Newly delivered to the Moscow Fire Department was this Mil Mi-26 in a striking red and white scheme.
Самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-26 - Россия - 1977
Highlight of the military displays at MAKS ’99 was the Sukhoi S.37 Berkut. Its unorthodox layout emphasised even more a routine which eclipsed many previous displays by Sukhoi designs. However, its future as a production fighter appears bleak, despite its fifth generation status.
Самолёты на фотографии: Сухой С-37 / Су-47 Беркут - Россия - 1997
Самолёты на фотографии: Сухой С-37 / Су-47 Беркут - Россия - 1997
Insufficient funding has seriously delayed the Tu-334 programme, the prototype 100/130-seater flying in February 1999, four years behind schedule.
Самолёты на фотографии: Туполев Ту-334 - Россия - 1999
Yet another Su-27 development was this Su-27KUB naval trainer which incorporates the side-by-side seating layout of the Su-27IB strike aircraft with a circular nose shape in place of the flattened oval cross section of the IB.
Самолёты на фотографии: Сухой Су-27КУБ / Су-33УБ - Россия - 1999
Test-flying the An-140 continues towards certification, with some 700 flights made to date. The aircraft at Moscow, one of two flying, incorporated dihedral on the tailplane.
Самолёты на фотографии: Антонов Ан-140 - Украина - 1997
The Beriev Be-12P-200 fire-fighting conversion of the Mail ASW amphibian.
Самолёты на фотографии: Бериев Бе-12П - Россия - 1992
The attractively workmanlike Krunichev T-411 prototype is heading for certification next year, and is unchanged from its appearance at MAKS ’97.
Самолёты на фотографии: Хруничев-Авиатехника Т-411 Аист - Россия - 1997
More basic was a mock-up of Krunichev’s T-517, with a podded cabin in a frame structure.
Самолёты на фотографии: Аэропрогресс Т-517 Фермер - Россия - 2003
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- Fliegermuseum: Switzerland's famous Dubendorf collection
- Pilatus: Designing for 60 years
- Register Review
- ??? - Peruvian panorama
- B.Blanche - RAuxAF: 75 years of achievement
- B.Wheeler - PC-12: A Swiss sophisticate
- D.Parry - Kamikazi: Aviation relics at Yasakuni Jinja
- H.Gethin - MAKS 99
- M.Wickstead - Sobelair /Airline Profile/
- R.Jackson - Airport Movements