Поиск по сайту:
- CASA - CN.235 - 1983 - International
- IPTN - N.250 - 1995 - Индонезия
- CASA - C.295 - 1997 - Испания
EADS CASA (Airbus Military) C-295
На Парижском авиасалоне 1997 года фирма CASA представила свой собственный вариант CN.235 - удлиненный C-295 (длина 24,45 м). Максимальная полезная нагрузка возросла на 50% - до 9250 кг - что позволяет C-295 перевозить 71 полностью экипированного пехотинца или пять стандартных поддонов с грузом. Силовая установка самолета состоит из двух ТВД Pratt & Whitney Canada PW127G по 2645 л. с. (1972 кВт), вращающих шестилопастные винты Hamilton Standard HS0568F-5. В кабине установлен комплект оборудования Sextant Topdeck EFIS, включающий систему управления полетом, систему определения положения и курса, автопилот и три цветных ЖК-дисплея. Кроме того, установлены системы предотвращения столкновений и предупреждения опасного сближения с землей. Самолет-демонстратор совершил первый полет 28 ноября 1997 года, а первый C-295, соответствующий серийному стандарту, поднялся в воздух 22 декабря 1998 года. Сертификат ФАА был получен в декабре 1999 года. В феврале 2000 года испанские ВВС подтвердили стартовый заказ на девять самолетов, анонсированный еще в апреле 1999 года. Первые из этих машин были получены в 2004 году.
С тех пор были получены заказы еще от ряда стран, включая Алжир (6), Бразилию (20), Колумбию (4), Иорданию (2), Мексику (7), Польшу (12), Португалию (12), Финляндию (3), Чехию (4) и Чили (3). Некоторые из них заказали вариант морского патрульного самолета C-295 Persuader. В мае 2010 года было объявлено, что один из C-295 финских ВВС будет оборудован воздушной системой наблюдения фирмы "Lockheed Martin" для замены самолета Fokker F27, используемого в настоящее время.
Тип: тактический военно-транспортный самолет
Силовая установка: два ТВД Pratt & Whitney Canada PW127G мощностью no 2645 л. с. 1972 кВт
Летные характеристики: максимальная скорость 576 км/ч; потолок 7620 м; дальность полета с полезной нагрузкой 4550кг - 4300 км, дальность полета с максимальной полезной нагрузкой 1333 км
Масса: нормальная взлетная 21 000 кг; максимальная взлетная 23200 кг
Размеры: размах крыла 25,81 м; длина 24,50 м; высота 8,60 м; площадь крыла 59 м2
Вооружение (Persuader): до 3400 кг противокорабельных ракет или торпед на шести узлах подвески под крылом
- Описание
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-02 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - MILITARY/CIVIL
CASA's C-295 made its first flight on 28 November 1997 (1999)
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-02 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - MILITARY/CIVIL
First production C-295 pictured prior to its maiden flight (1999)
Мировая Авиация 39
ВВС Испании по понятной причине являются самым крупным эксплуатантом C-295. Тем не менее, этот превосходный транспортный самолет, по мнению ряда аналитиков, был бы несомненным фаворитом конкурса на ETC для Армии США.
Air International 2016-11 / C-130 Hercules: The World's Workhorse
Since its entry into service the Hercules of Ala 31 have undertaken more than 197,500 flight hours flying all types of airlift and air refuelling missions.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed HC-130 / KC-130 / MC-130 - США - 1959
Air International 2008-11 / K.Munson - Andalusian Airlifter CASA C-295 /Military/
An optional in-flight refuelling probe can be fitted to increase the endurance and range, as seen here refuelling from a Spanish Air Force KC-130H
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed HC-130 / KC-130 / MC-130 - США - 1959
Мировая Авиация 39
C-295 составил конкуренцию более крупному Lockheed Martin C-130J. Как и Hercules, он приспособлен для десантирования войск и сброса грузов с малых высот с помощью вытяжных парашютов.
