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Страна : International
Год : 1993
Ближне- и среднемагистральный транспортный самолет средней вместимости
Airbus Industrie A321
Длиннофюзеляжный A321 стал первым самолетом, спроектированным на основе A320, который появился на рынке. Самолет A321 был анонсирован в мае 1989 года, официальная презентация модели состоялась в ноябре того же года. По сравнению с A320, фюзеляж A321 длиннее на 6,94 м. Удлинение фюзеляжа сделано за счет вставок перед и за крылом длиной соответственно 4,67 и 2,67 м. В более длинном фюзеляже помещается до 200 пассажиров в конфигурации с салонами одного эконом-класса или 185 пассажиров в варианте с салонами первого и эконом-классов. Другие конструкционные изменения коснулись аварийных люков, расположенных над крылом, доработки топливной системы, усиления конструкции планера и шасси, установки двухщелевых закрылков. В целом же, A321 конструктивно очень близок самолетам A320 и A319. В программе летных испытаний было задействовано четыре самолета, собранных на новом заводе фирмы "Daimler-Benz Aerospace Airbus" (ныне EADS) в Гамбурге. Первый из этих четырех самолетов выполнил первый полет 11 марта 1993 года. На нем установили два двухконтурных турбореактивных двигателя V2530-A5 тягой по 133,45 кН. Второй самолет впервые поднялся в воздух в мае 1993 года с альтернативной силовой установкой из двух ТРДД CFM56-5B. Самолет A321 получил европейский сертификат летной годности в декабре 1993 года для варианта с двигателями V2530-A5 и в феврале 1994 года в варианте с двигателями CFM56-5B. Первый самолет был поставлен авиакомпании "Lufthanza" в январе 1994 года, его эксплуатация началась в марте того же года.
Базовая модель A321-100 имеет максимальную взлетную массу 83 000 кг с запасом топлива 23 700 л. Базовый вариант дополняет модель A320-200 с увеличенной дальностью полета. Самолет A321 -200 был собран в апреле 1995 года по заказу авиакомпании "Aero Lloyd", предназначен он прежде всего для использования на чартерных рейсах во время курортных сезонов, а также для эксплуатации в Северной Америке. Планер самолета A321-200 усилен, мощность силовой установки повышена - в частности используются двигатели CFM56-5B2 тягой по 137,89 кН; установлен дополнительный топливный бак емкостью 2900 л, что позволило увеличить дальность полета примерно на 760 км; максимальная взлетная масса увеличена до 88995 кг.
Первый A321-200 был поставлен авиакомпании "Airwold/ILFC" в марте 1997 года. К ноябрю 2008 года "Airbus" получил всего 736 заказов на сборку самолетов A321. Ведутся работы по созданию грузовой модификации A321F в рамках программы "Airbus Freighter Conversion".
Airbus Industrie A321-100
Тип: ближне- и среднемагистральный транспортный самолет средней вместимости
Силовая установка: два двухконтурных турбореактивных двигателя CFM56-5B1 или два 1AEV2530-A5 тягой по 133,45 кН
Характеристики: максимальная крейсерская скорость на высоте 11885 м 903 км/ч; экономическая крейсерская скорость на высоте 11 885 м 840 км/ч; длина разбега (с двигателями CFM56-5B1) 2290 м; дальность полета со 150 пассажирами и навигационным запасом топлива 4259 км
Массы: пустого снаряженного 47 852 кг; максимальная взлетная 83000 кг
Размеры: размах крыла 34,09 м; длина 44,51 м; высота 11,80 м; площадь крыла 122,40 м2
- Airbus Industrie A321
Мировая Авиация 170
11 марта 1993г.: первый полет совершил A321 - удлиненный вариант лайнера Airbus A320, спроектированный в качестве конкурента Boeing 757-200.
Мировая Авиация 34
Фирма "Airbus" представляла A330 лидером рынка, особенно из-за задержек с созданием лайнера Boeing 787. Однако в эпоху высоких цен на топливо A340 - четырехдвигательный собрат A330 - выглядел куда менее привлекательным.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A330 - International - 1992Airbus A340 - International - 1991
Мировая Авиация 228
27 февраля 2009г.: компания "Airbus" передала 500-й A321, A321-211 (F-GTAU), заказчику - компании "Air France". Он был передан на заводе в Финкенвердере (Гамбург), где выпускаются все авиалайнеры "Airbus" с одним межкресельным проходом.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL
Aer Lingus Airbus A321 prior to delivery from what is now DaimlerChrysler (1999)
Air International 2011-08 / A.Spaeth - Iolar Flies Again /Commercial/
A321-200 EI-CPH arrives at Dublin. The aircraft was delivered new to Aer Lingus in November 1999.
