- Airbus - A330 - 1992 - International
- Airbus - A330 MRTT / KC-30 Voyager - 2007 - International
- Airbus - A330neo - 2017 - International
- Airbus - Beluga XL - 2018 - International
Авиация и Время 2007-04 / А.Хаустов, А.Совенко - Глобализация авиастроения - веление времени
Самолет-заправщик A330-200MRTT
Air International 2013-01 / News
Регистрационный номер : A39-005 [5] Airbus Military KC-30A A39-005 (msn 1183, ex EC-336) is seen at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, on November 30, 2012, during its delivery flight to the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). The aircraft arrived from Cetafe in Spain and departed on December 1 for Travis AFB, California, finally arriving at RAAF Base Amberley in Queensland for No.33 Squadron two days later. The aircraft is the last of five A330-203 Multi-Role Tanker Transports for the RAAF; the first three were received during 2011 (June 1, June 22 and November 22) and the fourth on January 31, 2012.
Air International 2017-11 / N.Pittaway - The Smart Tanker /Military/
A Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18F Super Hornet and a KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport aircraft taxi for a mission in support of Operation Okra from a base in the Middle East.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18F Super Hornet - США - 1995
Air International 2017-11 / N.Pittaway - The Smart Tanker /Military/
30 Royal Australian Air Force KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport aircraft awaits its next Operation Okra mission at a base in the Middle East Region.
Air International 2015-01 / N.Pittaway - Tanker Turns the Corner /Military/
A KC-30A at Al Minhad after returning from an Operation Okra mission.
Air International 2016-12 / Airscene
A Royal Australian Air Force Airbus KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport takes off on another mission in support of Australian and coalition aircraft over Iraq and Syria.
Air International 2013-10 / Tankers (1)
Регистрационный номер : A39-001 [2] Royal Australian Air Force KC-30A A39-001 seen on takeoff from the Airbus Military's facility at Getafe. Clearly visible is the Aerial Refuelling Boom System (underside of aft fuselage) and the wing-mounted Cobham 905E refuelling pods.
Air International 2016-04 / News
Included in the Integrated Investment Plan are the sixth and seventh Airbus KC-30A multi-role tanker transports, which are currently in Getafe awaiting conversion. This 33 Squadron KC-30A is photographed during a training sortie.
Air International 2008-08 / A.Brookes - Boom Time For Tankers /Military/
Airbus won its first A330 tanker order from the Royal Australian Air Force in 2004. Five A330 MRTTs will replace four Boeing 707s, the last of which has recently been retired. The first example of the new generation of tankers is due for delivery to Australia early next year.
Air International 2015-06 / News
The KC-30A's availability underpinned the number of on-station close air support ‘stacks' provided by the RAAF Hornets.
Air International 2015-06 / News
Airbus Defence and Space has indicated its intent to bid the A330 MRTT for South Korea's US$1.25 billion aerial refuelling tanker programme, announced in April 2015.
Air International 2013-10 / Tankers (1)
A Pilot’s eye view of a KC-30A’s drogue from an F/A-18F Super Hornet assigned No. 1 Squadron.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18F Super Hornet - США - 1995
Air International 2011-07 / T.Withington - World's best tanker /Military/
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18A Hornet - США - 1978
Air International 2015-06 / News
In April 2015 alone the KC-30A deployed in theatre flew 30 missions and transferred three million pounds (1,360 tonnes) of fuel to Australian and coalition strike aircraft.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18B Hornet - США - 1979
Air International 2011-07 / T.Withington - World's best tanker /Military/
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18A Hornet - США - 1978
Air International 2013-10 / Tankers (1)
Регистрационный номер : A39-005 [5] An F/A-18A Hornet assigned to No.3 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force refuels from KC-30A A39-005 over the Pacific Ocean near the island of Guam during this year's exercise Cope North.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18A Hornet - США - 1978
Air International 2019-12 / N.Pittaway - Malaysia's mighty Hornets /Military/
A TUDM F/A-18D uploads fuel from a Royal Australian Air Force KC-30A tanker during Pitch Black.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18D Hornet - США - 1987
Air International 2014-10 / News
RAAF KC-30As have recently supported the Pitch Black, Stone Age and Arnhem Thunder exercises.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18A Hornet - США - 1978
Air International 2018-12 / News by countries
Successful deployment to the Middle East.
Air International 2013-10 / Tankers (1)
Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18F Super Hornet A44-217 formates on the port side wing of a KC-30A prior to air refuelling during exercise Talisman Saber 2013.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18F Super Hornet - США - 1995
Air International 2015-01 / N.Pittaway - Tanker Turns the Corner /Military/
French Air Force Rafales were the first non-RAAF aircraft to refuel from the KC-30A over Iraq.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Dassault Rafale - Франция - 1986
Air International 2015-01 / N.Pittaway - Tanker Turns the Corner /Military/
A330 MRTT может брать на борт больше топлива, грузов или пассажиров, чем его конкуренты. KC-30 может перевозить 32 грузовые палеты (поддона) типа 463L, тогда как Boeing KC-46A - только 19.
