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Pilatus PC-21
Обозначив самолет PC-21, разработчики хотели сказать, что в самолете применены самые современные технологии 21 века. Прототип был облетан 1 июля 2002 года, самолет получил ТВД P&WC PT6A-68B мощностью 1600 л.с. и модифицированное крыло со стреловидностью по передней кромке 21°, что обеспечило машине более высокую максимальную скорость полета и большую скорость крена. ВВС Швейцарии стали первым заказчиком новой машины и получили первый самолет в апреле 2008 года. Сингапур заказал 19 самолетов - первый поставлен также в 2008 году, а в 2009 году ОАЭ разместили заказ на 25 самолетов, первый из которых был поставлен в 2011 году.
Pilatus PC-21
Тип: двухместный УТС начальной летной подготовки
Силовая установка: один ТВД Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-68B мощностью 1600 л. с. (1193 кВт)
Летные характеристики: максимальная скорость 685 км/ч; практический потолок 11582 м; максимальная дальность полета 1333 км
Масса: пустого 2280 кг; максимальная взлетная 3100 кг
Размеры: размах крыла 8,77 м; длина 11,19 м; высота 3,92 м; площадь крыла 15,22 м2
Вооружение: возможность подвески вооружения на внешних узлах подвески - одном подфюзеляжном и четырех подкрыльевых
- Описание
Air International 2002-06 / Airscene
Pilatus PC-21 prototype HB-HZA was formally rolled out at the Stans factory on May 1, 2002.
Air International 2016-08 / R.Niccoli - PC-21 /Military/
More than 180 PC-21s have been ordered by air forces jn Singapore, Switzerland, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Australia.
Air International 2020-02 / News: Commercial, Military
Pilatus PC-21, registration HB-HZC, in flight.
Мировая Авиация 65
Ряд современных УТС, например Pilatus PC-21, оснащены сложными программируемыми системами управления полетом, позволяющими моделировать особенности пилотирования самолетов разного класса и выполнение различных боевых задач. В этом полете экипаж PC-21 отрабатывает групповой ракетный воздушный бой с наведением от РЛС, хотя сам самолет выполняет одиночный полет и не имеет РЛС.
Мировая Авиация 214
PC-21 может развивать максимальную скорость полета до 685 км/ч и выполнять маневры с перегрузками +8,0/-4,0 g, что делает его одним из лучших одномоторных турбовинтовых самолетов в мире. Скорость же крена может превышать 200° в секунду.
Air International 2016-08 / R.Niccoli - PC-21 /Military/
Pilatus claims the PC-21's flying cost per hour is about 40 times cheaper than that of a modern fighter, helping air forces download training from more expensive lead-in fighter trainers.
Air International 2016-08 / R.Niccoli - PC-21 /Military/
The PC-21 wing, 13° swept and with winglets, has a laminar airfoil, a span of 9.10m, an area of 14.9m2 and an aspect ratio of 5.1.
Air International 2014-01 / The Aviation World in 2014
The first examples of 55 PC-21 s for Saudi Arabia are due to be handed over in 2014.
Мировая Авиация 214
Примененное на PC-21 крыло обеспечило самолету более высокие скорость крена и максимальную скорость полета, чем в случае с PC-9. В итоге PC-21 стал самым совершенным из турбовинтовых УТС.
Air International 2020-04 / D.Unwin - Future Fighters and Hi-Tech Turboprops
The PC-21 is unlike any prop-driven aircraft I've ever flown.
Air International 2016-08 / R.Niccoli - PC-21 /Military/
A 1,600 shp Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-68B turbine and a 92in (2.337m) Hartzell five-blade graphite/titanium propeller helps give the PC-21 considerably better performance than earlier Pilatus trainers
Air International 2016-08 / R.Niccoli - PC-21 /Military/
Sleek looks, even on the ground, reflect Pilatus' aim with the PC-21 of creating a trainer that combines the advantages of a light turboprop trainer with the handling and performance of a jet trainer.
Мировая Авиация 214
При проектировании PC-21 специалисты «Pilatus» использовали весь опыт, наработанный по машинам семейства PC. При этом PC-21 почти не имеет недостатков.
Air International 2020-03 / D.Unwin - Eject, Eject, Eject and Escape! /At the Controls/
Dave preparing for a sortie in a Pilatus PC-21. This very sophisticated trainer is fitted with MB Mk16 seats.