Мировая Авиация 101
"Аэрофлот" располагает большим парком самолетов семейства A320: 15 машин A319-100, 33 - A320-200 и 16 - A321-200 (на снимке). Российский оператор оценил надежность и эффективность самолета, заказав еще 14 машин A320 и 8 - A321.
Air International 2015-07 / A.Spaeth - Air Canada on the Climb /Commercial/
The consolidation of Air Canada’s operations in Terminal 3 at Toronto Pearson International Airport has helped the carrier, according to its executives.
Air International 2001-07 / Airscene
Seen here during pre-delivery test flying as D-AVZU, new Air Jamaica Airbus A321-211 6Y-JMH (c/n 1503) should have been delivered to the airline on lease front GE Capital Aviation Services by the time these words are read. The airline already has two similar aircraft in service, both being former Flying Colours aircraft which were taken on lease from ILFC in early 1999.
Air International 2023-06 / E.Kelly - Going green
Air New Zealand is already working in partnership with Z Energy on establishing a workable SAF supply chain
Air International 2020-05 / M.Broadbent - Life After Thomas Cook
The two oldest former Thomas Cook A321s, G-DHJH (cln 1238) and G-NIKO (c/n 1250), are to be converted for freighter use by Elbe Flugzeugwerke in Seletar, Singapore. The jets are expected to join Stansted-based Titan Airways later this year.
Air International 1999-11 / D.Birch - Desert Classics /Commercial aviation/
GAMCO offers the most extensive total technical service in the Middle East, an example being the work carried out on Airbus A321, TC-ALL, of Turkish operator Alfa.
Air International 2006-12 / B.Hales-Dutton - Turbulent Times at Alitalia /Commercial/
Short-haul Airbuses have proved popular with Alitalia, indeed it operates the A319, A320 and A321. An example of the latter variant is pictured, 23 of which are currently in service with the Italian carrier.
Air International 2012-05 / News
In March 2012, Alitalia received Airbus A321-112 EI-IXI (named Piazza San Marco - Venezia, msn 494, ex I-BIXI) back from Ostrava in the Czech Republic where it had been repainted in a retro 'Il pentagramma' scheme. The aircraft is seen on approach to Rome/Fiumicino Airport on April 9.
Air International 2023-01 / T.Batchelor - Brighter skies ahead?
Before becoming an all-Airbus operator, Allegiant had a large roster of McDonnell Douglas ‘Mad Dog’ MD-80 series jets
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-01 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - CIVIL
Airbus A321 in non-standard All Nippon Airways colours (1999)
Air International 2015-05 / News
Austrian Airlines has introduced subtle changes to its colour scheme. The previous light blue has disappeared, new paintwork applied to the engine casings and ‘My Austrian' added to the fuselage. The belly now bears the word ‘Servus’, which is the Austrian slang for ‘hello’. The livery is seen here on A321-200 OE-LEC (msn 581) at Manchester.
Мировая Авиация 160
Система ограничения критических режимов. Современные гражданские самолеты оснащаются специальными цифровыми системами, задачей которых является не допустить выход ЛА на режимы, угрожающие безопасности полета. В частности ими отслеживается максимально допустимая для воздушного судна перегрузка и выход на критические углы атаки. Европейский концерн "Airbus" впервые применил эту систему на лайнерах семейства A320, эксплуатирующихся с 1988 года (на снимке - A321). Аналогичные системы устанавливаются и на лайнеры компании "Boeing". Подходы "Airbus" и "Boeing", правда, различаются: европейская система жестко ограничивает режимы полета, тогда как на американской машине можно продолжить выполнение маневра, приложив дополнительные усилия к органам управления.
Air Pictorial 2002-05 / Register Review
G-MEDF, the first of two A321-231s for British Mediterranean Airways, was ferried from Finkenwerder to Luton on 28/2/02. After completing preservice checks and modifications it was delivered to Heathrow on 6/3/02
Air Pictorial 2000-05
British Midland's Airbus A321-200 G-MIDL carries the names of the present Star Alliance partners.