Air International 2018-01 / D.Isby - US combat air power today and beyond /Military/
An EA-18G Growler from Electronic Attack Squadron 132 (VAQ-132) 'Scorpions’ air refuelling with a Royal Australian Air Force KC-30A tanker during Exercise Talisman Saber 2017.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing EA-18G Growler - США - 2006
Air International 2020-04 / M.Ayton - EA-18G Growler. 21st Century Electronic Attack
An EA-18G Growler from VAQ-132 'Scorpions' takes on fuel from a Royal Australian Air Force KC-30A Multi Role Tanker Transport, an as F/A-18E holds alongside.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing EA-18G Growler - США - 2006McDonnell Douglas F/A-18E Super Hornet - США - 1995
Air International 2011-11 / N.Pittaway - Aussie Tankers /Military/
Air-refuelling trials of the Cobham 905E wing-mounted pod included Spanish Air Force EF-18 Hornets.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18B Hornet - США - 1979
Air International 2015-01 / N.Pittaway - Tanker Turns the Corner /Military/
RAAF Super Hornets tanking from the KC-30A during their journey to the Middle East.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18F Super Hornet - США - 1995
Air International 2015-06 / News
The Hornets, KC-30A and E-7A represented the first purely air-focused task group sent overseas by the RAAF for several decades.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing E-7 Wedgetail / Boeing 737 AEW&C - США - 2004McDonnell Douglas F/A-18B Hornet - США - 1979
Air International 2013-10 / Tankers (1)
Регистрационный номер : A39-005 [5] KC-30A A39-005 over the Pacific Ocean on an air-refuelling mission from Andersen AFB, Guam during exercise Cope North in February 2013. All Royal Australian Air Force KC-30As wear No.33 Squadron’s badge featuring a Frigatebird on the tail.
Air International 2011-07 / T.Withington - World's best tanker /Military/
The Royal Australian Air Force's KC-30A aircraft will be configured to refuel both hose-and-drogue and boom receptacle combat aircraft. In total, Australia will receive five KC-30As.
Air International 2011-03 / News
The past and the future: a French Air Force C-135FR tanker performs a trial refuelling of an Airbus A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport aircraft (MRTT). The KC-45A design, with which EADS is contesting the USAF KC-X competition, is heavily based on the A330-MRTT design.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker / C-135 Stratolifter - США - 1956
Air International 2015-10 / News
If times get tough for the DoD's KC-46 tanker programme, Airbus does have an alternative ready to go.
Air International 2017-10 / J.Dunn - Mobility Guardian /Military/
A C-17A Globemaster III assigned to the 62nd Airlift Wing, approaches a Royal Australian Air Force KC-30A for aerial refueling.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III - США - 1991
Air International 2023-11 / J.Lake - Long and winding road
Air-to-air refuelling trials between the KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport and the E-7A Wedgetail were conducted in June 2015
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing E-7 Wedgetail / Boeing 737 AEW&C - США - 2004
Air International 2019-05 / N.Pittaway - Combat Proven - Australia's eyes in the sky /Military/
An E-7A Wedgetail uploads fuel from a KC-30A tanker during a mission flown in support of Operation Okra.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing E-7 Wedgetail / Boeing 737 AEW&C - США - 2004
Air International 2018-08 / ??? - UK Air Power /Military/ (1)
RAAF E-7A Wedgetail and F/A-18F Super Hornet fly aft of a KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport as they transit to the battlespace as part of Operation Okra, the Australian Defence Force's mission in the Middle East. RAF Voyager tankers don't have a boom refuelling capability.
The Boeing E-7 Wedgetail is perhaps the most likely option being explored by the UK MoD as a replacement for the RAF's Sentry AEW1 airborne warning and control aircraft.Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing E-7 Wedgetail / Boeing 737 AEW&C - США - 2004McDonnell Douglas F/A-18F Super Hornet - США - 1995
Air International 2019-09 / N.Pittaway - Testing times 75 years of ARDU /Military/
Between June 1 and 13, 2015, the first aerial refuelling trials were conducted between a RAAF KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport and an E-7A Wedgetail Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft. During the trials, seven sorties were flown by each aircraft and included 118 dry contacts with the KC-30A's refuelling boom, and six wet contacts involving the transfer of 20 tonnes of fuel. The trials were conducted under the direction of the Aircraft Research and Development Unit.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing E-7 Wedgetail / Boeing 737 AEW&C - США - 2004
Air International 2019-09 / N.Pittaway - Testing times 75 years of ARDU /Military/
Over the period February 27 to April 14, 2018 members from the Aircraft Research and Development Unit and 33 Squadron deployed to Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland, to undertake clearance testing between the KC-30A and the Poseidon P-8A aircraft. Testing was jointly planned and executed by ARDU and Air Test and Evaluation Squadron 20 (VX-20).
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing P-8 Poseidon - США - 2009
Air International 2017-11 / D.Isby - The Business End: Tankers and their Air Refuelling Systems /Military/
A Royal Australian Air Force KC-30A refuels an Armee de l'Air E-3F Sentry during flight trials of the Aerial Refueling Boom System.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing E-3 Sentry - США - 1972
Air International 2017-11 / Airscene
Регистрационный номер : A39-005 [5] Royal Australian Air Force KC-30A Multi Role Tanker Transport A39-005 refuels B-52H Strato fortress 60-0036 assigned to the 419th Flight Test Squadron based at Edwards Air Force Base, California. The test sortie was conducted by members of the Royal Australian Air Force Air Warfare Centre’s Aircraft Research and Development Unit, and the 418th and 419th Flight Test Squadrons from Edwards. Ongoing testing with the KC-30A is part of a coalition tanker aerial refuelling certification.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing B-52H Stratofortress - США - 1960
Air International 2015-01 / N.Pittaway - Tanker Turns the Corner /Military/
Almost 300 connections with receiver aircraft have tested the upgraded boom refuelling system.
