Boeing Boeing 757
Страна: США
Год: 1982

Ближне- и среднемагистральный пассажирский самолет с экипажем из двух-трех человек

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Boeing Model 757

   В начале 1978 года компания "Boeing" объявила о решении приступить к разработке новой линейки самолетов с двумя двигателями, при создании которых должны использоваться прогрессивные технологии, а обозначения присваиваться по формуле 7X7. Планировалось, что это будут пассажирские Model 757, Model 767 и Model 777, причем первый отличался от остальных модификаций тем, что в нем сохранялось такое же поперечное сечение фюзеляжа, как и на модификации Model 727. Более того, первоначально вариант Model 757 даже планировался с аналогичными 727-й модели Т-образным хвостовым оперением и носовой частью фюзеляжа, и только позже конструкторы изменили свое решение. В итоге вариант Model 757 получил стандартное хвостовое оперение, с нижним расположением стабилизаторов, а также фюзеляж, имевший новую форму носовой части и позволивший унифицировать пилотскую кабину с самолетом Model 767.
   Ближне- и среднемагистральный пассажирский самолет Model 757 должен был, по задумке "Boeing", стать самым экономичным в мире авиалайнером в своем классе. Это планировалось достичь благодаря новому крылу, двигателям с высокой степенью двухконтурности и внедрению новой авионики, которая позволила бы экипажу более эффективно управлять самолетом.
   Стартовые заказы на первую модификацию Model 757-200 (вариант Model 757-100 с фюзеляжем меньшей длины в серию так и не пошел) поступили 31 августа 1978 года: 19 авиалайнеров заказала авиакомпания "British Airways", a "Eastern Air Lines" подписала контракт на 21 самолет.
   Разработчик рассматривал два варианта силовой установки - с турбовентиляторными двигателями Rolls-Royce RB.211-535 или General Electric CF6-32. Но последний был отклонен еще на начальной стадии проектирования, вместо него выбрали Pratt & Whitney PW2000 - вначале остановились на модели PW2037, но затем предпочтение отдали более мощному PW2040. Стартовые заказчики - "British Airways" и "Eastern Air Lines" - выбрали для своих авиалайнеров двигатель "Rolls-Royce". Таким образом, впервые в своей истории компания "Boeing" начала серийный выпуск нового пассажирского самолета с двигателями неамериканского производства.
   Экипаж авиалайнера состоит из двух или трех человек, в их распоряжение входило электронное оборудование нового поколения, включающее инерциальную систему с лазерными гироскопами, компьютерную систему управления полетом и цифровой компьютер летных данных, позволившие осуществлять автоматическое управление самолетом, начиная с момента вскоре после взлета и включая посадку.
   Первый полет машина совершила 19 февраля 1982 года, а в январе следующего года первый авиалайнер вышел на маршрут авиакомпании "Eastern Air Lines". Выпуск Model 757 был завершен только в 2005 году, поставлены 1050 самолетов.


   Model 757-200PF (Package Freighter): грузовая модификация, разработанная специально для компании "UPS"; отличалась большим грузовым люком, не имела иллюминаторов
   Model 757-M Combi: комбинированный пассажирский/грузовой вариант; кабина с иллюминаторами, грузовой люк впереди на левом борту; самолет способен перевозить до 150 пассажиров и три грузовых контейнера
   Model 757-200F: грузовая модификация, разработанная "Pemco Aeroplex" в качестве варианта конверсии базовой машины и отличавшаяся большим грузовым люком, а также возможностью оперировать в одном из вариантов - "комби" или полностью грузовой, или с быстрой сменой конфигурации
   Model 757-200X: вариант Model 757-200 с большей дальностью полета; использованы крыло и ряд компонентов от Model 757-300
   Model 757-300: удлиненный вариант, анонсированный в 1996 году после получения твердого заказа от компании "Condor Flugdienst" на 12 самолетов. Длина больше на 7,09 м, чем у Model 757-200, максимальная вместимость - 280 пассажиров; большая масса самолета потребовала усилить крыло, шасси и ряд элементов конструкции фюзеляжа, а удлиненный фюзеляж заставил конструкторов внедрить убираемую хвостовую предохранительную опору. Первый Model 757-300 поднялся в воздух в августе 1998 года, поставки начаты в начале 1999 года
   C-32A: четыре VIP-транспорта, созданные по заказу ВВС США на базе Model 757-200 для замены C-137, поставки начаты в середине 1998 года


   Boeing Model 757-200

   Тип: ближне- и среднемагистральный пассажирский самолет с экипажем из двух-трех человек
   Силовая установка: два турбовентиляторных двигателя Rolls-Royce RB.211-535C или -535E4 тягой по 166,36 или 178,37 кН, либо два Pratt & Whitney PW2037 или PW2040 тягой по 169,92 или 185,16 кН
