Страна : США
Год : 1991
Тяжелый транспортный самолет с экипажем из 3 человек
Boeing C-17 Globemaster III
29 августа 1981 года компания "McDonnell Douglas" (с 1997 года вошедшая в "Boeing") была выбрана в качестве основного разработчика для проекта создания нового тяжелого транспортного самолета C-X по заказу ВВС США. Самолет достиг начальных эксплуатационных возможностей только в январе 1995 года. Благодаря ему повысились возможности США по стратегическим воздушным перевозкам.
Выигравший конкурс проект фирмы "McDonnell Douglas" был обозначен C-17A и позднее назван Globemaster III. Он имеет ставшую классической конфигурацию военно-транспортного самолета: высокорасположенное крыло, большой фюзеляж с приподнятой хвостовой частью, заднефюзеляжный грузовой трап и обтекатели по обе стороны фюзеляжа для основных опор шасси. На C-17 также установлены крыло с суперкритическим профилем и с винглетами на законцовках и эффективные турбовентиляторные двигатели. Работе с коротких ВПП частично способствует система двухщелевых закрылков со сдувом пограничного слоя, отработанная при создании самолета McDonnell Douglas YC-15.
Globemaster III может спокойно работать на аэродромах, ранее запрещенных для использования реактивными транспортными самолетами. Реверс тяги на двигателях F117, аналогичных двигателям авиалайнера Boeing 757, позволяет перемещаться назад по отлогому склону или развернуться на узкой полосе.
Экипаж C-17 состоит из 2 пилотов и оператора десантных и погрузочно-разгрузочных работ. Грузопассажирская кабина оборудована 102 сиденьями (54 из них откидные, остальные съемные) для перевозки десантников. В кабине можно разместить и другие грузы, такие как 48 носилок для лежачих раненых и 54 для сидячих больных и их сопровождающих, или три вертолета AH-64 Apache, или сбрасываемые платформы с грузом до 49 896 кг. Кабина экипажа оборудована четырьмя многофункциональными дисплеями и индикаторами отображения информации на фоне лобового стекла для каждого пилота. Управление полетом осуществляется электродистанционной системой, у пилотов ручки управления нового типа.
Единственный построенный прототип C-17A совершил свой первый полет 15 сентября 1991 года. Поставки в 17-ю транспортную эскадрилью, размещавшуюся на авиабазе Чарльстон (Южная Каролина), начались в июне 1993 года, и они постепенно заменяли C-141B StarLifter.
Все это происходило на фоне непрекращающейся критики и противодействия созданию самолета по внутриполитическим и финансовым причинам, которые уже привели к урезанию закупок C-17A с 210 до 120 самолетов, а в январе 1991 года число было уменьшено до 40. Однако постепенное снижение себестоимости и очевидные возможности нового транспортного самолета привели к увеличению общего количества поставок до 120 машин (к 2005 году), затем были добавлены еще 15 для подразделений специального назначения. Летом 2009 года администрация президента Обамы выделила дополнительное финансирование на постройку еще 8 машин C-17 для ВВС США, помимо уже профинансированных 205 машин. Еще три самолета дополнительно заложены в бюджет на 2010 год.
Находящиеся в эксплуатации C-17 постоянно подвергаются доработкам, а каждая партия новых машин представляла очередную модернизацию.
Экспортные заказы включали самолеты для ВВС Великобритании (сначала 4 были в лизинге, потом выкуплены вместе с покупкой 5-го модификации Block 17, позже закуплен шестой самолет), Австралии (4), Канады (3), НАТО (3, первый из которых поставлен 14 июля 2009 года) и Катара (2). Большую заинтересованность проявили Индия (до 10 самолетов) и Франция.
В апреле 2008 года ВВС США признали, что в операциях в поддержку объявленной войны с терроризмом применяли C-17 в тактическом плане гораздо больше, чем намечалось ранее. Реверс двигателей использовался гораздо чаще, так как приходилось пользоваться худшими аэродромами, чем предполагалось. В результате отмечено растрескивание обшивки самолета в некоторых местах, но это вполне поддается ремонту.
Компания "Boeing" также рассматривала создание гражданского варианта самолета под обозначением MD-17, но из этого ничего не вышло.
Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) C-17A Globemaster III
Тип: тяжелый транспортный самолет с экипажем из 3 человек
Силовая установка: четыре турбовентиляторных двигателя Pratt & Whitney F117-PW-100 с тягой по 181,04 кН
Летные характеристики: нормальная крейсерская скорость 816 км/ч на высоте 8535 м; практический потолок 13 715 м; дальность 8704 км в перегоночном полете без дозаправки в полете или 4445 км с полезной нагрузкой 72 576 кг без дозаправки в полете
Масса: пустого 125 647 кг; максимальная взлетная 265 356 кг
Размеры: размах крыла 51,76 м с винглетами; длина 53,04 м; высота 16,79 м; площадь крыла 353,02 м;
Полезная нагрузка: до 76 658 кг
- Описание
Air International 1993-03 / ??? - C-17 - High-tech 'lifter from Long Beach
Piloted by McDonnell Douglas test pilot Bill Casey with Lt Col George London of the USAF as co-pilot, C-17 87-0025 lifts off from Long Beach Airport on its first flight. The date was September 15, 1991, and the aircraft successfully completed a two hour 24 minute flight before touching down at Edwards Air Force Base to to begin its flight test programme.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2021-11 / А.Фирсов, А.Юргенсон - Тот самый C-17
Прототип самолета C-17
Мировая Авиация 111
T-1, первый серийный C-17, оставляет инверсионный след в небе над авиабазой Эдвардс в Калифорнии. Это единственная машина, получившая характерный камуфляж, известный как "lizard green".
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15 сентября 1991г.: первый полет McDonnell Douglas C-17 ознаменовал революцию в плане грузоподъемности парка военно-транспортных самолетов ВВС США.
Air International 1993-03 / ??? - C-17 - High-tech 'lifter from Long Beach
Close-up on prototype McDonnell Douglas C-17A 87-0025 during an air-to-air refuelling sortie.
