Eurofighter Typhoon / EF-2000
Eurofighter - Typhoon / EF-2000 - 1994 - International
Страна: International
Год: 1994

Одноместный истребитель завоевания превосходства в воздухе/ истребитель-бомбардировщик

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Eurofighter Typhoon
   Опыт успешной международной кооперации в разработке и производстве Panavia Tornado послужил основой для запуска в середине 1980-х годов совместной программы разработки европейского истребителя завоевания превосходства в воздухе, который должен был поступить на вооружение в конце 1990-х годов. В июне 1986 года Германией, Великобританией и Италией был образован консорциум "Eurofighter", вскоре к нему присоединилась Испания. На раннем этапе в дискуссиях по EFA (European Fighter Aircraft) принимали участие и другие страны Европы, прежде всего Франция, но затем они отошли от программы, выбрав собственные пути. Франция сделала ставку на разработку истребителя Dassault Rafale.
   Концепция EFA предусматривала создание самолета с искусственной устойчивостью, с передним горизонтальным оперением (ПГО), цифровой электро-дистанционной системой управления, с органами управления, скомпонованными по принципу HOTAS, с высокотехнологичным БРЭО, а также предусматривалось использование карбоно-фибровых композитных конструкционных материалов и материалов на основе алюминий-литиевых и титановых сплавов, применение речевой системы управления. За основу проекта взяли демонстратор технологий BAe EAP.
   В сентябре 1987 года были сформулированы требования к относительно легкому, но оснащенному сложным БРЭО одноместному истребителю с минимально возможной эффективной поверхностью рассеивания, высокими летными данными на сверхзвуковых скоростях, отменной маневренностью, хорошей управляемостью и силовой установкой из двух ТРДДФ, способному эксплуатироваться с коротких ВПП, вести маневренный воздушный бой и оптимизированному для поражения воздушных целей вне пределов визуальной видимости. В качестве второстепенной рассматривалась задача поражения наземных целей. Германию и Италию интересовал чистый истребитель воздушного боя, но в результате переговоров согласились на принятие общих требований к самолету с массой пустого не менее 9750 кг при площади крыла 50 м2 и силовой установкой на базе новых ТРДДФ EJ200 тягой по 90 кН на форсаже, разрабатываемых консорциумом "Eurojet" в составе британской "Rolls-Royce", германской MTU, итальянской "Fiat Avio" и испанской SENER (позже ITP).
   Подписанный в ноябре 1988 года первоначальный контракт предусматривал разработку и постройку восьми прототипов (включая два двухместных), срок завершения программы - 1999 год.
   Прототипы должны были строиться во всех государствах-партнерах: Великобритании (три), Германии (два), Италии (два) и Испании (один). Планировалась закупка с 1996 года 765 серийных самолетов - по 250 для британских и германских ВВС, 165 для ВВС Италии и 100 для ВВС Испании.
   После ожесточенных политико-экономических споров между различными национальными министерствами в 1990 году решили вести разработку многорежимной импульсно-доплеровской РЛС СУО ECR90 силами британской "GEC Ferranti" при участии итальянской компании FIAR и испанской - INISEL. ECR90, получившая позже наименование CAPTOR, оптимизирована для поиска и уничтожения воздушных целей ракетами - в исходном варианте ракетами AIM-120 и AIM-9. Со временем в комплекс были интегрированы УР ASRAAM (для ВВС Великобритании) и IRIS-T (для ВВС Германии и Испании). В будущем британские ВВС намерены заменить УР AMRAAM ракетами Meteor. Помимо УР "воздух-воздух", на узлах внешней подвески предусмотрено использование широкого ассортимента вооружения класса "воздух-поверхность". По требованию Великобритании, самолет вооружен 27-мм пушкой Mauser BK27, установленной в фюзеляже по правому борту.
   Хотя основной поисковой системой является РЛС CAPTOR, важное значение имеет тепловизионная система PIRATE, разработанная компанией "Eurofirst", в которую вошли итальянская FIAR, британская "Thorn-EMI Electronics" и испанская "Eurotronica". За разработку бортового комплекса обороны DASS (Defensive Aids Sub-System) отвечали британская "Marconi Defence Systems" и итальянская "Elettronica". Контракт на разработку DASS предписывал интеграцию в единый комплекс аппаратуры предупреждения о пусках ракет, приемников предупреждения о лазерном и электромагнитном излучении, устанавливаемых в законцовках крыла станций постановки помех, устройств отстрела ложных целей, а также буксируемой ложной цели. Германия и Испания считали возможности DASS избыточными и выбрали для своих самолетов упрощенный вариант бортового комплекса обороны.
   Решение о выделении инвестиций для подготовки производства предполагалось принять в начале 1993 года, но Германия продолжала дискутировать по вопросу стоимости одного самолета и расходов на весь период эксплуатации, что привело к задержке всей программы EFA. После анализа семи проектов однодвигательных самолетов в конце 1992 года остановились на более простом и менее дорогостоящем проекте - известном как Eurofighter 2000 и отличающемся возможностью оснащения его упрощенным БРЭО в целях снижения стоимости (прежде всего - для Германии). На начало 2010 года планировалась закупка 162 самолетов для Великобритании, 145 для Германии, 98 для Италии и 74 для Испании. Кроме того, заказы получены от Австрии и Саудовской Аравии. В 2010 году ВВС Австрии получили все 15 заказанных истребителей, а Саудовская Аравия начала получать первые из 72 заказанных самолетов.
   Первые два прототипа Eurofighter 2000 собрали в Германии (DA.1) и Великобритании (DA.2). DA.1 поднялся в воздух 27 марта, а DA.2 - 6 апреля 1994 года. Обе машины получили "промежуточные" двигатели RB.199-22. Первым прототипом со штатной силовой установкой из двух ТРДДФ Eurojet 200 стал собранный в Италии DA.3, постройка которого задержалась из-за проблем с интеграцией цифровой системы управления двигателем. Первый двухместный прототип DA.4 собран "BAe" и также являлся демонстратором прототипа РЛС ECR90. DA.5 сборки компании DASA предназначался для интеграции БРЭО и СУВ. Последними прототипами, количество которых ограничили после реструктуризации программы, стали двухместный DA.6 испанской сборки и одноместный DA.7 итальянской сборки.
   Постепенно программа Eurofighter преодолела сложные финансово-экономические и технические проблемы. Главные проблемы технического плана были связаны с программным обеспечением системы управления полетом, изначально создаваемым в Германии. В 1998 году самолет получил собственное имя Typhoon - это название закрепилось за истребителями для Великобритании и для экспорта. Италия выбрала название Tifone, а Германия сохранила обозначение EF2000, испанские одноместные машины получили обозначение C.16, а двухместные - CE.16.
   В силу сложности Typhoon программа его разработки и производства обходилась партнерам очень дорого, поэтому было принято решение разбить ее на несколько этапов (траншей), с последовательным наращиванием возможностей. Первыми поступили на вооружение самолеты траншей 1 и 2, причем системой PIRATE оснащались только самолеты 2-й серии. В начале 2010 года началось финансирование транша 3A вместо потенциально более эффективных самолетов транша 3. Самолеты серии 3A будут оснащены РЛС CAPTOR-E с активной фазированной антенной решеткой.
   Хотя первый серийный Typhoon поступил на вооружение ВВС Испании 16 октября 2003 года, дальше всего в освоении боевых возможностей самолета продвинулись британские ВВС. Первый самолет поступил на вооружение британских ВВС 18 декабря 2003 года. Британские ВВС первыми начали использовать Typhoon в качестве истребителя-бомбардировщика с прицельным контейнером Litening II и управляемой авиабомбой Paveway II. Первые самолеты, способные поражать только воздушные цели, обозначаются в британских BBC T.Mk 1 (двухместные) и F.Mk 2 (одноместные). Самолеты, доработанные в истребители-бомбардировщики - T.Mk 3 и FGR.Mk 4. Последние FGR.Mk 4 из транша 2 способны поражать наземные цели и оснащены системой PIRATE.
   "Eurofighter" продолжает поиск иностранных заказчиков, самолет принимает участие в тендере на 126 средних многоцелевых самолетов для ВВС Индии. Конкурентами Typhoon в тендере на замену истребителей F-5 для швейцарских ВВС являются Rafale и Gripen NG.


   Eurofighter Typhoon

   Тип: одноместный истребитель завоевания превосходства в воздухе/ истребитель-бомбардировщик
   Силовая установка: два ТРДДФ Eurojet EJ200 сухой тягой по 60 кН (тяга на форсаже 90 кН)
   Летные характеристики: максимальная скорость на высоте 11 000 м - 2125 км/ч или М=2,00; время набора высоты 10670 м и скорости М=1,5-2 мин 30 с; практический потолок 14500 м; боевой радиус в варианте завоевания превосходства в воздухе с тремя ПТБ и временем патрулирования 10 мин - 1390 км
   Масса: пустого 10995 кг; максимальная взлетная 23 000 кг
   Размеры: размах крыла с торцевыми контейнерами РЭБ 10,95 м; длина 15,96 м; высота 5,28 м; площадь крыла 50 м2
   Вооружение: одна встроенная 27-мм пушка Mauser BK27, до 8000 кг вооружения на внешней подвеске (четыре УР в полуутопленном положении под фюзеляжем; пять внешних подфюзеляжных узлов подвески и восемь подкрыльевых узлов подвески)
Taxiing back to the flight-line after its five-minute flying display, is Eurofighter 2000 DA 1 9829/JP001. A low cloud base during the first few days of ILA ’96 and the restriction of ‘no aerobatics ’ imposed by the show organisers limited the Eurofighter’s display routine to tight turns and aileron rolls.
Eurofighter 2000 поднялся в небо. 27 марта 1994г.: из-за проблем с отработкой электро-дистанционной системы управления первый полет состоялся на два года позже запланированного срока. Первый полет одноместный прототип DA-1 истребителя Eurofighter 2000 выполнил в германском Манчинге, самолет с германской маркировкой пилотировал германский летчик-испытатель. Второй самолет и первый британский прототип выполнил первый полет 6 апреля. Программа EF2000 являлась важнейшей европейской военной программой - в ней принимали участие Великобритания, Германия, Италия и Испания.
Eurofighter DA 1 (98 29), построенный для Люфтваффе, достиг максимальной скорости полета М=1,87. На самолете были установлены два двигателя RB.199. Он использовался для выполнения летных испытаний на устойчивость и управляемость, а также для испытаний двигателей и оценки прочности конструкции.