   Характеристики: максимальная скорость на оптимальной высоте 951 км/час; крейсерская скорость на высоте 9450 м - 936 км/час; практический потолок 11580 м; дальность полета с максимальной нагрузкой 5893 км
   Масса: пустого 57 267 кг; максимальная взлетная 108 864 кг
   Размеры: размах крыла 38,05 м; длина 47,32 м; высота 13,56 м; площадь крыла 185,24 м2
   Полезная нагрузка: до 239 пассажиров (26 096 кг)
Following its first flight on 19 February 1982, the Boeing 757 is now entering a phase of intensive testing to achieve certification by December, in a total of about 1,000 flying hours. The Boeing-owned first aircraft, illustrated here, was used for a preliminary airworthiness evaluation by the FAA at Paine Field, Everett, after making its first flight from Renton, and was then transferred to the Boeing Flight Center at Boeing Field, Seattle. During March, flutter clearance was obtained in a record time of 14 hrs 21 min, and the second 757 - in Eastern Air Lines colours - was airborne for the first time on 29 March. Three more 757s are destined to be used for the airworthiness programme. At the time of writing, a total of 123 Boeing 757s is on order for seven airlines, with another 56 on option.
Заказанный еще в 1996 году, этот Boeing 757-300 поступил в эксплуатацию "Condor Flugdienst", дочернюю фирму "Lufthansa", в 1999 году.
Boeing 757 и 767 появились в конце 1970-х годов. Однако прошел ряд лет, прежде чем начали поступать заказы на лайнеры типа 757.
Прототип последнего 757-го - Boeing 757-300 - поднялся в воздух 2 августа 1998 года. Данную модель первым заказал немецкий авиаперевозчик "Condor Flugdienst", затем поступили заказы от "Icelandair", "American Trans Air" и "JMC Airlines".
More than 1,000 757s were produced between 1981 and 2004. Despite this, Boeing has yet to launch a suitable successor for the ageing type.
The Boeing Company retains its position as the world's leading manufacturer of jetliners, helped by the introduction of the Boeing 757 (on photo) and the Boeing 767.
Компания "Air Europe" из группы "international Leisure Group", как и многие европейские перевозчики, выбрала для своих чартерных рейсов Boeing 757 за его экономичность. После бурного роста в 1980-е годы эта авиакомпания потерпела финансовый крах и была ликвидирована в 1991 году.
Primaris Airlines' Boeing 757-230ET N741PA (c/n 24737) seen on November 18, 2007 at Toronto/Pearson International Airport, Ontario, Canada, still in the colours worn since it was delivered to Primaris in 2006 but now with Air Peru titles. Air Peru International is a new business class carrier based at Lima-Jorge Chavez International Airport that has been established in association with Primaris to operate flights to the USA, Europe, Asia and South America.
Air Seychelles will operate the Boeing 757 on its latest South African and Singapore routes. At the end of the initial three-year lease, the aircraft may be swapped for a 767.
Самолеты Boeing 757 поздней постройки, как на этом снимке, отличались интерьером пассажирских салонов. В частности, были перепроектированы багажные полки для увеличения свободного пространства в салоне.
From 1993 until 2003 Air Transat flew a fleet of Boeing 757s. It was then decided to replace them with Airbus A310s.
Boeing 757-2Y0 G-VKNA (c/n 25240, to be XA-MTY) lands at Southend Airport, Essex, after a test flight on September 24, 2007. The aircraft is the third 757 for Mexican carrier Aladia Airlines and is being leased from XL Airways UK. After being prepared by ATC Lasham at Southend, it departed on September 28 on delivery.
"American Airlines" на лето 2010 года продолжала эксплуатацию Boeing 757-223 и 757-223ER. Большинство ее самолетов имеют винглеты.
Arkia Israeli Airlines’ became the second carrier to introduce the new stretched variant of the Boeing 757 when its first 757-3E7, 4X-BAU (c/n 30178), departed Boeing field, Renton, Washington, on delivery on February 2, 2000. The aircraft, which will shortly be joined by a second example, will be used to expand existing routes and to offer more international charter flights connecting to France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and the UK.
Astraeus Boeing 757-23A G-OJIB has been especially converted into the world’s first and only 'Combi' variant of the type to support heavy metal band Iron Maiden on its world tour. The aircraft features this impressive Iron Maiden 'Somewhere Back in Time World Tour 2008’ colour scheme, complete with artwork of the band's mascot Eddie on the tail, and has been christened 'Ed Force One'.
