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Страна : Великобритания

Год : 1919

Летающая лодка


Vickers Type 54 Viking, Type 78 Vulture и Type 83 Vanellus

В 1918 году компания "Vickers" разработала легкую амфибию, крыло и оперение которой были выполнены по бипланной схеме. Фанерный корпус лодки был изготовлен по технологии Consuta фирмой С. Е. Саундерса. В нем находилась закрытая кабина для четырех пассажиров. Двигатель 275-сильный (205 кВт) Rolls-Royce Falcon был установлен на подкосах под нижним крылом и приводил в движение толкающий воздушный винт.
   Получивший обозначение Viking, самолет совершил первый полет в конце 1919 года. А 18 декабря 1919 года при вынужденной посадке на нем погиб шеф-пилот компании - сэр Джон Алкок.
   На базе лодки Viking I было спроектировано семейство машин, отличавшееся рядом доработок, в основном корпуса (некоторые с открытой кабиной), и различными типами силовых установок. В их число входили построенные в единственном экземпляре Viking II (360-сильный/268 кВт ПД Rolls-Royce Eagle VIII) и Viking III (450-сильный/336 кВт ПД Napier Lion), за которыми последовал серийный вариант Type 54 Viking IV. 26 самолетов были проданы ВС Аргентины, Канады, Франции, Японии и Нидерландов, а также для гражданского использования - в Аргентину, Канаду, СССР и США.
   Последним вариантом стал Viking V с ПД Napier Lion; два таких самолета были построены для службы в составе британских ВВС в Ираке.

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  • Vickers Type 54 Viking, Type 78 Vulture и Type 83 Vanellus
  • Flight, June 1920
  • Flight, July 1920
    The Olympia Aero Show 1920
  • Flight, September 1920
  • Flight, October 1921
  • Flight, July 1923
    Gothenburg International Aero Exhibition 1923
  • Flight 1920-07 / Flight

    Three-quarter front view of the Vickers "Viking" amphibious flying-boat, 360 h.p. Rolls-Royce Eagle Engine

  • История Авиации 2003-03 / С.Корж - Коммерческая авиация /Ретроспектива/ (8)

    Свыше трех десятков летающих лодок "Викинг" были выпущены в военном и коммерческом вариантах фирмой "Виккерс". На снимке показана пассажирская "Викинг I". На таком гидроплане 18 декабря 1919г. разбился сэр Джон Элкок, герой первого беспосадочного перелета через Атлантический океан, выполненного на модифицированном двухмоторном бомбардировщике "Виккерс-Вими" в июне 1919г.

  • Flight 1920-07 / Flight

    The Vickers "Viking" amphibious flying-boat at Olympia

  • Flight 1920-09 / Flight

    THE AIR MINISTRY COMPETITION: Three-quarter rear view of the Vickers "Viking" Amphibian, 450 h. p. Napier "Lion" engine

  • Flight 1920-10 / Flight

    AIR CONFERENCE AT WADDON: The Vickers "Viking III" Amphibian

  • Flight 1922-11 / Flight

    Vickers "Viking," Napier "Lion" engine, in Spain: Our photograph shows the machine at San Sebastian after alighting in the bay on its way to Madrid.

  • Flight 1921-08 / Flight

    DOMINION PREMIERS INSPECT "AMPHIBIAN": There is little doubt that in the Colonies and Dominions, no less than at home, the amphibian type of aircraft has an enormous future before it. It was therefore very fitting that on their recent visit to Waddon the Dominion Premiers should have an opportunity of inspecting the Vickers "Viking III," 450 h.p. Napier Lion, which won First Prize in the Government competition last year, and which has since done such good work in demonstrating the possibility of using the Thames and Seine rivers as "aerodromes." In the photograph Capt. Cockerell, the well-known Vickers pilot, is seen in front of the machine, in conversation with Sir P. Sykes and Capt. Guest, Secretary of State for Air.

  • Flight 1920-09 / Flight

    THE VICKERS "VIKING," 450 H.P. NAPIER "LION": Three-quarter front view

  • Flight 1921-02 / Flight

    THE VICKERS "VIKING" AMPHIBIAN: Some "snaps" taken during the recent Air Ministry Trials. The machine is seen taxying on the water.

  • Flight 1921-02 / Flight

    THE VICKERS "VIKING" AMPHIBIAN: Some "snaps" taken during the recent Air Ministry Trials. The machine is shown manoeuvring on the water.