Air International 2000-04 / Airscene
Among the aircraft making their debut at Asian Aerospace was the CASA C-295. Marketed as a complement to the C-130, the C-295 was due to tour the region after the show, with planned visits to Thailand and Malaysia. Also visible in this photograph are an Ilyushin Il-114-100 and Learjet 60.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Learjet Learjet 55 / 60 Longhorn - США - 1979Ильюшин Ил-114 - Россия - 1990
Air International 2005-09 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Delivery to the Polish Air Force of the last of eight C-295M transport aircraft, serials 011 to 018 (c/n S011 to S018), under a contract signed in 2001, was announced by EADS CASA on July 28, 2005. Formal hand over took place at Krakow-Balice Air Base, where the type is in service with 13 Eskadra Lotnicza Transportowego (Air Transport Squadron) replacing the unit's Antonov An-26s.
Air International 2008-11 / K.Munson - Andalusian Airlifter CASA C-295 /Military/
Poland was the first export customer, with an initial order for eight aircraft - later increased to 12. This photograph of 013 clearly illustrates some of the design features of the C-295, such as the high aspect ratio wing, faired main undercarriage and strakes under the rear fuselage.
Мировая Авиация 39
Хотя C-295 считается надежным самолетом в польских ВВС, 23 января 2008 года с ним произошла катастрофа на подходе к Мирославцу. Проведенное расследование привело к увольнению пяти человек командного состава и пересмотру рабочих процедур. После инцидента Словения отказалась от заказа данного типа самолета.
Air International 2013-12 / News
Airbus Military C295M 028 (c/n S-104) completing a test flight at San Pablo Airport, Seville in Spain, on October 28, 2013. The transport, the fifth of five ordered for the Polish Air Force in mid-2012, was delivered along with the fourth on November 2, taking the total number for Poland to 17.
Air International 2012-10 / News
Airbus Military C295M 024 (c/n S-092) is the first of five new examples ordered by the Polish Air Force. It is seen on approach after a test flight at San Pablo Airport at Seville in Spain on September 3, 2012.
Air International 2007-08 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
This Finnish Air Force CASA 295s made its RIAT debut. Operated by the Turkilentolaivue (Supporting Operations Squadron) from Jyvaskyla, the first of the two currently in service with the air arm was delivered on March 6, 2007. The aircraft attending RIAT, s/n CC-2, was handed over on March 29 this year. The Finns also hold options for five more CASA 295s that have yet to be exercised.
Air International 2007-04 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow
Seen arriving at Tikkakoski Air Base on delivery to the Finnish Air Force on March 6, 2007, coinciding with the 89th anniversary of the Air Force, is EADS CASA C-295M CC-1 (c/n 035). This is the first of two ordered in May 2005 to replace the current Fokker F27s, whilst options are held on a further five.
Мировая Авиация 39
Первый финский C-295 прибыл в Тиккакоски 6 марта 2007 года, финские самолеты оснащены штангами для дозаправки в воздухе. Предполагается приобрести еще пять таких машин.
Air International 2017-08 / M.Vallianos - Arctic Challenge /Military/
Finland's Ilmavoimat deployed one C295M and a single PC-12 to Rovaniemi for the duration of Arctic Challenge. Assigned to the TukiLLv based at Tampere-Pirkkala, both aircraft flew daily missions.
Air International 2016-08 / M.Ayton - Elefantes /Military/
The C295 has a fuselage length of 24.50m and a wingspan of 25.81 m.
Air International 2016-08 / M.Ayton - Elefantes /Military/
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Dassault Falcon 50 - Франция - 1976
Air International 2011-07 / T.Withington - C295 AEW Makes Maiden Flight /Military/
Portugal is one of several C295 operators around the world. The country is receiving a number of these airframes to fulfill the transport and maritime patrol roles.
Air International 2008-07 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
The second CASA C-295M for the Forca Aerea Portuguese (Portuguese Air Force), 16702 (c/n 042), made its maiden flight from Seville on May 19, 2008. The C-295Ms for the air arm have a distinctive nose radome and a bulged observation window on the rear fuselage ahead of the cabin door. Portugal ordered 12 C-295Ms in February 2006, of which seven will be in the standard transport configuration, while the other five will be equipped as VIMAR maritime surveillance aircraft. Three of the VIMARs will incorporate the Fully Integrated Tactical System (FITS) developed by EADS, although all can be rapidly converted to carry cargo.
Air International 2009-01 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
On November 18, 2008, the first of 12 EADS CASA C-295Ms for the Forca Aerea Portuguesa (Portuguese Air Force) was handed over in a ceremony attended by the Portuguese and Spanish Defence Ministers. The initial seven aircraft delivered will be configured as transports and will arrive at the rate of one every six weeks. They will be followed by the other five, which are VIMAR (Vigilancia Maritime) variants able to carry the EADS CASA Fully Integrated Tactical System (FITS) maritime surveillance suite inside their cabins.