Air International 2015-06 / News
The Royal Australian Air Force KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport undertook its first air refuelling boom contact on May 13, 2015. The three-hour sortie from RAAF Base Amberley saw the crew deploy the 17m-long Aerial Refuelling Boom System, which made 14 successful dry contacts with the refuelling receptacle of another KC-30A.
Air International 2011-11 / N.Pittaway - Aussie Tankers /Military/
The Portuguese Air Force provided F-16AMs for air-refuelling trials of the new air refuelling boom system.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16A/C/E Fighting Falcon - США - 1974
Мировая Авиация 214
KC-30A австралийских ВВС заправляет сингапурский F-16. Экипажи австралийских KC-30A, впрочем, чаще заправляют свои F/A-18 посредством подкрыльевых ТЗА.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16A/C/E Fighting Falcon - США - 1974
Air International 2015-11 / News
Регистрационный номер : A39-001 [2] F-35A AF-04 plugged to the boom of KC-30A A39-001 during an air-refuelling flight test mission from Edwards Air Force Base on September 25, 2015.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed F-35A Lightning II - США - 2006
Air International 2019-02 / Airscene
A Royal Australian Air Force KC-30A Multi Role Tanker Transport aircraft refuels F-35A aircraft during their journey to Australia.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed F-35A Lightning II - США - 2006
Air International 2007-07 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
The first RAAF A330MRTT/KC-30B lands at Getafe, Spain, following its maiden flight on June 15, 2007, only three days after completion of its tanker modifications.
Air International 2012-10 / News
Регистрационный номер : A39-005 [5] Airbus Military A330-203 multi-role tanker transport MRTT005 (EC-336, msn 1183, ex F-WWKN) will become the fifth and final KC-30A (A39-005) delivered to the Royal Australian Air Force. It is seen returning to Getafe in Madrid, Spain, on September 16, 2012 after being painted at Paris-Orly in France. The aircraft first flew as a 'green' airframe on November 20, 2010, and was modified as an MRTT by Qantas Defence Services Ltd of Brisbane, Queensland.
Air International 2013-10 / Tankers (1)
A KC-30A at RAAF Base Amberley, home of No.33 Squadron.
Air International 2011-11 / N.Pittaway - Aussie Tankers /Military/
Регистрационный номер : A39-003 [3] KC-30A A39-003 touches down at RAAF Base Amberley on May 30, 2011.
Air International 2011-07 / News
Регистрационный номер : A39-003 [3] KC-30A A39-003 touching down at its new home of RAAF Base Amberley, Queensland, for the first time shortly after 1400hrs on May 30, 2011.
Air International 2011-11 / N.Pittaway - Aussie Tankers /Military/
Регистрационный номер : A39-003 [3] KC-30A A39-003 lands for the first time at its new home, RAAF Base Amberley on May 30, 2011.
Air International 2015-03 / N.Pittaway - Operation Okra /Military/
A KC-30A Multi Role Tanker Transport aircraft maintenance crew prepares to launch the jet at dusk, beginning another mission refuelling Coalition aircraft over Iraq.
Air International 2011-07 / News
From left to right, Javier Matallanos-Martin, Senior Vice President and Head of Programs Airbus Military; Air Vice-Marshal Colin Thorne, AM Head Aerospace Systems Division; and Air Commodore Gary Martin AM, CSC, Defence Material Organisation and Commander Air Lift Group, sign the certificate of delivery for the KC-30A Multi Role Tanker Transport aircraft on June 1, 2011.
Air International 2015-05 / News
Регистрационный номер : ZZ333 [3] Voyager KC3 ZZ333 taxies for departure at RAF Brize Norton after the aircraft returned to service on February 21, 2014.
Мировая Авиация 214
Первый Voyager был поставлен британским ВВС в 2011 году. Это самый крупный самолет, когда-либо находившийся у них в эксплуатации. Самолеты базируются на авиабазе Брайз Нортон.
Air International 2013-02 / News
Регистрационный номер : ZZ300 Voyager KC2 ZZ300 is seen about to depart Manchester Airport on December 13, 2012. The tanker transport arrived there two days earlier after poor visibility at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, prompted a diversion en route from Hanover in Germany.
Air International 2014-11 / I.Harding - Full Strength /Military/
Регистрационный номер : ZZ331 [6] Voyager KC2 ZZ331 taxies back to parking after an air-refuelling mission.
Air International 2013-03 / I.Harding - Voyager's Journey... so far /Military/
Регистрационный номер : ZZ330 [4] Fully marked up, Voyager 01 ZZ330 taxies to AirTanker's hub at RAF Brize Norton following an operational mission. Having achieved its 'introduction to service' on January 31, 2012, the aircraft has been flying operational flights since April 8, 2012.Operated by both No.10 Squadron and No.101 Squadron, RAF Brize Norton’s Voyagers fulfil a number of important roles including strategic air transport, aeromedical evacuation and air-to-air refuelling.
Air International 2013-11 / Tankers (2)
A Voyager KC2 parked on the flight line at RAF Brize Norton during a snowy day in January 2013.