Air International 1993-03 / ??? - C-17 - High-tech 'lifter from Long Beach
First aerial refuelling with a KC-10 and the prototype C-17 was made on September 23, 1992. Trials with a Boeing KC-135 tanker were also flown but the C-17's sensitivity in roll, pitch and yaw while behind the Stratotanker required some modification to the software in the flight control system.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas KC-10 Extender - США - 1981
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Для быстрой доставки мобильных сил в кризисные точки C-17 широко используют дозаправку в воздухе. На снимке прототип T-1 во время "сухих" заправочных испытаний вместе с танкером KC-135 Stratotanker.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker / C-135 Stratolifter - США - 1956
Air International 1993-03 / ??? - C-17 - High-tech 'lifter from Long Beach
Tufted to record airflow patterns, the first production C-17 88-0265 underwent loading trials in late-1992 with an M60 main battle tank and later flew with the vehicle inside the cargo hold.
Air International 1993-03 / ??? - C-17 - High-tech 'lifter from Long Beach
Aircraft P-4 undergoing pre-first flight check-out at Long Beach. Initial operational capability with the Air Force is expected in late-1994.
Air International 2013-07 / C.Kjelgaard - A Time of Transition /Technology/
Future F117 production will largely rely on the C-17A Globemaster winning additional orders from overseas.
Air International 2017-09 / ??? - What does the Future Hold for Military Airlift? /Military/
A C-17 Globemaster III showing the essence of airlift.
Air International 2019-11 / M.Ayton - School days /Military/
Sand stuck to the underside fuselage of a C-17A Globemaster III indicates this aircraft has undertaken desert strip landings during Operation Coyote.The flow patterns of sand show were debris collects during austere landing operations.
Air International 2017-05 / Airscene
NATO operates a Heavy Airlift Wing equipped with three C-17A Globemaster IIIs from Papa Air Base, Hungary.
Air International 1996-03 / D.Allport - Military transport aircraft directory (1)
USAF/437th Airlift Wing C-17A Globemaster III 93-0602 gets airborne from Barstow/Daggett Field, California, demonstrating its shortfield performance. After much political indecision, the aircraft now seems set to become the mainstay of the USAF’s long-range and intra-theatre cargo transport fleet.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-03 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - MILITARY
Take-off by a Boeing C-17A Globemaster III of 437th Airlift Wing (1999)
Air International 2014-06 / K.van der Mark - Securing the Summit /Military/
USAF C-17A Globemaster III from Stewart-based 105th Airlift Wing, New York Air National Guard, was one of many US aircraft supporting President Obama's presence at the summit.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2021-11 / А.Фирсов, А.Юргенсон - Тот самый C-17
На этом снимке видно, что основные стойки шасси убираются в свои ниши с поворотом на 90 градусов
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Даже после окончания холодной войны ВВС США регулярно проводят учения, сценарии которых включают применение химического оружия. Данный C-17 принимает участие в таком учении - операции " Wildfire".
Air Pictorial 1994-08 / B.Maidment - Mildenhall's Air Fete '94
Highly expensive and previously plagued with problems that are now behind it, the C-17 was an impressive performer.
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Довоенный C-47 (военный вариант DC-3), принадлежащий Отису Шпункмайеру, сфотографирован на фоне взлетающего Boeing C-17 Globemaster III.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Douglas DC-3 / C-47 Skytrain/С-53 Skytrooper / Dakota - США - 1935
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C-17 из 74-й транспортной эскадрильи выполняет учебный полет над Атлантическим океаном (2006 год). Эскадрилья принадлежит 437-му транспортному авиакрылу, базирующемуся в Южной Каролине.
Air International 1993-03 / ??? - C-17 - High-tech 'lifter from Long Beach
In Air Mobility Command service, the C-17 Globemaster III will carry the latest all-grey colour scheme and low-visibility markings as shown here on P-1 88-0265, pictured during its first flight on May 18, 1992.
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C-17A из 437-го авиатранспортного авиакрыла, дислоцированного в Чарльстоне, сфотографирован в полете над городским мостом.
Air International 1996-07 / A.Pearcy - Douglas Globemaster Family
Globemaster III P-13/92-3293 was delivered a day earlier than the contract date of June 30, 1994. It was one of 12 Globemaster IIIs from the 437th Military Airlift Wing which took part in the month-long evaluation exercise, during July-August 1995, into RAF Mildenhall from the USA.
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Грузовая кабина С 17А имеет длину 26,82 м (включая задний трап) при минимальной ширине 5,49 ми высоте 3,76 м.
Air International 2007-05 / News: Headline, Military, Civil
USAF/412nd Test Wing/418th Flight Test Squadron C-17A Globemaster III 87-0025 'ED' (c/n T1), the first C-17A ever produced, flies over Owens Valley, California, during a sortie from its base at Edwards on March 22, 2017. The aircraft returned to Edwards on March 16 after a major upgrade at San Antonio, Texas, to enable it to continue test work for a further 15 years.
Air International 2020-10 / M.Keaveney - Boeing's Big Fix
C-17A 07-7173 operated by 436th Air Wing at Dover Air Force Base, on the Delmarva Peninsula
Air International 2007-07 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
USAF C-17A Globemaster III 99-0169 'AK'/'Spirit of Denali' over the Alaska Range en route to Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska, on June 11, 2007 to become the first of the type with the 3rd Wing, replacing C-130H Hercules at the base.
Air International 2020-10 / M.Keaveney - Boeing's Big Fix
C-17A 05-5141 of the 452nd Air Mobility Wing, March Air Reserve Base, California
Air International 2015-01 / News
C-17A Globemaster III 03-3121 from the 418th Flight Test Squadron seen on a low-level test flight from Edwards Air Force Base in California. The aircraft recently suffered a mishap while flying an airdrop mission and is currently under repair at Edwards. It was probably testing equipment for the Special Operations Low Level II mission suite fitted to modified aircraft and used by an elite group of C-17 crews based at Charleston Air Force Base, South Carolina. Details of the modifications remain classified but are believed to include communication and lighting systems.
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C-17 Globemaster III из 437-го транспортного авиакрыла в полете над Чарльстоном, Южная Каролина. Первые серийные C-17 были развернуты на авиабазе Чарльстон.
Air International 2008-11 / B.Gunston - Fuel for the Future /Technology/
A USAF C-17A Globemaster III over New York City towards the end of the first transcontinental flight using synthetic fuel. The airlifter had departed from McChord AFB in Washington State to McGuire AFB in New Jersey
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Группа C-17 Globemaster III в ходе одного из первых испытательных полетов строем, июнь 1992 года. Снимок сделан неподалеку от авиабазы Эдвардс.
Air International 2008-01 / B.Archer - Boeing's Global Airlifter /Military/
Dispatch reliability of the C-17 is around 98%, an outstanding achievement for a military aircraft. This, together with a worldwide support service from Boeing for the global fleet of C-17s (not just USAF aircraft) has given the Globemaster III an enviable availability record.
