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Страна : Великобритания

Год : 1945

Двухмоторный гражданский транспортный самолет


Vickers Type 491 Viking, Type 607 Valetta и Type 648 Varsity
   Для восполнения образовавшегося после войны недостатка в гражданских авиалайнерах решено было использовать гражданский вариант самолета Wellington, который получил обозначение Type 491 VC1 (Vickers Commercial 1). Позже переименованный в Viking, он сочетал в себе отъемные части крыла с полотняной обшивкой, гондолы двигателей и шасси от Wellington с двигателями Bristol Hercules 130 мощностью по 1675 л.с. и новым фюзеляжем с работающей обшивкой. Самолет вмещал экипаж из трех человек, 21 пассажира и стюарда.
   Опытный образец Viking был облетан 22 июня 1945 года, его сертификация завершилась 24 апреля 1946 года, а 1 сентября 1946 года авиакомпания BEA выполнила на новом самолете первый коммерческий рейс (маршрут Лондон - Копенгаген). Первым серийным вариантом стал Viking 1A, оснащенный двигателями Hercules 630 мощностью по 1690 л. с. (построено 19 самолетов), за которым последовал Viking 1 с работающей обшивкой крыла и хвостового оперения (31 самолет). Основной же серийной моделью стал Viking 1B, который был построен в количестве 113 машин и отличался удлиненной на 0,71 м носовой частью фюзеляжа. Вместимость самолета выросла до 24 пассажиров, а в более позднем варианте - до 36 человек. Кроме того, на самолете установили двигатели Hercules 634. До 1974 года, когда все Viking сняли с эксплуатации, данные машины обслуживали маршруты авиакомпаний в Африке, Аргентине, Дании, Ирландии, Франции, ФРГ, Индии, Ираке, Южной Родезии, Тринидаде и Великобритании.
   Военный вариант Viking поступил на вооружение британских ВВС как Type 607 Valetta, он имел усиленный пол, большие створки грузовых люков и оснащался двигателями Hercules 230 мощностью 1975 л. с.
   Всего построено более 250 Valetta, включая следующие модификации: Valetta C.Mk 1, использовавшийся как санитарный, грузовой, буксировщик планеров, для перевозки личного состава и снабжения; Valetta C.Mk 2 - вариант для VIP-персон на 9-15 пассажиров, а также учебно-тренировочный Valetta T.Mk 3 для подготовки штурманов.


   Vickers Viking IB

   Тип: двухмоторный гражданский транспортный самолет
   Силовая установка: два звездообразных ПД Bristol Hercules 634 мощностью по 1690 л. с. (1260 кВт)
   Летные характеристики: максимальная крейсерская скорость на высоте 1830 м - 338 км/ч; практический потолок 7240 м; дальность полета с максимальной нагрузкой 837 км
   Масса: пустого 10 546 кг; максимальная взлетная 15 354 кг
   Размеры: размах крыла 27,20 м; длина 19,86 м; высота 5,94 м; площадь крыла 81,94 м2

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  • Описание
  • Мировая Авиация 249

    В авиакомпании BEA данный Viking 610 G-AHPL получил название «Verdant». Свои Viking компания заменила в 1954 году, на тот момент они перевезли 3 млн пассажиров.

  • Air Enthusiast 1972-10 / ??? - The 40-year-old newcomer: British Caledonian Airways

    Viking IB G-AIXR was one of the later additions to the fleet of Airwork, which acquired some earlier Viking Is for its first post-war airline operations.

  • Aviation Historian 34 / R.Pegram - BOAC & the Brabazon committee

    Vickers ultimately sidestepped the Geosteel concept intended for the Warwick Continental and opted instead for the much more conventional VC1, which became the Viking, as seen here. It was initially fitted with fabric-clad wings and tail, but later production aircraft had metal wings and empennages. Some 168 were built.

  • Air Enthusiast 1995-09 / ??? - Flixton Pictorial

    Largest exhibit at N&S is Vickers Valetta C2 VX580 which was built at Weybridge and was first flown on February 1, 1950. It worked hard throughout its RAF career serving in turn with: Handling Squadron during 1950; Malta Communications Squadron from 1953; 114 Squadron at Kabrit from 1954; Aden Communications Flight 1955; Middle East Communications Squadron, Nicosia, 1955; Metropolitan Communications Squadron, Northolt, 1961-68. During this period it had a series of spells in storage, plus refits and repairs. Presented to the Norfolk Air Scouts, it was flown from Coltishall to Norwich Airport on December 12, 1968. (Illustrated there in October 1977.)