Мировая Авиация 241
УТС компании "Pilatus" очень популярны благодаря отличной управляемости и хорошим характеристикам. На снимке - пара принадлежащих компании PC-7 Mk II в полете с PC-21.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Pilatus PC-7 Turbo Trainer - Швейцария - 1966
Air International 2016-08 / R.Niccoli - PC-21 /Military/
Two of the eight PC-21s, operated by the Schweizer Luftwaffe, which streams its F/A-18 pilots transfer onto the Hornet directly from the turboprop.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2018-12 / Д.Пичугин, Д.Срибный - Альпийские виражи
Другие самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas F/A-18C Hornet - США - 1986
Air International 2012-05 / News
Swiss Air Force Pilatus PC-21 A-107 (c/n 153) has been noted recently wearing the civil registration HB-HYE for a series of unidentified tests for armasuisse, the Swiss arms agency. The aircraft is seen at holding-position 7 at Buochs in Switzerland on March 13, 2012 before taking-off using the callsign Tester 51.
Air International 2007-12 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Pilatus PC-21 HB-HYB (c/n 104), destined for the Swiss Air Force as A-101, taxies out at Stans-Buochs on August 23, 2007 prior to making its first flight. The aircraft is one of two Swiss Air Force aircraft now test flying, whilst the third, A-103 (c/n 105), should also have flown by the time these words are read. The first two aircraft are currently being used to train Swiss Air Force instructors, who are scheduled to commence the first student pilot training course in spring 2008, when all six aircraft on order should be ready to enter service.
Мировая Авиация 214
Первый PC-21, предназначенный для ВВС ОАЭ, был облетан 22 ноября 2010 года на аэродроме Буокс, Швейцария.
Air International 2011-01 / News
Pilatus PC-21 c/n 128 is the first of 25 for the UAE. It is seen lifting off for the first time on November 22, 2010.
Мировая Авиация 214
Самолеты для ВВС ОАЭ поставлялись в такой двухтоновой серой окраске. Самолеты PC-21 заменят в национальных ВВС самолеты PC-7.
Air International 2014-01 / News
Among the various United Arab Emirates Air Force and Air Defence (UAEAF&AD) aircraft on display at the Dubai Air Show was Pilatus PC-21 947 (c/n 141). An order for 25 aircraft for the UAEAF&AD was announced on November 17, 2009. The first example flew at Stans, Switzerland, on November 22, 2010. Deliveries commenced in the first quarter of 2011 and the last nine arrived in the UAE 12 months later. The aircraft are assigned to the Khalifa bin Zayed Air College, at Al Ain and flown by 4 Squadron.
Мировая Авиация 214
Pilatus PC-21, по мнению экспертов, уступает по ряду параметров бразильскому EMBRAER EMB-314, но, тем не менее, востребован на рынке. На фотографии - первый самолет, поставленный по контракту с ОАЭ.
Авиация и Время 2013-06 / А.Хаустов - Dubai Airshow 2013 - рубеж в 200 миллиардов взят!
Учебно-тренировочный самолет PC-21 из состава BBC ОАЭ
Air International 2013-07 / News
Test flights of the first Pilatus PC-21 trainer for the Royal Saudi Air Force (901, c/n 155) are under way. The aircraft is seen at the manufacturer's facility at Stans in Switzerland on June 3, 2013. It was rolled out there on May 27, a year and two days after BAE Systems signed an order for 55 PC-21s for Saudi Arabia. Deliveries are due to start next year.
Air International 2015-04 / News
Five air forces have ordered the PC-21. This aircraft is one of 55 that will be delivered to the Royal Saudi Air Force.
Air International 2014-04 / News
Pilatus PC-21 QA350 (c/n 210) is the first of its type for the Qatar Emiri Air Force. It completed the initial run of its Pratt & Whitney PT6-68B at the manufacturer’s facility at Stans, Switzerland, on February 20, 2014. The test registration HB-HVA was applied - and the Qatar roundel blanked out - for the aircraft's maiden flight four days later. Qatar's order for 24 PC-21 s was revealed on July 23, 2012. Deliveries are due to begin in the summer, with the aircraft due to form the core of a new training syllabus for the air force.
Air International 2017-08 / Airscene
The first Pilatus PC-21 for the Armee de l’Air (French Air Force) wearing Swiss registration HB-HVA (to become 293/709-FC) made its first flight on July 10, 2017. Based on the expected military code, the aircraft is likely to be assigned to BA709 Cognac-Chateaubernard.
