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Страна : International

Год : 2009



Agusta Westland Super Lynx и Future Lynx

   22 июня 2006 года министерство обороны Великобритании выделило миллиард фунтов стерлингов на программу разработки и испытаний вертолета Future Lynx. Армия и ВМС Великобритании намерены заказать 40 и 30 таких вертолетов, причем заказ может быть увеличен до 45 и 35 машин соответственно. Future Lynx позиционируется как вертолет с классическими динамическими системами, но с новейшим бортовым оборудованием, хотя часть систем планируется заимствовать у вертолета Super Lynx. Фюзеляж будет перепроектирован. С целью увеличения внутреннего объема ему придадут треугольную в сечении форму. В качестве силовой установки рассматриваются два двигателя LHTEC CTS800. Первый полет вертолета Future Lynx запланирован на 2009 год, начало поставок - на 2011 год. Принятие на вооружение армейского варианта ожидается в 2014 году, морской модификации - в 2015-м.

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  • Описание
  • Air International 2011-07 / I.Harding - Wildcat with Lynx pedigree /Military/
    Регистрационный номер: ZZ400   [7]

    In this April 2010 photograph, T1 No.1 looks very different without the now familiar tailplane.

  • Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-11 / М.Никольский - Вертолетный парк вооруженных сил стран Западной Европы /Вертолетная техника/ (1)
    Регистрационный номер: ZZ400   [7]

    AgustaWestland AW159 Lynx Wildcat/Future Lynx. Разработанный в рамках семейства Super Lynx Series 300, вариант AW159 Lynx Wildcat, ранее известный как Future Lynx, создавался под совместные требования британских Армии и ВМС на новые многоцелевой армейский (Battlefield Light Utility Helicopter) и корабельный (Surface Combatant Maritime Rotorcraft) вертолеты. AW159 - тяжелее, чем предыдущие варианты, его максимальная взлетная масса 6250 кг. Другие важные характеристики - "граненая" хвостовая балка и вертикальные шайбы на стабилизаторе. Планировалось, что 95% вертолета будет новой, а остальные 5% будут заимствоваться с вертолетов AH.Mk 7.

  • Air International 2011-07 / I.Harding - Wildcat with Lynx pedigree /Military/
    Регистрационный номер: ZZ400   [7]

  • Мировая Авиация 228
    Регистрационный номер: ZZ400   [7]

    12 ноября 2009г.: прототип вертолета AgustaWestland AW 159, ZZ400, совершил первый полет с аэродрома предприятия "Westland" в Йовиле, Юго-Западная Англия. Lynx Wildcat - многоцелевой вертолет нового поколения, его стартовым заказчиком стали британские ВМС.
    Машина, ранее известная как Future Lynx, получила в Британии обозначение Wildcat. Обратите внимание на снижающие ИК-заметность дефлекторы на выхлопных трубах и измененную "фасетчатую" хвостовую балку.

  • Air International 2011-07 / I.Harding - Wildcat with Lynx pedigree /Military/
    Регистрационный номер: ZZ400   [7]

    T1 No.1 ZZ400 is primarily used to undertake trials confirming the aircraft's initial flight envelope. Here it is equipped with string markers to aid visualisation of airflow around the airframe. It will soon leave for the US to undertake hot-and-high testing in Colorado.

  • Air International 2011-07 / I.Harding - Wildcat with Lynx pedigree /Military/
    Регистрационный номер: ZZ400   [7]

    Upturned exhausts on the CTS800-4N engines deliver hot efflux into the rotor disc, where it is dissipated for a decrease in the helicopter's IR signature.

  • Air International 2011-11 / News
    Регистрационный номер: ZZ400   [7]

    AW159 Wildcat ZZ400 (TI1) is seen at Canon City, Colorado, during the recent trials in the United States.

  • Air International 2011-01 / News
    Регистрационный номер: ZZ402   [4]

    AgustaWestland AW159 Wildcat ZZ402 (TI3, c/n 464) completed its maiden flight at Yeovil in Somerset on November 19, 2010. A range of general handling checks were undertaken during the flight, without any unforeseen occurrences. The helicopter is the last Wildcat to fly that will participate in the 600-hour test programme. TI3's main tasks include undertaking load survey tests and naval development, and incorporate ship helicopter operating limit trials. On November 19 all three of the trials fleet were airborne at the same time.

  • Мировая Авиация 145
    Регистрационный номер: ZZ402   [4]

    Максимальная взлетная масса Lynx AW159 Wildcat (на снимке третий опытный вертолет) увеличена до 6250 кг. Предполагается, что серийные Wildcat будут нести двухцветный серый пятнистый камуфляж.

  • Air International 2011-10 / News
    Регистрационный номер: ZZ402   [4]

    Lynx Wildcat ZZ402 is seen on August 2, 2011 carrying two simulated FASGW 'heavy' weapons on both the port and starboard outboard stations, while the inboard port side has a simulated 'light' weapon attached. The in-board starboard position has a box-like 'aero-dummy' box attached as a counter balance.