Air Pictorial 2000-05
One of recent first time visitors to Malta was Airbus A321 OO-CPS of Brussels International Airlines, flying an Air Belgium flight
Air International 2011-10 / News
Airbus A321-231 D-AVZS (msn 4826), to become VN-A327 of Cambodia Angkor Air, is seen making its first flight on August 19, 2011 at Hamburg-Finkenwerder Airport, Germany. The airline currently operates a single A321-231 (VN-A351, msn 3005, ex D-AVZI) and two ATR 72-500s. Based at Phnom Penh-Pochentong International, Cambodia Angkor Air commenced operations in July 2009 and is a joint venture between the Cambodian Government (51%) and Vietnam Airlines (49%). Its fleet is currently leased from Vietnam Airlines, and the second A321 is part of an order for 16 placed by that carrier in June 2009.
Aviation Historian 34 / M.Wickstead - Czechoslovakia's "Carefully Serving Airline"
Three Airbus A321s were leased by CSA in 2005, including OK-CEC, seen here in April 2006, and used until 2012. In 2021 the severely depleted post-Covid CSA fleet comprises one A319 (OK-REQ), one A320 (OK-HEU), one Boeing 737-800 (OK-TST) and two ATR 72s (OK-NFU and ’NFV), with the latter pair due for imminent retirement.
Air International 2023-06 / M.Broadbent - Euro freight
EFW is now undertaking A321 conversions in Tianjin, China, in a new partnership with Haite
Air International 2008-09 / News: Headline, Military, Civil
Airbus A321-231 SU-GBT (c/n 680) is the first aircraft in the new Egypt Air colour scheme, which represents the ancient Egyptian god Horus, the King of the Sky. The aircraft was noted at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport on July 29, 2008 and is believed to have received the new colours at the beginning of that month.
Air International 2007-11 / B.Hales-Dutton - Airbus A320 - A Family Affair /Commercial/
After the success of the A320, Airbus decided to offer a stretched version that could carry 199 passengers compared to its predecessor’s 164. This view emphasises the length of the A321, which is 22ft 9in longer than the earlier model. The aircraft illustrated is flown by UK carrier First Choice Airways, one of many charter airlines which have bought members of the A320 family.
Air International 2014-05 / News
Air Livery at Manchester Airport recently repainted two Gulf Air Airbus A321-231s, which have since rejoined the airline after a period in storage. Both A9C-CE (msn 5321, front) and -CF (msn 5336, rear) were originally delivered to the carrier on December 27, 2012 but returned to Airbus on February 13, 2013 as F-WXAF and F-WXAG respectively for temporary storage at Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrenees Airport in France. The pair was rolled out of the paint shop on April 1, 2014 and departed Manchester the following day.
Air International 2013-08 / News
Noted departing Hamburg Finkenwerder Airport in Germany on July 1, 2013 was B-9957 (msn 5674, ex D-AVZZ), the first and only A321-211 to date ordered for Juneyao Airlines. It routed from Finkenwerder via Tolmachevo Airport in the Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia, to Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport in the People's Republic of China as DKH9957. The airline currently flies 31 A320-214s.
Air International 2012-04 / News
Former Kingfisher Airlines Airbus A321-232 VT-KFQ (msn 2927, ex D-AVZC) on approach to Shannon Airport in Ireland on February 20, 2012. The airliner, owned by lessor ACG, later departed for the United States to become N927AG and is believed to be heading for a Mexican operator. Dublin International has become a storage area for airliners owned by Irish leasing companies and operated by carriers that have recently ceased operations or, like Kingfisher, are experiencing difficulties. Former Kingfisher A320-232s VT-KFA (msn 2413), owned by Parilease, and VT-KFD (msn 2502) of Trapper Aircraft Leasing arrived on February 25 and 29, and are currently stored there along with eight Spanair A320s and a Malev Boeing 737-500.
Air International 2018-05 / Airscene
Laudamotion is a new European low-cost carrier planning to start scheduled operations in April 2018. Established by ex-F1 driver Niki Lauda, the airline has been formed using assets of the former Niki operation acquired from the Air Berlin group's administrators. Laudamotion is planning to expand to 30 aircraft within three years. Ryanair is a 24.9% shareholder, a holding that could rise to as much as 75%, subject to Euro regulatory approval.