Air International 2013-11 / Tankers (2)
Voyager is available to the RAF around the clock. In August 2013, No.10 Squadron held UK Quick Reaction Alert for the first time.
Air International 2013-12 / I.Harding - Voyager On Her Magesty's Service
Регистрационный номер : ZZ330 [4] Voyager KC2 ZZ330 undergoing de-icing at RAF Brize Norton on a frosty night in January 2013.
Air International 2014-05 / News
Регистрационный номер : ZZ333 [3] RAF Voyager KC3 ZZ333 at RAF Brize Norton in August 2013. This aircraft was involved in an air incident while flying in Turkish airspace on February 9, 2014, in which it dropped 4,440 feet (1,353 m) in 27 seconds uncommanded by the pilot.
Air International 2013-07 / News
Регистрационный номер : ZZ335 [2] Voyager KC3 MRTT021/EC-338 (msn 1334, to become ZZ335) was rolled out of the Air Livery hangar at Manchester Airport on May 28 after being painted in RAF colours. It is expected to be the sixth to be delivered to RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire.
Air International 2011-03 / News
Airbus's A330 MRTT tanker has already been selected by Australia, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. Away from the United States, the aircraft may also win selection in France, and possibly India and Brazil.
Air International 2013-12 / I.Harding - Voyager On Her Magesty's Service
Регистрационный номер : ZZ331 [6] Voyager KC2 ZZ331 undergoes post-flight maintenance on the flight line at Brize Norton.
Air International 2013-12 / I.Harding - Voyager On Her Magesty's Service
Регистрационный номер : ZZ333 [3] Wearing temporary civil registration G-VYGD, Voyager KC3 ZZ333 takes off from RAF Brize Norton on July 22, 2013.
Air International 2012-08 / News
A330 MRTT MRTT016 seen departing Boscombe Down, Wiltshire in June 2012.
Air International 2012-05 / News
Регистрационный номер : ZZ330 [4] Voyager KC2 ZZ330/G-VGYA lifts off from RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, for its first RAF flight on April 8, 2012.
Air International 2012-07 / N.Pittaway - Tanker Trials /Military/
The RAF has now received all nine Voyagers.
Air International 2011-07 / T.Withington - World's best tanker /Military/
The biggest order to date for Airbus Military's A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport aircraft has come from the UK which will eventually acquire 14 aircraft, designated as the A330 Voyager.
Air International 2021-09 / News: Commercial, Military
The UK Chief of the Air Staff has set the RAF a goal of reaching net zero by 2040, in addition to fielding a zero-emission aircraft by the end of the decade
Air International 2023-04 / J.Lake - The Light Blue goes Green
Регистрационный номер : ZZ330 [4] RAF Voyager ZZ330 landing back at RAF Brize Norton after a refuelling mission. The Voyager was used in successful initial trials in November 2022 where it flew on 100% SAF
Air International 2013-11 / Tankers (2)
Регистрационный номер : ZZ331 [6] -
Air International 2013-11 / Tankers (2)
Регистрационный номер : ZZ331 [6] -
Air International 2022-02 / R.Thomas - Having to do more with less
The A330 Voyager MRTT aircraft has both an air-to-air refuelling and transport role, and is the product of a multinational effort with European OEM Airbus
Air International 2013-11 / Tankers (2)
A pilot's view of the Sargent Fletcher hose and drogue extended from a 905E wing air refuelling pod.
Air International 2023-04 / J.Lake - The Light Blue goes Green
An RAF Hercules C5 taking on fuel from a Voyager KC3 above Ukraine in 2020. The RAF was involved in a series of sorties enabling the Parachute Regiment to conduct an exercise in the country
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed C-130J Super Hercules - США - 1996
Air International 2013-12 / I.Harding - Voyager On Her Magesty's Service
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Panavia Tornado IDS (GR) - International - 1974
Air International 2013-11 / Tankers (2)
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Panavia Tornado IDS (GR) - International - 1974
Air International 2013-11 / Tankers (2)
No.10 Squadron commenced regular North Sea tow line operations with Tornado GR4s in May 2013.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Panavia Tornado IDS (GR) - International - 1974
Air International 2019-05 / ??? - Syria Tornado's last call /Military/ (2)
During the first year of Operation Shader, Tornado GR4s conducting missions over Iraq were refuelled by coalition tankers including Royal Australian Air Force KC-30s.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: BAe Harrier GR Mk.5 - Великобритания - 1979Panavia Tornado IDS (GR) - International - 1974
Air International 2013-12 / I.Harding - Voyager On Her Magesty's Service
Регистрационный номер : ZZ331 [6] Другие самолёты на фотографии: Panavia Tornado IDS (GR) - International - 1974
Air International 2015-04 / News
A Royal Air Force Voyager KC2 refuels two RAF Tornado GR4s on March 4, 2015 over Iraq during operations against ISIL. The RAF has continued to carry out air strikes in Iraq as part of Operation Shader since last October. In addition to the GR4s, Hellfire-armed RAF Reapers are also being used to target ISIL militants in the country.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Panavia Tornado IDS (GR) - International - 1974
Air International 2011-08 / News
A330 MRTT ‘MRTT016' recently undertook dry air-to-air refuelling trials with a Tornado GR4.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Panavia Tornado IDS (GR) - International - 1974
Air International 2019-03 / Airscene