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Парк C-17 обеспечивает ВВС США уникальные возможности по перевозке грузов и личного состава, но командование не видит необходимости в закупке дополнительного количества самолетов, считая нынешний парк вполне достаточным.
Air International 2002-07 / Airscene
Eight of the 12 C-17A Globemaster IIIs which flew a multiship formation over downtown Charleston, South Carolina, the Ashley River and Charleston AFB on May 14, 2002 during an airdrop training flight. This marked the largest ever formation of C-17As flown to date.
Мировая Авиация 111
Парашютисты 82-й воздушно-десантной дивизии опускаются на землю. Для проведения десантных операций пришлось немного доработать конструкцию дверей C-17.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-03 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - MILITARY
Trial by one of five C-17As fitted with flare dispensers for self-defence (1999)
Air International 2012-01 / News
A US Air Force Boeing C-17A Globemaster III launches flares from its AN/AAQ-24 Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures system over the Nevada Test and Training Range on November 16, 2011, during a Mobility Air Forces Exercise (MAFEX). MAFEX is run twice a year by the US Air Force Weapons School to test the abilities of Globemaster and C-130 Hercules aircrews.
Air International 2008-01 / R.Dorr - USAF Pacific Forces - Reinforcing the Rim /Military/
Boeing C-17A Globemaster III 05-5146, 'Spirit of Hawaii' of the 204th Airlift Squadron was the first of eight of the type to be assigned to Hickam AFB. The airlifter is pictured being escorted by two F-15A MSIPs of the 199th Fighter Squadron, Hawaii ANG. This latter unit now operates F-15Cs.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F-15A/C Eagle - США - 1972
Мировая Авиация 115
Самолет Globemaster может долететь до любой точки мира на одной заправке топливом во внутренних баках, которая может быть дополнена дозаправкой самолетов в воздухе. Этот C-17 из крыла HAW заправляется от голландского заправщика KDC-10.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas KC-10 Extender - США - 1981
Air International 2017-10 / J.Dunn - Mobility Guardian /Military/
A C-17A Globemaster III assigned to the 62nd Airlift Wing, approaches a Royal Australian Air Force KC-30A for aerial refueling.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A330 MRTT / KC-30 Voyager - International - 2007
Air International 2008-01 / B.Archer - Boeing's Global Airlifter /Military/
Air refuelling can be used to increase the 6,100nm range of the models containing an extended-range fuel tank system, but this capability is not used by the RAF. Due to their high demand for operational tasks, the RAF’s four C-17s cannot be spared for other than essential crew training and the aircrafts' unrefuelled range is quite adequate for their present roles.
Авиация и Время 2001-06 / В.Романенко - Бомбы для диктатуры Талибана
При обеспечении боевых действий на удаленном театре транспортные C-17 проявили себя блестяще
Авиация и Космонавтика 2018-07 / С.Дроздов - В небе Эстонии
C-17 приземляется на авиабазе Эмари в Эстонии
Air International 2013-03 / News
Boeing C-17A Globemaster III 93-0600 (b/n P-16) is one of the first examples of the transporter assigned to the 164th Airlift Wing of the Tennessee Air National Guard (ANG) at Memphis ANG Base. It previously flew with the 62nd Airlift Wing from McChord AFB, Washington. The unit transitioned to the new aircraft on February 2, 2013, having received its initial Globemaster on December 18. Eight C-17As will be delivered to the Wing by the end of 2014 to replace its Lockheed C-5A Galaxies.
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C-17 из 446-го транспортного авиакрыла Резерва ВВС, дислоцирующегося на объединенной базе Льюис, - Мак-Хорд, выполняет посадку, с отработкой элементов воздушно-штурмовой операции на аэродроме Холланд базы Форт-Брэгг в 2000 году.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2021-11 / А.Фирсов, А.Юргенсон - Тот самый C-17
Самолет C-17 производит посадку с включенным реверсом тяги
Air International 1996-07 / A.Pearcy - Douglas Globemaster Family
Rough-field operations are an important logistical aspect of the C-17’s capabilities. Globemaster III 92-3293 is seen landing with a 56,700kg tank on board at the simulated forward operating base located at Bicycle Lake Army Airfield, Fort Irwin, California. The aircraft required only 854m of runway.
Air International 2007-05 / J.Lake - Fighting Tomorrow's Wars with Yesterday's Aircraft /Military/
Boeing’s C-17 Globemaster III is a type that is proving well-suited to the post-Cold War world with it being required to operate into many austere and space limited airfields. This C-17 demonstrates its rough field capabilities at Fort Irwin, California.
Авиация и Время 2008-03 / А.Хаустов - "Над нами "Мессеры" кружили..."
C-17 демонстрирует свои возможности
Авиация и Космонавтика 2021-11 / А.Фирсов, А.Юргенсон - Тот самый C-17
Американские самолеты C-17
Air International 2013-10 / News
Boeing C-17A Globemaster III 10-0223 (bln P-223) has the distinction of being the final example ordered for the US Air Force. It is seen at Long Beach Airport, California, prior to delivery.
Air International 2008-01 / B.Archer - Boeing's Global Airlifter /Military/
Boeing C-17 87-0025 was the first Globemaster III to fly, making its maiden flight on September 15, 1991, and is now helping to pave the way to a 'greener future', by reducing the need for 'natural' jet fuel. Flight tests are being carried out from Edwards Air Force Base, with the engines burning a Fischer-Tropsch synthetic fuel blend.
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Возможно, хотя и маловероятно, что ВВС других стран Европы все же смогут действовать подобно британским ВВС и крылу HAW. В марте 2009 года Франция официально запросила у фирмы "Boeing" информацию по расценкам на самолеты C-17 из-за пробуксовки программы A400M.
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15 октября 1999 года C-17A из 7-й авиатранспортной эскадрильи 62-го авиакрыла (авиабаза Мак-Корд) первым из Globemaster III совершил посадку в Антарктиде.
Air International 2017-10 / J.Dunn - Mobility Guardian /Military/
C-17A Globemaster III 99-0166 being prepared for a mission during Exercise Mobility Guardian at Joint Base Lewis-McChord.
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Самолет ВВС США C-17A Globemaster III разогревает двигатели на льду Антарктиды. Этот самолет участвовал в операции "Deep Freeze" в Антарктиде, проводившейся США начиная с 1955 года.