Air International 2019-02 / Airscene
Level will add three more Airbus A321-211s in Vienna this year to join the seven examples already operated from there, including OE-LCF (msn 1966) seen arriving at London Gatwick in December 2018.
Мировая Авиация 3
Первым заказчиком лайнеров A321 была "Lufthansa", начавшая использовать этот самолет на своих европейских маршрутах в марте 1994 года.
Air International 2014-03 / C.Kjelgaard - Keeping Score. Lufthansa Group Remodels /Commercial/
Lufthansa’s A321 ‘retrojet’, D-AIDV (msn 5413).
Air International 2006-07 / B.Hales-Dutton - Monarch Airlines - Adapting To Change /Commercial/
Although generally known as a charter carrier, 50% of Monarch Airlines' business is now scheduled flights. It operates six types of aircraft in a 28-strong fleet. Pictured is one of the eight A321s in current use.
Air International 2002-06 / Airscene
After almost 34 years in the airline business, Monarch Airlines announced on March 15, 2002 that it was finally to introduce a new corporate identity, although changes are relatively subtle. Airbus A321-231 G-OZBE seen here recently at Manchester, along with Boeing 757-2T7 G-MONE, are the first two aircraft to adopt the new colours.
Air International 2006-07 / B.Hales-Dutton - Monarch Airlines - Adapting To Change /Commercial/
Manchester is a major base for Monarch - pictured at the airport is one the airline's six A320s, parked alongside three A321s. These aircraft types are mainly used by the airline for scheduled flights.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A320 - International - 1987
Air International 2008-09 / News: Headline, Military, Civil
Monarch Airlines has painted one of its Airbus A321-231s (G-OZBI c/n 2234) in a scheme to promote a new television show due to be aired on the British ITV2 channel this autumn. The latest in the trend of ’reality' programmes, it involves a group of minor celebrates completing training as cabin crew at Luton before flying on Monarch services. The first such service will be flown on August 26, 2008 between Gatwick and Alicante.
Air International 2012-04 / M.Broadbent - Slim & Slender /Commercial/
Airbus is very well established in the narrowbody market offering a family of aircraft including the A321.
Air International 2015-07 / D.Sipinski - Heading Back to Black /Commercial/
Airberlin has reaffirmed its commitment to NIKI, its Austrian-based subsidiary that operates A320 family aircraft - A321-211 OO- LEW (msn 4611) is seen during pushback at Berlin Tegel.
Air International 2011-11 / News
Airbus A321-211 M-ABED (msn 1219, ex TC-JME) was seen on September 30, 2011 departing Norwich Airport, Norfolk, where it has been repainted by Air Livery. It arrived at Southend Airport in Essex for maintenance the next day prior to deliver to Nordwind Airlines, a Russia charter carrier, with which it will become VQ-BQF. The airliner arrived at Norwich in full Air Berlin colours and was due to become D-ABCI with that carrier, before its delivery was cancelled. It was previously operated by THY Turkish Airlines.
Air International 2002-07 / B.Walters - Taking the road to recovery /Commercial/
Scandinavian Airline System is attempting to attract passengers by lowering fares for business passengers without going the whole hog to become a low-cost carrier.
Air International 2023-02 / T.Batchelor - Small but perfectly formed
SAS has updated its letters of intent for the ES-30 regional aircraft from Heart Aerospace - shown here is one of the airline’s A321s
Мировая Авиация 17
Авиакомпания TACA эксплуатирует четыре самолета A321, кроме того парк самолетов авиакомпании включает девять самолетов A319 и 25 - A320.
Мировая Авиация 17
По пассажировместимости A321 занимает нишу между самолетами Boeing 737-400 и Boeing 757. Самолет A321 является достойным конкурентом обоим авиалайнерам американского производства.
Air International 2018-06 / Airscene
One of Thomas Cook's latest special schemes is this livery on Thomas Cook Airways' Manchester-based A321-211G-TCDV (msn 1972) promoting one of the company’s leisure hotel brands. Another A321 in the group. Condor's D-ATCD (msn 6639), wears a livery promoting Sentido Hotels.
