- Vickers - Vimy / FB.27 - 1917 - Великобритания
- Vickers - Vimy Commercial - 1919 - Великобритания
- Vickers - Vernon - 1921 - Великобритания
Vickers F.B.27 Vimy, Vimy Commercial и Vernon
В январе 1919 года компания "Vickers" приступила к разработке гражданского варианта Vimy - Vimy Commercial, спроектировав фюзеляж увеличенного диаметра с кабиной на 10 пассажиров и установив два двигателя Eagle VIII. За прототипом, совершившим первый полет 13 апреля 1919 года, последовали 43 серийных самолета - для Китая (40) и компаний "Instone Airline" и "Grands Express Aeriens" и СССР (по одному). Еще пять аналогичных самолетов, отличавшихся лишь погрузочным люком в носовой части, были построены для британских ВВС под обозначением Vimy Ambulance (санитарный). Они были рассчитаны на перевозку четырех больных на носилках и восьми сидячих пациентов и двух санитаров.
- Vickers F.B.27 Vimy, Vimy Commercial и Vernon
- Flight, July 1920
The Olympia Aero Show 1920 - Flight, March 1921
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
The Vimy Commercial prototype before application of the temporary civil registration. In this picture the aeroplane has a narrow forward door.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
Another view of the Vimy Commercial prototype shows that the fuselage was a much better aerodynamic shape than generally assumed from other views.
The Vimy-Commercial prototype (K-107) which differed from production aircraft in having circular portholes and no rear door. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
The Vimy Commercial prototype, K-107, arriving at Amsterdam for the ELTA exhibition in August 1919.
Flight 1920-07 / Flight
Three-quarter front view of the Vickers-Vimy Commercial
Flight 1931-10 / Flight
THE VICKERS "VIMY COMMERCIAL": A commercial version of the "Vimy" bomber, with two Napier "Lions," originally operated by Instone Air Line Ltd., since 1920.
Air Pictorial 1958-02 / P.Brooks - The Vickers Vimy-Commercial /Little-known Aircraft/
The prototype Vimy-Commercial (K-107) made its first flight at Brooklands in February 1919.
Flight 1920-08 / Flight
AT OLYMPIA: The Vickers Vimy-Commercial, two 375 h.p. Rolls-Royce "Eagle" engines
Flight 1920-02 / Flight
LONDON CAIRO CAPE BY AIR: The Vickers-Vimy-Rolls commercial machine, chartered by The Times, which is now en route by air for Cape Town via Cairo.
Air Enthusiast 1995-09 / J.Godwin - Wings to the Cape
The Times’ Vimy at Heliopolis, Cairo.
Air Pictorial 1958-02 / P.Brooks - The Vickers Vimy-Commercial /Little-known Aircraft/
The Vimy-Commercial, G-EAAV, which was used in 1920 for The Times flight from London to Tabora in Central Africa. This was probably the first production Vimy-Commercial.
Air Enthusiast 1995-09 / J.Godwin - Wings to the Cape
The Times’ machine, Vimy Commercial G-EAAV with Dr Chalmers Mitchell third from right.
Flight 1920-02 / Flight
LONDON-CAIRO-CAPE BY AIR: Start of the Vickers-Vimy-Rolls aeroplane at 11-30 a.m. from Brooklands on January 24 1920. Below (left) the machine is just leaving the ground, and on the right she is “well away”
Flight 1920-02 / Flight
LONDON-CAIRO-CAPE BY AIR: Group of the pilots and others directly concerned with this historical flight. Left to right : Mr. Corbett (The Times), Mr. Corby (rigger), Sergt-Maj. Wyatt (mechanic), Mr A Knight (works manager), Capt. Broome, D.F.C (navigator and second pilot), Mr R.K.Dowson (Vickers, South Africa), Capt. Cockerell, Croix de Guerre, Belgium (pilot), Mr. R. K. Pierson (designer of the “Vimy"), Mr. P. Muller (works superintendent)
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История Авиации 2003-03 / С.Корж - Коммерческая авиация /Ретроспектива/ (8)
Легендарный "Вими Комершл" "Сити оф Лондон" (рег. G-EASI) был поставлен "Инстоун Эйр Лайн" в 1921г. после выполнения китайского заказа на 40 подобных машин, которые вообще не оставили следа в истории коммерческой авиации. В отличие от них, сорок первый серийный "Вими Комершл", перейдя в 1924г. во владение "Империал Эйруэйз", с успехом применялся на европейских авиалиниях до 1934г. - дольше любого другого британского переходного пассажирского самолета.
