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Страна : США

Год : 1931

Taylor Chummy и Cub

"Taylor Brothers Aircraft Corporation" развернула свой бизнес в США в конце 1920-х годов. Первым ее изделием стал самолет Taylor Chummy - легкий двухместный подкосный высокоплан с закрытой кабиной для двух человек, размещавшихся бок о бок.
   Chummy, оснащенный звездообразными моторами Kinner K5 или Brownback Tiger мощностью 50 л. с., быстро стал популярен, но экономическая ситуация в 1928 году, когда началось серийное производство, резко ухудшилась, из-за чего массовым он не стал. Фирма переехала в Бредфорд, Пенсильвания, и сменила название на "Taylor Aircraft Company". Но нехватка финансов заставила прекратить выпуск самолета Chummy.
   Президент, главный конструктор и главный инженер С. Гилберт Тейлор, разработал улучшенный двухместный Cub E-2 с 37-сильным мотором Continental A40. Благодаря агрессивной рекламной кампании удалось построить более 300 таких самолетов. Фирма в итоге сумела пережить кризис.
   Далее появились Cub F-2 с 40-сильным мотором Aeromarine AR3-40 (построено около 30), Cub H-2 с 35-сильным мотором Szekely SR-3-35 (построено четыре) и, в конечном итоге, очень удачный улучшенный Cub J-2 с возможностью установки мотора Continental A40 мощностью 37 или 40 л. с.
   До уничтожения производственной линии пожаром в 1937 году было построено более 1200 Cub. После пожара Тейлор оставил фирму. Еще 63 самолета собрала "Aircraft Associates Inc." из Лонг-Бич, Калифорния, после покупки прав на самолет у Тейлора. Далее выпуском этого самолета, получившего наименование Piper Cub, занялся Уильям Т. Пайпер.

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  • Taylor Chummy и Cub
  • Flight, July 1937
  • Flight 1936-06 / Flight

    Mr. Beard, the pilot of the interesting little American machine, the Taylor Cub, which was virtually a non-starter owing to carburation difficulties. The opening action at the side is noteworthy.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1988-05 / Personal album. Civil

    Piper (Taylor) J-2 Cub G-AEIK, seen here at Lympne in 1936, is historically important because it was the first Piper aircraft to be imported into the UK.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1987-04 / M.Jerram - For Business and Pleasure

    Taylor J-2 Cub G-AEXY, built by Taylor Aircraft at Lockhaven, was registered in July 1937. In March 1953 it was sold in Spain.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1982-06 / Rearsby /Gone but not forgotten/ (13)

    The County Flying Club's first Taylor Cub seen at Rearsby during the winter of 1938/39.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1987-04 / M.Jerram - For Business and Pleasure

    Sister-ship J-2 G-AEXZ, shortly to fly again.

  • Мировая Авиация 245

    Удачный Taylor J-2 Cub больше известен как предшественник классических высокопланов Piper Cub. На фотографии: самолет постройки 1938 года с британской регистрацией.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1982-06 / Rearsby /Gone but not forgotten/ (13)

    The County Flying Club's Taylor Cub probably during the winter of 1937/38. This G-AEXZ being wheeled out at Rearsby, aircraft is still based in Leicestershire.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1988-02 / M.Oakey - Grapevine

    A period shot of Piper J-2 Cub G-AFFH, currently under restoration by Wiltshire-based enthusiast Martin Honeychurch. He has acquired a Continental A-40 side-valve engine to power the aircraft, which was recovered from Spain last spring.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1981-01 / News Spotlight

    Garth Elliot’s rare Taylor E-2 Cub, seen recently at Burbank International, was built in August 1933 and flew in July 1980 for the first time in 41 years. Registered C-GCGE the E-2 is powered by a 40 h.p. Continental and cruises at 56 m.p.h.