Air International 2012-08 / K.van der Mark - Exploring New Grounds /Military/
The Czech Republic participated in EATT 2012 alongside the four EATC nations - Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands - and host nation Spain, bringing one of its relatively new C295Ms.
Air International 2013-01 / News
The first Airbus Military C295M for the Kazakhstan Air Defence Force is currently undergoing flight tests at the manufacturer's facility at San Pablo near Seville, Spain. C295M '01' red (c/n S-093) is seen at San Pablo on November 20, 2012. Kazakhstan announced it had ordered two of the medium transports on February 29, 2012, and placed options for six others to be exercised progressively over the coming years; all eight are due to be acquired by 2018. Initial deliveries are due in April.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2021-08 / С.Дроздов - Авиация силовых ведомств Казахстана (1)
C.295 СВО Казахстана
Авиация и Время 2013-01
15 января 2013г. на заводе Airbus Military в г. Севилье (Испания) состоялась официальная передача Силам воздушной обороны Казахстана двух военно-транспортных самолетов C-295M (сер. № 093, борт 01 и сер. № 096, борт 02). Машины поставлены в рамках контракта, подписанного в феврале 2012 г. Тогда же был подписан меморандум на дальнейшую поставку еще шести C-295M к концу 2018 г. Казахстан стал первым покупателем самолетов C-295M на территории бывшего СССР.
Air International 2013-02 / News
Noted making its first test flight at Seville-San Pablo Airport in Spain on December 11, 2012, was the second Airbus Military C295M ('02' red, c/n S-096) for the Kazakhstan Air Force. Kazakhstan ordered two of the tactical transports in early 2012 and placed options for a further six. The first ('01' red, c/n S-093) had begun flight tests by November 2012 and deliveries are expected to begin in April.
Air International 2014-09 / News
Airbus Defence and Space C295M ‘03’ red (msn S-119) is the third of the type for the Kazakhstan Air Defence Force. The nation signed a memorandum of understanding for two and options for six more in February 2012, ‘03' being the first of two of options exercised in late 2013. It was noted test flying from Seville-San Pablo Airport in Spain on July 17, 2014.
Air International 2016-08 / Airscene
Kazakhstan Air Force C295M 04 seen landing at RAF Mildenhall, Suffolk on July 13, 2016. Two other Kazakhstan Air Force aircraft, C295M 03 and An-72 07, also arrived at RAF Mildenhall the same day. The three aircraft transported troops to the UK to participate in the second stage of Steppe Eagle 2016, an annual Kazakh-led international peacekeeping exercise. This year troops from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, the UK and the United States participated in stage one, which took place at the Iliysky range in Kazakhstan during April. Stage two was held in the Stanford Training Area and designed to train troops in all aspects of peacekeeping operations, checkpoint activities and manning cargo convoys.
Air International 2014-01 / News
Airbus Military C295M EC-004 (msn S-109) departed San Pablo Airport, Seville in Spain, on December 3, 2013 for the Arab Republic of Egypt Air Force as 1187/SU-BSF. Egypt ordered 12 C295Ms in three batches, the latest placed in January 2013 covering six aircraft. Deliveries were suspended by Spain on August 28 because of the high level of violence in Egypt, although periodic reviews of the situation were undertaken. Two further C295Ms in Egyptian colours have recently been noted conducting test flights at San Pablo: msn S-103 on November 25 and S-110 the next day. By then msn S-103 had regained Egyptian camouflage and roundels, having been seen in an all-white scheme with United Nations titles in late September, when it was understood to be destined for Ghana.
Air International 2011-11 / News
C295 SU-BRP (c/n 083) is seen departing Seville-San Pablo in Spain on September 22, 2011 at the start of its delivery flight.
Air International 2012-12 / News
Noted undergoing test flights at San Pablo Airport in Seville, Spain, on October 5, 2012 was Airbus Military C295M 1193/SU-BRU (c/n S-094) destined for the Arab Republic of Egypt Air Force. The transport is the first of a follow-on batch of three ordered on March 24, which is expected to be delivered next year. Egypt already has three C295Ms in service, including one configured for VIP transport. The first arrived in the country on November 18, 2011.