The first Eurofighter to fly, DA1/98+29, seen here during a demonstration at Farnborough 2000, had completed 271.8 flying hours in 332 flights as of April 7, 2002, a relatively low number eight years after its first flight. This is accounted for by two fairly lengthy periods during which it was laid up whilst various upgrades were incorporated on the aircraft, the first involving a flight control software update, followed later by installation of EJ200 engines and an avionics upgrade.
Немецкий DA.1 летит над пляжами Блэкпула во время серии испытаний, проводившихся в Британии в июле-августе 1997 года. Базируясь в Вартоне, DA.1 совершил ряд полетов над Ирландским морем, в ходе которых изучалась прочность конструкции при больших скоростных напорах.
First development batch Eurofighter, armed with four AIM-120 and two AIM-9 missiles (1998)
Третьим этапом отработки ПО системы управления Eurofighter стала дозаправка в воздухе. Испытания начались на прототипе DA2 в 1998 году. На снимке: DA5 DASA принимает топливо от Tornado IDS Люфтваффе.
Eurofighter DA5 with leading-edge flaps extended (1999)
Eurofighter DA5 fitted with EJ200 engines illustrates the different rear-end geometry compared with earlier development aircraft powered by RB.199s.
Выбор названия для EF2000 вызвал ожесточенные споры. В 1998 году большинством голосов было принято название Typhoon, несмотря на возражения Германии, которая отказалась его использовать.
Eurofighter Typhoon 7L-WA (AS001), the first for the Austrian Air Force, with temporary German test serial 98+40 taped over its Austrian markings, lifts off from the runway at Manching, Germany, at 1115hrs on March 23, 2007 on its maiden flight.
Eurofighter Typhoon Instrumented Production Aircraft 7 (98+07, b/n GS029) completed its first flight carrying a pair of Taurus KEPD 350 stand-off precision weapons on January 15, 2014 from Manching in Germany. Eurofighter project pilot Chris Worning flew the aircraft as part of the integration tests for the MBDA Storm Shadow long-range air-to-surface missile - the KEPD 350 being aerodynamically similar to the other weapon. During the flight flutter tests, an air data large store interference assessment and aerodynamic data was gathered.
Очередным пополнением арсенала Typhoon станет КАБ Paveway IV, надежная, с боевой частью массой 227 кг. Paveway IV оказалась эффективным оружием, в британских ВВС ею заменят КАБ Paveway II, Enhanced Paveway II и 908-кг обычные бомбы.
Eurofighter 30+07 approaching Neuburg on a winter evening, showing the standard QRA weapons configuration of two Diehl BGT Defence IRIS-T missiles, cannon and 1,000-litre drop tanks.
Истребители «Тайфун» ВВС Германии
Истребители Eurofighter Typhoon, представленные на ILA-2006, были уже не экзотикой, а строевыми машинами
Typhoon 30+09 of Jagdgeschwader 74 based at Neuburg won the 'Painted Tail' award during the NATO Tiger Meet at Schleswig-Jagel in Germany between June 16 and 26, 2014. The award is presented for the aircraft judged to have the best scheme. The wing took over the Tiger Association membership of Jagdbombergeschwader 32 after that wing disbanded at Lechfield in March 2013.
С 10 по 14 марта 2008 года в Испании проходили учения, в которых принимали участие истребители Typhoon ВВС четырех стран, где они состоят на вооружении. Учения позволили обменяться опытом эксплуатации самолетов и продемонстрировать возможность взаимодействия самолетов Typhoon ВВС разных европейских государств. В учениях были задействованы германские самолеты из JG-73, итальянские - из 4-й (на фото) и 26-й Stormos, испанские - из Gruppo 11 и британские из 17-й эскадрильи Королевских ВВС.
A Typhoon of the German Air Force's JG-73 makes an impressive sight on take-off. The aircraft is carrying an IRIS-T air-to-air missile under the starboard wing.
Wittmundhafen-based Taktisches Luftwaffengeschwader 71 Richthofen (TaktLwG 71 or 71st Wing) unveiled its new flag ship Eurofighter 30+25 (c/n GS015), on June 28, 2019. The Tranche I jet is painted in a striking scheme applied to celebrate the 60th anniversary of TaktLwG 71.
Luftwaffe Eurofighter 30+26 made its maiden flight painted with a colour Atlantic Tiger tail for the TaktLwG 74 ‘Bavarian Tigers’ based at Neuburg Air Base. The aircraft received the special paint scheme ahead of its attendance at the 2017 NATO Tiger Meet at BAN Landivisiau, France.
Eurofighter Typhoon является типичным представителем нового поколения европейских истребителей, отличающихся простотой обслуживания и высокими характеристиками. Для Люфтваффе самолет Eurofighter стал качественным скачком по сравнению со старыми истребителями F-4F Phantom, на замену которым он пришел. Typhoon уже показал свою высокую эффективность. В учебном воздушном бою два испанских самолета "сбили" восемь F-15C ВВС США, считавшихся одними из самых лучших истребителей в мире.
Acquisition of Luftwaffe Eurofighters will be halted at 140 aircraft, 37 short of the original number.
A Luftwaffe Tornado IDS taxies past a Eurofighter. Procurement of additional Eurofighters could include a new ECR variant.
EF2000 "Тайфун" из состава 74-й эскадры ВВС Германии
Eurofighter 30+29 was painted in a special scheme to denote the unit's participation in this year's NATO Tiger Meet.
Eurofighter 30+30 landing at Neuburg. The helmet equipment assembly presents essential flight and weapons aiming information through line-of-sight imagery, enabling the pilot to look in any direction while the data always remains in their field of vision.
Ракеты TAURUS KEPD 350 под самолетом «Тайфун» ВВС Германии
Eurofighter Typhoon 30+47 has received tail art to mark ten years of operations by the type in Luftwaffe service. The fighter is assigned to Taktisches Luftwaffengeschwader 73 Steinhoff’, based at Rostock-Laage. The unit received its first Typhoon on April 30, 2004.
The Luftwaffe contributed to the missions with up to eight Eurofighters from Norvenich-based TLG 31.
Luftwaffe EF2000 Eurofighter 30+68 is currently painted in a striking blue and white colour scheme designed by German artist Walter Maurer and featuring the legend ‘Luftwaffe 60'. The aircraft is assigned to TaktLwG 74 based at Neuburg Air Base and it made its maiden flight on May 31, 2016.
Eurofighter 30+68 is currently painted in a striking blue and white colour scheme designed by German artist Walter Maurer and featuring 60 years Luftwaffe. The aircraft was painted by the Neuburg wing.
Temporary markings were applied to Eurofighter Typhoon 30+70 of the Luftwaffe's Jagdgeschwader 74 (Fighter Wing 74) based at Neuburg to mark the type passing 200,000 flight hours with the six air forces that fly it. Eurofighter announced the achievement on September 8, 2013, by which time 378 of the 571 Typhoons ordered had been delivered. Half the flight hours have been accumulated since January 2011.
A pair of Tranche 2 Typhoons assigned to TLG 31 configured for the air defence mission loaded with underwing fuel tanks and IRIS-T missiles.
This jet, 30+74, has received special '60 Jahre Luftwaffe' markings on the tail to promote the tenth anniversary of Luftwaffe Eurofighter operations.
One of the four Italian Air Force F-35A Lightning Ils, MM7360 ‘32-10’ from 32° Stormo/13° Gruppo at Amendola-Foggia Air Base, alongside German Air Force Eurofighter 30+75 at Amari Air Base, Estonia, on May 4, 2021
Wittmund Air Base was the venue for Exercise Brilliant Arrow, a multinational event staged to certify Germany’s Luftwaffe as capable to assume the NATO Response Force tasking.
A former F-4F Phantom II pilot, Colonel Danilo Schlag, commander of TLG-31, can be seen in the cockpit of his specially painted Eurofighter nicknamed Sword of Boelcke on September 9, 2020
An Israeli Air Force F-16C Barak and German Air Force Eurofighter break formation during a sortie over Germany as part of the recent German-Israeli exercise Blue Wings. Six Israeli F-16C/Ds arrived at Germany's Norvenich Air Base on August 17, 2020 for the exercise, along with a Gulfstream G550 Nachshon plus support KC-130H Hercules and KC-707s. The Israeli aircraft departed for home on August 28
Eurofighter Typhoon 31+00 with 'Hand in Hand' artwork on the starboard side of its tail, symbolising the co-operation between JG 71 'Richthofen' and JBG 31 'Boelcke'. On its port side it marked the 55th anniversary of the formation of JBG 31 in 1957, including silhouettes of the Republic F-84F Thunderstreak, Lockheed F-104G Starfighter and Panavia Tornado flown before receiving the Eurofighter.
Eurofighter Typhoon 31+00 (b/n GS0077) has the distinction of being the 100th example of the fighter delivered to the Luftwaffe. To highlight its status, the aircraft briefly wore '100' titles on the fin. It is seen here at Norvenich AB on March 4, 2013, having been allocated to Jagdbombergeschwader 31 (Fighter-bomber Wing 31) 'Boelcke'. It arrived at the base on February 28 after being officially handed over to the Luftwaffe by Cassidian at Manching earlier that day.
A German Air Force EF-2000, serial 31+00, in flight.
Eurofighters and crews from Norvenich and Neuburg made up the German contingent for the year's first course.
A formation flight with the G550 Nachshon Aitam, two F-16D-40-CFS of 105th Squadron and two Typhoon Tranche 2s of the Luftwaffe’s TLG31 prior to a memorial flight over Dachau concentration camp on August 18, 2020
An F-16D-40-CF of Israel's 105th Squadron and Typhoon Tranche 2 of the Luftwaffe's TLG31 prior to the memorial flight over Dachau on August 18, 2020
The Eurofighter Typhoon display proved popular with visitors to the 2022 ILA Berlin Air Show
The Luftwaffe has painted Eurofighter 31+31 from Taktisches Luftwaffengeschwader 31 ‘Boelcke’ with artwork showing the German World War One air ace Oswald Boelcke, after whom the unit is named. The aircraft is pictured at its Norvenich base.
One of the ten Luftwaffe Eurofighters from TaktLwG 31 ‘Boelcke’ at Leeuwarden was the wing's flagship 31+31, which has artwork applied to commemorate Oswald Boelcke was who born 125 years ago.
TLG 31 Typhoon 31+35 at Vidsel in September 2017, loaded with four inert GBU-48s.
TLG 31 personnel undertake load training with a GBU-48.
TLG 31 Typhoons onn the last chance check ramp before a training mission from Norvenich Air Base.
