Vought O2U/O3U/V-65/V-93 Corsair
Vought - O2U/O3U/V-65/V-93 Corsair - 1926 - США
Страна: США
Год: 1926

Двухместный разведчик
O2U/O3U/V-65/V-93 Corsair
Vought O2U и O3U/SU Corsair
Flight, April 1934
The Vought "Corsair”

O2U/O3U/V-65/V-93 Corsair

Ближний сухопутный и морской разведчик, самолет непосредственной поддержки. Одномоторный биплан смешанной конструкции, шасси неубирающееся, сменное (колеса/поплавки). Модификации O2U и O3U предусматривали запуск с катапульты (в поплавковом варианте) или базирование на авианосце (с посадочным гаком). Самолет был спроектирован в КБ "Чане Ваут корпорейшн" (позднее отделение "Ваут" - "Юнайтед эйркрафт менюфэкчуринг корпорейшн") под руководством Р. Бейсела и К. Мак-Карти.
Опытный самолет XO2U-1 проходил испытания в 1926 г. С 1927 г. начато серийное производство. Строился на заводах "Ваут" в Лонг-Айленд-Сити (O2U и его экспортные варианты) и Ист-Хартфорде (O3U и его варианты), а также в авиамастерских в Мехико (Мексика), в мастерских таиландских ВВС в Бангсю (V-93S/SA). Всего изготовлено более 450 экз. в США и 72 экз. в Таиланде.
Тип двигателя - в зависимости от модификации. Экипаж самолета - 2 чел. Вооружение 3x7,62 (V-93SA - 6x7,62), бомбы до 200 кг.
Самолет состоял на вооружении ВМФ США (с 1927 г.), а также в Аргентине, Бразилии, Китае, Мексике (с 1930 г.), в Перу (с 1929 г.), в Таиланде (с 1933 г.).
Выпускались следующие серийные модификации:
   - O2U-1 с мотором R-1340-88;
   - O2U-2, отличавшийся введением поперечного V нижнего крыла, увеличенным рулем поворота, измененным вырезом нижнего крыла;
   - O2U-3 с мотором R-1340C, измененным оперением, поперечным V верхнего крыла;
   - O2U-4 с изменениями в оборудовании;
   - O3U-1 с отличиями в конструкции крыла;
   - O3U-2 (SU-1) с мотором R-1690, шасси с неразрезной осью, шкворневой установкой вместо турели, измененным вертикальным оперением;
   - O3U-3 с мотором R-1340-12, измененным рулем поворота;
   - O3U-4 (SU-2, SU-3) с мотором R-1690-42 и оперением по типу O3U-2;
   - SU-4 с измененными капотом мотора и оперением;
   - O3U-6 с мотором R-1340-12, вариант для авиации морской пехоты с полузакрытой кабиной;
   - V-65/65F, экспортный вариант на базе O2U, при колесном шасси - без посадочного гака;
   - V-93S/SA, экспортный вариант с мотором R-1690-SD на базе O3U, вооружение V-93S как O3U, V-93SA - 6x7,62 (самолет непосредственной поддержки).
Впервые O2U-1 применили против повстанцев в Никарагуа в 1927-28 гг. при поддержке операций морской пехоты США. В начале 30-х годов машины семейства O2U/O3U являлись основным типом ближнего разведчика в ВМФ США, а также в морской авиации ряда стран Латинской Америки.
Производство последней модификации, O3U-6, было прекращено в январе 1937 г. К концу 1941 г. в США все самолеты 03U и SU переданы в резерв или учебные части, где эксплуатировались еще несколько лет. Часть O3U-6 в 1940 г. переделана заводом NAF в радиоуправляемые мишени с трехколесным шасси.
Таиландские V-93S/SA являлись основным типом легких бомбардировщиков во время таиландско-французского конфликта в ноябре 1940 г. - январе 1941 г. Применялись днем против аэродромов, войск на поле боя, населенных пунктов. В декабре 1941 г. они приняли участие в весьма кратком (всего один день) сопротивлении таиландских вооруженных сил японскому вторжению. После перехода Таиланда в число союзников Японии самолеты, базировавшиеся на севере страны, вели разведку приграничных районов Китая и Бирмы. V-93S/SA служили в таиландских ВВС как боевые до 1949 г. и еще несколько лет - как учебные.