  • Air Enthusiast 1995-09 / ??? - Flixton Pictorial

    Established in 1974, the Norfolk & Suffolk (N&S) Aviation Museum can be found at Flixton, Suffolk, near Bungay. It is located but a short distance from the former Bungay (Flixton) aerodrome which was home to the B-24 Liberators of the 446th Bomb Group. Following steady expansion, the museum moved to its present location in 1990. Part of the extensive site includes a Nissen-hut devoted to the life and times of the 446th. A large ‘half-round’ display hangar (centre) has been established and there is a large aircraft park. (The Valetta, right, was undergoing a repaint; the dark colour on the under surfaces being a primer coat.)

  • Мировая Авиация 65

    22 июня 1945г.: первый полет в Уизли, графство Сюррей, прототипа Vickers VC1 Viking (G-AGOK), в конструкции которого использовали хвостовое оперение самолета Warwick V и крыло от Wellington

  • Jane's All the World Aircraft 1946 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes

    The Vickers-Armstrong V.C.1 Viking Transport Monoplane (two 1,675 h.p. Bristol Hercules 130 engines).

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1974-12 / C.Sims - Camera in cloudscape

    Vickers Viking 1A G-AGRN, photographed by the author from a Wellington rear turret in 1946. This aircraft later went to the RAF as VW216.

  • Jane's All the World Aircraft 1946 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes

    The Vickers-Armstrong V.C.1 Viking Transport Monoplane (two 1,675 h.p. Bristol Hercules 130 engines).

  • Air Pictorial 1958-08

    The first Viking ever to carry French civil marks, F-BFDN ex- G-AJBW, appeared at Blackbushe during the month.

  • Air Enthusiast 2003-03 / Round-Out

    Also at Heathrow, Overseas Aviation's G-ALHP, in August 1961. Among the aircraft behind are BEA 'Pionair'-class Douglas Dakota G-AHCX and an Air Safaris Vickers Viking.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Canadair CL-2 / CL-4 Argonaut - Канада - 1946Douglas DC-3 / C-47 Skytrain/С-53 Skytrooper / Dakota - США - 1935

  • Aviation Historian 24 / N.Stroud - Vikings in Africa /The John Stroud Archive/

    Hunting’s Viking 1, G-AHPJ, joined G-AJFS (c/n 147) at Luqa, the two continuing together for the rest of the outbound flight to Nairobi, although they only flew together for the inaugural service. The Hunting machine had the distinction of being the first Viking to be delivered to an independent UK operator, back in May 1947.

  • Aviation Historian 24 / N.Stroud - Vikings in Africa /The John Stroud Archive/

    The two Vikings at Wadi Haifa on the outward journey. The airport is about eight miles (14km) east of the town and only accessible by means of a dusty track. Wadi Haifa was of particular interest to John, as his childhood hero, Sir Alan Cobham, had stopped there during his pioneering survey flight to Cape Town in South Africa for Imperial Airways in 1925.

  • Aviation Historian 24 / N.Stroud - Vikings in Africa /The John Stroud Archive/

    Hunting stewardess Joan Jeffries seeks refuge from the blazing sun in the thatched hut used for customs at Juba on the return journey. On the apron outside is Airwork’s G-AJFS, which departed for Khartoum shortly before John boarded G-AHPJ to follow in its wake.

  • Aviation Historian 24 / N.Stroud - Vikings in Africa /The John Stroud Archive/

    The Airwork Viking taking on fuel from a bowser at one of the more remote stops on the outward journey. Viking G-AJFS had made its first flight in August 1947 and was delivered new to Airwork the following month.

  • Aviation Historian 24 / N.Stroud - Vikings in Africa /The John Stroud Archive/

    On the outbound journey from Blackbushe to Nairobi, the stewardess aboard Viking 1B G-AJFS (c/n 237) was Ema Ferguson, whom John photographed beside the aircraft as it was being refuelled at one of the route’s early stops, possibly Malta, before pushing on to the next waypoint on the inaugural return Safari Service on June 14-20, 1952.