Two of the Typhoons detached to Lulea Air Base, Sweden to use the test range at Vidsel in September 2017. The Luftwaffe deployed Typhoons to Sweden to qualify employment of the GBU-48 dual-mode precision-guided munition. Each aircraft is loaded with a different GBU-48 payload; four munitions on the aircraft nearest the camera and two on the furthest jet.
Recently-delivered Luftwaffe Tranche 3A Eurofighter 31+44 from TLG 71 'Richthofen' lands back at Wittmundhafen Air Base in early March after one of its first operational missions.
One of Germany's Typhoon Tranche 3As which participated in MAGDAYs can be seen in its hangar at Norvenich air base on August 24, 2020
The award will see MBDA continue its research into new missile designs and technologies
Photographed in May 2020 at Norvenich air base, Luftwaffe Eurofighter 31+49 (GS0109) had received special Quadriga/Tranche 4 markings ahead of its planned appearance at the now-cancelled ILA Berlin airshow.
A selection of legacy aircraft parked on the flight line at Amendola.
The four F-4Fs involved in the last flight ceremony at Wittmundhafen on June 29, 2013, parked next to two of the type's replacement, the Eurofighter Typhoon.
A QRA aircraft undertaking a T-Scramble. Night flying is a essential part of the training with operations from January to April and September to December.
Six of the eight Typhoons of TLG-31 on the runway on September 8, 2020
A Typhoon assigned to TLG 31 loaded with one live GBU-48 precision-guided bomb on a mission to the Fort Irwin National Training Center range during Exercise Green Flag West 2018-07.
The current Luftwaffe air-to-ground load of four GBU-48 bombs, two IRIS-T infrared air-to-air missiles and the laser designator pod under the belly. All Luftwaffe wings now include Production System Configuration 12 jets suitable for air-to-surface weapons deployment.
Eurofighter 31+34 fitted with a Litening III targeting pod and an IRIS-T captive training missile, seen over Norvenich Air Base
This Luftwaffe Eurofighter clearly shows a Litening III targeting pod mounted on the centreline station. Frisian Flag was the first exercise in which Luftwaffe Eurofighters had operated in the air-to-surface role.
One of the main benefits of the foreplane delta, such as that adopted for the Eurofighter Typhoon, is that it offers especially high supersonic agility. With a suitably positioned centre of gravity, it can also provide particularly high subsonic turn rates.
Ракеты TAURUS KEPD 350 под самолетом «Тайфун» ВВС Германии
Luftwaffe Tranche 2/3 Eurofighters are now fully capable in the air-to-ground role.
Three F-16C-40-CF Israeli fighters of the 101st 'The First Fighter' Squadron arrive at Germany's Norvenich Air Base on August 17, 2020. Two German Typhoons can be seen leading the formation
A German Air Force A400M leads a formation of four TLG-31 Eurofighters over Norvenich Air Base
A Luftwaffe EF2000 lands behind a pair of A-4s. DA Defence spends 1,030 of its 1,200 annual flying hours supporting the German Eurofighters.
На задних кромках обеих плоскостей крыла установлены двухсекционные элевоны. Для управления по крену элевоны отклоняются в противоположные стороны, для управления по тангажу (в вертикальной плоскости) - симметрично.
Colonel Stefan Kleinheyer is the current commanding officer of TLG 31 based at Norvenich Air Base.
The second EFA development aircraft DA2 pictured at British Aerospace, Warton in August 1992. Germany's withdrawal from the project means Dasa is increasingly becoming a commercially-orientated industrial organisation.
DA2 - первый Eurofighter, построенный компанией BAe, и второй самолет, поднявшийся в воздух, - демонстрирует подвеску макетных ракет "воздух-поверхность" Brimstone. Получивший военный бортовой номер ZH588, этот самолет использовался для летных испытаний с 1994-го по 2007 год.
DA2/ZH588 demonstrates a typical Typhoon weapons load for the close air support role, comprising two ASRAAM on the outer wing stations, 18 Brimstone anti-armour missiles on the remaining wing pylons, four AIM-120 AMRAAM on the recessed fuselage stations and a 1,000 litre drop tank on the centreline station.
Eurofighter Typhoon Instrumented Production Aircraft Six ZJ938 (IPA6/BS031) powers off the runway at BAE Systems' facility in Warton, Lancashire, for its maiden flight on November 1, 2007. Flown by BAE Systems Typhoon test pilot Mark Bowman, the aircraft lifted off at 1306hrs and was airborne for 54 minutes. Although essentially a Tranche 1 standard aircraft, it is fitted with the full Tranche 2 mission computer suite and avionics and its initial primary tasking will be to gain Type Acceptance for Block 8, the first capability standard for Tranche 2 Typhoons, expected in April 2008. The first aircraft to full Tranche 2 build standard will be a Manching produced German aircraft, IPA7/GS029, which is expected to make its first flight by the end of 2007.
В полете - четвертый и второй прототипы "Еврофайтера"
UK-built Eurofighter trainer DA4 (nearest), accompanied by the single-seat DA2 (1999)
Typhoon FGR4 ZJ938 (BS031) is used by BAE Systems as a test aircraft for weapon integration with the fleet code IPA 6. The jet is seen at Warton in January 2016 loaded with a Meteor missile on station 7. Eurofighter Instrumented Production Aircraft 2 is in the back ground loaded with a Storm Shadow test article. Both jets are loaded with pods housing high-speed cameras and telemetry instrumentation used to record weapon separation events.
On May 25, 2011 BAE Systems announced that it had delivered the 100th Typhoon produced at its assembly facility at Warton, Lancashire. The aircraft, Typhoon FGR4 ZK315 (BS072), is a Tranche 2 Block 8 example and first flew in primer on February 24. It will be delivered RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, prior to being issued to a squadron. In addition to the aircraft for the RAF, Warton has also assembled the aircraft for the Royal Saudi Air Force. Over 260 Typhoons have been delivered from the four assembly lines in Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK, to six customers.
ZJ946 became the first British-built production Tranche 2 Typhoon to fly on August 6, 2008.
The latest Typhoon for Saudi Arabia flew on February 24, 2011 in primer, with its build numbers painted underneath the cockpit.
Unpainted Typhoon FGR4 ZK328 (c/n BS089) on the Aircraft Servicing Platform at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, on June 12, 2014 while receiving attention at the Typhoon Maintenance Facility. It had its paint removed as part of the process, showing the different materials used in its construction. First flown on October 4, 2011, ZK328 arrived at RAF Coningsby on December 15 that year.
The Royal Air Force's (RAF) first aggressor Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4, ZJ914, taxiing at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, on September 14, 2020 after a shake-down flight following the application of its new 'shark grey' colour scheme. It will be operated by IX (Bomber) Squadron at RAF Lossiemouth, Moray, in the high-end adversary role. It was delivered on September 18 from Coningsby to the unit's temporary home at Kinloss Barracks, Moray, while facilities at Lossiemouth are being completed.
The Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18A Hornets were also based alongside the RAF detachment in RMAF Butterworth, Penang.
No.3(F) Squadron Typhoon pilots work through pre-flight checks at Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base.
Family fleet: The RAF's concept model for the next generation jet fighter "Tempest", F-35B, Typhoon and Tornado aircraft, all seen here in the F-35B hangar at RAF Marham
Su-30MKIs, Typhoons and Mirage 2000Hs parked on the flight line at Kalaikunda AFS.
Against the backdrop of tropical vegetation, Typhoon FGR4s taxi at Butterworth for another wave in the Bersama Lima exercise.
Typhoon FGR4 ZK301 loaded with two Brimstones prior to the first combat mission flown with the precision attack missile. The aircraft is also loaded with two ASRAAM air-to-air missiles and two Paveway IV precision-guided munitions.
Removing some 24 Tranche 1 Typhoons from service will make the force less resilient, and will make it much harder to sustain seven frontline squadrons. The Tranche 1 aircraft currently fly adversary training and air defence missions - a cheap upgrade could widen the scope of their capabilities
Across generations; a fourth-generation RAF Typhoon FGR4 alongside a fifth-generation F-22 Raptor.
While the RAF will maintain its swing-role Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4s, the less advanced Tranche 1 aircraft will be removed from service early
An RAF Typhoon FGR4 takes-off into a sunset sky.
The Eurofighter Typhoon is in service with five European countries, including the UK RAF (pictured), in addition to four of the six Gulf Cooperation Council states
Typhoon FGR4 ZJ939 performs an impressive take off from Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base, Romania.
The RAF’s Eurofighter Typhoon jets are to be fitted with the ECRS Mk2 radar as part of a $278m deal announced in July 2022
The latest radar technology could be in operation on RAF Typhoons by 2030.
A Typhoon FGR4 moves into the pre-contact position behind a US Air Force KC-10A Extender during a mission in support of Operation Inherent Resolve. The Typhoon is armed with two ASRAAM missiles carried on stations 0 and 12, and four Paveway IV precision-guided munitions, one each carried on stations 1, 3, 9 and 11. The reality of Typhoon still having just one true precision-guided air-to-ground munition to call upon, Paveway IV, after so many years of development must surely be considered a poor reflection of this pan-European defence programme.
Test pilot for BAE Systems, Nat Makepeace, completed the maiden flight of the first Tranche 3 Eurofighter Typhoon from Warton, Lancashire, on December 2, 2013. The aircraft (ZK355, b/n BS116) was assembled to accommodate the new systems to be introduced on the version - including a new active electronically-scanned array radar and conformal fuel tanks - although most have not been installed in the airframe. The RAF will receive 40 Tranche 3A aircraft, while a further 72 will be built for Germany, Italy and Spain. Meanwhile, on December 4 the Luftwaffe received the 400th Typhoon (31+06, bln GS082) during a ceremony at EADS Cassidian's Military Air Systems Centre in Manching, Germany.
Seen here operating at low-level in the Scottish borders on July 31, 2007 is Typhoon F.2 ZJ930 'AA' of 17 (Reserve) Squadron, the Typhoon Operational Evaluation Unit. The aircraft was delivered to the unit at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, on June 22 and is the first of the type to Block 5, Tranche 2, standard to enter service. Externally, this latest standard of Typhoon can be identified by the PIRATE (Passive Infra-Red Airborne Tracking Equipment) sensor mounted on the port side of the fuselage, just forward of the canopy. PIRATE enables multiple target acquisition and identification using both forward looking infra-red (FLIR) and infra-red search and track (IRST) sensors, providing information to the pilot’s helmet-mounted display. Up to 200 targets can be tracked simultaneously and although the maximum detection range has not been revealed, it has been suggested that it may be up to 80nm. PIRATE will be fitted to all Block 5 aircraft delivered to the partner nations in the Typhoon programme, apart from Germany.