Размах:||11,0 м
Длина:||8,51 м
Моторы, количество х мощность:||1x675 л.с.
Взлетная масса, максимальная:||2094 кг
Максимальная скорость:||281 км/ч
Практический потолок:||8150 м
Дальность:||1180 км

Vought O2U и O3U/SU Corsair

Первым самолетом, получившим знаковое для фирмы наименование Corsair, стал O2U - развитие семейства UO/FU с каркасом фюзеляжа из стальных труб и мотором воздушного охлаждения Pratt & Whitney Wasp. Поставки в ВМС США начались в 1927 году, всего построен 291 самолет в нескольких модификациях.
   С 1933 года в ВМС стал поступать самолет O3U Corsair, конструктивно близкий O2U-4; одну машину оснастили экспериментальным амфибийным шасси Grumman. Всего построено 289 машин варианта O3U, позже получившие обозначение SU. Все самолеты были переданы ВМС США.
   На момент вступления США во Вторую мировую войну бипланы Corsair с вооружения частей первой линии сняли, однако во вспомогательных подразделениях имелся 141 такой самолет.
   Несколько O3U-6 доработали на предприятии «Naval Aircraft Factory» в радиоуправляемые беспилотные экспериментальные аппараты, на них также установили неубираемое колесное шасси с носовой опорой, что облегчило выполнение взлетов и посадок. Экспортные варианты включают Corsair V-65F для ВМС Аргентины, V-80P для ВВС Перу и V-85G для Германии. Самолеты также поставлялись в Мексику (включая вооруженный O2U-2M) и Китай.


   O2U4: два прототипа и 130 серийных самолетов с взаимозаменяемым колесным/поплавковым шасси, мотором R-1340-88 Wasp мощностью 450 л. с. и вооружением из двух 7,62-мм пулеметов на турели в задней кабине
   O2U-2: вариант с верхним крылом увеличенного размаха, рулем направления большей площади и мотором R-1340-B; 37 построено для ВМС США и шесть - для Береговой охраны США
   O2U-3: как O2U-2, но с измененной бипленной коробкой, новым хвостовым оперением и мотором R-1340-C; построено 80
   O2U-4: как O2U-3, но с другим составом бортового оборудования; построено 42
   O3U-1: в целом близок O2U-4, на одном самолете испытывалось амфибийное шасси Grumman; построено 87
   O3U-2: улучшенный вариант с усиленным фюзеляжем, новым хвостовым оперением и мотором Pratt & Whitney R-1690 Hornet; построено 29, вскоре после поступления в эксплуатацию обозначение изменено на SU-1
   O3U-3: как O3U-2, но с мотором R-1340-12 мощностью 550 л. с.; построено 76
   O3U-4: в целом близок O3U-3, но с мотором R-1690-42; заказано 65, построено 45 машин как SU-2 и 20 как SU-3 с колесами шасси низкого давления
   XO3U-5: опытный SU-2 с мотором воздушного охлаждения Pratt & Whitney GR-1535
   XO3U-6: прототип O3U-6, доработанный из O3U-3
   O3U-6: серийный вариант XO3U-6 с кольцом NACA на двигателе и закрытой кабиной; построено 32: 16 - с мотором R-1340-12 и 16 - с мотором R-1340-18
   SU-1: новое обозначение O3U-2
   SU-2: новое обозначение O3U-4
   SU-3 : новое обозначение O3U-4 с колесами низкого давления
   SU-4: новый серийный вариант SU-2; построено 20


   Vought SU-4 Corsair

   Тип: двухместный разведчик
   Силовая установка: один мотор воздушного охлаждения Pratt & Whitney R-1690-42 Hornet мощностью 600 л. с. (447 кВт)
   Летные характеристики: максимальная скорость на уровне моря 269 км/ч; практический потолок 5670 м; дальность 1094 км
   Масса: пустого 1502 кг; максимальная взлетная 2161 кг
   Размеры: размах крыла 10,97 м; длина 8,37 м; высота 3,45 м; площадь крыла 31,31 м2
   Вооружение: три 7,62-мм пулемета, один неподвижный стреляющий вперед и два на турели в задней кабине

Flight, April 1934

The Vought "Corsair”