  • Air Enthusiast 1998-03 / N.Lees - Birds of Passage

    Airwork Viking IB G-AIXR, in which the Author flew from and to Malta. It served Airwork from new in April 1947 until April 1959 when it joined Tradair and later Channel Airways. It was scrapped in 1963 at Southend.

  • Мировая Авиация 79

    Снятые с эксплуатации в BEA самолеты Viking были проданы небольшим британским авиаперевозчикам. Например, изображенный здесь G-AHOY принадлежал "Hunting", "Eagle", "Pegasus", "Autair" (на снимке), "Claydon Aviation" и "Invicta".

  • Мировая Авиация 79

    Наиболее активно Viking эксплуатировала авиакомпания "British European Airways", заменившая им свои Douglas DC-3.

  • Мировая Авиация 79

    "British West Indian Airways" эксплуатировала восемь Viking Mk 1, имевших крыло с работающей обшивкой. Данный самолет позже эксплуатировался британской "Eagle Aviation".

  • Jane's All the World Aircraft 1947 / All the world's aeroplanes

    A Vickers-Armstrongs Viking IB Airliner of Central African Airways.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1985-02 / Personal album

    Eagle Airways’ Vickers Viking G-AJCD at Luqa in March 1961. Initially operated by BEA and named Vizor, later re-named Lord Barnham, this Viking was purchased by Eagle in October 1954. It was later used for trooping flights, as XF633 and then XG350.

  • Aviation Historian 6 / A.Waller - A Flying Safari

    The Vickers Viking made up a large part of the Hunting-Clan fleet, the airline acquiring a total of 13, although one was for spares use only. This example, G-AGRW, originally flew with BEA as Vagabond, and is seen here at Heathrow on November 12, 1954.

  • Aviation Historian 39 / L.Hellstrom - Air Sud Kasai. The National Airline That Never Was

    Vickers Viking G-AHPG made its first flight on November 28, 1946, and joined British European Airways (BEA) in March 1947. Given the BEA fleet name Velocity, the aircraft was actually sold almost immediately to Central African Airways, with which it operated as VP-YHJ, named Sabi. After a spell with South African airline Suidair as ZS-DDO, it was returned to Central African in 1950 before being sold to Hurn-based Independent Air Travel, with which it is seen here back as G-AHPG. By 1960 it was operating with Air Sud Kasai.

  • Мировая Авиация 79

    Первый Mk IB достался "Indian National Airways", всего же компания приобрела шесть таких машин, а еще девять купила "Air India". Компании позже вошли в состав "Indian Airlines Corporation".

  • Aviation Historian 14 / J.Stroud - Beirut: Lebanon's Propliner Paradise /The John Stroud Archive/

    Beirut’s strategic location as a key transit point in the Middle East made it no stranger to regular exotic visitors, including this Ilyushin Il-14 from the Soviet Union. Rather more workaday is the Kuwait Oil Co Ltd Vickers Viking beside it, G-AGRU (c/n 112), still extant today and on display at Brooklands Museum, near Weybridge in Surrey.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Ильюшин Ил-14 - Россия - 1950

  • Aviation Historian 14 / J.Stroud - Beirut: Lebanon's Propliner Paradise /The John Stroud Archive/

    With the Mediterranean sparkling in the background, passengers board Misrair Viking SU-AGN (c/n 196) for a flight to Cairo. The aircraft had originally seen service with Danish airline DDL (which became part of SAS) before being sold to Misrair in September 1949. Sadly, it crashed at Menzalah Lake in Egypt on March 7, 1958.

  • Air Pictorial 1957-10

    The adjacent Changes of Ownership include Viking I, G-AHOS "Sirius", resplendent in the green livery of Orion Airways

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1985-02 / Personal album

    The Vickers Type 623 Viking seen at Luqa on October 4, 1961 in the livery of Tradair was originally an RAF Viking C.2 of the Queen's Flight. Tradair received three of the Flight's Vikings in 1958. One of them was subsequently registered G-APOP, seen here. In December 1962 it was bought by Channel Airways Ltd. In April 1965 'OP was finally withdrawn from service to languish at Southend.