  • Air International 2019-10 / Airscene
    Регистрационный номер: ZZ513

    Photographed in the second half of August 2019, Wildcat HMA2 ZZ513 conducted flight testing with two inert Sea Venom missiles on each wing, followed by a mixed configuration of Sea Venom and Martlet missiles

  • Авиация и Время 2010-04 / А.Ларионов - Фарнборо-2010
    Регистрационный номер: ZZ401   [2]

    Новейший морской вертолет Аугуста Вестланд AW-159 "Линкс Вайлдкэт"

  • Air International 2013-10 / News
    Регистрационный номер: ZZ413

    AgustaWestland AW159 Wildcat HMA2 ZZ413 (c/n 483) alongside a Merlin HM2 at RNAS Culdrose, Cornwall, for the recent radar trials.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Agusta Westland AW.101 / EH-101 Merlin - International - 1987

  • Air International 2017-02 / I.Harding - A New Era /Military/
    Регистрационный номер: ZZ533

    The aim is to establish 16 Wildcat HMA2 flights by May 2017; 815 Naval Air Squadron with 12 and 825 NAS with four.

  • Air International 2017-02 / I.Harding - A New Era /Military/

    The first deployed flight of the Wildcat HMA2 on a nine-month Atlantic mission provided encouraging signs about the maturity of the aircraft and its stores support.

  • Air International 2011-07 / I.Harding - Wildcat with Lynx pedigree /Military/

    Prototype Wildcat T1 No.3 features an under nose radome. It will initially undertake communication systems testing and navigational work, before moving on to gather data for structural integrity tests.

  • Air International 2017-02 / I.Harding - A New Era /Military/
    Регистрационный номер: ZZ376

    Full operational capability is scheduled for 2018, but initial operating capability was declared in January 2015.

  • Air International 2012-02 / News
    Регистрационный номер: ZZ402   [4]

    Ship helicopter operating limits trials of the AgustaWestland AW159 Wildcat began in January 2012 using TI03 (ZZ402) and the Type 23 frigate HMS Iron Duke (F234) in the English Channel. The helicopter and warship are due to continue the tests throughout January and into early February. Just before Christmas, ZZ402 landed on HMS Iron Duke moored in Portsmouth Naval Base, Hampshire. A Wildcat first landed on a warship when one of the development aircraft alighted on the aviation training vessel RFA Argus off the south coast of England in November.

  • Air International 2017-02 / I.Harding - A New Era /Military/
    Регистрационный номер: ZZ397   [2]

    The current Lynx Wildcat Maritime Force will be become the Wildcat Maritime Force this year; the Lynx HMA8’s out of service date is scheduled for March 31,2017.

  • Air International 2018-09 / ??? - UK Air Power /Military/ (2)
    Регистрационный номер: ZZ397   [2]

    Wildcat HMA2 is one of 28 examples based at Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton, Somerset. Aircrew rate the type and are especially appreciative of the much reduced level of vibration experienced during operation by comparison to the former Lynx. Aircrew reckon the two stand out systems are the Selex Galileo Seaspray 7400E radar and its L3 Wescam MX-15Di imaging system.

  • Air International 2017-02 / I.Harding - A New Era /Military/

    A Wildcat HMA2 photographed flying above Chesil Beach in Dorset.

  • Air International 2015-11

    The AW159 is the new twin-engine multi-role, multi-mission, maritime aircraft, with advanced day/night all weather operational capability. In production for the UK Royal Navy, on time and on budget.

  • Air International 2021-10 / A.Drwiega - Going green

    The UK military has committed to reducing its carbon footprint through the use of biofuels across a number of its platforms, including the Wildcat helicopter

  • Air International 2021-12 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology, Space

    The 815 NAS Wildcat HMA2 fires the Martlet in the Bay of Bengal

  • Air International 2020-07 / News: Commercial, Military

    The Royal Navy revealed the missile was launched "in 0.3 seconds" before "accelerating to one and a half times the speed of sound"

  • Air International 2018-12 / Airscene

    The first of two anti-submarine AW159 Wildcat Mk220 helicopters destined for the Philippine Navy captured completing its initial test flight from Leonardo Helicopters' facility in Yeovil, Somerset, on November 1, 2018. A second flight took place on November 5, 2018. A spokesperson for the Philippines' Department of National Defense announced in January 2018 that its two AW159s will be based on two frigates, which are on order from Hyundai Heavy Industries, without further elaborating on weapons and surveillance systems for security reasons. It is expected that the helicopters will be delivered in early 2019.

  • Air International 2019-06 / Airscene

    Philippine Navy AW159 Wildcats departing the Leonardo Helicopters manufacturing facility at Yeovil on April 30, 2019, for the short flight to London Stansted.

  • Фотографии