Astraeus Boeing 757-2Q8 G-STRX (c/n 25621) has had decals applied by ATC Lasham at Southend Airport, Essex, to mark its latest charter, during which it will act as transport for the British heavy metal group Iron Maiden on 'The Final Frontier World Tour 2011'. The name 'Ed Force One' appears on the nose, Eddie being the band's long-serving mascot who also appears on the tail. The combi airliner departed Southend on February 8, 2011 for Stansted Airport, Essex, to pick up the group and its equipment before flying to Moscow for its first gig on February 11.
Boeing 757-256 A6-RKA (c/n 29311) lifts off from runway 08 at Stockholm/Arlanda Airport, Sweden, on September 1, 2007 operating Atlasjet flight 'KK7402' to Antalya, Turkey. The aircraft has been leased to Turkish operator Atlasjet from new UAE carrier RAK Airways since June 15 and still wears RAK livery but now with Atlasjet titles. RAK Airways, which plans to become the national carrier of the UAE Emirate Ras Al Khaimah, took delivery of the 757 as its first aircraft on November 17, 2006. However, the airline has yet to operate any flights and it remains unclear at present when operations will commence.
The Britannia Airways Boeing 757-23A G-BXOL last saw service with Sunways as SE-DSM. Two other former Sunways 757s, N592KA, ex SE-DSK, and N593KA, ex SE-DSL, were still present at Luton at the end of January 1998
Несмотря на сильное лобби, выступавшее за закупку лайнеров Airbus, фирма "British Airways" первой начала эксплуатацию самолетов Boeing 757. Они вышли на маршруты в феврале 1983 года.
Начало эксплуатации лайнера Boeing 757. Январь - февраль 1983г.: Авиакомпания "British Airways", заказавшая Boeing 757 одновременно с "Eastern" 31 августа 1978 года (19 и 21 экземпляр соответственно), получила свой первый самолет 25 января. Коммерческая эксплуатация началась 9 февраля. Самолеты для этих компаний получили обозначение Model 757-200 и оснащались ТРДД Rolls-Royce RB.211-535C - первые самолеты "Boeing" с двигателями зарубежного производства. Но в дальнейшем были предложены варианты с двигателями фирмы "Pratt & Whitney".
Boeing 757-200 of British Airways (1999)
В конце 2000 года в "British Airways" (BA) насчитывалось 53 самолета Boeing 757, включая 47 моделей 757-236 (на снимке) и шесть -326ET. Они составляли основу парка среднемагистральных лайнеров компании и использовались для полетов по Европе и на Ближний и Средний Восток. Конфигурация самолетов зависела от маршрута. В силу своей универсальности 757-й хорошо подходил для BA, но самолеты старели и на смену им пришли A320. В 2010 году в BA осталось только пять 757-х.
British Airways was historically one of easyJet's main rivals. The low-cost carrier frequently returned fire at BA in an attempt to carve out its place in the market
Cabo Verde Airlines’ sole Boeing 757-200 seen at Lisbon in March 1999. D4-CBG is leased from ILFC.
Jet2 has acquired three former China Southern Airlines Boeing 757-21Bs and took delivery of the first of these, G-LSAG (c/n 24014, ex B-2801), on January 12, 2007. It was delivered to Southend, where it is seen here on the following day, still in full China Southern livery but minus titles. The aircraft, which had been in storage at Guangzhou, China, arrived via Larnaca, Cyprus, for pre-delivery attention by ATC Lasham. The other two aircraft are G-LSAH (c/n 24015, ex B-2802) and G-LSAI (c/n 24016, ex B-2803).
Seen at London Luton Airport under threatening skies on February 11, 2000 is the ninth Boeing 757-330 for Germany’s Condor Flugdienst, N1002R/(D-ABOl), which has yet to be delivered to the airline, the aircraft passing through on this date as part of its world demonstration tour
Condor celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, and to mark the occasion has painted Boeing 757-330, D-ABON, in this special scheme with the words Wir lieben Fliegen (We love to fly) on the side.
Компания "Delta" первой выбрала двигатели Pratt & Whitney PW2037 и стала применять самолеты с ними наряду с лайнерами Boeing 767 и Lockheed TriStar на внутренних трассах США.
Авиакомпания "Eastern" первой начала эксплуатировать лайнеры Model 757 с 1 января 1983 года. В итоге она получила 25 таких машин, поставленных в 1983-1986 годы.