A common shot taken from an RAF Voyager tanker shows a Typhoon FGR4 plugged into the basket and taking fuel, this one during a Shader mission. Note the bright yellow rings applied to the forward fuselage of the Paveway IV bomb denoting it's a live weapon.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Eurofighter Typhoon / EF-2000 - International - 1994
Air International 2016-12 / Airscene
A RAF Voyager from RAF Brize Norton provided air refuelling for all legs of Eastern Venture.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Eurofighter Typhoon / EF-2000 - International - 1994
Air International 2013-11 / Tankers (2)
Регистрационный номер : ZZ331 [6] Другие самолёты на фотографии: Eurofighter Typhoon / EF-2000 - International - 1994Panavia Tornado IDS (GR) - International - 1974
Air International 2013-11 / Tankers (2)
Voyager’s release to service for air refuelling the Typhoon was issued in August 2013.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Eurofighter Typhoon / EF-2000 - International - 1994
Air International 2013-11 / Tankers (2)
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Eurofighter Typhoon / EF-2000 - International - 1994
Air International 2013-11 / Tankers (2)
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Eurofighter Typhoon / EF-2000 - International - 1994
Air International 2018-10 / N.Pittaway - Outback Air Combat Exercise Pitch Black /Military/
Armee De I'Air Rafale B fighters fly in formation with a 33 Squadron KC-30A tanker en route to Australia to participate in Exercise Pitch Black 2018 at RAAF Base Darwin, Northern Territory.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Dassault Rafale B / D / F - Франция - 1993
Air International 2018-07 / Airscene
Регистрационный номер : ZZ335 [2] Voyager KC2 ZZ335 leading the formation of four F-35B Lightning IIs en-route to RAF Marham on June 6, 2018.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed F-35B Lightning II - США - 2008
Air International 2015-07 / News
Регистрационный номер : ZZ341 Royal Air Force Voyager KC2 MRTT027 (msn 1555, ex EX-336, to be ZZ341/G-VYGL) lands at Getafe, Spain, on June 8, 2015. The aircraft was returning from Manching, Germany where it had arrived on May 13 for painting. It was the first A330MRTT to be painted by Airbus Defence and Space at Manching, although others are planned. The aircraft will shortly be delivered to Air Tanker.
Air International 2018-09 / ??? - UK Air Power /Military/ (2)
Регистрационный номер : ZZ337 Voyager KC2 ZZ337 with the engine reverse thrusters deployed on landing at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire.
Air International 2020-08 / News: Commercial, Military
Регистрационный номер : ZZ336 [3] 'Vespina' supporting regular RAF operations in its traditional AAR refuelling role on June 26, 2020, the day after it returned to service in its new, bespoke paint scheme.
Air International 2022-04 / R.Thomas - Sticking to the plan?
Регистрационный номер : ZZ336 [3] Two UK F-35B Lightning II fighters being refuelled during transit from the US. The UK has apparently committed to another tranche of aircraft, although funding is being held separately
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed F-35B Lightning II - США - 2008
Air International 2023-02 / A.Warnes - Generation games
Регистрационный номер : ZZ336 [3] The RAF’s Voyager KC2/3 air-to-air tanker fl eet is playing a major part in refuelling British combat air patrols not just over NATO’s eastern flanks, but in sorties over Iraq and Syria during Operation Shader. A far cry from the days of Tristars and VC-10s, which were regularly breaking down due to their age
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed F-35B Lightning II - США - 2008
Air International 2015-02 / News
Регистрационный номер : ZZ340 Voyager KC2 MRTT026 (msn 1498, G-VYGJ/ZZ340), departing Manchester Airport on January 13, 2015 following a repaint in Thomas Cook colours by Air Livery. The aircraft, from AirTanker's surge capacity fleet for the Royal Air Force, ferried back to Getafe, Spain where it will be de-militarised before delivery to Thomas Cook in May. It was flown to Manchester on December 27, 2014.
Air International 2013-12 / I.Harding - Voyager On Her Magesty's Service
AirTanker’s hangar at RAF Brize Norton can hold two Voyager aircraft and has all of the company’s office spaces, as well as those occupied by No. 10 and No. 101 Squadrons, on the south side of the same building.
Air International 2013-12 / I.Harding - Voyager On Her Magesty's Service
AirTanker uses purpose-built gantries for maintenance.
Air International 2013-10 / News
Регистрационный номер : G-VYGG [2] Airbus Military A330-243 Voyager KC3 G-VYGG (msn 1363, ex EC-333) has recently been painted with AirTanker titles. The tanker transport, which currently lacks underwing air refuelling pods, first flew on October 25, 2012. It arrived at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, on November 30 and was handed over to AirTanker Ltd on December 6 as its sixth example. It will become ZZ336 on adopting RAF markings and was noted operating from RAF Brize Norton on August 27. AirTanker provides the RAF with aircraft and associated support services to undertake the air refuelling mission.
Air International 2013-03 / I.Harding - Voyager's Journey... so far /Military/
Регистрационный номер : G-VYGG [2] 'BrizeyJet' takes-off. Voyager 02 G-VYGG is seen at RAF Brize Norton in January 2013 manned by AirTanker pilots and crew as part of the company's airline operation.
