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Страна : International

Год : 1995

Ближне- и среднемагистральный транспортный самолет средней вместимости

Airbus Industrie A319

Технический и коммерческий успех самолетов A320 подвигнул консорциум "Airbus" на разработку укороченной и удлиненной версий, соответственно меньшей и большей пассажировместимости относительно базовой модели. Вторым в семействе появился укороченный A319. Продвижение данной модели на рынок началось в мае 1992 года, но официально полномасштабное проектирование началось лишь в июне 1993 года. Главным отличием A319 от A320 стал фюзеляж, укороченный на семь секции шпангоутов. A319 имеет два салона двух классов и рассчитан на перевозку 124 пассажиров. Самолет сертифицирован для полетов с экипажем из трех человек.
   Сборка первого A319-100 началась в марте 1996 года, первый полет был выполнен в сентябре 1996 года, после чего начались летные испытания и полеты по программе сертификации самолета. Первой эксплуатацию самолетов A319 начала в мае 1996 года авиакомпания "Swissair". В отличие от самолетов Airbus более ранних моделей, которые собирались во Франции, сборка A319 была налажена в Германии на заводе фирмы, ныне известной как "Daimler-Benz Aerospace Airbus".
   Базовый вариант A319 имеет максимальную взлетную массу 64000 кг, но в варианте с дополнительными топливными баками максимальная взлетная масса увеличена до 68000, 70000 и 75 500 кг соответственно. С 1999 года заказчикам поставляется самолет бизнес-класса A319CJ. Семь дополнительных топливных баков позволяют A319CJ перевозить десятерых пассажиров в условиях повышенной комфортности на расстояние до 11 600 км. К сентябрю 1997 года консорциум "Airbus" получил заказы на постройку 148 самолетов A319.


   Airbus Industrie A319

   Тип: ближне- и среднемагистральный транспортный самолет средней вместимости
   Силовая установка: два двухконтурных турбореактивных двигателя CFM International CFM56-5A4 или IAE V2522-A5 тягой по 97,86 кН; альтернативный вариант - два двигателя CFM International CFM56-5A5 или IAE V2524-AS тягой по 105,53 кН Характеристики: максимальная крейсерская скорость на высоте 11 885 м 903 км/ч; экономичная крейсерская скорость на высоте 11885 м 827 км/ч; дальность полета с максимальной полезной нагрузкой и навигационным запасом топлива 3518 км
   Массы: пустого снаряженного 40160 кг; максимальная взлетная 64000 кг
   Размеры: размах крыла 33,91 м, длина 33,80 м; высота 11,80 м; площадь крыла 122,40 м2

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  • Airbus Industrie A319
  • Мировая Авиация 47

    25 августа 1995г.: взлетел A319 - новейший представитель семейства реактивных лайнеров Airbus.

  • Мировая Авиация 59

    Первый A319 стал 546-м построенным самолетом в семействе A319/A320/A321. Первые два A319 остались в "Airbus", именно они использовались для 650-часовой программы летных испытаний. Самолет был сертифицирован с двигателями CFM56-5A/-5B и IAE V2500-A5, а чуть позже - с IAE V2524.

  • Air International 1995-01 / P.Relman - Three Nineteen: 'Mini Bus' shrunk

    The A319 is the third member of the Airbus 'standard-body' family, and like its sisters will feature the widest fuselage cross-section of current single aisle aircraft.

  • Air International 1996-06 / Airscene

    NH Industries NH90 and Airbus A319 at ILA ’96

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: NH Industries NH-90 - International - 1995

  • Air International 2008-10 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents

    Libya's Afriqiyah Airways received its first Airbus A319-111 (5A-ONC, c/n 3615, ex D-AVYM) at Hamburg, Germany, on September 8, 2008. One of three ordered in 2006, along with eleven A320s and three A330-200s, it is configured to carry 124 passengers and will operate from the carrier's Tripoli hub.

  • Air International 2015-07 / D.Sipinski - Heading Back to Black /Commercial/

    Airberlin operates seven A319s, including D-ABFO (msn 3728), pictured at Hamburg.

  • Air International 2013-12 / A.Spaeth - Under Pressure /Commercial/

    Swiss-registered Airbus A319 HB-IOX (msn 3604) is one of eight in service with airberlin.

  • Мировая Авиация 59

    Компания "Air Canada" стала одной из первых, получивших A319. Первый самолет, A319-114 с двигателями CFM56-5A5, был передан ей 12 декабря 1996 года. Он имел двухклассную компоновку - 16 мест представительского класса (Executive Class) и 106 мест эконом-класса.

  • Air International 1995-01 / P.Relman - Three Nineteen: 'Mini Bus' shrunk

    Air Canada is the North American launch customer for the A319, having ordered up to 35 aircraft to replace its large DC-9-30 fleet from 1996, and supplement the 34 A320s currently operated.

  • Air International 2021-03 / W.Sargunaraj - From dreams to reality

    A busy line-up of aircraft from carriers including Mauritania Airlines, Air Cote d’Ivoire and Asky Airlines at Bamako, Mali in November 2018

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing Boeing 737-600 / BBJ - США - 1998

  • Air International 2015-05 / A.Spaeth - Mission Impossible? /Commercial/

    VT-SCH (msn 3288) is one of 22 A319-100s used by Air India for short- and medium-haul services, together with 19 A320s and 20 A321's.

  • Air International 2019-01 / A.Spaeth - Small island, big jets /Commercial/

    Air Mauritius operates two Airbus A319-112s, including 3B-NBH (msn 1936) seen here, for short-haul services. The carrier intends to place an order for new single-aisles within the next year.