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C-17 из состава тяжелого авиатранспортного крыла НАТО доставил в Афганистан необходимые средства обеспечения. Это крыло, сформированное в 2009 году, базируется на венгерской авиабазе Папа.
Air International 2011-08 / News
Entrenched in Congressional legislation, the US Air Force could receive a 224th C-17A Globemaster.
Air International 2021-06 / J.van der Biezen, S.van Roij - Going Dutch
To meet the demand for strategic air transport, use is also made of the Boeing C-17 Globemaster III from the Strategic Airlift Capability (SAC). The image shows one of the SAC C-17s with a McDonnell Douglas KDC-10 in the background at Eindhoven Airbase, the place from where the European Air Transport Command ensures more efficient distribution of air assets
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas KC-10 Extender - США - 1981
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Погрузка в 1992 году основного боевого танка M1A1 Abrams была серьезным испытанием, но C-17A его выдержал с честью.
Мировая Авиация 28
Открытая грузовая рампа самолета C-17.
Air International 2019-10 / M.Ayton - Anti-access, area denial and artifical intelligence /Military/
A M142 vehicle drives out of a C-17A Globemaster III during a HIMARS raid at Fort Greely.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2021-11 / А.Фирсов, А.Юргенсон - Тот самый C-17
Вид на грузовой отсек C-17A
Air International 2019-10 / M.Ayton - Anti-access, area denial and artifical intelligence /Military/
Marines with 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines, Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force 7, conduct a notional raid on Fort Greely, Alaska using Polaris MRZR 4 vehicles.
Air International 1996-07 / A.Pearcy - Douglas Globemaster Family
An example of the impressive load carrying capability of the Globemaster III: front to rear; are two HUMVEES, an M110A2 self-propelled howitzer weighing 28,350kg, a 2.5 tonne truck and trailer and a 10 tonne Oshkosh truck.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2024-01 / Е.Арчаков - История 86-го Гвардейского истребителльного авиаполка
Проданный в США МиГ-29УБ ВВС Молдовы б/н 61 грузят в ВТС ВВС США, ноябрь 1997 г.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: МиГ МиГ-29УБ - Россия - 1981
Авиация и Время 2012-04 / С.Дроздов - На руинах Великого и Могучего (4)
Погрузка бывшего молдавского МиГ-29 на борт транспортного самолета C-17 для доставки в США. 28 октября 1997 г.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: МиГ МиГ-29УБ - Россия - 1981
Air International 2008-04 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Australian Army CH-47D A15-106 from C Squadron of the 5th Aviation Regiment at Townsville, Queensland, is unloaded from a C-17A at Kandahar, Afghanistan, on February 8, 2008. The helicopter is one of two redeployed to the country for a second tour of duty as part of Operation Slipper, the Australian contribution to coalition operations in Afghanistan. Since their previous deployment, which ended in April 2007, the Chinooks have undergone engine upgrades and deep maintenance. They have also been equipped with an enhanced level of ballistic protection, together with advanced communications equipment.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing-Vertol CH-47 Chinook - США - 1961
Air International 2016-08 / Airscene
One of the three new Australian Army CH-47F Chinooks delivered to Australia in June 2016 being unloaded from a US Air Force C-17A at RAAF Base Townsville.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing-Vertol CH-47 Chinook - США - 1961
Air International 2013-09 / R.Niccoli - Nemo in Afghanistan /Military/
Five C-17A flights were required to transport the INH90 quintet to Afghanistan.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: NH Industries NH-90 - International - 1995
Air International 2019-01 / J.Gunner - King Stallion /Military/
As well as being a formidable cargo carrier itself the CH-53K is air-transportable aboard US Air Force C-17A and C-5M aircraft.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion - США - 2015
Air International 2019-01 / Airscene
A UH-60M Black Hawk helicopter destined for Tunisia being unloaded from a US Air Force C-17A Globemaster III.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk / S-70 - США - 1974
Air International 2006-08 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents, Airshow
With the planned closure of Naval Air Station Keflavik, Iceland, the US Air Force's resident 56th Rescue Squadron and its HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters have begun relocation to RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk. The first two helicopters were flown in to their new home on board USAF C-17As on June 12, 2006 and 13, whilst the unit's remaining three HH-60Gs will follow over the coming months to bring it back up to full strength. The last two Pave Hawks will remain in Iceland until mid-September to provide back-up support and training before finally moving to the UK. The 56th has been officially under the control of the 48th Fighter Wing at Lakenheath for around a year now, but is also now co-located with its parent unit. The first HH-60G, 89-26206 'IS', is seen here being unloaded from a C-17A at Lakenheath on June 12. It is assumed the 'IS' tail code will be replaced by 'LN' in due course.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk / S-70 - США - 1974
Air International 2014-12 / K.van der Mark - Days of the Jackal /Military/
HSC-84’s Sikorsky HH-60H Rescue Hawk BuNo 163791/‘NW201 ’ at Leeuwarden shortly after the helicopter was unloaded from C-17A Globemaster 02-1101 from the 437th Air Mobility Wing.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk / S-70 - США - 1974
Air International 2013-04 / News
Two Sikorsky Hkp 16 (UH-60M) Black Hawks of Sweden's Defence Helicopter Wing were airfreighted to Afghanistan aboard a Boeing C-17A Globemaster III on March 12, 2013 (including 161231/'06', seen here). They will take over from two Eurocopter Hkp 10D (AS332) Super Pumas, which have been flying medevac missions from Mazar-e-Sharif since April 1, 2011. The Hkp 16s were acquired in December 2010 primarily for this mission after it became clear that NHIndustries Hkp 14s (NH90s) would not be ready for deployment. The first Black Hawks were delivered to Sweden in January 2012.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk / S-70 - США - 1974
Air International 2014-03 / News
Loading on to an RAF C-17A Taranis UCAV ZZ173 at Warton on May 18, 2013.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: BAe Taranis - Великобритания - 2013
Авиация и Космонавтика 2021-11 / А.Фирсов, А.Юргенсон - Тот самый C-17
Вид на грузовой отсек C-17A
Air International 2013-10 / P.Butowski - Maxing Out at MAKS /Military/
TS13 included the first tactical 'interfly' mission flown by C-17s from two nations.
