- Westland - Wapiti - 1927 - Великобритания
- Westland - Wallace / PV.3 / PV.6 - 1931 - Великобритания
Westland Wallace
P.V.3, разработанный в инициативном порядке легкий торпедоносец-бомбардировщик, и P.V.6, созданный на базе Wapiti, - бипланы стандартной конструкции. Они стали первыми, совершившими облет Эвереста в апреле 1933 года. Их назвали Houston-Westland и Houston-Wallace - в честь леди Хьюстон, финансировавшей экспедицию.
После возвращения в Великобританию P.V.6 был переоборудован в военный вариант и поступил на вооружение британских ВВС как Wallace Mk I. На самолете был реализован ряд усовершенствований для облегчения техобслуживания, и установлен двигатель Bristol Pegasus IIM3 мощностью 570 л. с. Всего в Wallace Mk I были переоборудованы 68 самолетов Wapiti, после чего было выпущено еще 104 новых Wallace Mk II, имевших остекленные кабины и более мощный двигатель Pegasus IV.
После того, как их сняли с основной эксплуатации, самолеты большей частью были переоборудованы в буксировщики мишеней и эксплуатировались до 1943 года. Wallace Mk II оснащались звездообразным двигателем Bristol Pegasus IV мощностью 680 л. с., позволявшим развивать на высоте 1525 м максимальную скорость 254 км/ч.
- Westland Wallace
- Flight, March 1932
The Westland P.V.6 - Flight, November 1932
British Aircraft - Flight, June 1934
Westland P.V.3
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-05 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Restored by Skysport Engineering over the last 7 years, the RAF Museum’s Westland Wallace II K6035 is now on show at Hendon.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-04 / P.Webb - First over Everest
Westland PV-3 G-ACAZ used by the expedition. The picture shows the aircraft in its original state, with open cockpit and Jupiter XFA engine.
Flight 1934-06 / Flight
Westland P.V.3 Everest machine (Bristol "Pegasus" engine).
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-08 / B.Jackson - Lady Houston one of the few
Westland PV-3, G-ACAZ, with Harald Penrose, who test flew the aircraft to 35,000ft from Yeovil on January 25, 1933.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-04 / P.Webb - First over Everest
Westland PV-3 G-ACAZ used by the expedition. The picture depicts the aircraft after conversion to Houston-Westland standard.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-04 / P.Webb - First over Everest
The remodelled Westland PV-3, G-ACAZ, during a flight from Yeovil early in 1933.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-08 / B.Jackson - Lady Houston one of the few
The Westland PV-3, G-ACAZ, in which Lord Clydesdale flew over Mount Everest on April 3, 1933. The aircraft was exhibited at Selfridges in July 1933.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-04 / P.Webb - First over Everest
Покорение Эвереста. Два британских самолета смогли перелететь через Эверест - ранее это не удавалось ни одному аэроплану. Оба биплана построила фирма "Westland". Один - P.V.3 (G-ACAZ) - пилотировал Маркус Дуглас, наблюдателем у него был подполковник Стюард Блэйкер. Вторым - Westland P.V.6 Wallace (G-ACBR) - управлял Дэвид Макинтайр, в задней кабине находился фотограф Сидни Боннет. Оба самолета были снабжены аэрофотоаппаратами для воздушного картографирования. Для полетов в условиях разряженной атмосферы члены экипажей имели кислородные маски, а от мороза их защищала теплая одежда.
Lord Clydesdale, later the Duke of Hamilton, making the first flight over Mount Everest’s 29,141ft peak. The date was April 3, 1933 and the aircraft was a modified Westland P.V.3, G-ACAZ. The machine following and taking the photograph was a Westland Wallace, G-ACBR. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-04 / P.Webb - First over Everest
Everest and Makala from the south west as seen from one of the expedition’s aircraft during the second flight over Everest on April 19, 1933.
Flight 1933-07 / Flight Advertisements
OVER MOUNT EVEREST: Westland Aircraft fitted with wooden Airscrews.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-04 / P.Webb - First over Everest
Westland Wallace G-ACBR before use on the Everest flight, as the Westland PV-6
Мировая Авиация 251
Самолет Wallace имел те же размеры, что и Wapiti, и нет такое же вооружение.
Flight 1932-03 / Flight
THE P.V.6: As a result of generally clean design, drag-reducing cowling, "spats" over the wheels, and other refinements, this new Westland machine, which is fitted with one of the new Bristol "Pegasus" engines, has a very good performance.
Flight 1933-08 / Flight Advertisements
THE WESTLAND P.V.6: The three-quarter front view shows the machine to have a strong family resemblance to the "Wapiti." Note the low-drag cowling over the Bristol "Pegasus" engine.