Air International 2013-09 / News
Flying from the manufacturer's facility at San Pablo Airport, Seville in Spain on July 29, 2013, Airbus Military C295M 901 (c/n S100) is the first of the type for the Royal Air Force of Oman. The 100th example built, it made its public debut at the Paris Air Show at Le Bourget in June, albeit with its customer's markings covered over. Oman ordered eight C295Ms on May 21, 2012, five as transports and three as maritime patrol aircraft. The first was handed over in June but remained at Seville for crew training. It will be ferried to Oman later this year.
Air International 2023-08 / J.Lake - Innovation and Application
An Omani C295 MPA runs up while a CN-235 takes off in the background. Spanish production of the C-212 and CN-235 has now ended, allowing Seville to concentrate on the C295 and A400M
Другие самолёты на фотографии: CASA CN.235 - International - 1983
Air International 2014-12 / News
The first Royal Air Force of Oman (RAFO) C295MPA maritime patrol aircraft, ‘118' (c/n S-118), test flying from Seville-San Pablo Airport, Spain, on October 23, 2014 after being fully painted, having previously flown only in primer. The RAFO has ordered eight C295s, of which three will be in MPA configuration.
Air International 2014-09 / News
The first Airbus Defence and Space C295 maritime patrol aircraft for the Royal Air Force of Oman (msn S-118) was conducting flight tests from Seville-San Pablo Airport in Spain by early August 2014. The unpainted aircraft is equipped with a search radar; a forward-looking electro-optical/infrared turret under the nose; under-wing searchlight; a Terma 9000 side-looking airborne radar attached to the fuselage above the main landing gear sponson; and self defence and warning systems. In May 2012 Oman ordered three C295Ms for maritime patrol, equipped with the Fully Integrated Tactical System, as well as five standard transports.
Air International 2015-01 / News
Vietnamese Air Force (VAF) C295M (8901)/EC-004 (c/n S-123) at Malta International Airport on December 1, 2014 after arriving from the factory at Seville-San Pablo Airport, Spain, on its delivery flight. The aircraft is the first of three on order.
Air International 2015-03 / News
Philippine Air Force (PAF) C295M ‘129’ (c/n S-129) preparing for a test flight at Seville-San Pablo Airport, Spain, on January 23, 2015. The aircraft is the first of three on order to replace the PAF’s three remaining F27 Friendships.
Air International 2012-08 / News
The first Airbus Military C295M transport for the Indonesian Air Force was noted undertaking a test flight at San Pablo Airport in Seville, Spain, on July 3, 2012. The aircraft (A-9501, c/n S-090) is the first of nine ordered by Indonesia in late 2011. Indonesia was considering either the C295M or Alenia C-27J Spartan as a replacement for its Fokker F27s. However, on October 6, 2011, a teaming agreement was signed between Airbus Military and PT Dirgantara Indonesia that included marketing and coproduction of the C295, clearing the way for an order for the type for the Indonesian Air Force.
Air International 2012-10 / News
The first two Airbus Military C295Ms for the Indonesian Air Force departed San Pablo Airport, Seville in Spain, on their delivery flights. The aircraft were expected to arrive on September 21, 2012 and be assigned to Skadron Udara 2 to replace Fokker F27-400Ms at Lanuma Halim-Perdanakusuma in Jakarta, Java. The first initially flew as A-9501 (c/n S-090) but has since become A-2901, while the second (seen here) is A-2902 (c/n S-088).
Air International 2013-05 / News
On display in the static show was one of the two CASA C295Ms (A-2902, c/n 088) delivered to the Indonesian Air Force in September 2012. It is currently operated by SkU 2, but it is believed that all the CASA C295s will eventually be transferred to
SkU 27. -
Air International 2013-11 / News
Airbus Military C295M EC-001, the fifth example for the Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (Indonesian National Defence-Air Force), at Luqa Airport on Malta on October 1, 2013. It left the next day for Alexandria in Egypt on its journey to Indonesia. Nine C295Ms are on order for the air force, of which seven will be assembled in Seville, Spain, and two at Bandung, Indonesia, by IPTN.
