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  • Eclipse has a backlog of orders for its Eclipse 500 numbering 2,500 and plans to hand over 525 aircraft to customers this year, with output rising to over 800 annually in 2008. Seen here are the first three aircraft for Dayjet, which were delivered on March 31, 2007. DayJet is the largest customer for the type, with 239 firm orders and 70 options.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Eclipse E-500 / EA-550 - США - 2002

  • Регистрационный номер: N104TG

    For pilots seeking an aircraft 'out of the ordinary', ATG offers the two-seat Javelin. As well as this personal jet aimed at the commercial market, ATG has developed a military training variant.

    Самолёты на фотографии: ATG Javelin AJT - International - 2005

  • The total number of orders for the Embraer Phenom 100 has not been disclosed, but several substantial fleet announcements have been made. These include 20 for Avantair and 24 for Spanish company, Wondair, both on-demand airtaxi operators.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Embraer Phenom - Бразилия - 2007

  • Регистрационный номер: N700JJ

    Adam based its A700 twin-boom twin-jet on its 'push-pull' A500, which is now in full scale production. The two aircraft have 65% airframe commonality. By the end of last year the A700's order backlog stood at 342 aircraft.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Adam A700 AdamJet - США - 2003

  • Первый полет самолет Spectrum S.33 Independence выполнил в январе 2006 года. Крупный заказ на самолет, способный перевозить девять пассажиров, поступил в марте 2008 года от американской компании "Jetpool". Самолеты данного типа заказала также чартерная компания "Starfish" из Чикаго. Сертификация машины намечена на 2010 год, причем серийные самолеты будут оснащены двигателями Williams FJ33.
    One of the Spectrum S-33's strong selling points is its large cabin. Following the loss of the prototype last year, the company is pressing ahead with the construction of a second airframe.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Spectrum S.33 Independence - США - 2006

  • Honda claims that the Hondajet's over-wing engine configuration simplifies the aerodynamic complications normally experienced with rear-fuselage engine mounting.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Honda HA-420 HondaJet - Япония - 2003

  • A relatively low price tag should make the Diamond D-Jet particularly attractive to private owners and flight training organisations. The prototype made its maiden flight in April last year and type approval is expected in summer 2008.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Diamond D-Jet - Австрия - 2008

  • First flight of the Elite six-seat jet is expected shortly and Epic intends to fly the aircraft into the 2007 EAA AirVenture Conventional Oshkosh in July 2007.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Epic Aviation Dynasty/Elite/LT/Escape - США - 2004

  • Excel-Jet’s new Sport-Jet is a single-engined cabin class four-place personal jet aircraft aimed at the general aviation pilot. The programme suffered a setback last June with the loss of the prototype, but by the time of the accident the aircraft had accumulated 25 flying hours and cleared some 95% of the flight envelope.

    Самолёты на фотографии: Excel Jet Sport Jet II - США - 2006