Начало эксплуатации лайнера Boeing 757. Январь - февраль 1983г.: 1 января авиакомпания "Eastern Air Lines" начала регулярную эксплуатацию первого ближне-/среднемагистрального лайнера Boeing 757, поставки которого начались 22 декабря 1982 года.
Компания "Easter Air Lines" приобрела 16 самолетов Boeing 757-225. Самолет N501EA был поставлен 18 августа 1983 года и эксплуатировался авиакомпанией в течение восьми лет. Затем три года лайнер находился на хранении в Маккарран Филд, штат Невада, после чего был куплен НАСА, где получил регистрацию N557NA и использовался Исследовательским центром в Лэнгли, Хэмптон, штат Виржиния.
Первый Boeing 757 был поставлен 22 декабря 1982 года компании "Eastern Airlines". Самолет был востребован на рынке - всего поставлено 1049 авиалайнеров.
A Boeing 757 of El Al wearing the airline's previous livery.
El Al owns eight Boeing 757s. Two are leased to Sun D'Or International Airlines, which it owns. A further pair are with Israir.
Eos flies the world's only Boeing 757s outfitted with 48 'suites', each of which houses a 6ft 6in flat bed and provides 21ft2 of personal space, with guaranteed aisle access for every passenger.
One of Ethiopian Airlines’ six passenger-configured Boeing 757s in its previous livery. This aircraft was photographed at Dubai in 1999
Ethiopian Airline's Boeing 757 ET-ALY lands at Stockholm - Arlanda airport Sweden.
"Flying Colours" начала выполнять рейсы в 1997 году и быстро стала лидирующей британской чартерной авиакомпанией. В марте 2000 года она объединилась с "Caledonian", образовав "JMC Airlines", позже преобразованную в "Thomas Cook Airlines".
Ghana International Airlines' first aircraft, Boeing 757-225 N930RD (leased from Ryan International), sports this smart livery incorporating the colours of the Ghanaian flag and was used to inaugurate services between Accra and London on October 29, 2005.
Madrid-based Spanish charter airline GIRjet has recently taken delivery of a second Boeing 757, taking 757-225 TF-LLZ (c/n 22691) on lease from Loftleider Iceland, painted in full GIRjet colours. The aircraft is seen here departing Southend Airport, Essex, on June 27, 2007 for return to Madrid after maintenance with ATC Lasham. It joins 757-236 EC-JTN (c/n 25597) that was delivered in May last year.
This Hola Airlines Boeing 757-256, EC-ISY, was wearing Royal Spanish Football Federation titles when it arrived in Stuttgart for Spain's game with Tunisia on June 19, 2006.
Boeing announced on December 8, 1999 the milestone delivery of the 900th 757 produced when this 757-256 for Iberia was handed-over at Renton, Washington.
Icelandair uses three Boeing 757s on transatlantic services, though it also has time to undertake charters to Las Palmas, where TF-FIH Hafdis was photographed in March 1994.
Pictured at Heathrow on March 2, 2002 is the first -300 variant Boeing 757 for Icelandair, TF-FIX. The aircraft is to be regularly used on the Keflavik to London route. acquired Thomas Cook Airlines' slots at Birmingham, London/Stansted and Manchester.
Seating in the Boeing 757-200 totals 235, while that in the A320s, to the rear in the lower view, is 180.
This Boeing 757 (P4-NSN) is used by the former Soviet Union Republic of Kazakhstan for VIP duties. It was photographed in February at snow-covered Saltzburg Airport, Austria.
Seen here at Dublin on November 29, 2006, Boeing 757-256 EI-DUA (c/n 26247, ex N241LF, PP-VTQ) is the first of four former Varig 757-236s being delivered to Krasnoyarsk, Russia-based KrasAir Airlines, part of the AiRUnion Group, on lease from International Lease Finance Corporation. The other three are EI-DUC (c/n 26248, N263LF, PP-VTR), El-DUD (c/n 26249, N271LF, PP-VTS) and EI-DUE (c/n 26250, N272LF, PP-VTT). The first aircraft arrived in Krasnoyarsk on December 2 and entered service on the Krasnoyarsk to Moscow route.
"Monarch Airlines" располагает тремя Boeing 757, которые в основном используют для полетов на курорты Средиземноморья.
Monarch was a launch customer for the Boeing 757 and still operates seven of the type. In charter configuration they carry 235 passengers, compared to 213 for scheduled operations.
Photographed at Manchester on March 22, 2002 wearing Monarch’s new livery is Boeing 757, G-MONE.
The former North American Airlines Boeing 757-23A N757NA was rolled out in National Airlines livery at Shannon and departed for New York/JFK on 15/5/99. National Airlines began operations on 27/5/99 when it launched scheduled services from its Las Vegas base to Chicago and Los Angeles
Boeing 757s have been ordered to replace the ageing 727s and to meet the predicted growth in traffic, estimated to the equivalent to seven or eight aircraft per year.
