

Поиск по сайту:

  • The first batch of 200 North American Harvard Is was delivered between December 1938 and October 1939 and was numbered N7000 - N7199. Seen here, is N7001, one of the aircraft of the A&AEE at RAF Martlesham Heath, photographed in January 1939. It was sold to the Southern Rhodesian Air Force in August 1940.

    Самолёты на фотографии: North American T-6 Texan / AT-6 Harvard - США - 1935

  • Another view of Harvard I N7003. Following service with Nos 12 and 14 FTS, this aircraft crashed at East End in Bedfordshire in May 1940. Note the sturdy crash post located between the two seats, to protect the occupants in the event of an overturn on the ground.

    Самолёты на фотографии: North American T-6 Texan / AT-6 Harvard - США - 1935

  • North American Harvard I P5790, delivered to the RAF late in 1939, operated with Nos 1 and 2 FTS until sent to the Southern Rhodesian Air Force in February 1941.

    Самолёты на фотографии: North American T-6 Texan / AT-6 Harvard - США - 1935

  • N7000 was the first aircraft of the initial batch of 200 Harvard Is delivered to the RAF. During evaluation by the A&AEE N7000 dived into the ground near Eyke in Suffolk on February 16, 1939, killing Sqn Ldr Robert Cazalet and his observer R. P. Alston.

    Самолёты на фотографии: North American T-6 Texan / AT-6 Harvard - США - 1935

  • Winding up the 550 h.p. Pratt & Whitney Wasp on Harvard N7003 at RAF Grantham, the home of 3 FTS, in January 1939.

    Самолёты на фотографии: North American T-6 Texan / AT-6 Harvard - США - 1935