  • Air Pictorial 1956-05

    These two Vikings, CR-IAC (ex-G-AHPP) and CR-AID (ex-G-AIVB) were at Blackbushe recently, where they have been overhauled by Eagle Aviation Ltd., for Transportes Aereos Da India Portuguesa.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1990-07 / Personal album. Civil

    Another photograph of Vickers Viking IB ZS-DPA, with both engines running, taxying out at Luqa in March 1961.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1990-07 / Personal album. Civil

    “Tell the passengers another ten minutes!” Hand-swinging the port propeller of Vickers Viking ZS-DPA at Luqa in March 1961; the starter trolley was unserviceable. This Viking IB was initially delivered as OY-DLO, became SU-AGM and then joined the fleet of PROTEA.

  • Aviation Historian 24 / N.Stroud - Vikings in Africa /The John Stroud Archive/

    With its natural metal finish flashing in the North African sun, Hunting’s G-AHPJ was captured by John’s camera from the cabin of G-AJFS while flying over the Libyan Desert on the El Adem - Wadi Haifa sector. The Hunting Viking was enjoying a second lease of life, having been completely rebuilt after a crash at Croydon in 1947.

  • Jane's All the World Aircraft 1947 / All the world's aeroplanes

    A Vickers-Armstrongs Viking I Airliner (two Bristol Hercules engines) as supplied to the Argentine Government.

  • Air Pictorial 1956-02 / Air Pictorial's photo-review

    Destined for the Argentine air force, T90 is one of a number of ex-B.E.A. Viking IBs, originally cocooned at London Airport.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / Grapevine

    One of two of Cosford’s aircraft being stored outside during refurbishment of the Aerospace Museum’s hangars is Vickers Valetta C.2 VX573. Once indoors again, the Valetta will be displayed, minus its outer wings, next to Viking 1A G-AGRU.

  • Jane's All the World Aircraft 1947 / All the world's aeroplanes

    A Vickers-Armstrongs Viking C.Mk.I (two Bristol Hercules engines) of The King’s Flight, R.A.F.

  • Air Pictorial 1957-08

    This Valetta C.2 (VX560) has various modifications including a ventral radome and a protrusion from the tail-cone.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1984-08 / D.Middleton - Brian Trubshaw /Test Pilot Profile/ (11)

    Viking I VL246 of the King's Flight takes off from snow-covered Wisley in 1947. In December 1958 this aircraft was registered G-APOP and later flew with Channel Airways.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1985-12 / A.Bennett - Fit for a king (2)

    King’s Flight Viking VL247, later the Queen's aeroplane, was subsequently sold to Tradair as G-APOR.

  • Мировая Авиация 79

    Viking стал первым послевоенным пассажирским и грузовым авиалайнером, и на его базе для британских ВВС была разработана модификация Vickers Valetta - для перевозки личного состава и различных грузов. Прототип Valetta совершил первый полет 30 июня 1947 года. Он отличался от Viking 1В усиленным полом кабины, большими грузовыми дверями по правому борту, новым шасси, усовершенствованной топливной системой и более мощными двигателями Bristol Hercules 230. Самолет Valetta C.Mk 1 (фото) мог перевозить до 34 военнослужащих, 20 десантников или сбрасываемый груз. В мае 1949 года самолет поступил в 204-ю эскадрилью в Эль-Кабрите (Египет) и постепенно сменил в Транспортном командовании британских ВВС машины Douglas Dakota, хорошо зарекомендовав себя во время конфликта в Малайе, где самолеты этого типа сбросили более 2000 т груза для снабжения британских войск, воевавших в джунглях.

  • Air Enthusiast 1996-11 / K.Ellis - The other 'Whimpey'

    The RAF replaced the Wellington T.10 with another Vickers product, the Valetta T.3. WJ467 joined 201 Advanced Flying School at Swinderby in March 1952 and later served with 6 Air Navigation School al Lichfield. It was converted to a T.4 radar trainer 1955-57 and joined 228 Operational Conversion Unit at Iteming from mid-1957. It was destroyed in a crash near Leaning on August 6, 1958.

  • Мировая Авиация 79

    Valetta C.Mk 2 был схож с модификацией Mk 1, но предназначался для VIP-перевозок, имел кабину на 9-15 пассажиров и, благодаря увеличенному запасу топлива, имел большую дальность полета. Учебная модификация, Valetta T.Mk 3 (фото), поступила на вооружение британских ВВС в 1950 году для подготовки штурманов. Самолет имел ряд надфюзеляжных астрокуполов; было построено 40 таких машин. В 1966 году самолеты Valetta были сняты с эксплуатации в транспортных эскадрильях британских ВВС.

