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Air International 2012-05 / D.Sloggett - Asassin's MACE? /Military/
The J-20 is seen in the West as a leap forward for China's aerospace industry. While few details have been released, it has the potential to meet the growing capability requirements of the People's liberation Army Air Force.
Air International 2012-05 / D.Sloggett - Asassin's MACE? /Military/
The external lines of the J-20 have drawn comparisons with the F-22, the F-35 and the Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA - however, only its internal mission equipment will determine its capabilities and effectiveness.
Air International 2012-05 / D.Sloggett - Asassin's MACE? /Military/
This view of the upper surface shows the canards deflected forward.
Air International 2012-05 / D.Sloggett - Asassin's MACE? /Military/
The precise role of the J-20 has not been revealed, but it is believed to be a long-range fighter-bomber, capable of carrying weapons in large internal bays.
Air International 2012-05 / D.Sloggett - Asassin's MACE? /Military/
The prototype J-20 completed its first flight on January 11, 2011.
Air International 2012-05 / D.Sloggett - Asassin's MACE? /Military/
With slats deployed and moisture streaming off the wing leading edges, the J-20 prototype is seen pulling some gs.
Air International 2012-05 / D.Sloggett - Asassin's MACE? /Military/
In addition to the large ventral fins, dorsal strakes are mounted below the 'booms' outside of the twin engine exhausts.
Air International 2012-05 / D.Sloggett - Asassin's MACE? /Military/
J-20 '2001' is the first, and so far only, example to have flown.
Air International 2014-04 / A.Rupprecht - China's Mighty Dragon /Military/
This photo of J-20 2001 at CAC’s airfield in Chengdu, shows the off-centre pitot tube and the configuration of the main landing gear doors when extended.
Air International 2014-04 / A.Rupprecht - China's Mighty Dragon /Military/
J-20 2001 at CAC’s airfield in Chengdu.
Air International 2012-05 / D.Sloggett - Asassin's MACE? /Military/
The first J-20 is pictured taxiing at the Chengdu Design Institute's airfield.
Air International 2012-05 / D.Sloggett - Asassin's MACE? /Military/
From the front you can see the large blisters under the wings housing the actuators for the flying controls.
Air International 2011-02 / News
The Jian-20 fighter seen for the first time at Chengdu Aerospace Corporation's Plant No 132 airfield from December 22, 2010.
Air International 2014-04 / A.Rupprecht - China's Mighty Dragon /Military/
A rare shot of the first two flight-test J-20s parked together.
Air International 2014-04 / A.Rupprecht - China's Mighty Dragon /Military/
One of the few photos that gives an idea of the J-20’s size compared to other types, with 2002 parked in front of two J-10s.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Chengdu J-10 - Китай - 1998
Air International 2011-02 / News
The large main landing gear doors have the serrated edges common to most low-observable designs.
Air International 2012-05 / D.Sloggett - Asassin's MACE? /Military/
The make of engine powering the J-20 prototype has not been officially disclosed but it is believed to be either the AL-31F or 117S. An indigenous powerplant - possibly the WS-15 - is being developed for the aircraft.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-07 / М.Никольский - Китайские истребители 5-го поколения
Вид на хвостовую часть самолета J-20
Air International 2014-04 / A.Rupprecht - China's Mighty Dragon /Military/
J-20 2002 at CAC’s airfield in Chengdu.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-07 / М.Никольский - Китайские истребители 5-го поколения
Первый истребитель J-20, поступивший на вооружение 1-й авиабригады ВВС НОАК, фото января 2020 г.
Air International 2014-04 / A.Rupprecht - China's Mighty Dragon /Military/
The third prototype J-20, aircraft 2011, during its first flight on March 1, 2014.
Air International 2014-04 / A.Rupprecht - China's Mighty Dragon /Military/
The third J-20 on its maiden flight on March 1, 2014.
Air International 2018-02 / News by countries
The J-20A entered PLAAF service in 2017 and there have been reports the indigenous WS-15 engine for the fighter might be tested in flight this year.
Air International 2017-02 / Airscene
The first examples of the J-20 have reportedly been handed over to the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) Flight Test Establishment at Yanliang for ongoing testing.