  • Air International 2013-12 / News

    Air Serbia Airbus A319-131 YU-APC approaching Runway 26 at Stockholm-Arlanda on November 8, 2013 after flying from Belgrade.

  • Air International 2021-10 / News: Commercial, Military

    Alitalia is shortly to be replaced by ITA as Italy's flag carrier

  • Air International 2011-11 / A.Spaeth - Alitalia Resurgent /Commercial/

    Airbus A319-100 EI-IMB (msn 2033) was delivered to Alitalia in late November 2010, one of 14 of the type in service.

  • Air International 2017-01 / A.Spaeth - Reinventing Alitalia /Commercial/

    Much of Alitalia's route network is short and medium haul, served by a fleet af A320 Family aircraft, pictured here, and E-Jets.

  • Air International 2014-02 / A.Spaeth - The New American /Commercial/

    After returning its last Airbus A300-600R in 2009, American operated an all-Boeing fleet until the first A319 arrived in July 2013.

  • Air Pictorial 2000-05 / R.Jackson - Airport Movements

    The America West's 12th A319-132 N812AW, c/n 1178, landing at Prestwick on 1/3/00 while on delivery from the Airbus factory at Finkenwerder to the airline's base at Pheonix, Arizona. America West operates its A319s with 12 first class and 112 economy class seats

  • Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL

    America West Airlines' first A319 (of 22) was delivered on 8 October 1998 (1999)

  • Мировая Авиация 17

    Авиакомпания "Austrian Airlines" эксплуатирует не только самолеты A319, но и более крупные A320 и A321. Экипажи могут выполнять полеты на любом из этих трех типов.

  • Air International 2019-04 / Airscene

    Airbus A319-131 G-EUPJ (msn 1232) now wears the famous BEA scheme with the red square.

  • Air International 2019-04 / Airscene

    The retrojets have been painted by International Aerospace Coatings.

  • Aviation Historian 28 / K.Hayward - Airbus Industrie

    Although no Airbus type ever saw service with BEA, the airline becoming absorbed into British Airways (BA) in April 1974, one example of the manufacturer’s wares has been seen in BEA colours, with the painting of A319 G-EUPJ in the “red square” scheme in March 2019, as part of BA’s superb centenary “retrojet” celebrations.

  • Air International 2019-06 / Airscene

    All four British Airways retrojets pictured together at London Heathrow: Airbus A319-131 G-EUPJ (msn 1232) in British European Airways livery and three Boeing 747-436s: G-BYGC (c/n 25823) in BOAC colours, G-CIVB (c/n 25811) in Negus livery and G-CIVB (c/n 27090) wearing Landor, lined up alongside A319-211 G-EUPU (msn 1384) in BA's current Chatham Dock livery.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing Boeing 747-400 - США - 1988

  • Air Pictorial 1999-11 / Register Review

    British Airways showed off their first Airbus A319 D-AVYK, c/n 1082, the prospective G-EUPA, at Birmingham 22-23/9/99. The airline has thirty-nine of the type on order

  • Air International 2002-07 / I.Goold - A Tale of Two Industries /Commercial/

    British Airways is one of only a handful of European flag carriers to transition to a full commercial basis, although some of the changes made in recent years have not always gone down well with the airline’s employees. Recent cost-cutting measures led to the airline announcing better than expected results for the fourth quarter on May 20, 2002, reducing its pre-tax loss to £200 million for the full year to March 31, 2002, well ahead of market expectations. The company's 'Future Size and Shape' review, announced in February 2002, will be realised over the next two years and is aimed at driving costs down to protect the airline over the long term. Airbus A319-131 G-EUPA is one of 33 currently in service out of a total of 39 on order.

  • Air International 1999-11 / Airscene

    Pre-delivery shot of British Airways first Airbus A319-131 G-EUPA (c/n 1082, ex D-AVYK), which entered revenue service on October 7, 1999.

  • Air International 2012-05 / News

    On April 3, 2012, British Airways revealed the 'Dove' scheme being applied to nine of its Airbus A319s (including -131 G-EUOH, msn 1604, seen here). The artwork, designed by Pascal Anson, is being applied as part of the prelude to the Olympic Games in London this summer.

  • Air International 2006-12 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents, Special report

    Following the merger of SN Brussels Airlines and Virgin Express last year, the amalgamated company announced on November 7, 2006 that the carrier will in future operate under the Brussels Airlines brand. Operations under the new name will commence on March 25, 2007, whilst until then flights will continue to be operated under the separate brand names of SN Brussels Airlines and Virgin Express. A new corporate colour scheme is also being adopted for the airline's aircraft, as seen here on SNBA's newly repainted A319-112 OO-SSG. Initial fleet for the merged airlines will be three Airbus A330-300s (with a fourth due to be added), three A319-100s, ten Boeing 737-300s/400s and 32 Avro RJ85s/RJ100s/BAe 146-200s.

  • Air International 2015-04 / C.Kjelgaard - Brussels with Muscles /Commercial/

    Brussels Airlines A319 OO-SSG (msn 1160) on final approach to Brussels International Airport: one of 18 in the carrier’s fleet.

  • Air International 2007-11 / B.Hales-Dutton - Airbus A320 - A Family Affair /Commercial/

    An A319 of China Southern Airlines, one of 50 Airbuses of various models it operates: it has another 80 on order. Airbus has won significant orders from the growing market in China and aims to build on this by opening a joint venture production line in Tianjin building A320s.