Flight 1932-07 / Flight
A PRIVATE VENTURE: The Westland "P.V.6" ("Pegasus") is a general purpose aircraft.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-02 / Personal album. Military
Westland Wallace K4018 of 504 Sqn at Desford in 1936. The aircraft has been left with the engine running, with no-one occupying the pilot's seat, and without chocks. A parachute has been left lying in the wet grass. Naughty! K4018 began life as a Wapiti IIA in 1930, as K1373 with 501 Squadron, and became a Wallace in February 1933. It was struck off RAF charge in September 1940.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - Aircraft A-Z - v5
Westland Wallace II.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-04 / P.Webb - First over Everest
Westland Wallace G-ACBR at the base aerodrome, Pumea, April, 1933.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-04 / P.Webb - First over Everest
The Westland Wallace G-ACBR, flown by Flt Lt D. F. McIntyre.
Flight 1936-06 / Flight
The Pegasus-engined Westland Wallace general purpose biplane
Flight 1934-05 / Flight
Transparent wind screens have been used with good results on a Westland "Wallace." Both pilot's and gunner's coupes can be either fully closed or fully open, according to the conditions encountered. The gunner's hood, when closed, still leaves him complete freedom for bombing, wireless, etc.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-04 / P.Webb - First over Everest
Westland Wallace G-ACBR after use on the Everest flight, after conversion to standard Wallace for the RAF as K3488.
Flight 1935-07 / Flight
The cockpits of the Westland "Wallace" are protected by folding transparent hoods.
Flight 1934-06 / Flight
CRUSTACEAN: The new Westland scheme of cockpit protection applied to a "Wallace."
Flight 1934-06 / Flight
CLEARED FOR ACTION: The gunner has folded away his enclosure in order to use his Lewis gun freely.
Flight 1935-08 / Flight
A large number of "Wallaces" with enclosed cockpits are under construction at the Westland works.
Flight 1934-09 / Flight
THE SQUADRON'S AIRCRAFT: In the front are the nine Westland "Wallaces" (Bristol "Pegasus"), while behind are two "Avro-Lynx" training machines with a "Wapiti" ("Jupiter") in between them.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Avro Avro 504N - Великобритания - 1920Westland Wapiti - Великобритания - 1927
Flight 1934-06 / Flight
Westland "Wallace" (Bristol "Pegasus" IM.3).
Flight 1935-07 / Flight
Hand-in-hand: The Westland "Wallace" and Hawker "Hart" during the refuelling demonstration. The pipe is just being drawn on board the "Hart."
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hawker Hart - Великобритания - 1928
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-06 / ??? - RAF Pageantry
The Wallace pretends to refuel a Hart.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Hawker Hart - Великобритания - 1928
Flight 1935-06 / Flight
Formations of No. 504's "Wallaces" flying over their home city of Nottingham.
Flight 1934-09 / Flight
ABOVE THE CLOUDBANK: Good flying in squadron formation by the City of Bristol Squadron. One flight is composed entirely of regulars and the other two of Special Reserve officers and airmen.
A Cadre squadron, No. 501 (City of Bristol) (Bomber) Squadron, flying "Wallaces," two flights of which are manned by Special Reserve personnel. -
Flight 1934-09 / Flight
IN THE WEST COUNTRY: No. 501 (City of Bristol) (Bomber) Squadron flying their Westland "Wallaces" (Bristol "Pegasus") over Avonmouth.
Flight 1934-09 / Flight
No. 501 (City of Bristol) (Bomber) Squadron in their Westland "Wallaces" (Bristol "Pegasus") flying over Clifton Suspension Bridge.
Flight 1934-09 / Flight
THE CHEDDAR GORGE: A striking picture of the City of Bristol Squadron over the Mendip Hills in Somerset with the famous gorge below them.
Flight 1935-06 / Flight
The Westland "Wallace" is fitted with the 555 h.p. Bristol "Pegasus IM3" respectively.
Flight 1935-06 / Flight
Photograph taken at Hucknall shows armourers loading-up with practice bombs for use on the range at Waddington
Flight 1935-06 / Flight
Photograph taken at Hucknall shows aircraftmen at work on one of the Wallaces
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-02 / F.Adkin - Memoirs of Aircraftsman (2)
One of Halton’s busy hangars, with Westland Wallace K5081 /774M in the distance.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-02 / F.Adkin - Memoirs of Aircraftsman (2)
Embryo aircraftmen at another RAF school, the Technical Training School (Apprentices) at Halton, undergo blackboard instruction with Vickers Vildebeest 969M/K2817 and Westland Wallace 604M/K3665 behind.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Vickers Vildebeest / Type 132 - Великобритания - 1928
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-10 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
The fin and rudder of Skysport’s Westland Wallace replica - with a Sopwith Pup rudder behind it to give an idea of its impressive size.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Sopwith Pup - Великобритания - 1916
Flight 1932-03 / Flight
GENERAL PURPOSES: Some of the many functions of the P.V.6 illustrated diagrammatically.
- Фотографии