Flight 1921-03 / Flight
LONDON PARIS SERVICE RESUMED: AT WADDON AERODROME: The re-starting from this aerodrome on March 21 of the cross-Channel service. (1) Lord Londonderry, after inspecting Messrs. Instone's Vickers-Vimy-Rolls machine; (2) Passengers embarking with luggage. On left Mrs. Alec Rae, wearing medals for nursing in France, and, right, Mrs. Barnard. (3) The pilot, Mr. Barnard, whose 352nd cross-Channel trip it was, fixes a new flag on his 'bus. (4) In centre, Lord Londonderry, Under-Secretary of State for Air, who attended the restarting of the service; on left, Mr. S. Instone, and on right, Mr. T. Instone, whose firm are responsible for this particular service. (5) The 'bus taking off for Paris.
Flight 1937-11 / Flight
Sir Samuel Instone beside one of the Vickers Vimy Commercial biplanes used by Instone Air Lines.
Flight 1920-10 / Flight
AIR CONFERENCE VISIT TO WADDON: Airco 18, Instone Vickers Vimy-Commercial, Westland Limousine, Avro triplane, and Bristol Coupe
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Avro Type 547 - Великобритания - 1920Bristol Tourer - Великобритания - 1919De Havilland D.H.18 - Великобритания - 1920Westland Limousine - Великобритания - 1919
Flight 1922-02 / Flight
FROM THE AIR CONFERENCE VISIT TO WADDON: The photograph gives a good idea of the different types of machines on view. Vickers "Vimys," "D.H." monoplane, and several types of "D.H." biplanes, Bristol Ten-seater, Farman Goliaths, etc.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bristol Ten-Seater / Brandon - Великобритания - 1921De Havilland Doncaster / D.H.29 - Великобритания - 1921Farman F.60 Goliath / F.169 - Франция - 1918
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-01 / P.Moss - Wings for the Empire (1)
AIR CONFERENCE VISIT TO WADDON: The photo, shows in the foreground a B.A.T. Commercial machine owned by the Instone Air Line and other machines in line.
D.H.16 G-EAQS of AT&T and BAT F.K.26 G-EAPK of Instone at Hounslow in August 1921. Note the position of the pilot's cockpit in the latter. It was apparently designed to give the pilot maximum safety in a crash.
Typical machines at Waddon, alias Croydon, in 1920. On the left is a D.H.16 (a modified D.H.9) used by A.T.T., and on the right is a Koolhoven B.A.T. used by Instone Air Line. In the background an Instone Vickers Vimy Commercial may just be seen.Другие самолёты на фотографии: BAT FK-26 Commercial - Великобритания - 1919De Havilland D.H.16 - Великобритания - 1919
Flight 1937-05 / Flight
Vimy Commercial G-EASI in Instone's dark blue livery.
An early British passenger-carrier was the Vimy Commercial. In addition to those used in this country a large number was sold abroad, including 40 to China. -
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - 1. Chronology
ximy Commercial operated by Instone Air Lines (15 May 1922).
Air Pictorial 1978-01
Instone Air Lines' famous Vickers Vimy Commercial G-EASI "City of London". This photo, which appears in the book "The First Croydon Airport 1915-1928", has been faked to show the Plough Lane-site terminal buildings in the background. Note the Vimy's integral passenger steps protruding just below the lower wing trailing edge
Aeroplane Monthly 1978-02 / Personal album
Vickers 66 Vimy Commercial G-EASI was flown first by Instone & Company Ltd and then transferred to Imperial Airways on March 31, 1924.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-01 / P.Moss - Wings for the Empire (1)
Instone Vimy Commercial, G-EASI.
Flight 1922-12 / Flight
The Vickers "Vimy-Commercial," with two Napier "Lion" engines. The "Vernon" troop carrier is very similar in general appearance.
Flight 1921-11 / Flight
THE VICKERS-VIMY-COMMERCIAL, TWO NAPIER "LION" ENGINES: The identification letters on this machine are "F-ADER."
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
The prototype Vimy Ambulance, J6855, after painting and with Red Cross markings on wings and fuselage. The “airstair" entrance door can be clearly seen. -
Flight 1921-11 / Flight
The Vickers "Vimy" transport (two Napier "Lions").
Flight 1921-03 / Flight
THE VICKERS VIMY-COMMERCIAL AMBULANCE MACHINE: The door through which "stretcher cases" are placed in and taken out of the machine.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
Английские двухмоторные транспортники Виккерс "Вернон" (они же "Вими Коммершиал"), закупленные китайцами в 1920 году, использовались не только как почтово-пассажирские самолеты, но и как бомбардировщики в междоусобных войнах.