  • Air International 2011-06 / L.Sedlak - Looking East for a Way Forward /Commercial/

    One of eight A319-100s in service, OK-PEN sits on the stand at Prague-Ruzyne airport.

  • Air International 2008-04 / P.Giannico - Cultural Revolution - China's Low-Cost Carriers /Commercial/

    East Star Air was one of the earliest low-cost carriers in China. It started operations in June 2005 and currently has a fleet of three A320s and two A319s (pictured).

  • Air International 2006-07 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents, Airshow

    New Chinese carrier East Star Airline took delivery of this new production A319-112, B-6229 (c/n 2762, ex D-AVWJ), on May 12, 2006 at Toulouse on lease from GE Commercial Aviation Service (GECAS). The aircraft entered revenue service on May 22 operating a flight from Wuhan to Shenren. East Star is acquiring ten A320 family aircraft direct from Airbus and a further ten on lease from GECAS.

  • Air International 2007-07 / B.Walters - Aviation - An Environmental Hazard? /Commercial/

    Easyjet was one of Europe's earliest proponents of the no-frills model, and has grown rapidly. It originally favoured the Boeing 737, but subsequently placed a large order with Airbus for A319s, as illustrated here.
    Last November, easyJet placed a £1 billion order with Airbus for 52 A319s, which the airline claims produces 27% lower emissions per passenger kilometre than similar, but older, models operated by competitors.

  • Air International 2006-11 / E.Crump - World Low Cost Airlines Congress /Commercial/

    easyJet is one of the largest low-cost airlines in the world and is continuing an aggressive growth strategy. The carrier is expanding its fleet by adding Airbus A319s which have been specially modified with an extra over wing emergency exit to allow these aircraft to carry 156 passengers, instead of the previously allowed maximum of 149.

  • Air International 2021-06 / T.Haynes, T.Anderson - Orange origins

    British Airways was historically one of easyJet's main rivals. The low-cost carrier frequently returned fire at BA in an attempt to carve out its place in the market

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing Boeing 757 - США - 1982

  • Air International 2017-10 / M.Broadbent - Low-Cost Outlook /Commercial/

    EasyJet has recently set up a Vienna-based subsidiary unit called easyJet Europe to protect its EU traffic rights after Brexit.

  • Air International 2015-03 / News

    Low-cost carrier easyJet has introduced the first major change to its colours since the 1990s, with Airbus A319-111 G-EZDE (msn 3426) first to receive the carrier's revised livery. The new colours will feature on all new deliveries from April 2015. In-service jets will receive the colours in scheduled re-paints. Twenty-nine aircraft will have the scheme by the end of the year and half of the fleet by 2017.

  • Air International 2013-01 / News

    Airbus A319-111 G-EZIO (msn 2512, ex D-AVWP) of easyJet was rolled out at Southend on November 18, 2012 after being painted with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) titles on its rear fuselage. The budget airline partnered with UNICEF during the summer and winter seasons of 2012 to collect donations from passengers on behalf of the organisation.

  • Air International 2019-12 / S.Murdoch - Expansion takes off /Commercial/

    EasyJet started flights from Southend in 2012 and has steadily grown its network from the Essex airport.

  • Air International 2007-11 / B.Hales-Dutton - Airbus A320 - A Family Affair /Commercial/

    Launched in 1993, the A319 has to date proved to be the second most popular variant of the A320 family, with 1,574 orders. The type has recently found favour with low-cost airlines such as Air Berlin and easyJet. The UK carrier expects to have no less than 229 A319s in its fleet by 2012. This aircraft wears special markings, denoting that this is the 100th A319 to be delivered to easyJet.

  • Air International 2021-06 / T.Haynes, T.Anderson - Orange origins

    easyJet now has a fleet totalling more than 300 examples, which is around 50 more than its former rival BA
    The COVID-19 pandemic, while unexpected, presented an opportunity for the aircraft leasing sector

  • Air International 2022-06 / T.Batchelor - New lease of life

    easyJet raised $398.6m from a sale-leaseback of nine aircraft in October 2020, leaving the low-cost carrier with 152 fully owned aircraft

  • Мировая Авиация 59

    Немецкая компания "Eurowings" эксплуатирует пять A319-112 для чартерных и обычных перевозок на внутриевропейских маршрутах. Лайнеры имеют одноклассную компоновку на 142 места.

  • Air International 2017-04 / Airscene

    Airbus A319-119 D-ASTX (msn 3202), pictured at Manchester, is one of the first aircraft to transfer to Eurowings under the Lufthansa Group’s restructuring of Air Berlin. Thirty-three A320 family jets will move to Eurowings and three to Austrian Airlines.

  • Air International 2012-10 / News

    Finnair Airbus A319-112 OH-LVD (msn 1352, ex D-AVYW) was painted in oneworld alliance colours in August 2012. The airliner is seen at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in the Netherlands on September 3. The Finnish flag carrier joined the alliance in 1999.

  • Air International 2013-08 / News

    Airbus A319-113s 5N-FNE and 5N-FND (fore) at Dublin International Airport on June 14, 2013, prior to delivery to First Nation Airways of Nigeria 15 days later.

  • Air Pictorial 2002-05

    Seen sporting two more eye-catching tail markings are Frontier Airlines Airbus A319s N901FR and N904FR, pictured at Denver recently. A change to the scheme is the large bold lettering which replaces a hand-written style of titling.

  • Air International 2014-03 / News

    Airbus A319-119 D-ASTB (msn 4691, ex D-AVYO) of Gambia Bird at Lungi International Airport in Freetown, Sierra Leone, in late January 2014. The airliner was previously operated by Germania before being transferred to Gambia Bird in December 2012 and is one of two in service with the Gambian carrier. Gambia Bird was formed in 2012 with its main hub at Banjul-Yundum International Airport.