Air International 2023-04 / B.Taghvaee - Training revolution
FASF PC-21s, 09/709-FK and 14/709-FP - cadets fly tens of formation training flights during their specialized fighter pilot training
Air International 2023-04 / B.Taghvaee - Training revolution
Cadets flying French Air and Space Force PC-21s, 09/709-FK and 16/709-FR, on a formation flight training mission
Air International 2023-04 / B.Taghvaee - Training revolution
Maj Gel Fredrick Parisot, Vice Chief of the Air and Space Force during the handover ceremony in front of 18, the FASF’s first PC-21 on December 5, 2022
Air International 2017-04 / Airscene
Two PC-21s in full RAAF markings, still owned by Pilatus and displayed with their Swiss civil registrations, were at Avalon. Both aircraft are due to be delivered in mid-2017.
Air International 2018-12 / News by countries
Mew markings for the Roulettes.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Pilatus PC-9 - Швейцария - 1984
Air International 2019-01 / News by countries
The RSAF painted PC-21 9101 in special makings to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of Singaporean flight training at RAAF Pearce, near Perth, in Western Australia.
Air International 2012-02 / News
Pilatus has declared its interest in the PTS programme and is proposing the PC-21 as one option to meet the Australian requirement.
Air International 2008-04 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Pilatus PC-21 9101 (c/n 109), the first of 19 for the Republic of Singapore Air Force, climbs over the Swiss mountains during its second test flight from Stans on January 23, 2008, two days after its maiden flight on January 21.
Air International 2008-05 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) Pilatus PC-21 9101 is gently eased into the cargo hold of Antonov Airlines An-124-100 UR-82027 at Emmen Air Force Base, Switzerland, with only millimetres to spare on each side. After all six of the initial batch for Singapore had been loaded onto the aircraft, it departed on April 2, 2008 en route to the RSAF Flying Training School at RAAF Base Pearce, Western Australia.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Антонов Ан-124 Руслан - Россия - 1982
Air International 2018-08 / Airscene
The first of two Pilatus PC-21s for QinetiQ for ETPS, c/n 310, was delivered to MoD Boscombe Down on June 19, 2018 and its British civilian registration, G-ETPA, was assigned on June 25. The second aircraft (G-ETPB) will be delivered sometime in October.
Air International 2021-02 / News: Commercial, Military
The first Pilatus PC-21, E.27-01/10239/HB-HWA ‘792-01’ (c/n 314), destined for the Spanish Air Force, took off for its maiden flight from Stans in Switzerland on December 14, 2020. Currently, Spain has 24 of the single-engine turboprop trainer aircraft on order from Pilatus under a contract signed on January 30, 2020
Air International 2023-04 / B.Taghvaee - Training revolution
The cockpit of a PC-21 shows the new instrument panel which has its multifunctional displays positioned in a similar way to the instrument panel of Rafale B/C
Air International 2002-06 / Airscene
The front cockpit layout of the PC-21 shows a very clean design, dominated by the three 6in x 8in main AMLCD displays, with the up-front control panel and head-up display above.
Air International 2016-08 / R.Niccoli - PC-21 /Military/
Both cockpits have three NVG-compatible multifunction displays; the front cockpit has a head-up display (HUD) and the aft cockpit a HUD repeater. The stepped cockpit, with a front canopy that can resist birdstrikes at high cruise speeds, creates good all-round visibility for both student and instructor. The pressurised cockpit is equipped with an anti-g system and two Martin-Baker Mk-CH16C zero/zero ejection seats.
Мировая Авиация 214
Кабина PC-21 оснащена современным приборным оборудованием, причем имеется возможность имитации в полете различных целей.
Air International 2016-08 / R.Niccoli - PC-21 /Military/
The primary flight display is selected in the middle multifunction display. The moving map, navigation and tactical display or synthetic radar display are on the left. On the right is the engine and fuel data display, which can also display simulated weapons.
Air International 2016-11 / B.Fischer - Swiss Training /Military/
The PC-21 phase does not just include live flying, but also computer-based training and simulator sessions, seen here.
Air International 2023-04 / B.Taghvaee - Training revolution
This is one of three FMS Simulators of the PC-21s at BA709 Cognac
Air International 2023-04 / B.Taghvaee - Training revolution
This is one of three Pilatus PC-21 FMS Simulators at Cognac
Air International 2023-04 / B.Taghvaee - Training revolution
A PC-21 FTT flight simulator at Cognac
Air International 2023-04 / B.Taghvaee - Training revolution
Inside BA709 Cognac’s PC-21 flight simulator control station
Air International 2016-08 / R.Niccoli - PC-21 /Military/
The PC-21 Integrated Training System features training documents, computer-cased training and synthetic training devices (pictured) that take students up to the first flight and assist them in getting used to managing different modes and capabilities
- Фотографии