Air International 2012-07 / News
MetroJet, a new joint venture between TUI Russia and CIS, and Kolavia Airlines based at Surgut in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, has starting flying passengers. The airline operates under the TUI brand and offers services from Russia to Turkey, Egypt and Spain. The first aircraft painted with its titles (on its nose) is Airbus A321-231 EI-ETJ (msn 663, ex TC-OAE), seen landing at Palma de Mallorca in early June 2012 after completing a charter flight from Moscow Domodedovo. Kolavia leased the airliner from the International Lease and Finance Company on March 30 and it was ferried to Moscow Domodedovo on April 27 prior to entering service.
Air International 2012-02 / News
The 7,000th aircraft delivered by Airbus, A321-231 D-AZAE, taking off from Hamburg-Finkenwerder Airport.
Мировая Авиация 3
A321 (изображенный на фотографии самолет принадлежит компании "Vietnam Airlines") отличается удлиненным фюзеляжем и возможностью установки различных двигателей. В данном случае это турбовентиляторные двигатели V2533-AS.
Авиация и Время 2020-01 / В.Мараев - Гражданская авиация Украины в 2019 году
В распоряжении "Розы Ветров" находились два лайнера A321-231
Air International 2014-08 / News
Airbus A321-231 YI-AQU (msn 1878, ex TC-ATO) of Iraqi carrier Zagrosjet seen on approach to Amsterdam-Schiphol during the airline’s second flight to the Netherlands, on July 3, 2014. The Dutch capital was one of two European destinations added to Zagrosjet's expanding network at the end of June, the other being Munich in Germany. A year on from launching operations, the carrier now serves nine destinations via 29 return flights per week from its home base at Erbil in Kurdistan, northern Iraq. It currently operates three aircraft, the other two being A320s.
Air International 2014-04 / News
Airbus A321-231 EI-FDP (msn 1004, ex TC-OAL) was at Dublin Airport in Ireland on February 24, 2014 having arrived back from East Midlands Airport, Leicestershire, where it was painted in the livery of the Belgian Air Force. The airliner was previously operated by Onur Air of Turkey, and on delivery it will become CS-TRJ on the Portuguese register, as it will be operated by HiFly of Lisbon on lease to Belgium. The A321 will replace the A330-321 currently used by Belgium as a long-range transport, which is also leased from HiFly.
Air International 2016-09 / M.Ayton - Hi Fly /Commercial/ (1)
Hi Fly has a contract with Belgian Ministry of Defence for the wet lease of A321-200 CS-TRJ (msn 1004). The A321 is the only single aisle aircraft in the Hi Fly fleet.
Air International 2008-03 / ??? - Tehran Revealed /Airport view/
One of the more modern types operated by the Iranian Government is this Airbus A321, EP-AGB. It was acquired second-hand and delivered on November 23, 2005.
Air International 2021-02 / M.Broadbent - Northern flights
Air Canada Rouge resumed fare-paying flights in November 2020
Air International 2017-10 / Airscene
Airbus has secured another major contract win for its big-selling A321 after the Cathay Pacific Group signed up for 32 A321neos to replace the 15 A320s and eight A321s operated from Hong Kong by its Cathay Dragon regional arm. More than 3,200 A321s in both classic and new engine options have now been sold.
Air International 2020-06 / S.Parker - Universal Credit?
Delta Air Lines, the world's largest carrier by revenue, has had its credit rating downgraded to junk' status by Standard & Poor's. The carrier is understood to have stored more than 600 airliners due to COVID-19.
Air International 2020-08 / S.Gibbons, K.Nuthall - Flying colours more than just aesthetics
Across 11 facilities in the US and Europe, International Aerospace Coatings (IAC) has provided services to customers such as Delta Air Lines.
Air International 2014-08 / News
Airbus A321-231(WL) A6-AEC (right) and A320-232(WL) A6-EIX are respectively the 100th and 101st airliners delivered to Etihad Airways, both arriving in June 2014.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A320 - International - 1987
Air International 2017-03 / A.Spaeth - IranAir Finally Takes Off /Commercial/
This photo, taken at Tehran Mehrabad Airport on January 19, 2017, shows the first commercial flight using Iran Air’s initial A321 EP-IFA, with the city of Tehran in the background.
Air International 2017-03 / A.Spaeth - IranAir Finally Takes Off /Commercial/
Iran Air’s Chief Executive Officer says the arrival of the new aircraft symbolises how the lifting of sanctions can bring results for Iranian citizens.