There is some irony in that one of the aircraft being considered as a ‘future classic’ (the Eurofighter Typhoon) should have a canard layout. This was a configuration chosen by the Wright brothers, albeit with differences!
Clean configuration but for two under wing drop tanks, a Typhoon FGR4 snakes through the Mach loop in north Wales during a training mission from RAF Coningsby.
The Litening targeting pod is carried under the fuselage of the RAF’s Typhoon fleet, with the upgrade offering enhancement search and tracking capabilities
A Royal Air Force Tranche 3 Typhoon FGR4 in full Project Centurion fit.
Typhoon IPA6 (ZJ938) is seen carrying a Paveway IV under the inner starboard pylon during recent drop tests of the weapon over the Aberporth Range. The fin markings feature the Gold Lion of England with the Crown and Red Rose of Lancashire on a blue shield.
The Typhoon fleet will also be cut to reduce costs, with the Tranche 1 aircraft due to be removed, leaving just 107 Tranche 2 and 3 fighters in service
Typhoon FGR4s ZK309 loaded with four Paveway IVs and ASRAAM air-to-air missiles.
Four 6 Squadron Typhoon FGR4s fitted with Litening laser designator pods participated in Exercise Pitch Black last August
Flying over the North Sea in a 'Diamond Nine' formation on a sortie from their base at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, on November 3, 2006 are RAF Typhoon F2s ZJ922 'QO-C', ZJ917 'QO-G', ZJ924 'QO-H', ZJ918 'QO-L', ZJ925 'QO-R' and ZJ916 'QO-U' from 3 Squadron; ZJ912 'AB' and ZJ928 'AF' from 17 (Reserve) Squadron; plus ZJ921 'BW' from 29 (Reserve) Squadron. Three aircraft and a spare had been practicing for the Remembrance Day flypast over London on November 11, whilst four others plus a spare were also practicing for a flypast over the new New Zealand Memorial in London on the same day. The opportunity was, therefore, taken to practice close formation flying in a diamond nine, marking the first time ever that any of the type had flown such a formation.
Royal Air Force/3 Squadron Typhoon F.2s ZJ929/'QO-A', ZJ926/'QO-Y' and ZJ919/'QO-W' lead Royal New Zealand Air Force/40 Squadron Boeing 757-2K2 NZ7571 during a practice flypast over RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, on November 9, 2006. The aircraft were rehearsing for a flypast over Hyde Park Corner, London, which took place on November 11 to mark the dedication of the new New Zealand Memorial.
Among the 90 aircraft in the flypast were four Typhoons from RAF Coningsby.
A Fortele Aeriene Romane MiG-21 LancerR leads two Typhoon FRG4s.
Although the May 13, 1999 celebrations were somewhat dampened, the previous day was fine and resulted in the Canberras being escorted into Warton by a Eurofighter, piloted by Keith Hartley.
This photo provides an interesting comparison between the Typhoon and Su-30MKI and highlights the size difference between the two. The RAF decided not to pit the Typhoon against the Flanker in a 1v1 engagement, though both types did take part in numerous missions together.
Су-30МКИ и "Тайфун"
When 6 Squadron returned from Pitch Black in Australia during late August last year, it took the opportunity to fly a mission with the Indian Air Force. Here, a 6 Sqn Typhoon flies in close formation with a Rafale and Su-30MKI. How interoperable the Typhoon is with an Su-30MKI is anyone’s guess
Typhoon FGR4s and Su-30MKIs over West Bengal during Exercise Indra Dhanush III.
A Typhoon breaks away from two Indian Air Force Mirage 2000Hs.
Formation shot of each type of aircraft participating in Exercise Atlantic Challenge 2017.
A formation comprising the nine Hawk T.1s of the RAF’s Red Arrows and four Eurofighter Typhoons (one each from 3, 11, 17(R) and 29(R) Squadrons) from RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, fly over RAF Honington, Suffolk, on April 1, 2008 to mark the RAF's 90th anniversary.
A highlight of this year’s Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford was the daily formation flypast by the Royal Air Force Red Arrows with an F-35B and a Typhoon or two (depending on serviceability). That's showbiz!
This sequence of frames shows two Brimstone test articles during a simultaneous release from the launcher carried on station 11 of Typhoon FGR4 ZJ938.
Development Aircraft DA2/ZH588 formates with RAF/216 Squadron Tristar KC.1 ZD948 during air-to-air refuelling trials. Although DA4 has been wearing this overall black scheme for the last 18 months or so, the RAF 43 Squadron ‘Fighting Cock’ emblem on the fin is a recent addition. The aircraft was apparently ‘zapped’ by Squadron personnel while parked overnight in a hardened aircraft shelter at the unit’s base at RAF Leuchars, which will become a Eurofighter Typhoon base from 2008.
The French Rafale is likely to lose its significant lead to the Eurofighter (shown), thanks to the current French socialist government.
A common shot taken from an RAF Voyager tanker shows a Typhoon FGR4 plugged into the basket and taking fuel, this one during a Shader mission. Note the bright yellow rings applied to the forward fuselage of the Paveway IV bomb denoting it's a live weapon.
A RAF Voyager from RAF Brize Norton provided air refuelling for all legs of Eastern Venture.
This photo of VC10 K.3 shows off the aircraft's elegant lines, as well as the guidelines under the wings and the HDU unit under the rear fuselage which helps to guide receiver aircraft. 'Plugged' into the starboard basket is one of the development Eurofighter Typhoons, ZH588.
Третий этап испытаний самолета включал дозаправку в воздухе. Машина DA.2 первой выполнила "сухой" контакт с заправочным шлангом самолета VC.10 из 101-й эскадрильи.
It is important that the UK, a huge buyer of defence equipment, should have a clear industrial, as well as defence, policy. To this end, the SBAC has launched a Winning the Global Competition campaign and has a role in advising the government on the implications of defence policies on the aerospace industry.
In January 1998, Eurofighter DA2 ZH588 conducted trials aimed at clearing the type for in-flight refuelling. RAF VC10 K.3 ZA149 flew the sortie and such was the straightforward nature of the flight that the fighter successfully achieved the necessary clearance.
The first Eurofighter aerial refuelling was conducted by DA2 from RAF VC10 K Mk 3 ZA149 over the Irish Sea on 14 January 1998 (1999)
The wet and humid climate of Southeast Asia presented challenges for the ground crews and pilots alike.
RAF Typhoons from 3 Sqn at RAF Coningsby now share the responsibility for Southern QRA with Tornado F.3s of 25 Sqn at RAF Leeming. A pilot runs to his aircraft during a practice QRA launch for the press. In today's post-9/11 world, QRA crews may be put in the unenviable position of being ordered to shoot down an airliner should it be deemed a terrorist threat.
1 Sqn
RAF Typhoon FGR4s employed live Paveway IV Mk2 precision-guided munitions for the first time during Red Flag 15-1.
Typhoon FGR4 ZK329/‘FH' of No.1(F) Squadron and Mirage 2000N 369/‘125-AG ’ of Escadron de Chasse 2/4 together during Exercise Capable Eagle.
3 Sqn
Еврофайтер "Тайфун"
The RAF has been phasing out its Typhoon T3s. However, single-seat variants are due to be in service for a further two decades.
Истребитель Typhoon разработан в расчете на длительный срок эксплуатации. Построенное по принципу "открытой архитектуры" бортовое электронное оборудование позволяет совершенствовать электронику самолета параллельно с развитием вычислительных технологий. На самолетах второй производственной серии будут установлены более мощные процессоры.
One of the few aircraft types built in the UK is the Eurofighter Typhoon, which BAE Systems manufactures at its Warton plant. The company received a significant boost with the news that the Royal Saudi Air Force has stated that it intends to purchase up to 72 of these fighters. Pictured is a Typhoon F.2 of the RAF's 3 (F) Squadron.
A Typhoon F.2 of 3 Sqn in QRA fit carrying four ASRAAMs on the wing pylons and four AMRAAMs under the fuselage. The RAF has not yet cleared the type's 27mm Mauser cannon for use.
Eurofighter Typhoon - кандидат в состав ВВС ОАЭ
As the RAF approaches its 90th anniversary, the service faces budget pressures despite being heavily committed to operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, money is still being found to boost the capabilities of the aircraft pictured - Harrier GR.9, Tornado GR.4 and Typhoon F.2. The four aircraft in this photo are from 1 (F), II (AC), 3(F) and IV (AC) Squadrons, all of which will celebrated their 95th anniversaries in 2007, having been formed in 1912 as part of the Royal Flying Corps prior to the formation of the RAF in 1918.
Typhoon F.Mk 2 из 3-й эскадрильи британских ВВС выполняли пуски УР ASRAAM еще до завершения испытаний на совместимость Eurofighter с данной ракетой. Эти пуски ускорили постановку британских Typhoon на боевое дежурство.
RAF/3 Squadron Typhoon F.2 ZJ917 'QO-G' launches an ASRAAM on February 24, 2007 over Cardigan Bay. This was the first time ASRAAM, which will be part of the type's standard air defence fit, had been fired from a Typhoon in service with a front-line unit.
Current plans will see 596 Eurofighter Typhoons built for the four partner nations: 180 for Germany, 97 for Italy, 87 for Spain and 232 for the UK. This RAF 3(F) Sqn Typhoon F.2 is seen carrying out ASRAAM firing trials in March this year.
Three Typhoon FGR4s from No.3(F) Squadron were trade’ for the final TriStar AAR mission flown from Brize Norton on March 24, 2014.
Typhoon FGR4 proves its worth
Typhoon FGR4 ZJ927/'QO-M' of No.3(F) Squadron is seen at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, on September 27, 2011. A total of 56 Operation Ellamy mission markings are painted under the cockpit.
Истребитель Typhoon способен летать с большими углами атаки благодаря наличию ПГО, которое, кроме того, на посадке выполняет функцию аэродинамических тормозов. Правая и левая поверхности ПГО поворачиваются симметрично в диапазоне от -60 до +20 градусов.
Основная часть аппаратуры бортового комплекса предупреждения и обороны DASS размещена в контейнерах, установленных на законцовках плоскостей крыла. На самолете Королевских ВВС в левом контейнеры размещены две антенны, фиксирующие электромагнитное излучение в передней и задней полусферах. В правом контейнере находятся дополнительные антенны и буксируемая радиолокационная ловушка.