  • Air International 2011-04 / News

    Airbus A319-112 D-AHIL (c/n 3589), seen at Dusseldorf International Airport on March 8, 2011, was the first of the type to enter service with German airline Germania, on February 17. The aircraft was originally delivered to Hamburg International, on July 17, 2008, but this airline ceased operations on October 19, 2010. Another former Hamburg International A319-112, D-AHIM (c/n 3818), joined the Germania fleet on March 3. Germania will take delivery of two further new-build A319-112s, D-ASTA (c/n 4663, test registration D-AVYF) and D-ASTB (c/n 4691, D-AVYO) this spring.

  • Air International 2013-02 / A.Spaeth - Lufthansa's Reinvented Low-Cost Airline /Commercial/

    Germanwings has launched a new brand and livery combining its existing blackberry colour with Lufthansa's yellow and the 'double checked' logo on the tail.

  • Air International 2014-03 / C.Kjelgaard - Keeping Score. Lufthansa Group Remodels /Commercial/

    A Germanwings A319 taking off from Heathrow in December 2013.

  • Air International 2013-08 / M.Broadbent - Regional Revamp /Commercial/

    Germanwings is set for a rapid increase in its operations over the next two years.

  • Air International 2013-02 / News

    Airbus A319-132 D-AGWT (msn 5043, ex D-AVYL) is the first example to be painted in Germanwings' new colours. The airliner is seen arriving at Cologne in Germany on December 19, 2012, from Shannon in Ireland, where the new scheme was applied.

  • Air International 2008-09 / News: Headline, Military, Civil

    The first A319 for Gulf Air of Bahrain was being prepared for delivery in late July 2008 by Skyservice Airlines at Pearson International Airport in Toronto, Canada. Airbus A319-112 (c/n 1901) wears the Canadian registration C-GTDS, but will become A9C-EV upon delivery. It was formerly leased by Skyservice to Skybus Airlines as N551SX in a special 'flying pigs' colour scheme prior to the carrier becoming bankrupt and returning the aircraft to Skyservice.

  • Air International 2006-09 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow

    Former Air Canada Airbus A319-112 C-GKOC (c/n 1886) has been returned to its lessor and was rolled out at Toronto-Pearson International Airport on July 15, 2006 in the colours of Hainan Airlines prior to delivery on lease to the Chinese carrier.

  • Air International 2008-02 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents

    Brand new Iberia Airbus A319-111 EC-KKS (c/n 3320, ex D-AVYF), which was handed-over to the airline in Toulouse on November 19, 2007, has been painted in this special 1950s retro scheme to mark the airline's 80th birthday. Iberia launched operations on December 14, 1927, with its maiden commercial flight (and also the first ever commercial flight in Spain) from Madrid/Cuatro Vientos to Barcelona, a route on which it used three ten-passenger Rohrbach-Roland trimotor aircraft. To celebrate the event, the A319 made a special commemorative flight from Cuatro Vientos to Barcelona on December 14, although passengers were first picked up from Madrid/Barajas Airport, as Cuatro Vientos is now mainly a military base.

  • Air International 2008-10 / J.Rodriguez - A New Dawn for Iberia /Commercial/

    To celebrate Iberia's 80th anniversary in December 2007, the airline painted A319, EC-KKS, in this retro livery. It is pictured conducting a flypast at Cuatro Vientos, where the airline performed its first flight in 1924.

  • Air International 2006-12 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents, Special report

    Indian Airlines Airbus A319-112 VT-SCF (c/n 2907 ex D-AVWT), the first directly purchased example for the carrier, was handed-over in Toulouse on October 17, 2006 and arrived at New Delhi/Indira Gandhi International Airport on October 19 following completion of its delivery flight. The aircraft is one of 43 Airbus aircraft (20 A319s, four A320s and 19 A321s) that were ordered by the airline in February 2006. A further six will be delivered in 2007, more than ten in 2008 and the remainder by 2010.

  • Air International 2006-10 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents

    A new Chinese private carrier headquartered in Shanghai, Juneyao Airlines, took delivery of its first aircraft, new production Airbus A319-112 B6232 (c/n 2879, ex D-AVXN), on September 13, 2006 at Shanghai/Hongqiao International Airport. The aircraft, seen here at Hamburg/Finkenwerder on September 7 prior to delivery, is leased from GE Commercial Aviation Services (GECAS) and configured in an 128-passenger, two-class layout, including eight business class seats. In March 2006 the airline signed lease contracts with GECAS for two A319s and six A320s, whilst by January 2007 the carrier will receive two more A320s to serve on several domestic trunk routes connecting Shanghai, Changsha, Sanya, Taiyuan and Zhengzhou.

  • Air International 2005-12 / I.Goold - oneworld /Commercial/

    Private South American carrier Linea Aerea Nacional de Chile (LAN Chile) was elected the eighth oneworld airline and offered alliance services from June 2000, alongside the ninth member, Irish flag-carrier Aer Lingus.

  • Мировая Авиация 71

    "LAN Airlines"/"LANexpress". "LAN Airlines" (до июня 2004 года - "LAN Chile") - одна из немногих авиакомпаний, эксплуатирующих A318. В этой авиакомпании также летают 20 из 26 заказанных A319 (на снимке) и 18 из 27 A320. Марка LAN объединяет группу авиалиний с разнообразным авиапарком, но в конце 2008 года вся группа и ее филиалы получили самолеты серии A320. "LAN Airlines" получила 15 машин A318, десять A319, шесть A320, "LAN Argentina" - девять A320, "LANexpress" (ранее "Ladeco Airlines") - три A320 и "LAN Peru" - десять A319. Компания "LAN Airlines" стала первым заказчиком лайнеров A318 с двигателями PW6000, а ее A320 и A319 оснащены двигателями V2500.