By the time the aircraft is on final approach it should have its flaps fully-extended, undercarriage lowered and the speed between 120-150kts. America West is operating this Boeing 757 in the colours of the airline's local basketball team, the Phoenix Suns. It was photographed on approach to Las Vegas airport in October 1994.
"Royal Brunei Airlines" эксплуатирует два Boeing 757-2M6 с двигателями Rolls-Royce RB217-535E4. Самолет на снимке поставлен в 1996 году и рассчитан на перевозку 174 пассажиров.
Самолет компании "Royal Nepal Airlines" (ныне "Nepal Airlines") окрашен no броской бело-красно-голубой схеме. Одно время компания эксплуатировала два своих 757-2F8 и два 757-2Z0, взятых в лизинг у "China Southwest Airlines". Boeing 757 этой компании были единственными в Непале среднемагистральными лайнерами, другие непальские авиаперевозчики использовали ближнемагистральные самолеты, такие как DHC-6 или Do 228. В 2010 году в "Nepal Airlines" летали два 757-х.
15 июля 1988г.: совершил первый полет Boeing 757-200M, способный выполнять пассажирские, грузопассажирские или чисто грузовые перевозки.
"Boeing" поставила последний Boeing 757, модель 757-200, компании "Shanghai Airlines" 28 апреля 2005 года. Решение о прекращении производства 757-го было принято в конце 2003 года.
Skyservice Boeing 757-236 C-GMYH (c/n 25053) of Skyservice Airlines seen at Toronto/Pearson International Airport, Ontario, Canada, on March 7, 2007 also wearing Maestro titles. The aircraft had been flying for Quebec-based tour operator Vacances Maestro (Maestro Vacations), which had begun operations in December 2006, but Maestro ceased flights on March 7, stopping all flights, with the 757 having Maestro titles removed later that day. The aircraft had previously been operated by Vancouver-based Harmony Airways between July 2003 and April 2004 - Harmony has also now fallen by the wayside, announcing on March 27 that all scheduled flights would be terminated on April 9 due to increased operating costs, aggressive price competition and overcapacity in the market.
Boeing 757-256 TF-LLX (c/n 29311, ex A6-RKA) in Sun Air colours - named The Heart of Africa - is seen at Budapest Ferihegy Airport in Hungary on May 29, 2011, where it had arrived three days earlier. The airliner was on lease to Sun Air by RAK Airways until returned in December 2010, and was on its way to join Icelandair Airlines when photographed. RAK Airways is the national carrier of Ras Al Khaimah, one of the states that make up the United Arab Emirates. The airliner had previously been leased by RAK Airways to Atlasjet and Ariana Afghan Airlines.
Boeing 757-236 G-TCBC (c/n 29946, ex B-2861) of Thomas Cook is seen at Palma Airport on April 9, 2011 wearing a new special scheme to promote travel to Egypt. The airliner joined the carrier from China Xinjiang Airlines on January 27. The same scheme is due to be applied to G-TCBB (c/n 29945, ex B-2860).
Thomas Cook Airlines is the fourth biggest carrier for the number of passengers carried and predominantly serves the holiday sector.
April 1992 and Boeing pose four different aircraft awaiting delivery to UAL. Clockwise from the left: 737-500, 747-400, 767-300ER and a 757-200.
A stylised ‘U’ identifies all United Airlines aircraft, this view showing the tails of a Boeing 757 (foreground), 727 and 737 parked on the ramp at Chicago O’Hare.
United currently operates 97 Boeing 757-200s and some of these aircraft are used for its ps (premium service) offering business and high-end leisure customers a higher level of service between New York JFK, and Los Angeles and San Francisco. These aircraft carry up to 110 passengers (12 first class, 26 business class and 72 economy class). Other aircraft are configured to carry up to 182 passengers in a two-class layout on other domestic routes and between the mainland and Hawaii.
This is one of two Boeing 757s operated by Zoom Airlines Inc of Canada. In the summer they are fitted with 201 seats for transatlantic services and in winter they are configured with 228 for flights to the Caribbean and Mexico.
The 757 at Boeing Field in Seattle, from where the ecoDemonstrator test flights are being conducted over the next few months before it is sent for disposal and recycling.
NASA-developed Insect Accretion and Mitigation coatings being applied to the leading edge of the 757's wings.
The 'bug phobic' coatings are designed to reduce drag by minimising the build-up of insect residue.