Air International 2017-10 / J.Dunn - Mobility Guardian /Military/
US Air Force C-17A Globemaster III's on the flight line as a KC-10 Extender takes off, at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas KC-10 Extender - США - 1981
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-07 / С.Дроздов - Военная авиация Кыргызстана
Американские военно-транспортные самолеты C-17 на авиабазе Манас
Мировая Авиация 168
Днем и ночью эти C-17 готовы к немедленной погрузке и полету в район, где возник очередной кризис. Причем благодаря новой автоматизированной системе погрузку/разгрузку может выполнять один оператор.
Air International 2021-11 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology, Space
Boeing intends to reduce the maintenance cost per flight hour of the C-17 fleet
Мировая Авиация 168
Пара C-17A из 437-го транспортного авиакрыла сфотографирована на авиабазе Рейн-Майн, Франкфурт, 1995 год. Они перевозят грузы в Боснию в рамках операции "Joint Endeavor".
Air International 2020-10 / M.Keaveney - Boeing's Big Fix
Work continues outside on the flight line. This C-17 05-5150 is from the 15th Airlift Wing in Hawaii
Авиация и Космонавтика 2012-01 / С.Йоканович - Золотые Орлы
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Aerospatiale Gazelle / SA.341/SA.342 - Франция - 1967
Air International 2020-01 / Conferences and Events
Conferences and events bring together some of the biggest names in the industry, presenting the latest aircraft and technologies to potential investors, buyers and operators.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A300ST Beluga - International - 1994Airbus A380 / A3XX - International - 2005Boeing P-8 Poseidon - США - 2009Lockheed C-130J Super Hercules - США - 1996
Air International 1994-10 / Farnborough Airscene
General overview of part of the static park with the US military contingent dominating, including the new Gulfstream C-20G to the right and C-17A on the left while the Airbus A330 and A340 are prominent behind.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A330 - International - 1992Airbus A340 - International - 1991Gulfstream Gulfstream IV/V/G450/G500/G550 - США - 1985
Мир Авиации 2003-02 / ??? /Очевидец/
Аэропорт Душанбе, конец апреля 2002г. Аэродром используется авиацией коалиции для обслуживания своих военных контингентов в Афганистане. Французы дислоцируются в Душанбе постоянно, а американцы используют аэропорт как аэродром подскока. Посадка C-17 USAF.
Мир Авиации 2003-02 / ??? /Очевидец/
Аэропорт Душанбе, конец апреля 2002г. Аэродром используется авиацией коалиции для обслуживания своих военных контингентов в Афганистане. Французы дислоцируются в Душанбе постоянно, а американцы используют аэропорт как аэродром подскока. Заход на посадку американского C-17.
Мировая Авиация 117
Австралийский C-17 поднял облако красной пыли при взлете с аэродрома Накеру полигона Брэдшоу. Военные построили аэродром в 2007 году менее чем за месяц.
Air International 2011-11 / News
C-17A Globemaster III A41-210 is seen departing Long Beach in California on September 14, 2011 on its delivery flight to Australia.
Air International 2007-06 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Boeing C-17A A41-207 (USAF/07-0207), the second aircraft for the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), lifts off the runway at Long Beach, California, at 1137hrs on May 11, 2007 at the commencement of its delivery flight to Australia. The aircraft had been formally handed-over to the RAAF earlier that morning. The RAAF's first C-17A joined 36 Squadron at RAAF Base Amberley, Queensland, in December and the remaining two will be delivered in 2008.
Air International 2006-12 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents, Special report
Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) C-17A Globemaster III A41-206 (c/n P166) lifts off from Long Beach Airport, California, at 1103hrs on November 7, 2006 for its first flight. The aircraft, the first of four for the RAAF, is due to be formally handed-over on November 28.
Мировая Авиация 117
C-17 в целом удовлетворяет потребностям Австралии в стратегических транспортных перевозках, однако его подвергают критике за недостаточную дальность при максимальной загрузке. В случае успеха программы A400M на мировом рынке появится новый конкурент для C-17 и C-130J.
Air International 2007-01 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
The RAAF's first C-17A Globemaster III. A41-206 (c/n P.166, USAF/06-0206), makes a low flypast over the suburbs of Canberra after departing RAAF Base Fairbairn on December 6, 2006 for RAAF Base Amberley, where the aircraft will be based with 36 Squadron.
Air International 2008-01 / B.Archer - Boeing's Global Airlifter /Military/
The Royal Australian Air Force's first C-17A, A41-206, flies over the Australian parliament building in Canberra on December 6, 2006, following its delivery flight from the USA. The type is replacing C-130 Hercules with 36 Squadron at RAAF Base Amberley, Queensland.
Air International 2023-01 / T.Fish - Keeping up the pace
EA-18G Growlers from No 6 Squadron and F/A-18F Super Hornets from No 1 Squadron flying with a C-17A Globemaster III from No 36 Squadron off the coast of Queensland
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing EA-18G Growler - США - 2006McDonnell Douglas F/A-18F Super Hornet - США - 1995
Air International 2023-01 / T.Fish - Keeping up the pace
A RAAF C-17 Globemaster III (front) and a USAF C-17 during aerial manoeuvres around the Hawaiian islands as part of Exercise Global Dexterity 2022 in May 2022
Air International 2013-10 / N.Pittaway - Talisman Saber 2013 /Military/
A Royal Australian Air Force loadmaster watches another C-17A during a four-ship tactical airdrop 'interfly' mission flown with US Air Force C-17s.
Air International 2012-12 / News
Boeing C-17A Globemaster III A41-211 touches down at RAAF Base Amberley, Queensland, on November 6, 2012 at the end of its delivery flight from Long Beach, California.
Мировая Авиация 117
Австралийский C-17 и вертолет Ми-8 на авиабазе Тарин Коут в Афганистане. Успех стран, принимающих участие в операции в Афганистане, зависит от эффективной работы C-17 всех стран-участниц коалиции.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-8МТ / Ми-17 - Россия - 1975
Air International 2016-01 / News
Royal Australian Air Force C-17A Globemaster A41-208 at Wilkins Aerodrome in Antarctica. The C-17A flew 3,450km (2,143 miles), landing at Wilkins Aerodrome near Casey station on November 21, 2015 where it unloaded cargo, including a brand new Haggiunds vehicle. The mission was one in a series of proof of concept flights being trialed by the Royal Australian Air Force and Australian Antarctic Division, the remaining flights are scheduled to take place through to February 2016.
Air International 2016-12 / Airscene
Royal Australian Air Force C-17A A41-206 from 36 Squadron based at RAAF Amberley featuring a 14ft (4.3m) white ribbon containing the words 'I Swear' on each side of the fuselage arrived at Amsterdam-Schiphol International Airport, in the Netherlands on November 2, 2016.