   ONE of the most versatile two-seater military aircraft produced in the United States is the "Corsair" manufactured by the Chance Vought Corporation at East Hartford, Connecticut, where its factory is adjacent to the plant of the Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Company and the Hamilton Standard Propeller Company at Rentschler Field. The "Corsair" is produced as a landplane or seaplane for the U.S. Navy and for the governments of many foreign countries. For the U.S. Navy the production types include the "Corsair" SU-2 and SU-3 scouting aircraft powered by the Pratt & Whitney "Hornet" and the O3U-3 observation machine, which is fitted with a "Wasp." The latter type is readily convertible from landplane to seaplane or vice versa, and may be operated from land, water, catapult or aircraft carrier. Recent deliveries to the U.S. Navy include the first of a new series of scouting machines now in production and two experimental types.
   For export the company has produced the V-80 single-seater and the V-90 two-seater "Corsair." Both these aircraft are of essentially similar design, both may be provided with one of several engines, and both are convertible landplanes or seaplanes. These types were in production for foreign governments during 1933, and "Corsairs" are also in service in the Argentine, Brazil, China, Cuba, Japan, Mexico, Peru and San Domingo. It may be remembered that the British Air Ministry has purchased a Vought "Corsair" as a representative type of American military aircraft. The following description applies to both the models SU-1 and SU-2 observation machines.
   It is an equal span type biplane with heavy stagger and swept-back wings. Interplane bracing consists of metal "N" struts and streamline wires. The wing spars are routed spruce, the ribs are spruce and plywood, the leading edge is plywood and the covering is fabric. Balanced ailerons are fitted to all four planes. The fuselage is a welded chrome molybdenum steel tube structure with quickly removable metal cowling forward of the cockpit and beneath the fuselage. The remainder of the covering is fabric over spruce fairing strips with metal doors for inspection. The empennage is of welded steel tubes covered with fabric. The tail plane is adjustable from the pilot's cockpit, the rudder is balanced, and the fin is adjustable on the ground to compensate torque.
   The undercarriage is of the cross-axle type, which is quite unusual in modern American military types. Bendix wheels and individually operated brakes are fitted. A swivelling tail wheel fitted with an oleo leg is provided and may be locked in a fore and aft position from the pilot's cockpit.
   A Pratt & Whitney "Hornet" giving 600 h.p. at 2,100 r.p.m. at sea level is fitted. A low drag cowling ring and Hamilton-Standard metal airscrew are usually fitted. The two main fuel tanks, with a total capacity of 130 U.S. gallons, are faired into the sides of the fuselage.
   The pilot's seat is adjustable vertically for vision, and the rear seat is arranged to stow forward on rails when the observer is using the rear gun. Dual controls are provided, the rear control column being removable. The pilot is armed with a fixed Browning gun in the starboard side of the top centre section. This gun fires outside the airscrew arc, so that no synchronising gear is required. Bomb racks may be fitted under the lower planes. Wireless transmitting and receiving apparatus and the usual signalling equipment carried in observation machines completes the military load. The following are the main data applying to the aircraft.
   Span 36 ft.
   Length 27 ft. 3 in.
   Height 10 ft. 8 in.
   Wing area 325.6 sq.ft.
   Max. speed (landplane) 170-5 m.p.h.
   Landing speed 60 m.p.h.
   Service ceiling 20,500 ft.

The " Corsair " V-90

   The V-90 export machine is similar in general design to the "Corsairs" used by the U.S. Navy. As the result of a large number of detail refinements, the machine possesses greatly improved performance characteristics. Among the new features are a cabin top for the cockpits, streamline wheels and tyres, new tail surfaces, larger fuel tanks, improved tank suspension and new engine installation. Any one of the five Pratt & Whitney "Hornet" series of engines, ranging in power from 525 h.p. to 675 h.p., may be fitted. Equipment for observation, "attack," fighting, light bombing or long-range scouting may be provided. Whatever the duty, the machine may be used as a landplane or seaplane. The guaranteed performance of the V-93, one of the V-90 series, which is powered with the "Hornet" S.D. engine, is given below.