  • Flight 1921-02 / Flight

    THE VICKERS "VIKING" AMPHIBIAN: Some "snaps" taken during the recent Air Ministry Trials. The machine is seen in full flight.

  • Flight 1921-02 / Flight

    THE VICKERS "VIKING" AMPHIBIAN: Some "snaps" taken during the recent Air Ministry Trials. The machine is shown clearing the balloons in the landing test.

  • Flight 1921-03 / Flight

    A THAMES AERIAL IDYLL: The Lion-engined Vickers "Viking" passes the Houses of Parliament towers.

  • Flight 1921-02 / Flight

    The Vickers "Viking" on the Thames

  • Flight 1930-01 / Flight

    "Thames as an airport," showing a photograph of the Vickers "Viking" amphibian flying boat immediately after had alighted on the Thames at Westminster in February, 1921. The manoeuvre was in the nature of an experiment, to ascertain if it were possible to operate an air service direct to and from the Thames.

  • Flight 1921-05 / Flight

    SEINE TO THAMES IN TWO HOURS: On the right the Vickers "Viking III" alighting near the end of Lambeth Bridge last week. On the left the machine is seen taxying toward the Hard at Doulton's, with its wheels lowered ready for beaching.

  • Flight 1921-05 / Flight

    LONDON (THAMES) TO PARIS (SEINE): On April 20 the Vickers "Viking," 450 h.p. Napier "Lion" engine, flew, with Gen. Sykes and Col. Beatty on board, from the Thames at Westminster to the Seine in the centre of Paris, thus demonstrating the feasibility of a direct air service between the two cities, by means of which the delay of getting to and from the aerodrome is avoided. The machine left at 3.30 p.m., and arrived on the, Seine at 6.20 p.m. On the following day the "Viking" returned from the Seine to Croydon aerodrome. Our photographs show the machine on the Hard outside Doulton's, and, on the right, Sir F. Sykes just aboard, ready for the trip.

  • Flight 1921-05 / Flight

    SEINE TO THAMES IN TWO HOURS: On the left General Sykes is seen assisting M. Laurent Eynac from the Vickers "Viking III," and, on the right, Capt. Guest is chatting with General Sykes, while M. Eynac shakes hands with Lord Londonderry.

  • Flight 1921-03 / Flight

    THE THAMES AS AN AIR POR: Vickers Amphibian "Viking III," 450 h.p. Napier "Lion" engine, continues the tests. 1. The "Viking" on "The Hard" outside Doulton's. Note the barge in the foreground. 2. Going into the water again. Note the wheels are down. 3. Afloat, with the wheels Just beginning to rise out of the water. 4. Off. The wheels are now quite dear of the water.

  • Flight 1920-09 / Flight

    THE VICKERS "VIKING" AMPHIBIAN: View of the mounting of the 450 h.p. Napier "Lion" engine

  • Flight 1920-09 / Flight

    The Vickers "Viking" Amphibian: View of the tail planes

  • Flight 1921-10 / Flight

    VICKERS "VIKING IV": Three-quarter rear view.

  • Flight 1921-11 / Flight

    The Vickers "Viking" Mk.IV Amphibian flying boat (Napier "Lion").

  • Flight 1924-05 / Flight

    The Vickers "Viking Commercial" is very similar to the service type, and can also be supplied fitted with a Rolls-Royce "Eagle IX" engine.

  • Flight 1921-10 / Flight

    VICKERS "VIKING IV": Three quarter front view.

  • История Авиации 2003-03 / С.Корж - Коммерческая авиация /Ретроспектива/ (8)

    Амфибия "Викинг IV". Одна из таких амфибий в 1922г. была куплена Советской Россией и в 1923г. приняла участие в перелете Петроград-Севастополь. На "Викинг IV" в несчастливый день 13 апреля 1922г. разбились капитан Росс Смит и сержант Беннет - участники еще одного громкого перелета "Вими" 1919г. по маршруту Англия-Австралия (любопытно, что поднявшийся в воздух 13 апреля 1919г. прототип пассажирского "Вими Комершл" также разбился). В военном исполнении амфибии этой модификации стали первыми самолетами Королевских Канадских ВВС.

  • Flight 1923-07 / Flight

    The Vickers "Viking" Mark IV, amphibian flying boat, fitted with a 450 h.p. Napier "Lion."

  • Мировая Авиация 248

    Этот Viking IV был поставлен в 1921 году для испытаний ВМС США. Позднее он испытывался NACA в Лэнгли, Калифорния.