The 2015 ecoDemonstrator testbed, Boeing 757-222 N757ET (c/n 24627), on finals to Boeing Field in Seattle after completing a test flight into active flow control technologies.
Ex-United N757ET (c/n 24627) used in the Boeing ecoDemonstrator in 2015, for which it was painted in the livery of project partner TUI.
Boeing 757-222 N757ET during its first test flight as this year’s ecoDemonstrator platform on March 17, 2015.
An ex-United 757-233, N757ET (c/n 24627), was leased to Boeing by its owner, Stifel, for the 2015 ecoDemonstrator, with the aircraft repainted in TUI’s livery.
Дислоцированное на авиабазе Эндрюс 89-е авиакрыло предназначено для VIP-перевозок и эксплуатирует самолеты нескольких типов. C-32A (снимок сделан в Рентоне во время сдаточных испытаний) заменил в рамках программы VC-X самолеты C-137.
Четыре C-32A ВВС США оснащены турбовентиляторными двигателями Pratt & Whitney PW2040, самолеты были поставлены в мае-ноябре 1998 года. На фотографии - выкатка C-32A на заводе "Boeing" в Рентоне.
Among the research tasks carried out by the much-modified Boeing 757-225 N557NA ARIES, are studies into the reduced separation distance of two aircraft landing in poor visibility, winter runway friction research and developing synthetic vision systems.
Boeing 757-28A(SF) OO-TFA (c/n 25622, ex OH-AFK), seen on approach to Albacete on February 8, 2013, is operated by TNT Airways in support of the NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force (AEW&CF) based at Geilenkirchen in Germany. The aircraft has replaced the Boeing 707-300C Trainer Cargo Aircraft (CT-49A), the last of which completed its final operational flight on November 16, 2011. It was converted to a combi configuration by Singapore's ST Aero and passed thorough Albacete in Spain while supporting AEW&CF operations during the first Tactical Leadership Programme course of 2013.
The New Zealand Air Force uses two 757-2K2s for strategic airlift, including flying into Scott Base in Antarctica.
One of the two Boeing 757-2K2 combi aircraft in service with the Royal New Zealand Air Force’s No.40 Squadron. Under the Future Air Mobility Capability programme, the first replacement aircraft for the 757 fleet is required to arrive by February 1, 2025.
An unusual participant in the flying display was Royal New Zealand Air Force Boeing 757-2K2, NZ7572, of 40 Squadron. The aircraft was in the UK supporting a P-3K of 5 Squadron, which had been taking part in the Fincastle anti-submarine warfare competition at RAF Kinloss in Scotland. The Orion also flew in the Waddington flying programme.
Royal Air Force/3 Squadron Typhoon F.2s ZJ929/'QO-A', ZJ926/'QO-Y' and ZJ919/'QO-W' lead Royal New Zealand Air Force/40 Squadron Boeing 757-2K2 NZ7571 during a practice flypast over RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, on November 9, 2006. The aircraft were rehearsing for a flypast over Hyde Park Corner, London, which took place on November 11 to mark the dedication of the new New Zealand Memorial.
Boeing 757-23N TF-FIC (c/n 30735) of Icelandair is seen at Manchester Airport on April 29, 2011 after being painted there in United Nations colours. The airliner arrived at Manchester on April 21 from Lasham in Hampshire, where it was stored as M-ABDG registered to FlyCorp. It was leased to Icelandair on March 3, and the airline will operate it on behalf of the United Nations.
Данный Boeing 757 несет загадочный номер "86006", назначение самолета никогда не раскрывалось публично. Снимок сделан после взлета с авиабазы Рамштайн в Германии - самолет улетал в Кувейт. Предположительно, данный Boeing 757 состоит на вооружении 486-й летно-испытательной эскадрильи.
Boeing marked its centennial at Everett in mid-July 2016 with a static line of its key commercial aircraft, comprising a 707 (Omega), 717-2BD (Delta), 727-22 (ex-United), 737-990ER (Alaska), 747-867F (Cathay Pacific), 757-222 (United), 767-3S2 (FedEx), 777-31HER (Emirates) and 787-9 (All Nippon).
An unusual air-to-ground view of the boneyard at Southern California Logistics Airport in January 2019 where airliners, including former Allegiant MD-80s and Boeing 757s, are parted-out before scrapping
Honeywell's 'Connected Aircraft' evaluates connectivity and has a pod to test engines.
One of the most distinctive features of the 35-year-old former Eastern Air Lines and MyTravel Boeing 757 N757HW (c/n 22194), used as a testbed by Honeywell, is the pylon used for airborne engine tests.
Honeywell's Boeing 757 N757HW (c/n 22194) recently visited Europe to test some navigational equipment and is pictured here taxiing at Ostend.