Air International 2014-12 / News
The first Royal Australian Navy MH-60R Seahawk to arrive in the country, N48-003/168816 ‘03', is moved towards a hangar at HMAS Albatross, Nowra, New South Wales, on October 14, 2014 after being unloaded from RAAF C-17A Globemaster III A41-211 in torrential rain and gale force winds.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky SH-60 Sea Hawk / S-70B - США - 1979
Air International 2011-08 / News
The announcement to procure a fifth C-17A Globemaster for the Royal Australian Air Force leaves the future of the C-130 fleet open to conjecture.
Air International 2006-11 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents, Airshow
Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) C-17A Globemaster III A41-206 (c/n P.166) is prepared for roll out of the paint shop at Long Beach, California, on October 6, 2006 after being sprayed up in full RAAF markings, including 36 Squadron’s stallion emblem on the fin. The aircraft is the first of four Block 17 C-17As scheduled for delivery to 36 Squadron and was due to make its first flight towards the end of October, followed by formal hand-over on November 28. It was then due to fly initially to Canberra for a welcoming ceremony, before being delivered to its permanent base at Amberley in early December. The second aircraft is scheduled to follow in 2007 and the final two in 2008.
Air International 2014-10 / News
RAAF Boeing C-17A Globemaster III A41-210 (b/n F239, ex 11-0210) on the taxiway at Tirana Airport in Albania on September 4, 2014 awaits a load of military stores for Iraqi forces fighting Islamic State militants. A US Air Force C-17A sits behind it.
Air International 2014-10 / News
Two more C-17 As could join the Royal Australian Air Force's current fleet of six.
Мировая Авиация 117
В канадских ВВС самолеты Globemaster получили обозначение CC-177, они привлекаются к обеспечению канадского контингента в Афганистане и в рамках гуманитарных операций.
Air International 2008-05 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
The Canadian Forces accepted the fourth and final CC-177 (C-17A Globemaster III), 177704 (c/n F187, ex N9500R), at Long Beach, California, on April 3, 2008. After final modifications at the Boeing facility in San Antonio, Texas, the aircraft will be flown to Canadian Forces' Base Trenton, Ontario, to join the other three CC-177s already in service with 429 Squadron. The final CC-177 is seen here returning to Long Beach after a test flight on March 20.
Air International 2008-01 / B.Archer - Boeing's Global Airlifter /Military/
'Canada One’, the Canadian Forces' first CC-177 (C-17A), 177701, on final approach to Canadian Forces Base Trenton, Ontario, during a training flight from the base on September 5, 2007. Canada's C-17s are operated by 429 'Bisons' Transport Squadron, which was re-established at Trenton under 8 Wing on July 18, 2007, to operate the type.
Air International 2007-09 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Boeing C-17A/CC-177 Globemaster III 177701, the first of four for the Canadian Forces, seen shortly after arrival on August 12, 2007 at its new home, 8 Wing at Canadian Forces Base Trenton, where it will be operated by 429 Squadron.
Air International 2016-10 / H.-P.Grolleau - Powerful, Agile, Integrated /Military/
The Royal Canadian Air Force commander is very happy with the decision to purchase the C-17 Globemaster III, which gives the service an invaluable capability to carry heavy loads over long distances.
Air International 2008-07 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Delivery of Canada's final pair of CC-177 Globemaster Ills completes the revitalisation of its armed forces' heavylift capability. Both of the new aircraft were delivered with LAIRCM in place, while the original two have now gone to San Antonio to have defensive systems installed.
Air International 2007-07 / D.Carrara - Boeing's Buoyant Defence Business /Military/
In a ceremony on the Boeing production line at Long Beach, California, on April 4, 2007, final assembly commenced of the first of four C-17As that will be flown by 8 Wing of the Canadian Forces at CFB Trenton, Ontario. The four major sections of the aircraft, CA1 (c/n F177), were joined together in front of a crowd of Canadian military and civilian dignitaries, Canadian media and Boeing employees. Canadian aircrew and maintainers have already been training for several months on the type and the first aircraft is on scheduled for delivery to Canada in August.
Canada was the third international customer that Boeing secured for the C-17, with an order for four aircraft. This is the first of that country's Globemaster IIIs and is nearing completion, with delivery set for August 2007. The company hopes to add to its C-17 client base via an order from NATO by the end of the year.
Air International 2012-05 / News
Boeing C-17A Globemaster III N9500N (build number P-217, ex 10-0217) is believed to be the eighth example for the RAF. The civil registration had previously been used for test flights of C-17As for foreign customers, including Canada, Qatar and the UAE. The transport is seen taking off from Daugherty Field/Long Beach Airport, California, on March 21, 2012.
Air International 2008-04 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Boeing C-17A Globemaster III ZZ175 (c/n F185, USAF/07-0205), also wearing temporary US civil test registration N9500Z, takes off on its first flight from Long Beach, California, on February 22, 2008. The aircraft, the fifth for the Royal Air Force, was flown to San Antonio, Texas, where final completion, including installation of its defensive aids suite, will be carried out prior to delivery. The aircraft is expected to arrive at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, on April 7 to join the other four C-17As already in service with 99 Squadron. A wing-body join ceremony for the sixth RAF aircraft was also held at Long Beach on February 22 and this example is currently scheduled for delivery to Brize Norton on June 11.
Air International 2022-03 / A.Drwiega - Economies of scale
Boeing has recently been awarded a multi-million-pound contract to help maintain the fleet of C-17 Globemaster strategic airlifters
Air International 2018-09 / ??? - UK Air Power /Military/ (2)
C-17 Globemaster ZZ171 lands at Keevil airfield, Wiltshire. Aircraft ZZ171 was the first to be delivered to the RAF in May 2001. Following a heavy operational tempo over the past 17+ years, the RAF's C-17 fleet has burned through its individual aircraft service lives at rates not envisioned when the aircraft were ordered.
Air International 2017-05 / Airscene
C-17As ZZ171 and ZZ176 operated between RAF Brize Norton and Keevil.
Air International 2008-02 / J.Lake - RAF at 90 - A Gathering Storm? /Military/ (2)
An undoubted success has been the C-17A Globemaster III, four of which serve with 99 Sqn at RAF Brize Norton. As a result, the aircraft are to be purchased outright from Boeing, previously they were on lease, and a further two examples have been ordered.