  • Air Pictorial 1957-02

    With port Rotol four-blade airscrew feathered, this unusually long-nosed (radar) Vickers Valetta (WJ465) comes in to land.

  • Air Pictorial 1958-03

    These photograph show the Valetta WJ470 in one piece.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1985-06

    RAF Vickers Valetta VX560 landing at Kuching on June 1, 1965.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1990-01 / Personal album. Military

    Vickers Valetta C.1 VW808 pictured at Kuching, Sarawak on October 25, 1964. No 52 Squadron s Valettas were based at Butterworth during this period with the RAFFE and were involved in supply and transport duties during the Indonesian campaign. The Valetta was first received into RAF service in 1948 and the last Valetta, VX573, was retired in 1969 and destined for the RAF Museum.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1988-09 / M.Hardy - All the Queen's forces (1)

    This was the scene at RAF Odiham on July 8, 1953, during rehearsals for the Review a week before the event. On the left are Royal Canadian Air Force Sabres.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Canadair CL-13 Sabre - Канада - 1950Gloster Meteor / G.41 - Великобритания - 1943Handley Page Hastings / H.P.67 - Великобритания - 1946

  • Air Enthusiast 1995-09 / ??? - Flixton Pictorial

    Donated to N&S in March 1982, VX580 had one more ‘flight’ in her. With outer wings and engines removed and must of the interior fittings taken out, the Valetta was flown as underslung cargo to Flixton on May 27, 1982, care of 7 Squadron and a Chinook HC.1. Restoration has been continuing ever since.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing-Vertol CH-47 Chinook - США - 1961

  • Aviation Historian 24 / N.Stroud - Vikings in Africa /The John Stroud Archive/

    Flight Officer Charles Phillips checks the map in the cockpit of G-AJFS during the outbound flight.

  • Aviation Historian 24 / N.Stroud - Vikings in Africa /The John Stroud Archive/

    The square cabin windows of the Viking provided good views of the exotic sights below for the passengers, John particularly noting that the over-desert sectors were not as boring as one might imagine: “There is a great variety of colour and many interesting types of hill formation, while the oases of Siwa, Farafra and Dakhla can all be seen before the Nile appears at the Egyptian-Sudanese border. ”

  • Aviation Historian 39 / L.Hellstrom - Air Sud Kasai. The National Airline That Never Was

    The spartan interior of the Viking, photographed in October 1960. As it was used for both freight and passenger services, the seats would be fitted or removed as required. Sold at a public auction in a non-airworthy condition, G-AHPG ended its days as a snack bar.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1988-11 / Personal album. Military

    Vickers Valetta C.1 VX483 of the Far East transport wing snapped in a paddy field near Saigon, Vietnam on February 17, 1956. An engine ran away during take-off and the pilot promptly belly-landed the aircraft. VX483 was part of a batch of 52 Valettas delivered to the RAF between December 1949 and August 1950. This medium-range transport was powered by two 1,975 h.p. Bristol Hercules 230 radial engines and had the capacity to carry 34 troops, 20 paratroops or freight. The type entered RAF service in 1948 and was retired in June 1969, being succeeded by the Hawker Siddeley Andover.

  • Air Pictorial 1958-03

    Valetta WJ470. What happens when the "perfect" landing doesn't go just according to plan.

  • Aviation Historian 34 / R.Pegram - BOAC & the Brabazon committee

    The Warwick Continental was to have used Barnes Wallis’s “Geosteel” method of woven metal covering, as seen HERE in Wallis’s patent GB580574.

  • Aviation Historian 34 / R.Pegram - BOAC & the Brabazon committee

    A previously unpublished original Vickers three-view illustration of the Warwick Continental, which, unsurprisingly, bears more than a passing resemblance to the company’s VC1, which became the Viking. The Warwick Continental was to have used Barnes Wallis’s “Geosteel” method of woven metal covering.

  • Jane's All the World Aircraft 1946 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes

    The Vickers-Armstrong V.C.1 Viking Transport.

  • Фотографии