Honeywell’s 757 features numerous wireless and connectivity technologies in the Honeywell portfolio, including the GoDirect family.
Использование летающей лаборатории Boeing 757 позволило сократить налет F-22 по программе летных испытаний примерно на 50%. В носовой части авиалайнера смонтирована под острым обтекателем антенна истребителя, установлен ряд бортовых систем от F-22. На летающей лаборатории смоделирована работоспособная кабина F-22, оборудованы места для 30 инженеров-испытателей.
First flown on February 19, 1982, the prototype Boeing 757 currently flies from Boeing Field in much-modified form on FA-22 Raptor system development work.
An engineer holds a wand emitting a stream of smoke that’s used to visualise air flow, during the wind tunnel trials on a 757 tail at the Ames Research Center.
Boeing 757 за свой облик получил немало прозвищ, включая "Летающий карандаш" (также называли бомбардировщик Do 17). На фотографии хорошо видны винглеты Boeing 757-223 из "American Airlines", на самолеты многих авиакомпаний винглеты установили в процессе эксплуатации для повышения экономичности.
St Maarten in the Caribbean is one of the thin long-haul routes that US majors feel 757s are well suited to.
American operates a fleet of 73 757-200s, 41 of which have been retrofitted with new seats.
Condor was the first to put the stretched 757-300 into service.
As Boeing continues to study its New Mid-market Airplane concept, Airbus insists its A321neo/A330neo combination will address the replacement market for ageing midsize aircraft such as the Boeing 757. Here, Delta Air Lines 757-231WL N722TW (c/n 29385) is pictured climbing out of London Heathrow.
Work undertaken on aircraft is now often recorded using paperless methods.
The 29 Boeing 757s used by Icelandair are the mainstay of the carrier's operations.
Icelandair operates 25 Boeing 757-200s and a single 757-300. Its 757s have all been updated with new cabins and connectivity and the Scimitar Blended Winglets, visible here in this shot of TF-FIS (c/n 26245) departing Birmingham Airport in October 2017.
Boeing 757 TF-FIR (c/n 26242) is one of two specially painted 757s in Icelandair's fleet, with a representation of Europe's largest glacier over the whole fuselage.
Icelandair Boeing 757-256 TF-FIU (c/n 26243), seen here departing Heathrow, now wears a livery depicting the aurora borealis, the northern lights, which are visible above Iceland to the end of March.
Boeing 757-236 TF-FIU (c/n 26243) is one of 26 757s used by Icelandair. With its distinctive paint scheme depicting the Northern Lights, this aircraft has become a flagship for the airline in its role offering connections between Europe and North America via Iceland.
Icelandair painted one of its Boeing 757-200s, TF-FIU (c/n 26243), in a stunning aurora borealis-themed livery in December 2014.
Icelandair Boeing 757-3E7TF-ISX (c/n 30179) wears a distinctive scheme marking a centenary of Icelandic independence.
The 757 approaches the blue-ice runway at Union Glacier in the Ellsworth Mountains in Western Antarctica.
Permission to land the 757 came from Chilean authorities - all flights departing to Antarctica from Chile must apply to the Chilean agencies and submissions are for each season.
The first aircraft for new French low-cost, all-business class airline L'Avion (previously known as Elysair), Boeing 757-230 F-HAVN (c/n 25140, ex D-ABNF of Condor) seen at Paris/Orly Airport on December 22, 2006. Fitted with only 90 business class seats, the aircraft operated its first scheduled from Paris to New York/Newark airport on January 3 and will operate six flights per week on the route.
This is the ideal time to launch an airline, according to Northern Pacific Airways
Each aircraft will undergo a full C-level maintenance check by Certified Aviation Services
Designer Edmond Huot worked with the team in Anchorage to ensure that the livery did not misrepresent local indigenous communities
The choice of aircraft took some industry observers by surprise
The airline's goal is to scale up to a 50-strong fleet
Boeing 757-236 G-BPEK (c/n 25808) has been transferred from the British Airways' mainline fleet as the first aircraft for its OpenSkies offshoot.
UK carrier Thomson Airways added a ‘Merry Christmas' title and decals to the fuselage of its Boeing 757-236 G-OOBE (c/n 33100) for the Christmas season, including a Rudolph-inspired red nose.
The Boeing 757 remains popular with several European leisure airlines. TUI Airways uses eight examples on connections from Manchester, Birmingham and London/Gatwick.
Could this be a future pilot in the making? Jose Enrique Gonzalez posed his 12 year-old son Enrique for this portrait, which exemplifies 'a passion for aviation'.