Air International 2017-07 / I.Harding - Air Mobility OCU /Military/
Captured departing RAF Brize Norton, the C-17 gives the Royal Air Force a long-range strategic heavy-lift transport aircraft that offers the ability to project and sustain a force close to a potential area of operations for combat, peacekeeping or humanitarion missions worldwide.
Air International 2019-03 / I.Harding - UK strategic lift /Military/
Sunset arrival at RAF Brize Norton.
Air International 2019-03 / I.Harding - UK strategic lift /Military/
The Royal Air Force’s C-17 Globemaster III fleet is an important component of the UK Joint Rapid Reaction Force. A No.99 Squadron C-17 cuts an imposing shape as it departs from Brize Norton on another mission.
The C-17 Globemaster III has a wingspan to the tips of the winglets of 169ft 9in, a height to the tip of the tail of 55ft lin, a fuselage diameter of 22ft 6in, an overall length of 174ft, with a maximum take-off weight of 585,000b; short work for the four Pratt & Whitney F117-PW-100 turbofan engines, each rated at 40,400lb of thrust. -
Air International 2021-08 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology, Space
The synthetic training contract will run through to the expected out-of-service date of the aircraft in 2040
Air International 2019-03 / I.Harding - UK strategic lift /Military/
RAF Brize Norton's mission is around the clock, 365 days per year requiring flight lines, taxiways and the runway to be fully serviceable even during heavy snowfall.
Air International 2001-07 / Airscene
Seen on the apron at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, on May 23, 2001, shortly after delivery from the USA, is the first C-17A Globemaster for the RAF, ZZ171. Note the US-style presentation of the RAF serial on the nose, with the last four of the USAF serial below in smaller numerals.
Air International 2022-02 / R.Thomas - Having to do more with less
The C-17 (left), C-130J (centre), and A400M (right) form the backbone of the UK's fixed-wing military transport capability. But with the C-130J leaving service next year, how will the remainder fare?
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A400M - International - 2009Lockheed C-130J Super Hercules - США - 1996
Air International 2017-05 / Airscene
C-17A ZZ176 parked on a hardstand at Keevil Airfield with troops from the 2nd Battalion, the Parachute Regiment.
Air International 2016-06 / I.Harding - Arctic Wildcat /Military/
A Wildcat AH1 being loaded into an RAF C-17A Globemaster III for transportation to the UK.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Agusta Westland AW.159 Lynx Wildcat / Future Lynx - International - 2009
Air International 2021-12 / News: Commercial, Military
The RAND report has studied the potential threats to the UK’s sovereign air mobility fleet, suggesting that alternative solutions will have to be found for operations in permissive environments
Air International 2019-03 / I.Harding - UK strategic lift /Military/
Measuring 12ft 5in wide, a Chinook helicopter is a large item of cargo to fit on board a C-17. Note the forward wheels are positioned immediately forward of the cargo ramp.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing-Vertol CH-47 Chinook - США - 1961
Air International 2017-05 / Airscene
An Apache AH1 being unloaded from a C-17A on March 29, 2017.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas AH-64D Apache Longbow - США - 1991
Air International 2022-02 / R.Thomas - Having to do more with less
The cavernous hold of the C-17 is able to transport aircraft across strategic distances, and is among the largest transport aircraft the UK has in its inventory
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Aerospatiale Puma / SA.330 - Франция - 1965
Air International 2021-01 / News: Commercial, Military
Army Air Corps AH-64E ZM704 being unloaded from RAF C-17A Globemaster III ZZ177 at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, on November 24, 2020. The helicopter was one of two arriving on that date, both of which were moved by road to the AAC base at Wattisham, Suffolk, two days later.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas AH-64D Apache Longbow - США - 1991
Air International 2019-03 / I.Harding - UK strategic lift /Military/
During the UK's campaign in Afghanistan under Operation Herrick, 99 Squadron regularly airlifted Apache AH1 attack helicopters in and out of theatre.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas AH-64 Apache - США - 1975
Air International 2019-03 / I.Harding - UK strategic lift /Military/
A creative image depicting a k-loader positioning at the cargo ramp to load bundles of cargo on board ZZ176.
Air International 2014-12 / News
The eighth Indian Air Force Boeing C-17A Globemaster III, CB-8008, arriving in the UK at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, on October 31, 2014 during its delivery flight.
Air International 2013-12 / News
The fourth Boeing C-17A Globemaster III for the Indian Air Force (CB-8004, bln F261 ex 11-0104) left Long Beach, California, on October 19б 2013 on its delivery flight to Hindon, near Delhi. It transited through RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire (where it is seen on October 21) using the call sign IFC3413. Boeing will deliver another Globemaster to India before the end of the year and the remaining five on order during 2014.
Air International 2013-08 / News
The first Boeing C-17A Globemaster III for the Indian Air Force touches down at Air Force Station (AFS) Hindan in Uttar Pradesh on June 18, 2013 at the conclusion of its delivery flight. The transport (CB-8001, b/n F-253, ex 11-0101) was handed over to the service on January 22 before undertaking a series of flight tests with the US Air Force's 418th Flight Test Squadron at Edwards AFB, California. At the end of June the aircraft was used to rotate an infantry battalion to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Ten C-17As are currently on order, with two more due to arrive at AFS Hindan within six weeks of the first and another pair by the end of the year. The other five will be delivered in 2014.
Air International 2013-02 / News
Boeing C-17A Globemaster III CB-8001 (b/n F253, ex 11-0101) is the first for the Indian Air Force. The aircraft has started flight tests from Long Beach Airport in California, where it is seen landing on January 11, 2013. India ordered ten of the transports for delivery between 2013 and 2014.
Air International 2013-03 / News
Boeing delivered the first C-17A Globemaster III (CB-8001 b/n F253, ex 11-0101) to the Indian Air Force on January 22, 2013. The aircraft departed Long Beach, California, for Edwards AFB in the same state to begin a US Air Force flight test programme. It made its maiden flight on January 11. Five C-17As will be handed over to India this year, with a further five following in 2014, under the terms of a Foreign Military Sales contract finalised on June 6, 2012.
Air International 2018-02 / News by countries
India looks likely to have grabbed the last C-17A Globemaster II.
Air International 2016-01 / News
Hundreds of current and former Boeing employees, as well as local residents and aviation fans, said goodbye to C-17A N275ZD (Qatari Air Force serial number A7-MAN) the 275th Globemaster III built at Long Beach and the last one to be delivered to the Boeing facility in San Antonio, Texas. The C-17’s departure signalled the end of fixed-wing aircraft production at the plant and in Southern California.