6 Sqn
Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4 ZK342/‘ED' of No.6 Squadron based at RAF Leuchars, Fife, has received a special scheme inspired by the colours of the unit's Hawker Hurricane IID 'tank-busters' operated in North Africa and the Middle East during World War Two. The Typhoon was painted to mark No.6 Squadron’s formation in January 1914; a deployment to Nellis AFB in Nevada for Red Flag 14-1 meant celebrations had to be postponed until April 2014. The Typhoon was painted by the Serco-run paintshop at RAF Leuchars and it was rolled out from there on April 8. A centenary parade was held three days later, attended by two of the squadron's former Hurricane pilots.
The Eurofighter multi-role fighter, pictured here in UK RAF livery during Exercise Saif Sareea III in Oman, has been an export success in the Middle East region
A pilot examines Royal Air Force Typhoon FGR4 ZK332 of 6 Squadron, loaded with MBDA Meteor beyond visual range air-to-air missiles on its fuselage weapons stations.
В сентябре 2010 года на авиабазе Леучарс в Шотландии было переформировано третье боевое подразделение - 6-я эскадрилья (на фото).
Joint Warrior provides a valuable multi-national opportunity for the RAF’s Typhoon units.
No.6 Squadron ‘Flying Can Openers’ based at RAF Lossiemouth, Moray deployed eight Typhoons to Nellis for Red Flag 17-1. Typhoon FGR4 ZK321/EG is seen departing the Nevada base on a mission.
Tupolev Tu-95MS Bear-H RF-94122/'20' red (c/n 34666) named Dubna, shadowed by Typhoon ZK317/'ES' on September 16, 2014.
Russia’s threat has seen fourth/fifth-generation integration by all NATO forces gain some real momentum. Here, an RAF Typhoon is seen intercepting a Tu-142MZ Bear during a Baltic Air Policing mission in 2019. Two QRA sites at RAF Lossiemouth and RAF Coningsby protect the skies over the UK
Voyager’s release to service for air refuelling the Typhoon was issued in August 2013.
11 Sqn
RAF Typhoon F.2 ZJ931 'DA' departs from the BAE Systems' facility at Warton, Lancashire, on delivery to RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, on October 9, 2006. The aircraft is the 100th Eurofighter delivered, the 35th for the RAF and the first for 11 Squadron. Note that Squadron marking colours on the fuselage are applied in reverse.
Еврофайтер «Тайфун»
A Typhoon FGR4 of XI Squadron undergoes final checks prior to departing for a sortie over the Barry M Goldwater Range with an LGB.
As well as smart bombs, inert 1,000lb free-fall bombs were dropped during Torpedo Focus. Typhoon FGR4, ZJ935/DJ, is pictured departing Davis-Monthan AFB carrying two of these weapons.
RAF Typhoons on the flight line at Al Dhafra AB.
A Typhoon FGR4 departs RMAF Butterworth. In the background are Royal Australian Air Force AP-3C Orions and a Royal New Zealand Air Force P-3K2.
'Double Diamond' takes to the skies loaded with two Enhanced Paveway IIs and two ASRAAM missiles. The two bombs will have been guided to the target thanks to buddy lasing provided by a Tornado GR4.
'Dixie' on a leap of faith? No.XI Squadron operates Typhoon FGR4 ZJ939/'DXI', the tail code giving rise to its nickname. The aircraft is shown departing Gioia del Colle AB armed with two AIM-120 AMRAAM and four ASRAAM missiles.
Первым вооружением "воздух-поверхность", использованным Typhoon в боевой обстановке, стали КАБ Paveway II с двухрежимной ГСН. Typhoon впервые нанесли удар этими КАБ в Ливии в апреле 2011 года, уничтожив два танка Т-72.
На новейшем европейском истребителе Eurofighter Typhoon установлены ТРДДФ Eurojet EJ200, созданные с применением так называемой блиск-технологии (BUSK, лопатки компрессора изготавливаются единым целым вместе с диском), способные выдерживать большие рабочие температуры и отличающие ся высокой тяговооруженностью.
Typhoon FGR4 ZJ932/'DB' of No.XI Squadron is seen taking off at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, on February 3, 2011. It displays four silhouettes under the forward section of the cockpit depicting two Tupolev Tu-95 Bear-H and two Tu-160 Blackjack strategic strike aircraft, marking interception missions to monitor the Russian types as they approached the UK air defence region. The markings are unofficial and first appeared approximately one year ago, but are due to be removed.
A pair of XI Squadron Typhoons over the Barry M Goldwater Range. One of the reasons this facility was selected by the RAF is the variety of targets that it offers, as illustrated here.
Typhoons of XI Squadron recently deployed to North America for a heavy weapons detachment and to participate in a large close air support exercise. These two FGR4s are carrying Paveway II bombs, while visible on the centreline station of the aircraft peeling away from the camera is a Litening III laser designator pod. This enables a Typhoon to self-designate its own LGBs and 'spike' targets for other aircraft. It is also useful for identifying targets and in Wg Cdr Parker's view has great potential as an NTISR asset.
Опыт требовал создания самолета, способного в одном вылете решать задачи и воздушного боя, и работы по наземным целям. Британские Eurofighter создавались в соответствии с этими требованиями, начиная со стадии предварительного проектирования.
Современные многоцелевые самолеты, такие как этот Typhoon FGR.Mk 4, вооруженный шестью бомбами с лазерным наведением (LGB) Paveway II, могут нести боевую нагрузку большую, чем тяжелые бомбардировщики Второй мировой войны с их многочисленным экипажем. Кроме того, многие современные истребители могут переключаться с решения задач "воздух-поверхность" на "воздух-воздух" прямо в полете в соответствии с изменением ситуации.
На самолете Typhoon установлена интегрированная бортовая система контроля технического состояния. Для контроля состояния двигателя и планера она получает данные от 20 датчиков. Использование системы значительно повысило безопасность полетов, а также упростило жизнь наземному персоналу.
Typhoon FGR4s in formation as they transit to Asia.
All six of the Typhoons that deployed to India are shown alongside the accompanying VC10 tanker during one of the flights to India.
An F-22 Raptor, a Typhoon FGR4 and a Rafale C fly in formation during a mission flown from Langley Air Force Base as part of Exercise Trilateral on December 7, 2015.
AIR International flew on a Voyager air refuelling mission with Typhoon FGR4s from RAF Coningsby. After air refuelling with the Il-78 tanker, all four Indian Air Force Su-30MKI Flank­ers joined the Typhoons alongside the Voyager.
Британский «Тайфун» перехватил российский Ту-95МС, выполняющий боевой вылет для удара по объектам в Сирии
Russian Air Force Tu-95MS Bear-H '18 Red' is shadowed by RAF/11 Squadron Typhoon F2 ZJ932 'DB' over the North Atlantic Ocean on August 17, 2007. This was the first such intercept since the Typhoon assumed responsibility for the southern UK Quick Reaction Alert element of UK and NATO air defence on June 29. Russian President Vladimir Putin had announced on the same day that Russia was resuming regular long-range strategic bomber patrol missions.
The Tu-95MS is the principal aircraft used by the Russian Air Force for high-profile 'show of force' patrols.
An RAF Typhoon F.2 in 11 Sqn markings, though flown by a 3 Sqn pilot, shadows a Russian Air Force Tu-95MS Bear-H on August 17, 2007. On the same day, President Vladimir Putin announced the resumption of long-range strategic bomber flights. This was the first time the RAF's latest fighter had intercepted a Russian aircraft.
Typhoon из XI-й АЭ RAF сопровождает Ту-95МС из состава 37-й ВА (стратегического назначения)
With the need to provide close air support for ground forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, the RAF has taken the lead in developing the Typhoon’s air-to-ground capability. This II Squadron Typhoon is shown dropping a 1,000lb Paveway II LGB.
В 2011 году самолеты Typhoon британских ВВС первыми выполнили бомбометание по ливийским целям. В тот раз применялись бомбы Paveway II EPW.
An XI Squadron Typhoon FGR4 drops a Paveway II during the North American deployment. The Typhoon is proving to be a very accurate bomber and will be declared multi-role capable on July 1, 2008.
In years gone by all RAF Typhoons had squadron markings applied like this aircraft from XI Squadron based at RAF Coningsby. Today the majority of the RAF Typhoon fleet is void of any squadron insignia. This is reportedly due to the type's combat involvement in Operation Shader and the need for greater discretion faced with the ISIS threat. However, the adoption of the aircraft's serial number as a numerical tail code is perhaps more geared toward helping maintenance crews identify each jet. On one occasion a costly maintenance procedure was performed on the wrong jet.
Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4 ZJ932/'DB' arrived back at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, on November 23, 2012, following upgrade to R2 standard by BAE Systems at Warton, Lancashire.
Fast jets types involved in Exercise Indra Dhanush III parked for a photo opportunity at Kalaikunda AFS.
Groundcrew from XI Squadron load a 1,000lb practice Paveway II LGB at Davis-Monthan AFB during Torpedo Focus in readiness for the next sortie.
17 Sqn
Эксплуатационные испытания истребитель Typhoon проходил в 17-й (резервной) эскадрилье Королевских ВВС Великобритании. В ходе этих испытаний проверялось функционирование вооружения и всех систем самолета. На фотографии представлен один из истребителей Typhoon FGR.Mk 4 этой эскадрильи с шестью корректируемыми бомбами Paveway II на внешней подвеске. Необычен поток воздуха, срывающийся с фонаря кабины самолета - данный феномен часто можно было наблюдать при полетах самолетов Typhoon в насыщенной влагой атмосфере.
В настоящее время боевые самолеты часто вынуждены выполнять полеты на предельно малых высотах. Неоценимым помощником в этом является система огибания рельефа местности, принцип действия которой основан на сравнении рельефа местности с данными, введенными в память бортовой ЭВМ.
The RAF's latest fighter, a Eurofighter Typhoon F.2 of 17 (R)Sqn, carrying six 1,000lb Paveway II LGBs, four AMRAAMs and two ASRAAMs
В RAF на смену Tornado F.Mk 3 (на переднем плане) должны прийти более маневренные истребители Typhoon. ADV критиковали за недостаточную маневренность, по сравнению с истребителями Су-27, которые могли сопровождать советские бомбардировщики. В 2007 году британские Tornado провели учебные бои с индийскими Су-30 - и ADV потерпели полное поражение.
Су-30МКИ в совместном полете с истребителями ВВС Великобритании "Торнадо" и "Тайфун"
An Indian AF SU-30MKI flies alongside a Typhoon from 17 (R) Sqn and a Tornado F.3 of 25(F) Sqn during Exercise Indradhanush 07.