Air International 2023-04 / D.Axe - Out of the shadows
PLAAF J-20s perform aerobatics during an air show celebrating the 70th anniversary of the PLAAF’s founding, in Changchun, northeast China, in 2019
Air International 2019-02 / P.Butowski - Claws on show /Military/
J-20 78232 in an aggressive climb at Zhuhai 2018.
Air International 2021-05 / A.Warnes - Asia's fifth generation face-off
With China’s J-20 fighter prowling the skies, some of its East Asian neighbours are boosting their military with fifth-generation fighters
Air International 2023-04 / D.Axe - Out of the shadows
The J-20 first flew in 2011. The PLAAF declared the type operational in 2017. Five years later there could be more than a hundred J-20s in squadron service. That makes the J-20 the world’s third-most numerous low-observable fighter after the F-35 and F-22
Air International 2020-01 / Conferences and Events
These trade events allow air arms and the world's biggest aerospace companies to preview their most technologically advanced products. In 2018, the fifth-generation Chengdu J-20 stealth fighter made its official public debut.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2019-04 / М.Никольский - "Сухие" для Поднебесной (11)
Перспективный истребитель пятого поколения J-20
Air International 2016-11 / Airscene
On September 30 and October 1, 2016, there was a semi-official presentation of the Chengdu J-20A. Four pre-production aircraft were seen performing an air display over Chengdu airfield. Reportedly seven pre-production aircraft exist and the first two were delivered to the flight test centre at either Cangzhou or Dingxin Air Force Base.
Air International 2019-02 / P.Butowski - Claws on show /Military/
Upper side of J-20 78233 features a two-tone grey camouflage and light grey edges.
Air International 2023-04 / D.Axe - Out of the shadows
An early version Chengdu J-20 wowed the partisan crowd at Zhuhai Airshow in November 2019. As the aircraft turned down the runway through the moist air, vapour trails formed over the wings
Air International 2017-11 / Airscene
This unidentified Chengdu J-20A fifth-generation stealth fighter took part in celebrations to mark the official introduction of the type with China’s People's Liberation Army Air Force on September 28, 2017.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-07 / М.Никольский - Китайские истребители 5-го поколения
Истинное оборудование кабины неизвестно. Все официальные снимки сделаны с ракурса, не позволяющего увидеть приборную доску
Air International 2019-02 / P.Butowski - Claws on show /Military/
Silvery coatings are the basis of the People's Liberation Army Air Force J-20 underside camouflage.
Air International 2021-05 / A.Warnes - Asia's fifth generation face-off
There is one fighter regiment of J-20As currently serving the PLAAF at Wuhu in eastern China, but it’s unclear if the logistics are in place for a forward deployment
Air International 2019-02 / P.Butowski - Claws on show /Military/
Fast pass by J-20s 78232 and 78233.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2016-12
Истребители J-20 на авиасалоне в Джухае
Air International 2023-04 / D.Axe - Out of the shadows
Two PLAAF J-20s perform at the PLAAF’s open day event in Changchun, Jilin, in northeast China in 2020
Air International 2016-12 / Airscene
The J-20 display was performed only once during Airshow China at the opening ceremony on November 1, 2016, and lasted one minute.
Air International 2023-04 / D.Axe - Out of the shadows
“It’s not anything to lose a lot of sleep over,” Gen. Kenneth Wilsbach, commander of U.S. Pacific Air Forces, said of the J-20, “but they seem to be building a lot of them”
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-07 / М.Никольский - Китайские истребители 5-го поколения
Створки боковых отсеков вооружения выполнены таким образом, что могут закрываться после выведения ракет в стартовое положение. Это позволяет производить их пуск даже на сверхзвуковой скорости.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-07 / М.Никольский - Китайские истребители 5-го поколения
J-20 в полете с открытыми центральными отсеками вооружения
Для обеспечения малой радиолокационной заметности на тяжелых истребителях типа F-22 или J-20 используются достаточно вместительные отсеки вооружения, створки которых открываются непосредственно перед запуском ракет -
Air International 2018-05 / L.Nordeen - Air superiority /Military/
PL-15 test articles loaded in the weapons bay of a J-20 fighter during weapon integration tests flown at Chengdu Aircraft Research and Design Institute's airfield.