Air International 2012-12 / News
Boeing C-17A Globemaster III A7-MAC/N9500N (c/n F250/QA3) is seen at Long Beach, California, ready for delivery. The transport is the third for Qatar and completed its first flight on September 20, 2012. A fourth is in production. No contract for the second pair of C-17As was announced, although Qatar revealed on March 26, 2009, that it intended to order them by the end of that year.
Air International 2011-12 / News
Boeing C-17A Globemaster III A7-MAA (c/n F208, ex N9500H) of the Qatari Emiri Air Force was at Manchester International Airport on October 13, 2011. It is seen taxiing to the airport's dedicated cargo facility. Qatari Globemasters have been frequent visitors to Manchester in recent months, although the majority of the flights have been conducted by the civilian-schemed A7-MAB (c/n F209, ex N9500N).
Air International 2013-02 / News
The Qatar Emiri Air Force has received its fourth Boeing C-17A Globemaster III. The transport (A7-MAE, b/n QA4/F252, ex N9500R, 12-0204) was handed over at Long Beach, California, on December 10, 2012. Qatar initially ordered two C-17As on July 21, 2008, then on March 26, 2009, revealed it had exercised options for an additional pair. The third aircraft (A7-MAC) was delivered in October 2012. A total of 249 C-17As have entered service with seven customers, of which 218 have been delivered to the US Air Force.
Мировая Авиация 117
Один катарский C-17 окрашен в цвета авиакомпании "Qatar Airways". Катар получил два C-17, а ОАЭ заказали шесть машин.
Авиация и Время 2009-04
Второй из катарских C-17, готовящийся к передаче заказчику и несущий оригинальную окраску (первая машина, подобно C-17 ВВС США, имеет типовую серо-голубую цветовую схему)
Air International 2014-03 / News
Boeing C-17A Globemaster III KAF342 (b/n F-264/KAF-1, ex 13-0001) was delivered to the Kuwait Air Force on February 13, 2014. It is about to touch down at Long Beach, California, at the end of its second test sortie on February 5, having completed its maiden flight on January 31. It arrived at RAF Mildenhall, Suffolk, on February 18 on its delivery flight. Kuwait ordered two of the transports through Foreign Military Sales channels, with notification of the first on September 10, 2010 and the second on April 16, 2013. A total of 260 C-17As have been delivered to eight customers.
Air International 2014-08 / News
Boeing C-17A Globemaster III KAF342 (b/n F-264/KAF-1, ex 13-0001) of 41 (Transport) Squadron of the Kuwait Air Force, departed Newcastle International Airport, Tyne and Wear, on June 21, 2014. The aircraft has made three visits to the airport to pick up high value cargo since delivery in February.
Air International 2011-06 / News
C-17A Globemaster III 1223 departs Long Beach, California, after the hand-over ceremony held there on May 10, 2011.
Air International 2011-09 / News
On July 28, 2011 Boeing delivered the third C-17A Globemaster III (1225, c/n F-237/UE-3) from Long Beach, California, to the United Arab Emirates Air Force and Air Defence. The initial aircraft (1223, c/n F-234/UE-1, ex N9500N) was handed over on May 10 and the second (1224, c/n F-235/ UE-2) on June 10. The fourth is due to be delivered later in 2011 and a further two will join the force in 2012. A total of 234 C-17As are currently in service with seven customers.
Air International 1993-03 / ??? - C-17 - High-tech 'lifter from Long Beach
Final assembly of the C-17 in Building 54 at Long Beach with the third production aircraft fully painted behind the fourth or P-4. The structure of the aircraft comprises 78% aluminium, 11% steel, 6% titanium and 5% composites, as measured by weight.
Мировая Авиация 111
По заявлениям представителей "Boeing" сборочная линия C-17 в Лонг-Бич, Калифорния, содержится в идеальной чистоте.
Air International 2007-10 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
The RAAF's third C-17A,'F183", seen on the production line at Long Beach, California, on September 5, 2007. The fourth, 'F184', is also now on the final assembly line and both are due to be delivered by mid-2008.
Air International 2012-09 / News
Boeing C-17A Globemaster III 'India 1' (c/n F253) was the subject of a 'major join' ceremony on July 31, 2012 on the production line at Long Beach, California.
Air International 2020-10 / M.Keaveney - Boeing's Big Fix
NATO's Strategic Airlift Capability (SAC) aircraft #2 in for heavy maintenance. SAC has three C-17 aircraft in its squadron. C-17s can spend an average of 160 days going through heavy maintenance
Air International 2020-10 / M.Keaveney - Boeing's Big Fix
The C-17A 00-0177, from the New York Air National Guard's 105th Airlift Wing, in for its depot maintenance
Air International 2020-10 / M.Keaveney - Boeing's Big Fix
Every C-17 is thoroughly stripped down and, on average, more than 19,000 hours of labour are spent on heavy maintenance
Air International 2020-10 / M.Keaveney - Boeing's Big Fix
Workers on the C-17A 08-0002 tied off on a safety line
Air Pictorial 1994-08 / B.Maidment - Mildenhall's Air Fete '94
Winglets, flaps and slats on the C-17 at the show. This was the first visit of the type to the UK.
Air International 2022-04 / News
Rzeszow-Jasionka Airport sits close to the Ukraine border
Air International 1993-03 / ??? - C-17 - High-tech 'lifter from Long Beach
The winged horse marking of the USAF's Operational Test and Evaluation Center on the nose of P-4 (89-1190), the fifth C-17 to fly and the first without the extensive test instrumentation carried by the other aircraft in the trials programme.
Air International 1993-03 / ??? - C-17 - High-tech 'lifter from Long Beach
Power plant of the C-17 is the Pratt & Whitney F117 high bypass turbofan which, apart from the thrust reverser assembly, is almost identical to the PW2040 commercial version used on the Boeing 757. On the edges of the intake are vortex generators which are intended to delay the onset of flow separation on the wings.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2021-11 / А.Фирсов, А.Юргенсон - Тот самый C-17
Гондола двигателя смещена вперед. Открыты решетки реверса тяги
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-03 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - MILITARY
C-17A thrust reverser in operational position, with rear portion of engine cowling slid rearward (1999)
Мировая Авиация 115
В конце 2004 года самолеты C-17 ВВС Великобритании оснастили системой ИК-противодействия LAIRCM для борьбы с угрозой ПЗРК. Один из блоков LAIRCM виден на снимке слева от двери.
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