Индийский Су-30МКИ в полете строем с Typhoon F.Mk 2 британских ВВС на учениях "Indra Dhunush", 2007 год. Индийские самолеты показали себя на учениях великолепно, хотя на их применение были наложены ограничения, чтобы не раскрывать всех возможностей БРЛС.
На этом индийском истребителе Су-30МКИ хорошо видно место установки 30-мм пушки ГШ-30-1 (боезапас пушки - 150 снарядов). В 2007 году самолет принимал участие в совместном учении с британскими Typhoon, проводившемся в Великобритании.
No. 17(R) Squadron disbanded at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, on April 17, 2013. The operational evaluation unit painted Typhoon FGR4 ZJ947 in special marking for a small ceremony held at the base for the occasion. The unit's role of evaluating and developing tactics for the Typhoon has passed to No.41(R) Squadron, the Fast Jet Operational Evaluation Unit. No. 17 Squadron is destined to reform as the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II evaluation unit; it will initially be based at Edwards AFB in California, before returning to the UK at RAF Marham, Norfolk.
29 Sqn
RAF Eurofighter Typhoon F.2 ZJ937 (BS028), the 46th UK aircraft, made its first flight on February 23, 2007 and is seen here about to make its second production test flight on March 6. What is unusual is that the aircraft, although largely in primer, has a fully painted grey tailfin with 29 Squadron badge and code 'BG', indicating that it has been fitted with the fin from ZJ808. The latter was at Warton last year for modification and has obviously acquired a new fin, whilst the old one went to Samlesbury for strengthening as part of an ongoing modification programme. Additionally, the port side of the front fuselage, also manufactured at Samlesbury, still carries the production identification markings, normally removed before first flight, including a red/white/blue roundel and 'Royal Air Force' titles.
Typhoon FGR4 ZJ928/'BX' lifts off the runway at Gioia del Colle AB in southern Italy laden with two 1,000lb Enhanced Paveway II laser-guided bombs, a Litening II EF targeting pod and two ASRAAM missiles.
К 2010 году Typhoon полностью вытеснили из британских ВВС Tornado F.Mk 3. Typhoon несут боевое дежурство в южной части Великобритании.
No.29 Squadron based at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire is the Typhoon operational conversion unit and home of the RAF Typhoon display team. Each year the team applies a colourful paint scheme to its display jet for the summer season. On April 1, 2018, the Royal Air Force reached 100 years of age; the oldest independent air arm in the world.
The RAF participated with its Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4. This year, the aircraft wore a unique union flag design and was dubbed ‘Blackjack’. The 2022 display pilot was Flight Lieutenant Adam O’Hare of 29 Sqn
Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4 ZK343/‘BX’ of No.29 (Reserve) Squadron based at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, is the RAF's 2014 display aircraft, which will be flown by Flt Lt Noel Rees. The aircraft made its first flight on March 31, 2014 after Serco applied the special tail and canard markings designed by Adam Johnson Concepts, which incorporate the squadron’s emblem, the buzzard and XXX. The Typhoon previously served with No.6 Squadron as ‘EA’, but was recently transferred to No.29 (Reserve) Squadron.
На снимке (слева - направо) представлены самолеты из 29-й, 17-й, 11-й и 3-й эскадрилий, летящие в одном строю.
As part of the commemorations due to be held in June for the 70th anniversary of Operation Overlord, the D-Day landings in Normandy, France, Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4 ZK308 of No.29 (Reserve) Squadron has received black and white ‘invasion stripes’ on its wings and rear fuselage, and the code ‘TP-V’. ‘TP’ markings were painted on Hawker Typhoon Ia/bs of No. 198 Squadron in June 1944, with ‘V’ belonging to MN526. The Typhoon jet first flew with its new markings on April 29, 2014 at its home base of RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire.
Истребитель «Тайфун»
В честь 75-летия «Битвы за Англию» один из истребителей «Тайфун» британских ВВС был выкрашен в цвета легендарного «Спитфайра». Оба самолета выполняли совместные полеты.
41 Sqn
BAE Systems sent single- and two-seat Eurofighter Typhoons to Finland for the local evaluations.
Typhoon FGR4 ZK332/’EB-J’ on take-off from RAF Coningsby.
Typhoon FGR4 ZK339/'EB-B’ at low-level in a canyon in California.
Royal Air Force No.41 (Reserve) Squadron Typhoon FGR4 ZJ946 ‘EB-A’ flying at low level in California on October 23, 2014 during the unit’s Exercise High Rider 14-03 deployment.
Typhoon FGR4 ZK332/'EB-J' loaded with four Paveway IVs at low-level in California.
Typhoon FGR4 ZK339/'EB-B’ at low-level in a canyon in California.
ZK332 on take-off from Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, California loaded with four live Paveway IVs.
No.41(R) Squadron Typhoon FGR4 ZK315 taxiing out at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, on September 2, 2015 for its first flight after receiving special colours to mark the unit’s 100th anniversary. The aircraft's tail carries the Cross of Lorraine emblem from the squadron badge, with the rudder depicting silhouettes of some of the significant types operated since the unit was formed on July 14, 1916, at Gosport, Hampshire. The squadron's Battle Honours are listed across the top and base of the tail. The starboard canard foreplane is marked ‘Seek’ and the port one 'Destroy', representing the unit's motto, ‘Seek and Destroy’.
More and more high-profile events are providing a platform for trade announcements. At RIAT 2019, an update on the Eurofighter Typhoon's Centurion project was given by BAE Systems, and Sweden officially joined the UK's Tempest programme.
Eurofighter Typhoon ZJ700 (IPA 5) at Warton, Lancashire, on February 28, 2014 ready for its first flight after layup. It retains the Steedman Display Sword motif on its tail, awarded for test pilot Mark Bowman’s display at the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF
The KAF Typhoons, like the Qatar examples, will be the first to house the Captor-E AESA radar
Wing Commander Mike Sutton, Officer Commanding 1(F) Squadron (right) and Group Captain Paul Godfrey, Station Commander RAF Lossiemouth (left).
RAF ground crew load a Brimstone precision attack missile to the outboard pylon of the triple-carrier loaded to the hard point outboard of the Typhoon's underwing drop tank.
Итальянская "Alenia Aeronautica" построила два прототипа Eurofighter, первый из которых (DA3, на снимке) взлетел в июне 1995 года. До списания в 2006 году на нем многократно испытывалась стрельбой пушка Mauser. Со второго итальянского прототипа, DA7, был впервые осуществлен пуск ракеты AIM-9L.
While Alenia in Italy manufactures the left wing and outboard flaperons for the programme, it also operates DA7 which is assigned the weapons integration and performance aspects of the test programme.
Eurofighter Typhoon
The last of the Development Aircraft, Alenia-built DA7/MM-X603, seen over Sardinia while deployed to Decimomannu. One of DA7’s primary tasks is weapons integration trials and during December 2001 the aircraft undertook successful supersonic firing of both the ASRAAM and AIM-9L at Mach 1.2 and 1.8 respectively.
With its heavy involvement in weapons system trials, DA7/MM-X603 is liberally covered with calibration markings, as seen in this view as the aircraft streams its brake parachute on touchdown. Also clearly visible is the housing on the nose, just forward of the cockpit canopy, for the PIRATE IRST/FLIR system.
Alenia Aeronautica announced on April 15, 2008 that it has begun operations with the largest anechoic shielded chamber in Europe, which will be used for electromagnetic compatibility testing of aircraft and systems. Located in the Alenia Ground Test Centre at Turin-Caselle Airport, the new facility has a hoist systems that is capable of lifting aircraft up to 25 tons in weight to a maximum height of 52ft, enabling them to be irradiated from below. First to use the chamber, as seen here, is Eurofighter Typhoon prototype MM-X603 (DA7).
An Aeronautica Militare Tranche 3 F-2000A from 36° Stormo based at Gioia del Colle Air Base returns to the ramp after its morning mission on day 8 of Cobra Warrior 2019.
A Tranche 2 Typhoon from 12° Gruppo taxis at Decimomannu during Exercise Starex in April 2010.
Eurofighter Typhoon CSX7338 is the first Tranche 3A aircraft for the Italian Air Force.
A Typhoon from 4° Stormo being readied for a night mission inside a shelter.
Four-hundred-hour maintenance inspections of F2000s are carried out at Cameri in northern Italy, while less intensive work is undertaken at Grosseto, where these two aircraft are pictured. The arrival of the Air Force's newest fighter led to the implementation of a new system where aircraft are not allocated to a particular squadron, but rather to a maintenance unit on each base that generates sufficient airworthy aircraft to meet the flying schedule.
Aeronautica Militare munition troops load a live 2,000lb GBU-10 laser-guided bomb on to station 10 of a Typhoon.
The flight line of 4° Stormo aircraft at Decimomannu during Exercise Starex 2010. Aircraft '4-15' is equipped with two underwing fuel tanks, IRIS-T air-to-air missiles and a BGT advanced ACMI pod.
Four Aeronautica Militare F-2000As each loaded with two GBU-16 laser-guided bombs: not the kind of shot we see that often.
MM7273/36-02 was one of the first Typhoons for 12° Gruppo, 36° Stormo at Gioia del Colle AB in May 2008.
Eurofighter Typhoon MM7288 (IS020) arrived at Grosseto Air Base on November 14, 2008 for 9" Gruppo of 4' Stormo, becoming the first Tranche 2 aircraft for the Aeronautics Militare Italians (AMI, Italian Air Force). A total of 47 Tranche 2 Typhoons will be delivered to the AMI by 2013.
Aeronautics Militate Italians (AMI - Italian Air Force) Eurofighter Typhoon MM7272 '36-03' was one of four delivered on October 1, 2007 from Grosseto to Gioia del Colle to become the first of the type with 12' Gruppo of 36’ Stormo. The unit becomes the third Gruppo to re-equip with the Typhoon following on from 10" and 11" Gruppo of 4" Stormo at Grosseto. Arrival of the new aircraft also coincided with the 90th anniversary of the formation of 12' Gruppo, which anticipates being fully operational with the type by spring 2009.
Italy's Aeronautica Militare sent four Eurofighter F-2000As to the exercise. This example, MM7321/37-12 is assigned to 37° Stormo based atTrapani-Birgi, Sicily.
F-2000A M.M.7327/4-47 heads a line-up of jets at Amendola Air Base during the TLP 2018-04 media day.
Four Aeronautica Militare Italiano Eurofighter F-2000A Typhoons on the flight line at Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, California at the start of a two-month detachment for Blazing Shield 2018.
