Не так уж много выпало славы на долю французского Br-19, хотя он и поучаствовал в нескольких вооружённых конфликтах, имевших место в 20-30-х годах. На фото самолёт ВВС Испанской Республики.
The Breguet 19 was licence-built at Madrid-Getafe from 1926 and equipped Groups 21, 22, 23 and 31; others were used at training establishments.Самолёты на фотографии: Breguet Br.19 - Франция - 1922
The Breguet 19 was licence-built at Madrid-Getafe from 1926 and equipped Groups 21, 22, 23 and 31; others were used at training establishments.
Самолёты на фотографии: Breguet Br.19 - Франция - 1922
Hispano-Nieuport 52 из 11-й ИАГ накануне Гражданской войны. Аэродром Хетафе, Мадрид
Around 125 Nieuport-Delage NiD 52s were built by Hispano at Sevilla. The type entered service in 1930, and at the outbreak of the Civil War 36 examples were still in service.Самолёты на фотографии: Nieuport-Delage Ni-D-52 / Ni-D-72 / Ni-D-82 - Франция - 1927
Following the success of the Savoia S.16 in the Marruecos campaign, the Aeronautica Naval introduced the Savoia Marchetti S.62. About 40 of these 'boats were built during 1931 and they equipped two Escuadrillas de Reconocimiento.
Самолёты на фотографии: Savoia-Marchetti / SIAI S.62 / МБР-4 - Италия - 1926
The Dornier Do J Wal (Whale). The type remained in production from 1923 until 1936 and the first six, built by Construzioni Meccaniche Aeronautiche SA (CMASA), were supplied to Spain in 1923. From 1928 CASA began building Wals at Cadiz. Most of the 40 built were delivered to the military services.
Самолёты на фотографии: Dornier Do.J Wal - Германия - 1922
One of 25 licence-built Vickers Vildebeests built for the Spanish Navy by Construcciones Aeronauticas SA (CASA) of Cadiz. They were delivered during 1935 and formed the Escuadrilla de Torpederos at San Javier.
Самолёты на фотографии: Vickers Vildebeest / Type 132 - Великобритания - 1928
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- Avro Type 643 Cadet VH-PRT /Preservation Profile/
- Grapevine
- Personal album
- ??? - At last! the 1948 show
- ??? - Putrefaction profile
- A.Johnson - Snowdonian sharp-shooter
- A.Lumsden, T.Heffernan - Probe Probare (28)
- E.Morgan, E.Shacklady - The basketweave bomber (2)
- F.Bullmore - Circus Pilot (5)
- J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
- M.Jerram - For Business and Pleasure
- M.Turner, F.Mason - Henschel Hs 123
- P.Chinnery - The Air War over Vietnam (9)
- R.Cooling - Dutch courage