Transatlantic routes are a key part of 757 operations at the big US airlines. Here United's N14102 (c/n 27292) taxies at Manchester, UK in October 2019.
When carrying the US Vice-President, the US Air Force C-32As assume the air traffic control callsign 'Air Force Two'.
C-32A 99-0004 of the 1st Airlift Squadron, 89th Airlift Wing is seen sporting winglets that were added to the C-32 fleet this year. Manufactured by Aviation Partners, blended winglets reportedly increase the maximum range and give fuel efficiency savings equivalent to between 125,000 and 250,000 Imp gal per aircraft per year.
Boeing 757-2K2 G-TCSX (c/n 26330, ex C-GTSR) was repainted in a gloss black scheme by Air Livery at Manchester Airport. The airliner transferred to Birmingham Airport in the West Midlands on August 27, 2014 for maintenance with Monarch Aircraft Engineering Ltd. Work is expected to take two to three months. TAG Aviation is due to operate the aircraft for TCS Expeditions on exclusive services from late November.
Boeing is revisiting its concept for a new midsize design to replace the 757.
The Boeing 757 is the archetypal midsize airliner, and the increasing age of these and other types is focusing attention on the mid-market area.
G-OBOZ standing at London Luton, showing the cargo capacity to the full with large top fuselage door and underfloor cargo capacity from the fore and aft holds, entered on the starboard side.
Cargojet Airways of Toronto has acquired a Boeing 757 and a 767 freighter to augment its fleet of 12 727-200Fs. Both entered service in August 2008. They are Boeing 757-236F C-FKCJ (c/n 24792, ex SE-DUO) and 767-223F C-FGAJ (c/n 22319, ex N317AA), based at John C Monro Hamilton International Airport, Mount Hope, Ontario, where they are shown on August 27.
Challenge Air Cargo’s third Boeing 757-23APF N573CA Spirit of the Caribbean seen while still carrying UK marks as G-OBOZ. All three CAC 757s are leased from Ansett Worldwide Aviation Services.
Boeing 757-23APF N571CA Spirit of Miami being loaded-up through the main forward cargo door on the ramp at Miami. Visible behind is one of the company’s two DC-8-63PFs which were operated for a short period from 1989 until replaced by Boeing 757s.
Boeing 757-236SF авиакомпании DHL Aviation. Аэропорт Лондон-Хитроу, 3 июня 2017 г.
The Boeing 757 has seen continued investment including installing Blended Winglets as seen here on 757-200F G-DHKB (c/n 29312), pictured in November 2017, which is operated by DHL Air.
Флот DHL состоит из пяти авиакомпаний, каждая из которых обслуживает определенный регион. Наиболее распространенным самолетом является Boeing 757, в 2012 году составлявший почти половину парка из 96 самолетов.
Air cargo is a rapidly-expanding business reckoned to be worth £27 billion in 2005. Using an aircraft to move freight has the advantage of speed over other forms of transport, and this aspect has been seized on to great effect by express package companies such as DHL. One of this company's Boeing 757s is pictured being loaded with containers at DHL's East Midlands Airport hub.
One of two Boeing 757 freighters in service with Ethiopian Airlines. This aircraft carries special markings on the nose, celebrating the carrier's 60th anniversary year in 2006. It currently also leases two Southern Air Boeing 747s for cargo, and has placed an order for two MD-11s for this role.
Ethiopian operated a total of 12 Pratt & Whitney PW2040 turbofan-powered Boeing 757-200 and -200PFs (Package Freighters), including this example of the latter, seen in June 1995. The type was introduced into EA service in August 1990, the last example in the airline’s inventory being retired from service in January 2019.
China’s SF Airlines has invested in single-aisle passenger-to-freighter conversions, snapping up 15 of the aircraft, including this example, seen at Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport
Важным заказчиком лайнеров с двигателем Pratt & Whitney (в версии PW2040 повышенной мощности) стала компания "United Parcel Service", заказавшая грузовую версию 757-200PF. Этот транспортный самолет получил фюзеляж без иллюминаторов, но с большим грузовым люком в левом борту. Он может переносить на главной палубе 15 стандартных контейнеров.
Cargo carriers including UPS Airlines are set to operate 757s for years to come
The 757 serves major cargo airlines by providing vital transcontinental links from key hubs, including those across America.
In the 1980s the RB.211 evolved again to become the RB.211-535, which was selected by Boeing to power its 757 narrow-body medium-range jetliner, the first time the British company had supplied a launch engine on a Boeing aircraft. Variants of the RB.211-535 went on to power Boeing’s 767 and the Russian Tupolev Tu-204 airliner.