DACT 2017 involved five Ejercito del Aire fighter units and three Italian Eurofighters as international guests.
Eurofighter chief executive Volker Paltzo confirmed on November 9, 2018 that the Typhoon has passed 500,000 flight hours. To mark the occasion, four aircraft, one from the German Luftwaffe’s TLG 74, 30+74, another from Italy’s Aeronautica Militare's 36° Stormo, M.M. 7350/36-55, a Spanish 11 Wing machine, C16-54/11-24 and RAF Typhoon FGR4 ZK434, which was delivered to RAF Coningsby on October 19, were given special paint schemes. Eurofighter said: "Passing the 500,000 flying hours milestone underscores the fact that today Eurofighter Typhoon is the backbone of NATO's European air defence."
The Aeronautica Militare has based two F-2000As at Cameri in a QRA cell for northern Italy, the first time in six years there has been such a capability based in the region.
Истребитель Typhoon 4-й Stormo ВВС Италии, эскадрилья дислоцирована на авиабазе Гооссето. Под крылом самолета подвешены УР "воздух - воздух" IRIS-T. Перед козырьком фонаря кабины виден датчик электронно-оптической системы целеуказания PIRATE.
Самолет Tifone из 4° Stormo в тренировочном полете над севером Италии, 2006 год. В то время Eurofighter обеспечивали воздушную безопасность Зимней Олимпиады. Поставка самолетов Block 2 стала катализатором боевой работы, хотя итальянские самолеты еще некоторое время сохраняли в качестве основного оружия воздушного боя ракеты AIM-9L.
While operating from Gilze-Rijen, the Aeronautics Militare F-2000As carried an AAQ-28(V) Litening III targeting pod.
The first F-2000A Typhoon departs Istrana - 51-01 is the flagship of the wing and sports a larger wing badge on its tail. The squadron flies the F2000A in air-to-air and air-to-ground training missions.
MM7272/36-03 was one of the first four Typhoons assigned to 12° Gruppo, 36° Stormo on October 1, 2007.
Dramatic break of a 36° Stormo Typhoon flying over Southern Italy. The Typhoon boasts excellent manoeuvrability at all altitudes.
The AMI’s Typhoons are armed with the Mauser BK-27 cannon, AIM-120 AMRAAM radar-guided missiles and IRIS-T infrared missiles for air policing.
A 12° Gruppo Typhoon over the Apennines at the end of 2007. This was one of the first four Typhoons delivered to 36° Stormo.
Eurofighter Typhoon
Fancy-tail Typhoon MM.7297/36-13 of 36 Stormo loaded with two inert 2,000lb GBU-10 laser-guided bombs.
F-2000A MM.7340/4-9 wears 9° Gruppo’s squadron badge (a white horse) over a number ‘9’ on the port side of the fin and on the airbrake. The centennial colour scheme also features the white horse over Roman numerals IX on the starboard side.
F-2000A MM.7341/36-10 sports a special colour to mark 10° Gruppo’s centenary. The markings include a black horse on both sides of the tail, a red pike on the airbrake and red fore planes.
Italy has stated that it intends to buy 121 Eurofighter F2000s and to date 23 aircraft have been delivered. These aircraft are operated by IX" and XX" Gruppo, part of 4” Stormo, and are based at Grosseto.
Итальянский Eurofighter из 36-го авиаполка взлетает с работающими на полном форсаже двигателями EJ200. Италия первой приняла истребитель на вооружение в 2005 году. Пошаговые закупки и выпуск траншами позволяют минимизировать риски, постепенно совершенствуя сложный многоцелевой самолет.
Italy's Air Force was first to approve its F2000s to stand quick reaction alert duty. Since December 16, 2005 the type has been on alert and has helped to protect a number of high profile events such as the Winter Olympic Games in February 2006. These two aircraft are carrying AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles.
Italy has signed contracts for 96 Typhoons (from Tranche 1, 2 and 3A), but the single-seat Tranche 1 aircraft will be retired from AMI service, and possibly offered on the export market.
Italian Eurofighters from Trapani Air base on a training sortie over the Mediterranean
A pair of Block 5 Typhoons from 4° Stormo during a training flight at high altitude.
Two Typhoons from 4° Stormo in flight over the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Two Typhoons from 4° Stormo overfly the Greek island of Lymnos in September 2008 en route to Konya in Turkey to participate to Exercise Anatolian Eagle 2008-3.
Italian Air Force 36° Stormo Typhoons MM.7297 and MM.7308, unusually both carrying code ‘36-10’, perform a flypast at Rivolto Air Base as part of celebrations on September 5-6, 2015 to mark the 55th anniversary of the Frecce Tricolori aerobatic team. Both have specially painted tails with a tricolour rudder and black prancing stallion (cavallino rampante) symbol, representing the markings of famous Italian World War One ace pilot Francesco Baracca who flew with 10° Gruppo, which now flies the Typhoon as part of 36° Stormo.
Two Typhoons from 4° Stormo overfly the isle of Capri, near Naples, during a training mission over the Tyrrhenian Sea.
During the recent Exercise Cobra Warrior, the RAF F-35Bs and Typhoons worked with this Italian Air Force Gulfstream 550 Conformal Airborne Early Warning aircraft. With the Sentry AEW1 retired last year and the E-7 not due to enter service until 2023/24, it was handy to work with a similar asset from an allied force
Visitors to the Practica di Mare airshow on May 26 this year were treated to this unusual formation of an Alitalia Boeing 777 and Italian Air Force F2000. The aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks means that fighter pilots standing QRA could well have to intercept an airliner and indeed this has happened on many occasions in several countries since 2001, though thankfully this has usually been due to air traffic control temporarily losing contact with the passenger aircraft.
Two Italian Typhoons from 4° Stormo in formation with two Turkish F-16Cs during Exercise Anatolian Eagle 2008-3 at Konya AB in Turkey.
An Italian Air Force Eurofighter Typhoon breaks from formation with another Polish MiG-29
A Polish Air Force MiG-29 in close formation with two Italian Typhoons over northwest Lithuania during a joint training mission, illustrating the co-operation between NATO allies on the Baltic Air Policing mission.
Arriving at Pisa-San Guisto on January 9, 2007 was C-27J MM.62215, the first for 46* Brigata Aerea of the Aeronautica Militate Italiana (AMI - Italian Air Force), which is seen here in formation with two AMI Eurofighter Typhoons, peeling away as the aircraft passes over the famous leaning bell tower of Pisa's cathedral. A formal delivery ceremony took place at the base on January 11 to accept the aircraft into service with the unit, with which it will take up code '46-80' (callsign 'Lupo 80' - 'Wolf 80' was already painted on the forward fuselage). The first AMI C-27J had been handed-over on October 24 last year but since then the type has been undergoing official AMI testing prior to entering service. The last of 12 aircraft on order for the AMI is scheduled for delivery by 2008.
A Marina Militare AV-8B on short finals as two Eurofighters arrive in Amendola’s pattern, This shot reflects the mix of legacy aircraft participating in the TLP 2018-04 course.
Operating from Amari Air Base, Estonia, an Aeronautica Militare Italiano F-2000A shadows a Russian Air and Space Force Il-18D Bison electronic intelligence surveillance aircraft on March 2, 2018.
Первым иностранным заказчиком KC-130J стали ВВС Италии, которые переоборудовали семь короткофюзеляжных транспортных C-130J в танкеры. Заправщики состоят на вооружении 2-й эскадрильи 46-й авиационной бригады, дислоцированной в Пиза - Сан-Джусто. На снимке: KC-130 дозаправляет Eurofighter. Вторым импортером KC-130J, вероятно, станет Кувейт, заказавший три самолета.
Dominated by a World War Two-style colour scheme, 12° Gruppo's anniversary colour scheme on F-2000A MM.7318/36-12 features a black prancing horse on the tail set on sand and brown colours which extend to the fore planes.
18° Gruppo F-2000A MM.7293/37-18 has its tail, spine and fore planes painted in black emblazoned with green artwork. The tail’s starboard side features a large wasp, the unit's motif during World War Two, and Roman numerals XVIII on the port side.
A 4° Stormo F2000 just prior to touchdown at Decimomannu during Exercise Spring Flag in May 2007, with Italian Air Force AMXs awaiting departure and a Hercules in the distance. This F2000 is carrying an IRIS-T air-to-air missile, which is undergoing operational testing and will replace the Sidewinder.
Two Ala 11 Typhoons in formation near Moron Air Base, Seville.
Two Eurofighter Typhoons were flown during the show - an aircraft from 29 (Reserve) Squadron, Coningsby, Lincolnshire and one from Ala 11 at Moron AFB, Seville, Spain. It was the first time a Spanish Air Force Typhoon has been displayed in the UK and the fact that two aircraft from the 14 on strength of Ala 11 were deployed is indicative of its increasing maturity in service. Until recently, pressures on the limited numbers of aircraft in service to train aircrew have prohibited their attendance at airshows.
Before taking part in Red Flag 17-2 Spanish Typhoon pilots from Ala 11 and Ala 14 undertook air refuelling training with an Italian KC-767A.
For the first time, Ejercito del Aire Typhoons overflew Naval Base Norfolk on their way to nearby Naval Air Station Norfolk.
Typhoon C16.52/11-16 seen on final approach to Gando Air Base during DACEX. The aircraft is assigned to Ala 11 based at Moron Air Base near Seville.
111 Escuadron, one of two Typhoon units assigned to Ala 11, participated in Red Flag 17-2 with five aircraft and conducted mostly air-to-ground missions.
During the first course of this year, Spanish Eurofighters participated as members of the opposing force.
Five of the six nations operating Eurofighter Typhoons have painted special markings on one of their aircraft each to mark the accumulation of 100,000 flight hours by the fleet. The aircraft involved are 7L-WC of the Uberwachungsgeschwader (Surveillance Squadron) of the Ostereichische Luftstreitkrafte (Austrian Air Force); 30+51 from the Luftwaffe's Jagdgeschwader 73 (Fighter Wing 73) 'Steinhoff'; MM7295/'4-6' of 4° Stormo, 9° Gruppo CIO (4th Wing, 9th Squadron) of the Aeronautica Militare Italiana (Italian Air Force); C16-42/'11-22' (seen here) of Ala 11 (Wing 11), Ejercito del Aire (Spanish Air Force) and ZK312/'EM' of No.6 Squadron, RAF. Each aircraft has '100,000 Flying Hours' titles on the rear fuselage. More than 260 Typhoons are currently in service.