   Landplane. Seaplane.
   Speed at 6,000 ft. 184 m.p.h. 179 m.p.h.
   Speed at sea level 169 m.p.h. 164 m.p.h.
   Climb in 10 min 13,000 ft. 12,200 ft.
   Service ceiling 23,700 ft. 22,600 ft.
   Cruising range at 6,000 ft. (max. fuel load) 709 miles 685 miles
"Корсар" V-65C ВВС Гоминьдана, 1931 год.
Самолет "Корсар" с иероглифической надписью "Ленин", использовавшийся в 1930-1931 годах коммунисическими повстанцами Китая.
"Корсар" V-65C ВВС Гоминьдана, захваченный в 1930 году коммунистическими повстанцами на месте вынужденной посадки. Этот самолет, получивший наименование "Ленин", долго сопровождал коммунистов в их походах, произведя несколько боевых вылетов на разведку и бомбардировку. Позже из-за отсутствия горючего его пришлось разобрать и спрятать в пещере. Машину отыскали только в 1950 году (см. фото справа на врезке), после установления в Китае советской власти. Сейчас самолет восстановлен и выставлен в пекинском авиамузее.
O2U-1 Corsair из эскадрильи VO-3S, приписанной в 1928 году к линкору «Релей». В середине 1920-х годов O2U-1 являлся стандартным самолетом авиационных звеньев линкоров ВМС США.
An O2U-1 observation seaplane off the catapults of the U.S.S. Raleigh, one of the then new scout-cruiser class. Note old vertical tail surfaces and no-dihedral sweptback wing.
The only military machine at Detroit is a Vought Corsair, which is exhibited as a landplane. It is here seen in its seaplane form.
A Vought O2U-1 Corsair on the catapult of the USS California. The engine is a 450 h.p. Pratt & Whitney R-1340-88.
IN ENGLAND NOW: The 10,000-ton U.S. cruiser Minneapolis arrived at Gravesend last Friday for a ten days' visit. Here are her four Vought "Corsair" seaplanes. Compare this photograph with that of the catapult on H.M.S- Sussex, which is going to the Melbourne celebrations.
Vought Corsair O2U-1A 'HP-4' at BN Puerto Belgrano.
Amphibian O2U-3 doubled as fighter or bomber as well as observation, had heavy rear float bracing, later discarded.
O2U-4 had revised float without rear bracing. Changes on O2U-2 to -4 were mainly in equipment and performance. Amphibian versions spanned 36 ft. 0 in., were 29 ft. 8 in. long, and 13 ft. 7 1/2 in. high. Engines were 450-h.p. Wasp B.
A floatplane equivalent of the O3U-6.
WHERE'S THAT AIRFLOW? "Dishing it out" and "taking it" are the two main jobs of the Vought Corsair and, for that matter, of any naval aeroplane. This particular Corsair is not, for the moment, engaged in dishing anything out.
Vought Corsair single-float reconnaissance machines (which may also be used as light bombers) on the stern of U.S.S. California, flagship of the U.S. Battle Force, other units of which are seen astern.
Поплавковый вариант "Корсара" на катапульте линкора "Пеннсильвания"
A Vought Corsair being catapulted from the U.S.S. Arkansas. The central-float arrangement is very popular in the U.S. Navy.
The O2U-2 had wing dihedral and revised tail.
F.2bs 27 and 28 being wheeled by a line-up of Vought O2U-2Ms and Douglas O-2Ms, after the 1929 Escobar rebellion, and the formation of the 1/o Regimiento Aereo, at Balbuena airfield.
Landplane version of O2U-3 with Townend ring;
Vought O2U-4 Corsairs.
Wasp C gave O3U-1 a 138-m.p.h. top speed and a 16,200-ft. service ceiling; fuselage side tankage was increased from 90 to 110 U.S. gal. Thirty-six were delivered to Navy in 1930, seventy-three in 1931. Landplane was 26 ft. 0 1/16 in. long, 11 ft. 6 in. high.
До поступления специальных самолетов бразильцы использовали для борьбы с подводными лодками легкие бомбардировщики "Валти" V11GB, многоцелевые "Корсары" (на фото) и FW 58
Lt James Doolittle (4 Sept 1922).
A Squadron Vought "Corsair" of Day-bombers of the Mexican Military Aeronautical Service.
Corsair 'R-57', formerly 'HP-1', in flight.
Navy O3U-2 was cleaned up, higher-performance, carrier-based version with the Hornet, new landing gear, deeper fuselage with raised cockpits, and new wing cellule arrangement. Landplane length was 26 ft. 2 1/8 in. and height 10 ft. 7 3/4 in.; 122 were ordered in November 1931.
SU-1 was first scout version, similar to O3U-2, had Hornet engine, balanced ailerons, 130-gal. tankage.
The half-silver, half-blue fuselage of this SU-1 Special indicates that it is a Navy Staff executive machine.
Special executive version of O3U-3 with Wasp engine had exhaust collector ring, spats, rounded tail.
Navy O3U-4
Marine Observation Squadron 8M SU-2 scout/bomber: SU-2 was mainly similar to SU-1, with 170 m.p.h. top speed, 20,500-ft. service ceiling.