Air International 2017-03 / A.Spaeth - IranAir Finally Takes Off /Commercial/
Airbus formally delivered Iran Air’s first A321 during a handover ceremony in Toulouse on January 11, 2017.
Air International 2017-03 / A.Spaeth - IranAir Finally Takes Off /Commercial/
A321 EP-IFA at Iran Air’s facility at Mehrabad Airport following its delivery.
Air International 2017-03 / A.Spaeth - IranAir Finally Takes Off /Commercial/
Iran Air is due to receive 98 aircraft from Airbus, among which are 20 Airbus A320 family jets and 24 Airbus A320neos.
Air International 2020-05 / M.Broadbent - Life After Thomas Cook
Leeds Bradford-based Jet2.com has taken on seven of the defunct leisure airline's Airbus A321s, as well as purchasing landing rights.
Air International 2021-05 / J.Geraghty, C.Sloan - Breaking boundaries
JetBlue and American Airlines have partnered to form the largest domestic alliance in recent history
Air International 2021-02 / T.Batchelor - Innovative designs, unprecendented times
US-based operator JetBlue Airways teamed up with Honeywell to use the latter’s UV Cabin System to clean cabins in less than ten minutes on turnarounds at New York/JFK and Florida's Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood Airport
Air International 2016-05 / Airscene
21 марта 2016г. поднялся в воздух первый собранный в Америке пассажирский самолет Airbus A321. Создание линии финальной сборки в США на авиазаводе в городе Мобил обошлось концерну Airbus в 600 млн. USD и заняло три года. Предприятие будет выпускать от 40 до 50 самолетов A319, A320 и A321 в год, а с 2017 г. на нем начнется сборка авиалайнеров семейства A320neo. Предусмотрено, что при необходимости производство может быть расширено в два раза
JetBlue’s A321 N965JT (msn 6512), pictured departing on its maiden flight from Mobile, Alabama, is the first Airbus aircraft assembled in the United States. The Airbus US Manufacturing Facility in Alabama is set to produce up to 50 A320 Family aircraft per year by 2018. -
Air International 2020-07 / C.Sloan - You're Not Nineteen Forever (2)
As of May 2020, the airline fielded a fleet of 130 Airbus A320s, 75 A321-200s and 60 Embraer E190s.
Air International 2015-01 / A.Spaeth - The Innovative New Yorker /Commercial/
A321 N929JB arriving at Los Angeles in September 2014.
Air International 2020-07 / C.Sloan - You're Not Nineteen Forever (2)
Airbus A321-200, N965JT (c/n 6512), was accepted by the JetBlue on April 25, 2016. The airliner was the first aircraft to be produced at Airbus' Mobile, Alabama final assembly line.
Air International 2020-06 / C.Sloan - You're Not Nineteen Forever (1)
JetBlue is well known for its broad range of tail designs.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Embraer ERJ-170 / ERJ-190 / ERJ-195 - Бразилия - 2001
Air International 2015-11 / News
The first jetliner produced at Airbus’ US Manufacturing Facility in Mobile, Alabama - an A321 - is scheduled for delivery to US-based JetBlue in the second quarter of 2016.
Air International 2015-01 / News
LAN Chile’s initial Airbus A321-211 (CC-BEA, msn 6364) receiving the water cannon salute on December 5, 2014 after arriving at Santiago Comodoro Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport on its delivery flight. The jet, to be flown on domestic Chilean routes, is the first of 48 A321s that will be operated by the carrier.
Air International 2020-05 / M.Broadbent - Life After Thomas Cook
Six Airbus A321-200s have joined VietJet Air, including G-TCDM (c/n 7003).
Air International 2019-11 / Airscene
Thomas Cook Airlines' main base was Manchester, where one of its A320 Family aircraft, A321-211 G-TCDN (msn 7048) is pictured taxiing earlier this year.
Air International 2018-07 / Airscene
Thomas Cook Airlines Airbus A321-211 G-TCVB (msn 5606) currently wears a hybrid livery that blends the Thomas Cook branding with the colours of its previous operator, the now-defunct Monarch.
Air International 2015-04 / News
Turkish Airlines’ A321-200 TC-JSJ (msn 5633) wears a special scheme incorporating the colours of the German Bundesliga club Borussia Dortmund. The aircraft, pictured here at Manchester, is operating across Europe on Turkish Airlines' network from its Istanbul hub.