Spanish Air Force Typhoon C.16-46/'11-26' of Ala 11 (based at Moron Air Base) at RAF Leeming, North Yorkshire, during Trial Mace XV.
Tranche 3 Typhoon serial number C.16-63 - 10048/11-28 was only recently delivered to the Ejercito del Aire.
The 300th Typhoon has entered service with the Spanish Air Force.
Spanish Eurofighter Typhoon Instrumented Production Aircraft IPA4 C16-20/11-91 is seen at Getafe on March 3, 2016 loaded with MBDA Storm Shadow stand-off conventionally armed cruise missiles. The aircraft started flutter and loads testing at the end of February in different weapon fit configurations involving either one or two missiles.
Соответствующий полному серийному стандарту, самолет IPA4 используется EADS-CASA для испытаний в основном оружия "воздух-земля" и реже - ракет Meteor. На киле самолет несет эмблему Ala 11.
An Ala 14 Eurofighter from Albacete makes its way to the runway for a day time Shadow mission.
The two Eurofighter-equipped Ejercito del Aire fighter wings, Ala 11 from Moron and the Albacete-resident Ala 14, participated in course 19-2.
Four Ala 14 Eurofighters deployed to Siauliai in Lithuania in January 2016 for the Baltic Air Policing mission. Here one of the aircraft undergoes final preparations for the four-hour flight to the Baltic.
Two 142 Escuadron Typhoons (or C16 Tifon to give them their Spanish designation) depart­ing for an exercise with EF-18s. This year Ala 14 will see the arrival of new C16s, allowing reactivation of the Ala 14’s 141 Escuadron.
Albacete-based Ala 14 flew 40 sorties, all air-to-air missions.
Истребитель "Тайфун" из состава 14-го авиакрыла ВВС Испании
Большинство из первых пилотов испанских Eurofighter перешли на EF-18. B силу этого они были хорошо подготовлены к полетам на современном истребителе с многофункциональными дисплеями и управлением HOTAS.
A new Ala 14 Eurofighter lacking a unit code on the fuselage.
An Italian KC-767A in formation with three Ala 11 Typhoons over the United States on the way to Nellis.
Ejercito del Aire Eurofighter C.16-73/10155 landing at Albacete after a combined eight-ship training mission on January 29, 2018.
Ejercito del Aire pilots walk to their aircraft for the first leg between Moron and Lajes.
Выбор Австрией Eurofighter вызвал бурные дебаты, так как многие полагали, что более оптимальным выбором является шведский Gripen.
Eurofighter Typhoon 7L-WA takes off from Zeltweg during Operation Daedalus 2013.
The first Austrian Typhoon, 7L-WA (AS001), touches down at Zeltweg Air Base on July 12, 2007.
Austria's Eurofighters are based at Zeltweg, where €100 million is being spent on the infrastructure to better accommodate the new fighter, including 12 drive-through hangars. Two Eurofighters are pictured there, about to depart on an air police training sortie.
Eurofighter Typhoon 7L-WA (AS001), the first of 18 for the Austrian Air Force, seen shortly after roll out at Manching, Germany, on the evening of December 8, 2006.
Austrian Air Force Eurofighter Typhoon '7L-WA' (AS001), the first of 18 on order, is seen on the production line at Manching, Germany, on June 13, 2006. The aircraft's first flight is scheduled for the first week of February 2007 and the in-service date is planned to be July 1, 2008.
Air brake deployed, Eurofighter 7L-WC on roll-out after landing
The Austrian Air Force put on a unique display with two Typhoon EF2000s and a C-130H. The display highlighted the Quick Reaction Alert role the Typhoons play in defending Austria, comprising a scramble launch of two Typhoons to intercept the C-130H which was acting as an enemy aircraft
Austrian Air Force Eurofighter Typhoon 7L-WG (AS07/GS024, ex 30+37) prepares to depart from Manching, Germany, on April 29, 2008 on its delivery flight to Zeltweg, Austria. The aircraft is the seventh of the type to be delivered to Austria, which plans to transfer responsibility for the quick reaction alert (QRA) role to the Typhoons of 1 Staffel at Zeltweg on June 30. They will replace the leased Swiss F-5Es currently undertaking QRA duties as a stop gap and the latter will be returned to the Swiss Air Force once the Typhoon has fully taken over the role.
Austria's Eurofighters were used to help protect the airspace around football stadiums during the Euro 2008 championships. Air policing is the only role the fighter is permitted to undertake, in line with a decision made by the country's politicians in 2001.
Typhoons 7L-WF and 7L-WI formate with Airbus A380-841 Wien during a QRA exercise on August 22, 2011.
Пара истребителей Еврофайтер «Тайфун» ВВС Австрии сопровождает авиалайнер A380 германской авиакомпании «Lufthansa». Несмотря на рекламно-постановочный характер снимка видно, что ракеты (или их имитаторы) несет только один «Тайфун»
Discovery Air A-4N C-FGZS/337 towing a target in formation with Osterreichische Luftstreitkrafte Eurofighter 7L-WI.
Eurofighters always make easy work of getting airborne.
Osterreichische Luftstreitkrafte Typhoon 7L-WJ lands at Wittmundhafen Air Base.
Austrian Air Force Eurofighter 7L-WL makes a spirited departure from Zeltweg AB for a demonstration flight as part of the Airpower 2011 airshow on June 30.
Configured for the air policing role, Austrian Eurofighters carry little by way of pods or weapons. These examples are seen with a single Diehl BGT IRIS-T short-range air-to-air missile on the under wing pylon.
Истребитель «Тайфун» австрийских ВВС
Osterreichische Luftstreitkrafte Eurofighter 7L-WO parked on the ramp outside a hardened aircraft shelter at Wittmund Air Base.
Austria's Air Surveillance Wing provided a different kind of Eurofighter display to those given by other partner nation air forces - a display duo, here seen performing a fast pass.
Saudi Arabia
Истребитель «Тайфун»
Royal Saudi Air Force Eurofighter Typhoons 313/ZK081 (CS015) and 314/ZK082 (CS016) departed BAE Systems' airfield at Warton, Lancashire, on June 29, 2011 for their delivery flights. On their way to Saudi Arabia the aircraft made a public appearance at an airshow at Zeltweg in Austria between July 2 and 3, before heading on via Greece to their destination. They will enter service with No.3 Squadron, 2 Wing, based at Taif-King Fahd AB.
К началу 2012 года пилоты Typhoon саудовских ВВС освоили применение оружия и ночную дозаправку в воздухе.
A Royal Saudi Air Force Typhoon sits with a Storm Shadow stand-off weapon at the Saudi International Airshow in March 2019
Saudi Arabia wants more from the likes of BAE Systems and Boeing. BAE has sold hundreds of Typhoon and Tornados to the desert kingdom, while Boeing has received billions of dollars from F-15 Eagle sales. Saudi Arabia wants to build its own fighters with the collaboration of these companies as part of the Saudi Vision 2030
An artist's impression of a Kuwait Air Force Typhoon - the first delivery is overdue but expected soon
The recent order of 28 Eurofighter Typhoons by Kuwait should boost Leonardo-Finmeccanica's revenues for 2016 to €20 billion.
Three Qatar Typhoons prepare to leave Warton
Воздухозаборники имеют подвижные нижние кромки, внутренние поверхности воздухозаборников покрыты радиопоглощающим материалом.
Управляемые сопла двигателей EJ200, диаметр сопла автоматически регулируется в зависимости от тяги двигателя. Над соплами находится контейнер тормозного парашюта, еще выше - антенна бортового комплекса предупреждения и обороны DASS.
Перед козырьком фонаря кабины слева установлен датчик электронно-оптической системы EuroFIRST PIRATE. Данная система используется в воздушном бою в комбинации с радиолокатором или автономно, когда самолет выходит в атаку в режиме радиомолчания.
Под фюзеляжем установлены авиационные катапультные устройства BVR с пиропатронами, отстреливающими при пуске ракету от самолета до запуска собственного двигателя ракеты.
Под каждой плоскостью крыла находится по четыре узла подвески. Внешний пилон предназначен для подвески управляемых ракет класса "воздух-воздух" ближнего боя. На внутреннем пилоне подвешена 454-кг корректируемая авиабомба с лазерным наведением.
The integration of the Brimstone 3A missile on the Typhoon fleet will be delayed until 2024
Перспективная УР Meteor по габаритам близка УР AMRAAM, может размещаться в отсеках, оптимизированных под AMRAAM и использовать пилоны для AMRAAM. На фотографии - ракета, предназначенная для испытаний на сброс с носителя.
Ракета BGT IRIS-T разработана на базе планера УР Sidewinder, но все ее системы, включая двигатель, сконструированы заново. За счет изменяемого вектора тяги ракета обладает исключительной маневренностью.
Brimstone test vehicles on a launcher loaded on station 11 of Typhoon FGR4 ZJ938 during a weapon integration test flight from Warton.
A Meteor test vehicle immediately after launch from a Typhoon on September 9, 2015.
This sequence of frames shows a Brimstone test article during release from station 11 of a Typhoon; note how the missile climbs in its initial flyaway trajectory.
This sequence of frames shows how a Brimstone test article's rocket motor plume changes between ignition and flyaway.
The RAF’s new ECRS Mk2 radar will equip the force’s later models of Eurofighter Typhoon. Technologies from this radar could migrate into the radar equipping the forthcoming Tempest
Производство военных самолетов Eurofighter уникально, так как окончательная сборка осуществляется всеми четырьмя странами, участвующими в программе. Каждая из компаний-партнеров собирает самолет для своей страны, одновременно выпуская компоненты для всех самолетов, включая идущие на экспорт. Сборка первых 24 Typhoon для Саудовской Аравии осуществляется британской "BAE Systems".
Assembly of the first Tranche 3A Eurofighter Typhoon (build number BS116, to become ZK355) has been completed. It is due to fly in late September or October 2013. The aircraft was recently weighed at BAE System's facility at Warton, Lancashire, to determine its centre of gravity. The RAF will receive 40 of the 112 Tranche 3 Typhoons ordered by the four original partner nations in 2009.
First prototype EFA being prepared for its first engine run in the Manching hush house. German withdrawal from the multi-national project is now causing Italy and Spain to have second thoughts.
Eurojet EJ200 in Eurofighter Typhoon (1999)
New aircraft projects always entail an element of risk. This can be considerably compounded if the project necessitates parallel development of a power plant. It is testament to the Eurojet consortium that the EJ200, which will power Eurofighter 2000, has achieved all technical milestones to time and cost.