Air International 2023-04 / D.Axe - Out of the shadows
A PLAAF Y-20U aerial tanker refuels a J-20 and a J-16 multirole fighter simultaneously. New Y-20Us are slowly expanding the PLAAF’s modest tanker force
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Xian, Shenyang Y-20 - Китай - 2012Сухой Су-30 - Россия - 1988
Air International 2015-01 / News
The fifth prototype Chengdu J-20, 2013, during its maiden flight on November 29, 2014.
Air International 2014-09 / News
Images of the fourth Chengdu J-20 fighter prototype (2012) on the ground began appearing on Chinese internet sites in June 2014. It has since been revealed the aircraft made its first flight, which lasted around two hours, on July 26. The jet displays modifications introduced on the third aircraft (2011), which was first noted in January, including a faceted ‘bulge’ under the nose, possibly a housing for an electro-optical targeting system; refined air intakes; and a reprofiled upper tail from which a triangular section has been removed from the top of the trailing edge.
Air International 2015-02 / News
Chengdu J-20 2015 during its maiden flight
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-07 / М.Никольский - Китайские истребители 5-го поколения
J-20 в полете с подвесными топливными баками
Air International 2018-04 / News by countries
Quite surprisingly, the PLAAF confirmed delivery of J-20 fighters assigned to a front-line unit. However, so far all aircraft shown in images released are from the 66th Brigade.
Air International 2015-11 / News
The seventh J-20 fighter, side number 2016, lands at Chengdu-Huangtianba after its maiden flight on September 18, 2015.
Air International 2014-04 / A.Rupprecht - China's Mighty Dragon /Military/
Aircraft 2011 during high-speed taxiing tests in February 2014.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-07 / М.Никольский - Китайские истребители 5-го поколения
J-20 производит посадку с тормозным парашютом
Air International 2014-04 / A.Rupprecht - China's Mighty Dragon /Military/
J-20 2002 with two drag chutes deployed after landing at CAC’s airfield in Chengdu.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2018-02 / М.Никольский - "Сухие" для Поднебесной (2)
Тройка самолетов J-16 в одном строю с перспективными истребителями J-20 перед вылетом на воздушный парад в честь для ВВС КНР в 2017г.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Сухой Су-30 - Россия - 1988
Air International 2014-04 / A.Rupprecht - China's Mighty Dragon /Military/
A low-quality, but rare, image of a PL-10 missile mounted on a J-20.
Air International 2019-02 / P.Butowski - Claws on show /Military/
Top: A mock-up of the KLJ-7A radar with the antenna installed on a gimbal, which allows it to tilt towards the target.
Bottom: A second mock-up of the KLJ-7A radar with a fixed main forward-looking antenna and two small, sidelooking antennas. -
Авиация и Космонавтика 2011-02 / Новости мировой авиации
Демонстрация нового истребителя китайским официальным лицам
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-04 / М.Никольский - МиГ-31
Второй прототип китайского истребителя J-20
Авиация и Время 2012-03
16 мая 2012г. состоялся первый полет второго прототипа китайского истребителя 5-го поколения J-20 (борт 2002). Машина находилась в воздухе всего 20 минут.
Авиация и Время 2014-02
15 марта 2014г. китайский истребитель пятого поколения J-20 с бортовым номером 2011 выполнил второй полет. Он представляет собой предсерийный образец и имеет заметные внешние отличия от предыдущих прототипов (борт. №№ 2001 и 2002). J-20 (борт. № 2011) впервые взлетел с аэродрома в г. Ченду 2 марта при большом скоплении зрителей.
Авиация и Время 2016-06 / А.Хаустов - Чжухайский фейрверк новинок
Пара истребителей 5-го поколения J-20
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-07 / М.Никольский - Китайские истребители 5-го поколения
Предполагаемый вид приборной доски кабины летчика
Air International 2014-04 / A.Rupprecht - China's Mighty Dragon /Military/
Shenyang’s wind-tunnel model from the early 2000s.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2024-02 / М.Никольский - "Верный ведомый". Или уже "ведущий"?
Изображение, дающее представление о сравнительных размерах истребителя J-20 и его перспективного «ведомого»
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Feihong FH-97 - Китай - 2022
Air International 2014-04 / A.Rupprecht - China's Mighty Dragon /Military/
Early drawings of the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation’s concept which lost out to Chengdu’s design and an early CAC concept drawing in response to the JXX requirement.