  • Air International 2007-05 / News: Headline, Military, Civil

    CFM International CFM56-5B-powered Airbus A319-112 OE-LEK (c/n 3019, ex D-AVXM), seen here during test flying on February 16, 2007, is the first for Austrian carrier Nikki and was formally handed-over in a ceremony at Hamburg/Finkenwerder on March 22. The aircraft is also the first A320 family aircraft to introduce a new state-of-the-art cabin interior. It joins five A320s and one A321 already in the Nikki fleet, whilst a further three A320s and one A321 are also on order.

  • Air International 2018-02 / Backpages

    THERE HAS been further airline industry change in Europe after the International Airlines Group (IAG) agreed to buy the assets of the Austrian carrier NIKI from the Air Berlin Group's administrators. The deal, which is subject to European Commission (EC) competition approval, will see IAG pay €20 million for assets, including up to 15 A320 Family aircraft and slots at Vienna, Dusseldorf, Munich, Palma and Zurich, and provide liquidity to NIKI of up to €16.5 million.

  • Air Pictorial 1999-10 / R.Jackson - Airport Movements

    N301NB, the first of fifty Airbus A319-113S ordered by Northwest Airlines, was delivered to the airline by way of Prestwick and Goose Bay on 6/8/99. It was followed by N302NB on 10/8/99 and N303NB on 1/9/99. The final delivery will be in 2003

  • Air International 2012-02 / S.Schmitz - The Airline That Never Sold A Ticket /Commercial/

    A319 D-APAC seen at a snowy Newark International Airport in January 2005

  • Air International 2015-06 / A.Spaeth - The Gulf Trendsetter /Commercial/

    Qatar Airways’ pair of Airbus A319s have an all-Business Class seat configuration called Business One and are exclusively used on the Doha-Heathrow route.

  • Air International 2012-05 / News

    Noted arriving at London Heathrow Airport on March 16, 2012 was Airbus A319-133X Corporate Jet A7-MED (msn 4114, ex D-AVWA) of the Qatar Amiri Flight. The aircraft was outfitted with a VIP configuration at EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg in France and delivered in October 2010.

  • Air International 2011-06 / News

    Noted at the Airbus facility at Hamburg-Finkenwerder in Germany on April 21, 2011 was new A319-115 Corporate Jet D-AVYN (msn 4679). The aircraft is destined for GTK Rossia (Russian State Transport Company), which is responsible for executive travel for the higher echelons of the Russian Government. At least nine A319s are used by Rossia, all acquired second hand with the majority formerly operated by Frontier Airlines of the US. This A319CJ is the first of two due to be delivered in 2012 under the terms of a Rb6.7 billion ($237.6 million) contract.

  • Air International 2008-09 / News: Headline, Military, Civil

    The Rossiya Special Flight Detachment (Rossiya Rossiiskie Avialinii) of the Russian State Transport Company has taken delivery of a second-hand Airbus A319-111 (VP-BIT, c/n 1761, ex N909FR of Frontier Airlines). The aircraft flew from Lake City to Jacksonville in Florida, on to Pearson International Airport in Toronto, Canada (on July 29, 2008) and then to Keflavik in Iceland during its delivery flight to Moscow. Rossiya operates a variety of aircraft to provide VIP transport for the Russian administration. It already flies four A319s leased from Sibir and the latest delivery is one of a pair of former Frontier Airlines' examples provided by VTB Leasing. The second aircraft will be c/n 1890, currently N917FR.

  • Air International 2007-07 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents

    Former Northwest Airlines Airbus A319-114 VP-BTT (c/n 1167, ex N312NB) is one of four ex-Northwest aircraft acquired by Russia's Rossiya Airlines, to which it had only been delivered in January 2007. Marking its first visit outside Russia, as it is largely used for domestic flights, the aircraft arrived at Southend Airport, Essex, from Pulkovo Saint Petersberg Airport, Russia, on June 1 for maintenance by ATC Lasham Ltd, following which it is seen here departing on June 16. A second aircraft, VP-BTQ (c/n 1149), arrived at Southend on June 6 after painting in Rossiya colours at Maastricht in the Netherlands for pre-delivery work by ATC Lasham, which is also to undertake similar work on the remaining two, VP-BTO (c/n 1129, ex N308NB), currently stored in Montreal, Canada, and VP-BTS (c/n 1164, ex N311NB), presently also in Canada, at Winnipeg. Rossiya plans to take delivery of six A319s this year as Tu-154 replacements, whilst also planning medium and long-haul flights with Boeing 767s from 2008. The airline, which recently merged with Pulkovo Airlines, also now has five Boeing 737-500s in its fleet.

  • Air International 2016-06 / Airscene

    Rossiya A319-111 VQ-BCP (msn 3998) is pictured departing London Southend for St Petersburg after repainting into the Russian carrier's distinctive new livery. Aeroflot is transferring its A319 fleet to its subsidiary to operate charter flights.

  • Air International 2013-01 / News

    Airbus A319-111 VP-BDY (msn 2442, ex G-EZID) is one of two currently operated by RusLine of Moscow. The airliner has been leased by the carrier from RBS Aviation Capital since April 2012, and is seen at Dubai International Airport on November 30, 2012.

