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Страна : Великобритания

Год : 1934


Parnall Heck

В мае 1936 года компании "George Parnall & Company", "Hendy Aircraft Company" и "Nash & Thompson Ltd" объединились в компанию "Parnall Aircraft Ltd". Ее первый самолет Parnall 3308 Heck был облетан в июле 1934 года и получил известность как Hendy Heck. Конструктивно прототип, построенный компанией "Westland" в Йовиле, представлял собой двухместный моноплан с закрытой кабиной и посадкой по схеме тандем, с убирающимся шасси и двигателем de Havilland Gipsy Six мощностью 200 л. с. (149 кВт). Проблемы с шасси заставили разработчика сделать его неубирающимся, колеса были снабжены обтекателями. В итоге шесть серийных самолетов Heck 1C построили как трехместные машины с двигателем de Havilland Gipsy Queen мощностью 200 л. с. Продаж не последовало, четыре самолета использовались самой компанией для связи, а еще два проходили испытания с вооружением, прицелами пушек и воздушными винтами для Королевских ВВС Великобритании. Последний уцелевший Heck был вторым серийным самолетом, поврежденным до непригодного для ремонта состояния в июне 1950 года. Еще один самолет, вариант Parnall 382 с открытой кабиной, был построен как тренировочный самолет для начального обучения, однако серийных заказов вновь не последовало.

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  • Parnall Heck
  • Flight, July 1934
  • Flight, February 1935
  • Flight, April 1936
  • Мировая Авиация 211

    Несмотря на достаточно высокие характеристики, Heck успеха на рынке, где доминировали компании "de Havilland", "Miles" и "Percival", не имел. Несколько самолетов эксплуатировались в самой компании и в британских ВВС.

  • Flight 1935-09 / Flight

    The Hendy Heck (Gipsy Six), now reported to be withdrawn.

  • Flight 1936-05 / Flight

    OUT OF THE CHRYSALIS: An unusually attractive view of Mr. Whitney Straight's Hendy "Heck," out for the first time in its special black and gold finish.

  • Flight 1935-04 / Flight

    The "Hobo" and the "Heck."
    The Hobo after extensive modification, painted in the colours of Aircraft Exchange & Mart, at Hanworth.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hendy Hobo - Великобритания - 1929

  • Flight 1935-02 / Flight

    The tapered plan form of the wing can be seen in this view of the "Heck" in the air.

  • Flight 1935-02 / Flight

    The underside of one wing, showing the flaps in the "down" position, the aileron mass balance, and the recess into which the undercarriage is retracted.

  • Flight 1935-02 / Flight

    The rear half of the left-hand side of the cabin opens as well as the front half. In the rear cockpit is Mr. B. B. Henderson. The flap is shown slightly lowered.

  • Flight 1935-09 / Flight

    No. 3, Flt. Lt. R. Duncanson, seated in the Hendy Heck.

  • Flight 1935-11 / Flight

    Mr. David Llewellyn, Mrs. Jill Wyndham and the Parnall Heck (200 h.p. Gipsy Six engine) in which they have just beaten the time for the Cape-England journey. It made the trip in 6 days 12 hr. 17 min.

  • Flight 1938-07 / Flight

    Mr. George Reynolds flagging off the first of the two Parnall Hecks - Warren’s is nearest the camera.

  • Flight 1938-06 / Flight

    The Parnall Heck

  • Air Pictorial 1955-05 / Photos by request

    PARNALL HENDY HECK Mk. 2. Originally produced in 1934 to the order of Whitney Straight, the Hendy Heck appeared in production form in 1936 as the Mk. 2 - with a number of modifications compared with the prototype. Several Hendy Hecks were built to meet Air Ministry orders, mainly for experimental purposes. During the war Hecks were used for communications. An interesting feature of the design was the incorporation of slotted flaps and leading-edge wing slots. The engine was a 205-h.p. Gipsy Six 2. Span was 33 ft. 6in.; length 26 ft. 1 in .; loaded weight 2,600 lb. and top speed 170 m.p.h. Range was 620 miles at 155 m.p.h.

  • Flight 1935-08 / Flight

    What happened when Mr. Duncanson had to land the Hendy "Heck" at Hanworth with its wheels retracted.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1982-12 / Hanworth /Gone but not forgotten/ (14)

    Parnall Heck G-ACTC after a wheels-up landing at Hanworth in August 1938.

  • Flight 1938-07 / Flight

    The leading-edge H.P. slots and trailing-edge slotted flaps of the Parnall Heck.

  • Flight 1935-07 / Flight

    One of the "drooping" ailerons on the Parnall "Heck."

  • Flight 1935-02 / Flight

    SLOTTED FLAPS: Mr. Henderson achieves a low landing speed on the Hendy "Heck" by means of slotted flaps, the outer portions of which are the ailerons.

  • Flight 1935-02 / Flight

    The wheels of the Hendy "Heck," when retracted, move upward, rearward and slightly backward.

  • Flight 1935-07 / Flight

    One half of the Parnall "Heck's" outwardly-retracting undercarriage and a portion of a flap.

  • Flight 1936-11 / Flight

    Most of the features of the projected Parnall light military general-purpose monoplane are brought out in this sketch.

  • Flight 1935-02 / Flight

    Hendy "Heck" D.H. Gipsy VI 200 hp. Engine

  • Фотографии