Air Enthusiast 1996-11
D.Henley - Tradewind Routes
IN-FLIGHT REFUELLING, four at a time, will become standard U.S. Navy practice following the recent successful trials carried out with the 145 ft. 9 in . span. 80-ton Convair R3Y-2 Tradewind turboprop marine assault transport. All (eleven) R3Y-2s are to be converted to carry the British Flight Refuelling - developed "probe and drogue" system - fuel flow is 250 U.S. gall./min. The four Grumman F9F-8 Cougars of Squadron VF-123 (shown above) were refuelled "in less than five minutes" . Using two of its four main tanks for in-flight operations, the Tradewind can service eight Cougars before returning to base. Note the camera blisters under the Cougars' noses and the drop tank carriers under each wing.
Despite their airlift capacity, the R3Y-2s were all converted into four-point probe-and-drogue air-to-air refuelling tankers, but their service life in this role was also brief.
Нос поднят, морская пехота выгружается на берег из чрева R3Y-2. R3Y-2 Tradewind мог подруливать к урезу воды с выключенными внутренними двигателями - высадка десанта осуществлялась через откидывающуюся вверх носовую часть фюзеляжа. Но технические проблемы в сочетании с плохим обзором из кабины не позволили в полной мере реализовать концепцию "летающего десантного корабля".
Первые пробные десантирования производились на побережье Кэмп-Пендлтон севернее Сан-Диего. Позже испытания продолжили на Гавайских островах. Идея такого использования Tradewind возникала из-за успешных десантов морской пехоты США в годы Второй мировой войны. Но предпосылок для реализации этой идеи на новом уровне практически не было: летающая лодка не имела шансов на выживание под огнем противника.
Hard on the heels of the R3Y-1 was the -2, with a considerably redesigned nose section to allow it to be a more capable airlifter and much of the original publicity envisioned the Tradewind as a ‘flying landing craft’.
Enhancing the independence of the Tradewind in its new guise and adding to the ‘landing craft’ image, a self-deploying vehicle ramp was installed.
Six Jeeps, or two Half-Tracks, or 103 fully-equipped troops, or 92 stretchers could be accommodated, or countless other logistics combinations.
Six Jeeps, or two Half-Tracks, or 103 fully-equipped troops, or 92 stretchers could be accommodated, or countless other logistics combinations.
The transport version, the R3Y-1, was an elegant machine.
The cockpit was relocated to above the cargo deck - instantly destroying the good looks of the R3Y-1.