  • Air International 2007-10 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents

    Former Northwest Airlines Airbus A319-114 VP-BHI (c/n 1875, ex N357NB) seen at Southend Airport, Essex, on September 3, 2007, just after roll out from the Air Livery paint shop following respray in the colours of Russia's S7 Airlines (formerly Sibir). The aircraft had arrived at Southend on August 24 last year and is one of ten former Northwest A319s being acquired by the Novosibirsk-based carrier.

  • Air International 2012-12 / News

    Russian carrier S7 Airlines repainted one of its Airbus A319-214s (VP-BTN, msn 1126, ex N307NB of Northwest) in the colours of the oneworld alliance in September 2012. The aircraft is seen here landing at Frankfurt International Airport in Germany on October 21. S7 Airlines joined oneworld in November 2010.

  • Air International 2011-09 / C.Kjelgaard - Nordic Networker /Commercial/

    Airbus A319-100 OY-KBO (msn 2850) is one of four delivered to SAS and is currently painted in this retro colour scheme.

  • Air International 2006-09 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow

    Airbus A319-131 D-AVXK (c/n 2850) 'Christian Valdemar Viking', which is due to become OY-KBO, is the first A319 for Scandinavian Airlines System and is seen here during pre-delivery test-flying at Hamburg/Finkenwerder on July 26, 2006. The aircraft is painted in a retro SAS colour scheme and was due for delivery to the airline in August.

  • Air International 2020-06 / S.Parker - Universal Credit?

    Scandinavian Airlines, the flag carrier for Norway, Denmark and Sweden, is to receive financial assistance from the governments of all three nations. Denmark and Sweden have each pledged $300m, while the carrier is set to benefit from a quarter of Norway's 6bn krone ($582m) industry-wide rescue package.

  • Air International 2012-12 / S.Schmitz - Chile's Survivor /Commercial/

    Sky Airline A319 CC-AFY (msn 2129) seen at Manchester International Airport on May 22, 2012.

  • Air International 2009-01 / K.Bekele, B.Hales-Dutton - South African Airline Back In Profit /Commercial/

    South African Airways short-haul network is flown by a mixture of Boeing 737-800s and A319s (pictured).

  • Мировая Авиация 101

    Дальность полета A319 почти сравнима с более крупным A320, но пассажировместимость меньше, что делает его идеальным самолетом для линий с небольшим пассажиропотоком. A319 по удельному расходу топлива на 27% лучше, чем DC-9, и пользуется популярностью в авиакомпаниях, решивших заменить DC-9.

  • Air International 2013-08 / A.Spaeth - Latin America's Airline Jigsaw Puzzle /Commercial/

    TAM Airlines A319 PT-TMA (msn 4000), one of 28 in service, seen departing Rio de Janeiro - Santos Dumont Airport, Brazil.

  • Мировая Авиация 59

    Создание A319 принесло успех "Airbus". K июню 2009 года было заказано 1528 самолетов данной модели, причем ряд заказчиков к тому времени уже эксплуатировали A320, что позволило добиться большей унификации их авиапарка.

  • Air International 2005-09 / I.Goold - Rising Star /Commercial/

    State-owned TAP has enhanced representation in western Europe, but crucially offers connections to South America.

  • Air International 2011-09 / News

    Airbus A319-112 VQ-BMM (msn 3171, ex EI-EAF) is the first of two of the airliners to be delivered to Tatarstan Airlines. Owned by the leasing company AerCap, it was handed over on July 1, 2011 and is seen on August 14 making its first flight into Palma de Mallorca Airport from Kazan. It was previously flown by KoralBlue Airlines as SU-KBB until stored at Shannon Airport in Ireland from March 3.

  • Air International 2011-08 / News

    Tibet Airlines' first Airbus A319-115 (D-AVYH, msn 4726, to become B-6436) was seen at Hamburg-Finkenwerder Airport, Germany, on June 23, 2011 making its first flight after outfitting. Three of the airliners were ordered by the Lhasa-based carrier in May 2010.

  • Мировая Авиация 59

    A320 оказал существенное влияние на развитие внутренних авиаперевозок в США - большое количество авиакомпаний, в том числе и "United Airlines", приобрели значительное количество A319.

  • Мировая Авиация 71

    Компания "US Airways" стала вторым по величине после "easyJet" оператором самолетов серии A320. В ней эксплуатируются три варианта машины: к августу 2009 года заказано 75 единиц A319, получено 66; заказано 75 единиц A320, получено 24; заказано 65 единиц A321, получено 44. Однако все эти машины - лишь часть парка компании, так как она также является главным арендодателем самолетов серии A320. В аренду сданы 27 A319, 45 A320 и один A321. 0дин из самолетов A320 компании "US Airways" 15 января 2009 года потерпел серьезную аварию - рейс 1549 произвел посадку на реку Гудзон после попадания птиц в оба двигателя. Все 148 пассажиров и экипаж остались живы.

  • Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL

    First Airbus A319 for US Airways flew on 22 September 1998 (1999)

  • Air International 2013-06 / B.Hales-Dutton - America's Last Great Airline Merger? /Commercial/

    A319 N822AW (msn 1410) is painted in the colours of the Nevada state flag as a logo jet. US Airways continued the logo jet policy originally started by American West Airlines after the two carriers merged in 2005.

  • Air International 2006-11 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents, Airshow

    US Airways unveiled Airbus A319-112 N709UW on October 5, 2006 in this new paint scheme featuring the logo and colours of the Philadelphia Eagles football team. Philadelphia-based US Airways is the official airline of the Eagles.