Right, an echelon of SU-2s from VO-8M, the US Navy’s “Ace of Spades” squadron.
ACHIEVEMENT: An inspiring view of Vought Corsairs over the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco. This structure is claimed to be the world's longest suspension bridge and was opened to traffic a few weeks ago.
Hornet-powered SU-3 has low-pressure wheels; twenty were delivered in 1932 and served with Observation Squadron 9M.
The XO3U-5 with a cold-weather cowling, similar to that used on some Russian aircrafts.
An O3U-6 of Marine Squadron VO-8M, this machine being the second-section leader, aircraft no. 4, with white-painted cowling, fuselage band, and top wing chevron.
A WAY THEY HAVE IN THE STATES. Vought Corsairs (of two types) flying over Cleveland, Ohio, the scene of the 1935 National Air Races. The car park speaks volumes for the enthusiasm of the American public for really fast air racing.
The XOSU-1;
Service SU-4s had Townend ring and open cockpits, 600-h.p. Hornet, and 130-gal. fuel load. Twenty machines and one prototype were delivered.
Палубный разведчик Ваут SU-4
ZSU-4 was an attempt to modernise service aircraft and had enclosed cockpit, N.A.C.A. cowling, and spats, some of these features being incorporated on the O3U-6.
Export V-50 series of 1931 had wheel spats and new powerful Hornet Series B (575 h.p. at 1,950 r.p.m.) in Townend ring, giving a 190-m.p.h. top speed.
V-65F for Argentine Naval Air Service had a 600-h.p. Hornet R-1690-C and glazed cockpit hood, enlarged wing-root fairings, cleaner interplane struts, new rounded fin and rudder with small dorsal spine. Top speed of V-65 series was 180 m.p.h., service ceiling 20,000 ft., wing area 235.6 sq. ft.
One of the eight Lockheed 12As operated by the Brazilian Army Aviation Service. Photograph of it (c/n 1235) taken on 18 November 1939 at Afonsos airfield, Rio, against an interesting background of (left to right) a Vought V.65B Corsair, a Bellanca 31-42 Pacemaker, a Waco EGC-7 and two Vultee V-11GB2s.
This V-66E Corsair, a version of the SU-1, was delivered to Britain for evaluation in January 1933, and is seen here bearing its military serial K3561. It was struck off charge in December 1936.
The Vought V-66E Corsair biplane K3561 was one of a series of American prototypes purchased in Britain for technical evaluation.
V-66E was purchased by Great Britain in 1932;
The Vought V-66E (serial K3561) photographed at Felixstowe in 1932.
V-70A was 1933 export model with enclosed cockpit, Hornet engine, top speed around 175 m.p.h., and spatted wheels.
The similar V-70B had low-pressure wheels.
Based on the two-seat Corsair reconnaissance biplane, the Vought V-80 was purchased by Peru (shown) and Argentina.
Among 1933 single-seater fighter variants of the Corsair were: V-80F with twin Colt MG-40s, 675 h.p. Hornet SD in N.A.C.A. cowling, and 150-gal. tankage; V-80P with Townend ring and unspatted wheels, for Peru; V-85G (similar to V-80F) for Germany. Series was adaptable as single-float seaplane.
Vought found fertile ground for the Corsair in Latin America, with Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Mexico and Peru all acquiring variants of the design during the 1920s and 1930s. Peru’s first examples were delivered in 1926, and the three examples of its final variant, the V-80P, as seen here, were delivered in 1933.
THE VOUGHT "CORSAIR" V.90: Note the "cabin" top over the cockpits, This feature is to be found in many modern American two-seaters.
V-90 series came in Standard (shown here) or Super models the latter with N.A.C.A. cowling, c.p. airscrew, and exhaust collector ring. V-93 (Hornet SD) landplane did 184 m.p.h. at 6 000 ft. in standard form, or 191.5 m.p.h. in Super form.
Опытный экземпляр самолета V-90, ставший основой для типов V-93 и V-93S
ВВС Китая использовали легкие бомбардировщики "Корсар" V-92
The Breguet 14 was finally replaced in the mid-1950s by the Vought V-93S Corsair, a type which was also assembled under licence in Siam. The contribution of the Breguet to Thai aviation is enshrined in a replica built in France and moved to the Royal Thai Air Force Museum in Bangkok, wearing RSAS colours and the fin number “1”.
The V-97
The V-99M
The V-100 Corsair Junior all-purpose trainer;
The sole Vought V-100 Corsair Junior, with the experimental registration X-14377, with a single 0-30in machine-gun fitted to the flexible mount in the rear cockpit. Surrounded to some degree by mystery and myth, the V-100 was designed specifically for a 1934 military competition for a multi-purpose biplane for Brazil, contemporary promotional literature referring to the type in Portuguese as the “Corsario Junior”.
