Lancaster X KB892 at RCN base Shearwater (Dartmouth) in early 1955. Note RCN Sea Furies and Expediter in background.
Самолёты на фотографии: Avro Lancaster / Type 683 - Великобритания - 1941Beechcraft Model 18 / C-45 Expeditor - США - 1937Hawker Fury / Sea Fury - Великобритания - 1944
Lancaster Xs KB973 and KB892 over the British Columbia coastline in 1956. The 407 “Demon” Squadron code has changed to AJ.
Самолёты на фотографии: Avro Lancaster / Type 683 - Великобритания - 1941
Lancaster HMP (Maritime Patrol) Mk X KB959 of No 404 Buffalo Squadron, over the Nova Scotia coastline in 1951.
Самолёты на фотографии: Avro Lancaster / Type 683 - Великобритания - 1941
Fg Off Cyril J. Dunbar in front of Lancaster X KB855 at No 2 OTU at RCAF Greenwood, Nova Scotia in spring 1955.
Самолёты на фотографии: Avro Lancaster / Type 683 - Великобритания - 1941
Lancaster X FM104 of 107 Sqn RCAF was based at Torbay when this photograph was taken in 1960. The aircraft is now displayed on a pylon in a Toronto lakeshore park
Самолёты на фотографии: Avro Lancaster / Type 683 - Великобритания - 1941
The CWH Lancaster X FM213 in service with 107 Rescue Unit at Torbay, Newfoundland and being flown there by Cy Dunbar on May 7, 1960.
Самолёты на фотографии: Avro Lancaster / Type 683 - Великобритания - 1941
Lancaster X KB925 during early morning start-up at Torbay, Newfoundland in September 1956.
Самолёты на фотографии: Avro Lancaster / Type 683 - Великобритания - 1941
Lancaster X FM213 at Prestwick, Scotland, circa 1956-57. This is the Canadian Warplane Heritage Lancaster now nearing completion of a 9yr restoration to airworthy status.
Самолёты на фотографии: Avro Lancaster / Type 683 - Великобритания - 1941
Lancaster X KB960 photographed at No 2 OTU in early 1955.
Самолёты на фотографии: Avro Lancaster / Type 683 - Великобритания - 1941
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- B.A. Swallow 2 G-AFGE /Preservation Profile/
- Personal album. Civil
- Personal album. Military
- Skywriters
- ??? - Harold G.Martin
- A.Henshaw - Miles for the Cup! (2)
- B.Hodgson - D-check
- C.Sloat - Maple leaf Lanc
- D.Hanson, H.Potgieter - Tigers over the Okavango
- J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
- M.Oakey - Grapevine
- P.Jarrett - Parnall's pinwheels
- R.Beamont - A flash of silver (1)
- R.Riding - Chrislea Airguard /British prewar lightplanes/ (2)
- T.Spooner - Goofingstons and Malta's war (2)