Air International 2008-02 / J.Lake - RAF at 90 - A Gathering Storm? /Military/ (2)
AirTanker was selected to provide the Airbus A330 MRTT to replace the VC.10 and Tristar. However, delays to finalising the PFI contract mean that the two aircraft types currently in service may have to soldier on until 2015.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Panavia Tornado IDS (GR) - International - 1974
Air International 2019-03 / News by countries
THE FIRST of four Airbus A330 Multi-Role Tanker Transports was delivered to the Republic of Korea Air Force (RoKAF) in January 2019 and local media reports suggest that the first of the country's Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning Ils will follow in March 2019.
Air International 2019-01 / Airscene
The first A330-243 MRTT for the Republic of Korea Air Force 16-001 (MRTT050/msn 1787) pictured departing Airbus Defence and Space's facility at Getafe on its delivery flight to Gimhae Air Base.
Air International 2018-07 / Airscene
The first Republic of Korea Air Force Airbus A330-243 Multi Role Tanker Transport, serial number 18-001 (msn 1787), resumed test flights from Getafe, Madrid on June 15, 2018. Following painting in its Republic of Korea Air Force light grey colour scheme at Manching, Germany, the aircraft arrived at Getafe on June 8 before making two short test flights on June 15.
Air International 2015-09 / News
Другие самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16A/C/E Fighting Falcon - США - 1974
Air International 2014-11 / News
Airbus A330-243 Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) 1301 (msn 1186, ex MRTT014) of the United Arab Emirates Air Force at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, on September 24, 2014. The aircraft left the following day. Three A330-243 MRTTs were delivered to the air force between February and August 2013, based at Al Ain International Airport in Abu Dhabi.
Air International 2013-01 / News
Flight tests of the third Airbus Military A330-243 Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) for the United Arab Emirates Air Force and Air Defence should be under way. The aircraft is seen on November 11, 2012, at the manufacturer's facility at Getafe in Spain following conversion from a 'green' airframe, having received the flight test identification MRTT015 (msn 1250, ex EC-332).
Air International 2012-10 / News
The second of three Airbus Military A330-243 Multi-Role Tanker Transports (MRTT) (MRTT014/EC-334, msn 1186, ex F-WWYL) for the United Arab Emirates Air Force (UAEAF) arrived at Getafe in Spain from Toulouse in France on the afternoon of August 16, 2012 after being painted. One of the aircraft for the UAEAF lost its Aerial Refuelling Boom System (ARBS) on September 10 at 27,000ft (8.230m) over Ceres in Spain. No one was injured in the incident and the aircraft landed safely at Getafe. A KC-30A for the RAAF suffered a similar incident in January 2011 while refuelling a Portuguese F-16. The UAE was due to take delivery of the tanker transports shortly, although handover of the first will be delayed until repairs are completed.
Air International 2022-02 / News: Commercial, Military
An unmarked UAE-operated Airbus A330-243 MRTT conducts a flypast with a UAEAF&AD Dassault Mirage 2000-9 during the opening day of the Dubai Airshow in November 2021
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Dassault Mirage 2000 - Франция - 1978
Air International 2011-07 / T.Withington - World's best tanker /Military/
Along with equipping the air forces of the United Kingdom and Australia, the Airbus A330-MRTT has been selected by the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. Other customers may soon follow.
Air International 2018-04 / Airscene
Singapore's first A330 MRTT seen after painting at Manching, Germany.
Air International 2018-07 / Airscene
Регистрационный номер : EC-332 [2] Seen landing at Getafe after a 3.5-hour test flight on May 31, 2018 is Airbus A330MRTT EC-332 (c/n MRTT034, to be registered 761 when in service with the Republic of Singapore Air Force). It wears special colours to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Republic of Singapore Air Force.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2015-07 / В.Ильин - Аравийские стражи
Самолет-заправщик A330 MRTT
Air International 2012-09 / News
The first A330-202 MRTT for the Royal Saudi Air Force was recently used in a series of compatibility trials with Tornados and Typhoons.
Air International 2012-01 / News
Airbus A330-202 Multi-Role Tanker Transport 2401 (msn 980/MRTT010, ex EC-338) for the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) is seen landing at Getafe in Spain on November 25, 2011, at the conclusion of an air-to-air refuelling trial with an Ejercito del Aire (Spanish Air Force) EF-18M Hornet. The aircraft was originally due to be delivered in mid-November, but was still being used to train Saudi pilots at the Airbus Military facility in early December. The second RSAF aircraft is nearing completion after conversion at Getafe and the third will be ready from mid-year.
Air International 2013-10 / News
Two Airbus Military A330-243 Multi-Role Tanker Transports of 24 Squadron, Royal Saudi Air Force, recently arrived at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, from At Kharj-Prince Sultan AB. The aircraft (2401, msn 980, ex MRTT010; and 2402, msn 996, ex MRTT011) first landed in the UK on August 23 and 27, 2013 respectively. They were deployed to support the Saudi Eurofighter Typhoons and Panavia Tornado IDS based at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, for the duration of exercise Green Flag.
Air International 2011-07 / T.Withington - World's best tanker /Military/
Along with equipping the air forces of the United Kingdom and Australia, the Airbus A330-MRTT has been selected by the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. Other customers may soon follow.
Air International 2018-12 / Airscene
Participants in the joint Saudi-Tunisia exercise held at Sidi Ahmed Air Base in Bizerte, Tunisia stand in front of one of the Royal Saudi Air Force's A330 MRTTs that has been specially painted in 'Vision 2030' markings.