Its rather short, stubby nose notwithstanding, the “Corsario Junior” was an attractive, well-proportioned biplane trainer, resembling its contemporary, the Boeing-Stearman Model 75, which was slightly smaller in all aspects, and of which Brazil would ultimately purchase 20 examples when re-equipping during the late 1930s.
The installation of the Pratt & Whitney R-985 Wasp Junior engine in the V-100. It was intended that the V-100 would offer flexibility in terms of powerplant, with engines of various power ratings being fitted according to the role the aircraft was to be used for. In the event, the sole example was fitted with a 420 h.p. Wasp Junior driving a metal two-bladed variable-pitch propeller.
One of the Vought V.100 Corsairs built in the mid-'thirties.
Самолет V-100 Corsair строился в Таиланде по лицензии
The V-135.
A line-up of Ca.114s at Teniente Coronel Ruiz air base in Chiclayo, on Peru’s north-west coast, before their overhaul in 1939. A Vought O2U-1E Corsair and a Stearman C-3R may just be seen at the end of the line.
A Vought SU-4 of BS1B engages a late wire aboard USS Ranger on August 9, 1934. The pilot, Lt Hopping, might have been just unlucky, but it is more likely that he made too fast a landing. In any event the wire parts and the SU-4 crashes into the barrier and suffers, at the very least, a shock-loaded engine. Mr Hopping may well have been similarly afflicted though otherwise uninjured, unlike his aeroplane.
Corsair 'R-59', previously 'HP-3', at Punta Mogotes on January 8, 1933, after striking the roof of a car.
Corsair 'R-60', formerly 'HP-4', crashed at Coronel Dorrego on October 30, 1934, during unauthorised low-level aerobatics.
Photographs of the extremely short-lived V-100 are limited, but contemporary promotional material offers some technical detail of the type, including a series of illustrations depicting the various ways in which the type could be configured to fulfil its various roles - in the case of the above, as a gunnery trainer with a single gun.
The V-100 could be fitted with a flexible gun mounting for the rear cockpit, of Vought’s own design, designated the Mk X. The brochure states that it was “of the combined post-and-track type, replacing the heavy and cumbersome Scarff ring”. It goes on to explain that “the gun post is released or locked by means of a foot treadle, and swings around a semi-circular track, permitting ready movement of the gun to any firing position”. Furthermore, “the entire installation is concealed within the cockpit, and makes possible a clean and compact rear cockpit design, which may include an enclosure if desired”.
Flight training. For flight training duties, the V-100 was to be unarmed, as shown in this illustration from a contemporary document. Noted in this view is the “two-way speaking tube” between the instructor and his pupil in their separate cockpits.
Camera gunnery. The type could also be configured for gunnery training, with a camera-gun fixed to the centre section of the top wing. Marked on this view are the camera-gun (A), the fixed gunsight (B) and the trigger and cables on the control column (C).
Another of the pages from the contemporary brochure for the V-100, this shows the aircraft configured to carry a total of ten bombs on A-3 bomb racks mounted on the undersides of the lower wings. Unfortunately for Vought, the V-100 crashed before it could be fully assessed by the Brazilians, who ultimately ordered the homemade Muniz M-7.
The Brazilians stipulated that as well as being a standard flight, bombing and gunnery trainer, the 1934 military competition winner would have to be suitable for the photographic-reconnaissance role, which was an important consideration for a country of such vast size on a continent in which border conflicts were common. This illustration shows the V-100’s photo-recce configuration with the observer supervising the operation of the vertical cameras.
Vought "Corsair" V-90
Vought V-93 Corsair
Although the V-100 was designed and built specifically for the 1934 Brazilian military aircraft competition, the stamp at the bottom of this three- view of the type, addressed to Vought’s representative in Hong Kong, James Fisher, suggests that the Corsair Junior was also to be promoted for sales in Asia. No such sales were forthcoming, however.