One of the Chinese Vickers Vimy Commercials at Shanghai. The Chinese Vimys were ordered in 1919 and delivered by sea during 1920-21. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-12 / B.Robertson - An AID to quality (2)
"Vickers-Vimys" for China: A batch of Vickers-Vimy-Commercial machines in various stages of erecting at the Weybridge works of Messrs. Vickers, Ltd.
Vickers Vernon Is ready for pre-covering inspection of their fuselages at Weybridge. The AID was responsible for inspecting both military and civil aircraft from 1919 to 1937. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
Chinese Vimys under construction at Weybridge in 1919.
Flight 1920-05 / Flight
"Vickers-Vimys" for China: Erecting the cabins: A large batch of Vickers-Vimy-Commercials are now being completed at Weybridge for the Chinese Government. Our photograph gives a good idea of the absence of cross bracing inside the cabins of these machines
Aeroplane Monthly 1992-07 / Plane Crazy
What will happen to today’s generation of airliners when they are finished with? Pretty certainly they won’t go the same way as Imperial Airways’ Vickers Vimy Commercial G-EASI City of London. Registered to the company in 1920, it was retired in 1926. The cabin was acquired by that delightful character Spry Levington, the KLM representative at Croydon. He decided that the cabin would make an ideal summerhouse and it remained in his garden at Waterer Rise in Wallington until it was finally burnt in 1935.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
View looking aft in the prototype Vimy Commercial when fitted with forward door, leather seats, full-width rear bench and roof hatch.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
Looking aft in a Vimy Commercial with wicker seats, rectangular windows, narrower rear seat, aft entrance door and sliding bulkhead section which presumably gave access to a lavatory - for very thin people. There appears to be a blind which could be pulled down to cover the lavatory window, perhaps in case of close formating aircraft.
Flight 1920-02 / Flight
Interior view of the cabin of the Vickers-Vimy-Rolls aeroplane bound for Cape Town
Flight 1920-07 / Flight
ON THE VICKERS-VIMY-COMMERCIAL: The cabin, showing door to pilots' cockpit
Flight 1921-11 / Flight
View inside the Vickers-Vimy-Commercial exhibited on the stand of Ateliers des Mureaux. The machine, which has been purchased for use by the Grands Express Aeriens, is richly finished in leather repousse work
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
THE VICKERS VIMY-COMMERCIAL AMBULANCE MACHINE: An interior view, looking aft, showing racks, stretchers, seats, etc.
The interior of the Vimy Ambulance J6855. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
The Vimy Commercial prototype, as G-EAAV, after its accident at Tabora in Tanganyika on February 27, 1920.
Air Enthusiast 1995-09 / J.Godwin - Wings to the Cape
The wreckage of The Times’ machine at Tabora.
Flight 1920-05 / Flight
The silver model, to scale, of the Vickers-Vimy-Rolls aeroplane presented to Dr. Chalmers Mitchell by The Times to commemorate the first attempt to fly from Cairo to the Cape. Four smaller models of the machine were presented to the pilots and mechanics, Capt. S. Cockerell, Capt. F. C. Broome, D.F.C., Sergt.-Major James Wyatt, and Mr. Claude Corby. All these beautiful models are the work of the Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company of Regent Street
Flight 1920-04 / Flight
CUMULUS CLOUD FORMING IN HOT WEATHER: A Vickers-Vimy commercial type aeroplane flying above the clouds.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-02 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
KEITH WOODCOCK'S painting depicts one of the Chinese Vickers Vimy Commercials, 40 of which were supplied to the Chinese Government during 1920-21.
Flight 1920-11 / Flight
MODERN CABIN MACHINES: The Vickers-Vimy-Commercial.
Flight 1921-03 / Flight
THE VICKERS VIMY-COMMERCIAL AMBULANCE MACHINE: Pictorial sectional views showing arrangement of racks for stretchers, etc.
Flight 1920-07 / Flight
ON THE VICKERS-VIMY-COMMERCIAL: The hinged door which also forms the steps
Flight 1920-07 / Flight
ON THE VICKERS-VIMY-COMMERCIAL: 1, the extreme aft portion of the fuselage. The terminal cross-tube is used for handling the machine on the ground. 2, the attachment of the tubular tail portion to the fuselage. 3, attachment of girder part of fuselage to aft bulkhead of cabin. 4, detail of longeron lug of 3
Flight 1921-11 / Flight
Header tank, mounted on the strut.
- Фотографии