  • Aviation Historian 8 / R.Mulder - Capital Gains: Oslo-Fornebu airport 1934-40

    Opening day, June 1, 1939; as well as the various airliners on show, three privately-owned aircraft were on hand to celebrate the airport’s inauguration. They were Taylor J-2 Cub LN-EAN (the tail of which is visible here), Taylorcraft A LN-FAG and Fairchild 24 LN-EAF. In the background is DNL’s Caproni Ca 310 LN-DAK Brevduen.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Caproni Ca.310/312 Libeccio - Италия - 1937Fairchild C-61 Forwarder / Model 24 / Argus - США - 1932Taylorcraft A / B / C / F-19 / F-21 / F-22 - США - 1937

  • Jane's All the World Aircraft 1938 / 01 - The progress of the world in civil aviation during the year 1937-38

    TRINIDAD'S AERODROME. - In the absence of any other place to land aeroplanes on the island, Mr. F.D.St.Hilaire has prepared this field, 100 yds. by 1,000 yds., and flies his Taylor "Cub" from it.

  • Мировая Авиация 196

    Первым действительно массовым самолетом в семействе стал J-2 Cub, построенный в 1935-1938 годах в количестве 1216 машин. Первоначальную цену в 1470 долларов в дальнейшем снизили до 1270 долларов.

  • Мировая Авиация 245

    Первым серийным вариантом семейства Cub был Taylor E-2, оснащенный двигателем Continental A-40. Обратите внимание на открытую с бортов кабину и угловатую форму вертикального оперения.
    E-2 Cub серийно выпускался в 1931-1936 годах с моторами Continental MO-2 или Continental A40-3.

  • Flight 1937-01 / Flight

    LANDLUBBING "MAYO": One Mike Murphy lifts his Taylor Cub from the roof of an obliging automobile at Miami.

  • Flight 1937-07 / Flight

    The start: P. B. Elwell's Taylor Cub is seen getting away, and Alington's Dart Kitten is next in the line.

    Другие самолёты на фотографии: Dart Kitten - Великобритания - 1937

  • Flight 1937-07 / Flight

    An idea of the range of vision provided for the pilot of the Cub may be gathered from this view, which, however, does not show how the starboard side can be opened right up for summer flying.

  • Flight 1937-08 / Flight

    Mr. Elwell brings his victorious Cub in over the attractive clubhouse at Ramsgate.

  • Flight 1938-07 / Flight

    Three Taylor Cubs, representing the County Club’s fleet, fly in professional formation over the new clubhouse at Rearsby.

  • Aeroplane Monthly 1992-07 / D.Middleton - Propellers (1)

    An interesting attempt at a simple VP propeller was the American Everel, dubbed the "amputated airscrew". The blade was pivoted on an oblique bearing and reacted to centrifugal and aerodynamic forces to change pitch through a limited range. It could be used only on small, low-powered aircraft, like the Cub.
    Like most unorthodox pieces of machinery, the Everel airscrew looks a little uncouth until one becomes used to its appearance.

  • Flight 1938-02 / Flight

    Like most unorthodox pieces of machinery, the Everel airscrew looks a little uncouth until one becomes used to its appearance. In the picture is seen the take-off demonstration, with the Everel-fitted Cub nearest the camera; both had left the same mark simultaneously.

  • Flight 1937-03 / Flight

    The American private-owner type: The Taylor Cub as a floatplane.

  • Flight 1938-01 / Flight

    8,000 MILES ON 40 H.P. Mr. J. Clancy (shaking hands) and Mr. R. H. Julius welcomed back by Mr. Bridgeland, secretary of the Royal Australian Aero Club, from a remarkable 8,000-mile flight round Australia in a Taylor Cub (40 h.p. Continental) by far the lowest-powered of the few machines which have ever made the circuit. Starting from Sydney and flying in an anti-clockwise direction, they made excellent progress, their only difficulties arising from primitive aerodromes and from navigational problems of the kind encountered when flying over hundreds of miles of territory virtually barren of any landmark. Between Perth and Adelaide they followed the longest stretch of dead straight railroad in the world - 400 miles. The other snapshot above shows a typical stretch of the uninviting country over which the little machine flew. Mr. Julius is a partner in the firm of Julius Gardiner and Co., of Sydney, who are handling the Cub in Australia, following an introduction by Mr. “Bill” Shackleton when he was visiting America some time ago.

  • Flight 1937-08 / Flight

    A detailed view of Mr. Elwell.

  • Фотографии