Air International 2015-05 / News
Airbus has handed over its 9,000th aircraft - an A321-200 (VN-A651, msn 5295) for VietJet Air, the first such aircraft for the Vietnamese carrier. The delivery came less than two years after the 8,000th Airbus jet was handed over in August 2013. With the production rate increasing to 600 aircraft per year, the 10,000th delivery is expected in the second half of 2016.
Air International 2022-03 / T.Batchelor - On the right track
Among the airlines to profit from the post-pandemic route planning shake-up was Wizz Air, a Budapest-based LCC
Air International 2018-07 / Backpages
AIRBUS RECENTLY added five new operators to the A320neo (new engine option) operator base after Iberia, Jazeera Airways, Loong Air, Philippine Airlinesand Royal Brunei Airlines received their first A320neo or A321neo.
Air International 2015-12 / News
Iceland-based Wow Air A321 TF-MOM (msn 6210) Freyja, named after the Nordic goddess of love, flies over Faxafloi Bay in southwest Iceland.
Air International 2012-04 / M.Broadbent - Slim & Slender /Commercial/
By February 2012, Airbus had delivered 700 A321s of 1,116 ordered.
Air International 2019-08 / Airscene
The technologies on the AlbatrossOne demonstrator are set to be scaled up by Airbus for installation on an A321.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2023-01 / М.Никольский - Стимулированные пандемией
Взлетает A321P2F
The initial Airbus A321P2F conversion by the ST Engineering-Airbus-EFW joint venture on its maiden flight. -
Air International 2020-11 / I.Harbison - Conversion kicks
The first Airbus A321P2F landing following its maiden flight
Air International 2021-06 / N.Pittaway - You only live twice
The world’s first Airbus A321P2F was handed over to Qantas's freight division in October 2020. The 1998-vintage airframe, VH-ULD (c/n 835), was originally delivered factory fresh to British Midland in a 195-seat passenger layout
Air International 2020-11 / I.Harbison - Conversion kicks
The world's first Airbus A321P2F (passenger-to-freighter) jet is due to join Qantas Freight imminently. The pioneering 1998-built airframe, VH-ULD (c/n 835) - originally delivered to British Midland - will fly on behalf of Australia Post. According to Qantas Freight, the A321P2F is mooted to add ten tons of capacity, an increase of more than 50% over its Classic 737 freighters
Air International 2020-12 / M.Broadbent - From big twins to flying taxis
The initial EFW/ST-converted A321P2F, VH-ULD (c/n 835), operated by Qantas for Australia Post
Air International 2021-06 / N.Pittaway - You only live twice
This 2000-built Airbus A321P2F, G-DHJH (c/n 1238), was converted in Singapore ahead of delivery to aircraft leasing and management firm BBAM and subsequently leased to UK-based Titan Airways
Ex-Thomas Cook A321 G-DHJH will be operated by Titan Airways as G-POWY (c/n 1238)
Air International 2014-08 / C.Kjelgaard - High-Tech in Hamburg /Commercial/
Video borescope of an Airbus A321’s V2500 engine.
Air International 2014-08 / C.Kjelgaard - High-Tech in Hamburg /Commercial/
Video borescope of an Airbus A321's V2500 engine.
Air International 2015-11 / News
Left: At the time of its inauguration, approximately 260 production employees were working on the final assembly line at the Airbus facility in Mobile, Alabama. Right: Following the start of aircraft assembly this summer, the Airbus facility in Mobile will ramp up production to reach a rate of four A320 family jetliners produced each month by 2017.
Air International 1992-09 / R.Braybrook - Europe's Aircraft Industry
First Airbus A321 fuselage, c/n 364, entering final assembly at Deutsche Aerospace, Hamburg during June 1992. First flight of this stretched version of the A320 is set for next spring.
Air International 2015-11 / News
The first two A320-family aircraft to be assembled at Mobile in the main hangar.
Air International 2015-11 / News
Aircraft assembly inside the main hangar at the Airbus facility in Mobile, Alabama.
Air International 2015-11 / News
Final assembly operations for A320-family jetliners at the company's new Airbus US Manufacturing Facility commenced in the summer of 2015, following the arrival of major component assemblies (MCAs) from Hamburg, Germany.
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