  • Air International 2006-07 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents, Airshow

    During a delivery ceremony at the manufacturer's Hamburg/Finkenwerder factory on May 30, 2006, Mexican low-cost carrier Volaris took delivery of its first two directly ordered A319s, including A319-132 N501VL (c/n 2771, ex O-AVWP, to be XA-VOA) seen here. Volaris placed an order for 16 A319s, with options on a further 40 A320 family aircraft in January and already has four leased A319s in service.

  • Air International 2012-10 / News

    Sicilian low-cost carrier Wind Jet flew its last service on August 11, 2012 and suspended operations the following day. It had signed a memorandum of understanding with Alitalia in January to explore a possible merger, but negotiations broke down. Wind Jet cancelled a number of flights and delayed others, resulting in the Enta Nazionale Aviaziona Civile (Italian civil aviation authority) threatening to revoke its air operator's certificate if it did not produce a plan to ensure a return to full operations and clear outstanding debts. The majority of its 11 Airbus A319/320s have already been returned to lessors. A319-113 EI-DVU (msn 660, ex F-GPMI) entered storage at Dublin Airport on August 11 after being returned to the International Lease Finance Corporation.

  • Air International 2006-11 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents, Airshow

    Paris-based Aero Services Corporate Airbus A319CJ F-GSVU arrives at Orlando Executive Airport on October 15, 2006 for display in the NBAA static park as part of the major Airbus presence at the convention.

  • Air International 2012-01 / News

    Airbus A319-133 (CJ) VQ-BVQ (msn 4842, ex D-AVWI) of Rizon Air is seen at Manchester Airport on December 7, 2011, following work undertaken by Air Livery. It arrived at Manchester via Southend Airport, Essex, on November 18, having been delivered eight days earlier to EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg in Switzerland for outfitting.

  • Air International 2012-08 / News

    Airbus A319-133X Corporate Jet D-ADNA (msn 1053, ex D-AVYN) of DC Aviation is seen at Manchester Airport on the evening of June 22, 2012. The aircraft was being used to ferry American rock star Bruce Springsteen, who played at the Etihad Stadium in Manchester. DC Aviation is based at Stuttgart-Echterdingen in Germany and operates four ACJ319s, including three A319-115(CJ)s, plus two Embraer Legacy 600s, two Gulfstream G550s and a Dornier Do 328JET-200.

  • Air International 2008-01 / T.Wills - Brussels Airport - From Airships to Air Hub /Commercial/

    Brussels is home to the headquarters of the European Union and to NATO, so aircraft bringing in VIPs are a common sight at its airport. This French Air Force Airbus A319CJ recently carried French President Nicolas Sarkozy on a visit to the city.

  • Air International 2007-11 / B.Hales-Dutton - Airbus A320 - A Family Affair /Commercial/

    In 1997 the Airbus Corporate Jet version of the A319 was launched. This variant can be fitted with up to eight additional fuel tanks, which extends the range to 6.000nm carrying eight passengers. It has proved popular as a private jet, for business passenger-only airline routes and as a VIP transport for governments. This example is one of three operated by the Italian Air Force.

  • Мировая Авиация 59

    Airbus Corporate Jetliner (ACJ). Решив вступить в конкуренцию с "Boeing" и ее бизнес-джетом BBJ (Boeing Business Jet), в 1996 году "Airbus" объявила о запуске программы A319CJ (Corporate Jet). Самолет был создан к 1999 году и рассчитан на перевозку 8-50 пассажиров на дальность около 11 670 км, что соответствует беспосадочному перелету из Франкфурта в Лос-Анджелес или из Лос-Анджелеса в Токио. Высокая стандартизация с базовым A319 позволяет авиакомпаниям в сжатые сроки переоборудовать бизнес-джет в обычный авиалайнер - в итоге в линейке A319 появился A319LR с большой дальностью полета. 13 июня 1999 года ACJ совершил беспосадочный перелет из Тулузы в Буэнос-Айрес, преодолев за 14 ч 50 мин расстояние в 12140 км, а 16 августа 1999 года самолет получил сертификат типа от европейского агентства JAA (Объединенные авиационные администрации, сегодня их функции выполняет Европейское агентство по авиационной безопасности, EASA). Доведение базового A319 до ACJ осуществляется за счет дополнительной установки до шести топливных баков, что позволяет увеличить дальность полета до 11 667 км. Первый A319CJ был поставлен Кувейту (1999 год), после чего компания "Airbus" разработала модели бизнес-джетов A320 Prestige и A318 Elite.

  • Air International 2000-04 / Airscene

    Lufthansa Technik at Hamburg has completed the six-month interior outfitting and customisation of the first Airbus A319-112 Corporate Jetliner for the Italian Air Force, MM62173 (c/n 1002, ex D-AJWF), seen here outside the Hamburg facility. The aircraft was formally delivered to the customer at the VIP Centre at Hamburg in a ceremony on February 15, 2000 and officially entered service following a further official presentation to a delegation led by the Italian Prime Minister, Dr Massimo D’Alema, in Rome on March 7. The Italian aircraft is the third ACJ to be delivered, two others having already joined major corporations. A second example, MM62174 (c/n 1157 ex D-AVWE), will join the Italian Air Force later this year, both examples being operated by 31° Stormo's 306° Gruppo, replacing the two VIP DC-9-32s currently in service.

  • Air International 2013-03 / News

    Airbus A319-115CJ Corporate Jet TC-ANA (msn 1002, ex TC-TCB) recently transported the Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to Budapest, for a meeting with his Hungarian counterpart, Viktor Orban. The aircraft is seen at Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport on February 5, 2013. It entered service with the Turkish Government in February 2005.

