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Самолёты на фотографии: Curtiss-Wright C-46 / CW-20 Commando - США - 1940
The Planes of Fame Museum's P-51D N5441V, ex 45-11582, flying near its base at Chino, California in August 1980 for the benefit of FRANK B. MORMILLO'S camera.
Самолёты на фотографии: North American P-51D Mustang - США - 1944
Britain's first pure jet transport aircraft. The Vickers Nene Viking was powered by two 5,000lb s. t. Rolls-Royce Nene Is which gave a cruising speed of 393 m.p.h. G-AJPH was later converted to standard Viking configuration.
Самолёты на фотографии: Vickers Viking Nene - Великобритания - 1948
BAC Jet Provost T Mk 5A XW417 "124" from RAF Church Fenton over the Yorkshire Wolds on July 17, 1980.
Самолёты на фотографии: Hunting Percival Jet Provost / P.84 - Великобритания - 1954
Two F-4J Phantoms from Marine Attack Training squadron 101. The F-4J was the last fighter version of the Phantom II to be placed in quantity production for the US Navy and Marine Corps
Самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F-4J / F-4S Phantom II - США - 1964
Cliff Howard and his custom-built T-Minus II doing the finale of his aerobatic display; the inverted double ribbon cut. Picture by JIM LARSEN.
Самолёты на фотографии: Howard Special T-Minus II - США - 1968
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- D.H.51 G-EBIR /Preservation Profile/
- News Spotlight
- Personal album
- Skywriters
- B.Burrell - Battle of Britain /Air movie spectacular/
- B.Gunston - The V-bombers (3)
- C.Barnes - Bristol's rotund racer
- C.Zichy - There, but by the grace of God...
- G.Foden - The world's shortest flight!
- H.Levy - Van Dine's Duck
- R.Nesbit - Navigator's progress (1)
- R.Sturtivant - Barracuda in action (1)