Willis - Smooth operators
The Dassault Falcon 6X is one of several new business jets currently under development
Air International 2022-03 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology, Space
Falcon 6X F-WZOC has been delivered to Little Rock in Arkansas, where the cabin interior will be installed
Air International 2017-09 / M.Broadbent - Falcon 5X /Commercial/
Dassault test pilots Philippe Deleume and Philippe Rebourg flew Falcon 5X F-WFVX on maiden initial flight.
Air International 2017-09 / M.Broadbent - Falcon 5X /Commercial/
A third-generation version of Dassault’s EASy flight deck, which uses Honeywell's Primus Epic avionics, is designed to be highly interactive and intuitive to maximise pilots’ situational awareness.
Air International 2018-04 / Airscene
Key flightdeck features are the FalconEye combined vision system and Honeywell Primus avionics.
Air International 2022-02 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology, Space
The Falcon 6X is known for its luxurious cabin design
Air International 2020-11 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology, GA
Dassault Aviation has won the International Yacht & Aviation Award for interior design for the cabin of the Falcon 6X. The cabin has "flowing uninterrupted lines, innovative furniture design, flush surfaces and recessed technology" according to the company. Its in-house design studio created the winning look to clinch the annual prize, which was announced on September 21, 2020. The prototype Falcon 6X is on schedule to fly and enter service next year, with the largest cabin cross section of any dedicated (ie, not derived from an airliner) business jet, according to the manufacturer.
Air International 2018-04 / Airscene
The Falcon 6X will have the widest, longest and tallest cabin of any business jet.
Air International 2023-03 / News
The cabin for the forthcoming Falcon 10X has secured its second prestigious design award
Air International 2013-12 / News
An artist’s impression of the Dassault Falcon 5X, unveiled in Las Vegas, Nevada, in late October, 2013.
Air International 2018-04 / Airscene
A 5,500 nautical miles range capability means the Falcon 6X will be able to fly direct from San Francisco to Beijing and from Hong Kong to London.
Air International 2021-07 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology
The recently launched Falcon 10X will be the largest member of the business jet family and the first with a T-tail Dassault Aviation
Air International 2023-05 / D.Willis - Smooth operators
Dassault is working on the Falcon 10X as its ultra-long range, large cabin flagship