Air International 2020-11 / H.-P.Grolleau - Phenix rising
The A330 MRTT will soon be offered to the USAF as a replacement for its KC-10A Extender.
Air International 2020-11 / H.-P.Grolleau - Phenix rising
A Phenix sits on the ramp at Istres at the end of a training sortie
Air International 2020-11 / H.-P.Grolleau - Phenix rising
The distinctive 'swishing' paint scheme adopted for the French MRTTs
Air International 2018-08 / Airscene
Seen here on short finals to Torrejon Air Base after a two-hour flight from Manching, Germany on July 6, 2018 is Airbus A330 MRTT MRTT041 (msn 1735), resplendent in its full Armee de l’Air colours. The aircraft will make its next series of test flights from Torrejon, because of work on Getafe’s sole runway this summer. It is expected the aircraft will be handed over to the Armee de l’Air before the end of the year.
Air International 2020-09 / News: Commercial, Military
The third French Air Force Airbus A330 Phenix Multi-Role Tanker Transport, serial number 043 (c/n 1916, ex EC-330, MRTT043), which was delivered four months ahead of schedule. It was accepted by the DGA, the French Defence Procurement Agency, at Base Aerienne 125 Istres on July 10, 2020, having been delivered to there from Getafe, Spain, two days earlier.
Air International 2023-02 / B.Taghvaee - Rafales on the Eastern Front
Регистрационный номер : F-UJCG This French Air and Space Force Airbus A330-243 MRTT 041/’F-UJCG’ refuelled the Rafale Cs en route to Lithuania for their deployment on November 25, 2022
Air International 2020-11 / H.-P.Grolleau - Phenix rising
A pair of Mirage 2000Ds photographed from the A330's rear cabin
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Dassault Mirage 2000B/N/D - Франция - 1980
Air International 2023-08 / J.Lake - Innovation and Application
Регистрационный номер : T-059 One of the A330 MRTTs assigned to the NATO Multinational MRTT unit arrived at Eindhoven on July 27, 2022, after delivery from Seville. The A330 MRTT is probably the world’s best tanker aircraft
Air International 2021-06 / J.van der Biezen, S.van Roij - Going Dutch
A multinational effort has seen EDA members pool resources in order to provide an aerial refuelling capability with the Multi Role Tanker Transport programme.
Air International 2022-12 / News
Регистрационный номер : T-060 A Swedish Saab Gripen connects with the basket of a NATO MRTT
Другие самолёты на фотографии: SAAB Gripen / JAS-39B/D - Швеция - 1996
Air International 2021-06 / J.van der Biezen, S.van Roij - Going Dutch
A RNAF Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcons approaches the advanced Airbus Defense and Space Aerial Refuelling Boom System (ARBS) of the Airbus A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT). By the end of this year, the Multinational MRTT Unit hopes to achieve initial operational capability. The unit had some problems with the training due to COVID and the lack of the air-to-air refuelling statement and now mainly trains with the probe and drogue systems
Другие самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16B/D Fighting Falcon - США - 1977
Air International 2007-11 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Регистрационный номер : F-WWKU Undertaking its first flight at Toulouse, France, on September 25, 2007 was Airbus A330-203 F-WWKU (c/n 871), which is destined to become the first KC-30 Tanker for the US Air Force, aircraft 'D1', subject to Northrop Grumman winning the KC-X contract. The aircraft, currently a standard A330-200 commercial airframe, flew for nearly four hours. Once initial flight-testing is completed it will be ready for conversion to tanker configuration. Contract award for the USAF KC-135 replacement programme is anticipated in December 2007 or January 2008, but if Northrop Grumman is unsuccessful, this first aircraft will not be converted and instead completed for sale as a normal commercial airliner.
Air International 2007-09 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Northrop Grumman's first Airbus KC-30, designated SDD-1 and based on A330-203 airframe c/n 871, was rolled off the Toulouse production line in France on July 3, 2007, as seen here.
Air International 2012-12 / News
Регистрационный номер : EC-332 [2] Airbus Military A330-203 EC-332 (msn 871, ex F-WWKU) was towed to the military apron at Getafe AB in Spain on October 30, 2012. The aircraft was rolled out at Toulouse, southern France, in the summer of 2007 for completion as the first EADS/Northrop Grumman KC-45A for the US Air Force. The original KC-X programme was terminated before the aircraft could be converted to tanker transport configuration, and it has been stored outside the Airbus Military facility at Getafe since September 2011. The airframe may still be converted as a tanker transport, possibly as part of the agreement on April 18 between France, Germany and the Netherlands to boost Europe's fleet of air-to-air refuelling aircraft. The three nations announced they would lead efforts to share existing planes or acquire new ones.
Air International 2011-10 / News
Регистрационный номер : EC-331 A330-243 EC-331 inside the A330 Conversion Centre at Bournemouth International Airport, Dorset on September 2, 2011.
Air International 2011-04 / News
Регистрационный номер : EC-336 Airbus A330-203 EC-336 (msn 1183, ex F-WWKN) is seen in late February 2011 stored at Madrid-Barajas Airport in Spain. The aircraft is destined to be the fourth KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) delivered to the Royal Australian Air Force (as A39-005). Although the majority of the A330 MRTTs will be equipped with their mission systems at Getafe, Iberia and EADS also have a facility at Madrid-Barajas Airport where similar work is undertaken. EC-336 was due to be inducted into that facility in March, after EC-338 (msn 980, ex F-WWYR), the first for the Royal Saudi Air Force, is rolled out from the facility.