  • Air International 2014-03 / News

    One of up to three Airbus A319-115s that have entered service with the PLAAF.

  • Air International 2018-11 / Airscene

    Slovak interior ministry Airbus A319-115XCJ OM-BYA (msn 1485) on take-off from Larnaca International Airport, Cyprus on August 30, 2018 bound for Ukraine and Serbia.

  • Air International 2018-11 / Airscene

    Airbus A319-115XCJ OM-BYA (msn 2550) operated by the Slovak interior ministry at Larnaca International Airport, Cyprus on August 30, 2018 transported Slovak peacekeepers from Bratislava-lvanka.

  • Air International 2006-09 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow

    Airbus A319-115X Corporate Jet 2801 (c/n 2801, ex D-AVWU), the first of two ordered in March for the Czech Republic Air Force, was formally unveiled in a ceremony at Hamburg on July 21, 2006. The aircraft is scheduled for delivery in December this year, once interior outfitting has been completed by Lufthansa Technik at its facilities in Hamburg. The second aircraft will be delivered in September 2007.

  • Air International 2007-03 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow

    Czech Air Force A319-115X Corporate Jetliner 2801 (c/n 2801, ex D-AVWU) gets airborne from the rain-soaked runway as it departs from Hamburg, Germany, on January 30, 2007 on its delivery flight to Prague-Kbely Air Base. The aircraft is the first of two that will serve in a dual role, acting as troop transports for 100 personnel or, by means of a quick change interior, as a 44-passenger VIP aircraft for government officials.

  • Air International 2018-11 / Airscene

    Hungarian Air Force Airbus A319-112 605 at Larnaca.

  • Air International 2018-10 / Airscene

    Magyar Legiero (Hungarian Air Force) Airbus A319 605 (msn 3865) seen at RAF Waddington, Lincolnshire during a crew training mission from its home station on August 24, 2018. The aircraft is one of two former commercial frames operated by the Magyar Legierd's Airlift Squadron Teve' based at the 59th Air Base, Kecskemet. Both aircraft were delivered to the Magyar Legiero in January 2018.

  • Air International 2020-09 / L.Mennes, F.Visser - German wings

    A319 15+03 Open Skies on the apron at Koln-Bonn Wahn.

  • Air International 2007-01 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents

    Destined for service as a Government VIP transport with the Royal Malaysian Air Force's 2 Skwadron 'Parakeet' at Kuala Lumpur-Subang, this newly completed Airbus A319-115X Corporate Jet. D-AVXC (c/n 2949). is seen taxiing out for a test flight at Hamburg-Finkenwerer on November 29, 2006.

  • Air International 2012-09 / News

    Seen on approach to Farnborough in Hampshire on July 25, 2012 was Airbus A319-133X 2101 (msn 2263, ex D-AICY) named Santos Dumont, of the Forca Aerea Brasileira (Brazilian Air Force). Designated a VC-1 by the Brazilian forces, the aircraft is based at Brasilia and operated by 1°/1° Grupo de Transporte Especial (GTE, special transport group). It was the second FAB aircraft to visit Farnborough in a week following the arrival of Embraer ERJ-190 (VC-2) 2591 Augusto Severo, also of 1°/1° GTE, three days earlier. Both visits were in connection with the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

  • Air International 2011-05 / News

    Former Armee de I'Air (French Air Force) Airbus A319-115X Corporate Jet 1556/F-RBFB (msn 1556) destined for the Senegalese Government has been allocated the registration 6V-ANE and carries the name Pointe Sarene on its nose. It is seen on a test flight from Bordeaux. The second French A319, 1485/F-RBFA has become VQ-BKK.

  • Air International 2012-03 / News

    One of the many VIP aircraft at Zurich Airport in Switzerland during January 2012's 42nd World Economic Forum was Ukrainian Government Airbus A319-115 Corporate Jet UR-ABA (msn 3260, ex OE-IAC).

  • Air International 2012-09 / News

    Noted arriving at Stansted Airport in Essex on July 26, 2012 was Armenian government Airbus A319-132 Corporate Jet EK-RA01 (msn 913, ex HZ-NAS). The aircraft has been operated on behalf of the Armenian government by Armavia since November 2007. It carries 'Armenia' titles in English on its port side and in Cyrillic on the starboard. Its recent visit to the UK, in connection with the 2012 Olympic Games in London, is believed to be its first appearance in the country with its current operator, although it was previously registered to Twinjet as G-OMAK.

  • Air International 2007-12 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents

    In an announcement on October 16, 2007, the Australian Antarctic Division confirmed that final preparations are under way to commence Australia’s new Antarctic air link to support the country's Antarctic programme. The aircraft to be used for the service, three-year old Airbus Corporate Jet/A319-115LR VH-VHD (c/n 19991, is leased to Australian operator Skytraders Pty Ltd of Sydney, which is operating it on behalf of the Government. As seen here, the aircraft is now newly painted and carries small 'Australian Government Department of the Environment and Water Resources - Australian Antarctic Division’ titles just behind the forward passenger door. The aircraft is now in Hobart for ground crew and pilot training, prior to commencing operations on the air link from Hobart to an ice runway at Wilkins, 43 miles (70km) southeast of the AAD base at Casey Station, Antarctica. The A319CJ will complement two ski/wheel-equipped Skytraders CASA C-212-400s already operating for AAD within Antarctica.

  • Air International 2021-04 / I.Harbison - Stellar work

    The Open Skies Airbus ACJ319 was modified to incorporate apertures on the underside of the fuselage for cameras

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