  • Flight 1922-12 / Flight

    Two Vickers "Viking" Amphibians, with Rolls-Royce "Eagle" engines.

  • Flight 1922-08 / Flight

    A VICKERS VIKING IN JAVA: Gradually the uses of amphibian seaplanes increase as the advantages are realised. Recently Vickers sent one of the Vikings (Napier Lion) out to Java, where it has caused the greatest interest. Our photograph shows the machine surrounded by the mechanics who erected it. Needless to say, the civil population took the opportunity afforded of inspecting one of the latest types of aircraft, and, the admiration was general.

  • Flight 1923-12 / Flight

    Britain in the Dutch East Indies: A Vickers Viking amphibian flying-boat at the aircraft section of the Netherlands Indies Fair at Bandoeng (Java). On the same stand may be seen a Napier "Lion" engine.

  • Flight 1923-08 / Flight

    BRITAIN AT I.L.U.G.: This set of photographs, kindly supplied by the S.B.A.C., shows some of the British exhibits at the Gothenburg International Aero Exhibition, which has just closed. The Vickers "Viking," with Napier "Lion."

  • Flight 1921-10 / Flight

    THE VICKERS "VIKING IV": Two forms of cockpits. On the left the "coach roof" cabin fitted on the machines for France, and on the right the open type cockpit with mount for Scarff gun ring adopted on the machines ordered by Holland. Inset, the deck for the open cockpit provided as an alternative to the "coach roof" cabin.

  • Flight 1928-09 / Flight

    Photographic Flying-Boat and Crew, Royal Canadian Air Force.

  • Мировая Авиация 248

    Этот Viking IV в 1926 году служил в Королевских ВВС Канады. Некоторое количество этих машин было построено канадским подразделением "Vickers Ltd".

  • Flight 1928-09 / Flight

    Royal Canadian Air Force Flying-Boat, Northern Manitoba.

  • Flight 1928-09 / Flight

    Mapping Timber Types, Eastern Manitoba.

  • Flight 1925-02 / Flight

    AERIAL ACTIVITY IN CANADA: The top view shows the Vickers "Viking " amphibian operated by the Laurentide Air Service, Ltd., of Montreal, flying over the Rouyn Gold Field district. Below, on the left, is an aerial view of typical country (in Reindeer Lake district) recently surveyed for map production by the Royal Canadian Air Force. On the right is another view of the Vickers "Viking," which was also used by the Fairchild Aerial Survey Co. (Canada) for aerial photographic operations.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1977-05 / News Spotlight

    One of two non-flying reproductions of the 1920 Vickers Viking amphibian is seen on location on La Palma island in the Canaries for the filming of Amicus Productions' The People that Time Forgot. The aircraft, built by Fairey’s Marine Division at Hamble, are powered by 1,300cc Ford Escort engines which enable them to taxi on land and water. The second Viking went to Pinewood Studios. Their total cost was ?33,300.

  • Flight 1920-09 / Flight

    THE VICKERS "VIKING" AMPHIBIAN: On the left, the water rudder, and on the right one of the wing tip floats

  • Flight 1921-10 / Flight

    Vickers "Viking IV": View inside cockpit showing controls, etc. In the centre is seen the wheel for raising and lowering the landing wheels. On the left is the petrol hand pump. The lever on the right is for applying the band brakes on the wheels.

  • Flight 1920-09 / Flight

    The Vickers "Viking": Details of the land gear

  • Flight 1921-10 / Flight

    General arrangement of the landing gear of the "Viking IV."

  • Flight 1921-10 / Flight

    Details of the land gear and brake mechanism on the "Viking IV."

  • Flight 1920-07 / Flight

    On the Vickers Viking: Some details of the retractable land undercarriage, combined tailskid and water-rudder, biplane tail, and wing tip float

  • Flight 1920-09 / Flight

    THE VICKERS "VIKING": The aft cockpit has a loose aluminium cover, secured by leather straps

  • Flight 1921-10 / Flight

    The elevator of the Vickers "Viking IV" has a neat spring-loaded device for trimming. A small wheel allows of easy adjustment.

  • Flight 1921-10 / Flight

    The combined tail skid and water rudder on the "Viking IV."

  • Flight 1920-07 / Flight

    The lines of the hull of the Vickers "Viking" are somewhat unusual: The sketch is purely diagrammatic, and should be taken as an approximate representation only

  • Flight 1921-10 / Flight

    Vickers "Viking IV" Amphibian Napier "Lion" Engine

  • Фотографии