Air International 2014-06 / News
Регистрационный номер : EC-337 Airbus A330-202 EC-337 (msn 1516, ex F-WWKS) will become the sixth Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) for the Royal Saudi Air Force (as 2406). It is currently being converted to the role at Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport in Spain, the first to be worked on outdoors. The fifth MRTT for Saudi Arabia (EC-338, msn 1478, ex F-WWYT) is meanwhile being equipped in a hangar at the airport.
Air International 2014-06 / News
Voyager KC3 MRTT024 at Manchester Airport on April 25, 2014, the day it arrived from Spain.
Мировая Авиация 228
24 июня 2009г.: в Тулузе поднялся в воздух первый A330, построенный по программе FSTA ("перспективный стратегический самолет-заправщик") для Великобритании. Самолет имел гражданскую конфигурацию, но затем был переоборудован в военный заправщик.
Air International 2011-10 / News
On August 28, 2011, Airbus A330-203 Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) MRTT004 (msn 1036, ex F-WWKZ) was ferried between Getafe in Spain and Orly outside Paris. The aircraft was converted from a 'green' A330 airframe to MRTT configuration by Qantas Defence Industries at Brisbane, Queensland, and will be painted in Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) colours in France, emerging as A39-004 before delivery. It carries a bull emblem on the starboard side of the fin and a kangaroo on the port. A second A330-203 EC-336 (msn 1183, ex F-WWKN, to become A39-005) is currently being converted at Brisbane. Both aircraft will join No. 33 Squadron at RAAF Base Amberley, Queensland, joining the three already delivered. In RAAF service the A330 MRTT is known as the KC-30A.
Air International 2012-09 / News
A330-203 MRTT 005 is seen taking off from Getafe in Spain on July 24, 2012 for a five-hour flight in the company of MRTT 001.
Air International 2012-12 / News
Airbus Military A330-243 Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) MRTT018 arrived at Manchester Airport on October 19, 2012. The aircraft (msn 1248, ex EC-331) flew from Bournemouth Airport, Dorset, where it was converted to MRTT configuration by Cobhams, and will be painted in its RAF colours by Air Livery at Manchester. It will become Voyager KC2 ZZ331 upon entering service. Like several other A330 MRTTs, the aircraft has been flown using only its MRTT 'serial', an EADS/CASA test allocation that allows it to fly on a Permit to Fly rather than the usual Certificate of Airworthiness.
Air International 2017-10 / Airscene
Регистрационный номер : ECT0041 Future Armee de l’Air A330 MRTT ECT0041 (msn 1735) on final approach to Getafe, Spain after its September 7, 2017 first flight.
Air International 2014-02 / News
Post conversion flight tests of the fourth Airbus Military A330-202 Multi-Role Tanker Transport for the Royal Saudi Air Force began on December 21, 2013. The aircraft (MRTT030, msn 1379, ex EC-340) took off from Barajas International Airport outside Madrid, Spain, where modification work had been carried out by Iberia, for a 3.5 hour test flight before landing at the Airbus Military facility at Getafe. The first of the second batch of three A330 MRTTs for Saudi Arabia, the aircraft will become 2404 after being painted and delivered. The country's fifth example (EC-338 - the fourth use of the identity, msn 1478, ex F-ZVWYT) arrived in a ‘green’ configuration at Getafe from Toulouse-Blagnac in France on December 9, 2013.
Air International 2011-06 / News
Регистрационный номер : EC-339 A330-243 MRTT EC-339 destined for the UAE Air Force and Air Defence landing at Getafe on April 9, 2011, after its initial flight following conversion.
Air International 2013-12 / I.Harding - Voyager On Her Magesty's Service
Maintenance and servicing of Voyager’s Rolls-Royce Trent engines is undertaken by AirTanker at RAF Brize Norton. Rolls-Royce field representatives based at Derby provide technical support.
Air International 2021-06 / J.van der Biezen, S.van Roij - Going Dutch
Регистрационный номер : T-056 -
Air International 2021-06 / J.van der Biezen, S.van Roij - Going Dutch
The new Airbus A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport has a versatile air-to-air refuelling capability with the Cobham 905E probe-and-drogue system - mounted at the location of the two non-existent outboard motors - and the advanced Airbus Defense and Space Aerial Refueling Boom System on the tail
Air International 2011-11 / N.Pittaway - Aussie Tankers /Military/
The Advanced Refuelling Boom System.
Air International 2013-11 / Tankers (2)
Top: Voyager’s camera system improves the situational awareness for the mission systems operator.
Middle and bottom: The Cobham 805E FRU can dispense fuel at a rate of 1,800kg/min, and installed on Voyager KC3s to refuel large receiver aircraft. -
Air International 2013-11 / Tankers (2)
Two views of the 905E wing air refuelling pod.
Air International 2011-11 / N.Pittaway - Aussie Tankers /Military/
Cobham's 905E Wing Mounted Pod.
Air International 2011-11 / N.Pittaway - Aussie Tankers /Military/
Side and rear views of a Cobham 905E wing-mounted pod with the rear faring removed showing the new drogue.
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