Dornier Do.26
Страна: Германия
Год: 1938
Летающая лодка

Патрульная и транспортная летающая лодка с экипажем из четырех человек
Flight, September 1938


Dornier Do 26

   Предназначенная для трансокеанских почтовых перевозок цельнометаллическая летающая лодка Do 26 стала самым изящным гидропланом компании "Dornier". Машина с экипажем их четырех человек предназначалась для доставки 500 кг почты на линии Лиссабон - Нью-Йорк. Стабилизирующие поплавки в полете полностью убирались в крыло и заднюю часть мотогондол дизелей Junkers Jumo 205C мощностью по 600 л.с. (дизели монтировались попарно тандемом). Перед взлетом мотогондолы поднимались на угол 10° для снижения забрызгивания корпуса трехлопастными винтами. Три Do 26, заказанных в 1937 году компанией "Deutsche Lufthansa", изготовили в усиленном варианте для запуска с катапульт судов обеспечения, первый из них поднялся в воздух 21 мая 1938 года. Авиакомпания получила эти самолеты под обозначением Do 26A; по предназначению, для полетов через Северную Атлантику, лодки не использовались, но выполнили 18 перелетов через Южную Атлантику.


   Do 26B: обозначение изначально было закреплено за третьей летающей лодкой, которую предполагалось построить с кабиной большего объема, допускающей перевозку четырех пассажиров; самолет собран как первый Do 26D
   Do 26D: четыре Do 26D-0 построены для Люфтваффе с силовой установкой большей мощности и оборонительным вооружением; к апрелю 1940 года летающие лодки вместе с двумя самолетами "Lufthansa" использовались для транспортных перевозок во время кампании в Норвегии; Do 26D состояли на вооружении подразделений Transocean Staffel и позже Kustenfliegergruppe 406


   Dornier Do 26D-0

   Тип: патрульная и транспортная летающая лодка с экипажем из четырех человек
   Силовая установка: четыре дизеля Junkers Jumo 250D мощностью по 800 л. с.
   Летные характеристики: максимальная скорость на высоте 2600 м - 323 км/ч; крейсерская скорость на оптимальной высоте 257 км/ч; время набора высоты 2000 м -16 мин 30 с; практический потолок 4500 м; дальность 4800 км
   Масса: пустого 11300 кг; максимальная взлетная 22 500 кг
   Размеры: размах крыла 30,00 м; длина 24,60 м; высота 6,85 м; площадь крыла 120,00 м;
   Вооружение: одна подвижная 20-мм пушка MG151/20 в носовой части корпуса, три пулемета MG15 калибра 7,92 мм в стрелковых установках над и по бокам корпуса
   Полезная нагрузка: до 12 солдат

Flight, September 1938

Four Diesel Engines in Two Tandem Pairs : Sponsons Replaced hy Retractable Floats

A NEW contribution to the team of German aircraft available for North Atlantic service has been made by the Dornier four-engined flying boat demonstrated on the Muggelsee in Berlin last week. The machine will be operated by Lufthansa. Marked refinement in design is evidence in the interests of performance and range. The top speed is 208 m.p.h. and maximum cruising speed 192 m.p.h.; the cruising radius is 5,600 miles.
   A gull-wing layout has been adopted, and the engines are arranged tandem fashion in two pairs as in our Short Singapore. The lateral sponsons which for so long have characterised the Dornier fly­ing boats have been eliminated and replaced by floats which are laterally retractable into the wing.
   Despite her size the new boat may be launched by catapult and could, under these conditions, carry four passengers and a ton of mails non-stop from Lisbon to New York.
   The wing itself is of trapezoidal shape with rounded tips, and is built in three portions, the centre one being the V-shaped centre section built integral with the hull. Apparently the double wing arrangement has been dropped and the flaps seem quite normal.
   The hull is of the two-step type and is divided into eight water-tight compartments. Aft of the mooring compartment in the bow is a hold for mail and freight, followed by accommodation for a crew of four, the wireless and navigation rooms and a second mail compartment.
   The tail unit has a single fin and rudder and a braced tail-plane. The surfaces are balanced and are fitted with trimming tabs.
   Four water-cooled Junkers Jumo 205 heavy-oil engines of 600 h.p. each are specified. The front airscrews are driven in the normal fashion, but to obtain good aerodynamic form and the necessary wing clearance the rear propellers have elongated shafts. A remarkable feature is the ability to raise the rear power plants through an arc of 10 degrees to protect the propellers from the spray during take-off.
   All fuel is carried in the hull, but there is still space for 80,000 letters.
   It is claimed that demonstration flights have shown that the machine will fly on two engines. All four power units, incidentally, are accessible during flight. Data are:
Span 98ft. 5in.
Length 80ft. 4in.
Height 22ft. 5in.
Wing area 1,291.67 sq. ft.
Weight (empty) 22,487.20lb.
Useful load 21,605.30 lb
Total weight (cata­pult start) 44,092.40 lb.
Wing loading 32.91 Ib./sq. ft.
Engine loading 18.29 lb./h.p.
Maximum speed 208 m.p.h.
Cruising speed 192 m.p.h.
Landing speed 68 m.p.h.
Range 5,600 miles.
The Dornier Do.26 Long-range Postal Flying-boat (four 600 h.p. Junkers "Jumo 205" heavy-oil engines)..
Dornier Do 26 as intended for Luft-Hansa.
THE LATEST DORNIER: When compared with the similar view overleaf, this photograph of the new Dornier Do.26 is particularly interesting. In this case the outboard floats are retracted and the machine is running on the step at a speed high enough for lateral control to be available. The Do.26 is designed for catapult work.
Originally planned as a long-range mail-carrying type it is believed to have been adopted by the Luftwaffe for long-distance reconnaissance and bombing.
A close-up view of the Dornier Do.26 showing the rear engines tilted for taking-off.
A view including the Dornier Do.26 four-engined long-range flying boat (on the water) and the earlier Do.18.
The Do.26 is being taken aboard.
FORCEFUL ASSISTANCE: The new Dornier Do. 26 leaving the D.L.H. Atlantic supply ship Friesenland. At the moment the machine was loaded up to an all-up weight of 19,000 k.g. (42,000lb.).
Designed expressly for the North Atlantic service, the latest four-engined Dornier flying boat, the gull-winged Do. 26, incorporates many unusual features. Lateral sponsons, characteristic of Dornier boats, have been replaced by retractable wing floats.
A front view of the Dornier Do.26 Long-range Postal Flying-boat.
V5 - прототип восьмиместной лодки Do 26C был принят на вооружение Люфтваффе.
Dornier Do 26 in Luftwaffe service.
В полете Do 26C
An example of duplicated instrument-flying panels - interesting because it is the control cabin of the Dornier Do.26 four-engined transatlantic flying boat. Notice the two distant-reading compass dials at the top of the panels.
With a separate engineer’s control panel, it has been possible to simplify the layout of the new Dornier’s instrument board. Note the twist-grips on the spectacle controls and the accessibility of the D/F loop gear.
On the Dornier Do.26 the engineer sits aft, in front of a comprehensive instrument panel, thereby relieving the pilots of a good deal of instrument-watching and engine control adjustment. The engineer has access to all four engines.
The French President, who displayed great technical knowledge during his tour of the stands, engrossed in the large scale model of the four-Diesel transatlantic Dornier.
Do 26D-0 (V1)