Air International 2012-01 / News
The first Airbus Military C295M for the Ghana Air Force (550, c/n S-081) was recently delivered to the Transport Squadron. The delivery was announced by the manufacturer on November 18, 2011. The second aircraft will be delivered in the first half of 2012.
Air International 2012-06 / News
Airbus Military C295M GHF 551 (c/n S-087) is seen on approach to Gando-Las Palmas Airport on Grand Canaria on April 24, 2012. The transport, the second of the type for the Ghana Air Force, stopped at Gando for fuel on its delivery flight from Seville-San Pablo Airport in Spain. The first aircraft (GHF 550, c/n S-081) was flown to Ghana in November 2011.
Air International 2014-07 / News
On June 6, 2014 the Fuerza Aerea Ecuatoriana (Ecuadorian Air Force) accepted the first of three Airbus Defence & Space C295s (c/n S-117). A further two of the transports will be handed over before the end of the year. The initial aircraft is seen on approach to Seville on June 11, still wearing the temporary identity '117'.
Air International 2008-03 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
EADS CASA C-295M FAC 1280 (c/n S-033), the first for the Fuerza Aerea Colombiana (FAC - Colombian Air Force), is seen undertaking a test flight from Seville-San Pablo, Spain, on January 24, 2008. Spain offered Colombia a discounted deal in November 2005 to purchase two C-295Ms, seven CN-235s and 12 surplus ex-Spanish Air Force CASA C-212s, although the contract has never been officially confirmed. However, the appearance of this C-295 at Seville effectively confirms that an order must eventually have been finalised.
Мировая Авиация 39
В некоторых источниках бразильские C-295 упоминаются как Persuader, но фактически это тактические транспортные самолеты. Они решают задачи в рамках Системы защиты Амазонии и проекта "Северный коридор", направленного на поддержку населения отдаленных районов амазонских джунглей.
Air International 2008-11 / K.Munson - Andalusian Airlifter CASA C-295 /Military/
Brazil has ordered the C-295 to replace its C-115 Buffalo fleet. Note the distinctive scimitar-shaped six-blade Hamilton Sundstrand composite propellers.
Мировая Авиация 116
К середине 2010 года самым крупным оператором C-295 были ВВС Бразилии. Самолет на снимке используется для обеспечения пилотажной группы "Esquadrilha da Fumaqa".
Air International 2011-07 / T.Withington - C295 AEW Makes Maiden Flight /Military/
Along with several other nations in Latin America, Brazil has been a major C295 customer. The country has eleven C295 examples for general freighter missions, as well as search and rescue.
Air International 2006-12 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents, Special report
Forca Aerea Brasileira (FAB - Brazilian Air Force) EADS CASA C-295/C-105A Amazonas FAB 2800 (c/n 029) was handed-over to the FAB at the factory in Seville-San Pablo, Spain, on October 16, 2006. The first of 12 on order for the FAB, it was officially welcomed in Brasilia on October 23 following completion of its delivery flight. The aircraft is seen here on October 9 during a pre-delivery test flight from San Pablo.
Air International 2013-11 / News
Airbus Military C295M (c/n S-103), wearing United Nations titles, is one of two due to be delivered to Ghana under a recently announced lease-to-purchase scheme. It is due to support the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali. The transport is seen at Seville-San Pablo Airport in Spain on September 30, 2013. It was original destined for the Arab Republic of Egypt Air Force, but deliveries of military hardware to Egypt were suspended by Spain on August 28, allowing the C295M to be reassigned to Ghana.
Air International 2014-07 / N.Pittaway - C295 FITS the MPA Mission /Military/
The MBDA Marte Mk 2/S anti-ship missile was first carried by the C295MPA in 2013.
Мировая Авиация 39
C-295 Persuader может снаряжаться для противолодочных и других операций - подвески крепятся на шести подкрыльевых узлах.
Air International 2008-11 / K.Munson - Andalusian Airlifter CASA C-295 /Military/
C-295 Persuader может снаряжаться для противолодочных и других операций - подвески крепятся на шести подкрыльевых узлах.
The large internal volume of the C295 provides inherent flexibility in the design. Airbus Military has developed the baseline aircraft into the C295 Persuader maritime patrol platform.
This view of a maritime patrol variant, in its element, shows the electro-optical/infra-red turret under the nose immediately ahead of the search radar fairing. -
Air International 2014-07 / N.Pittaway - C295 FITS the MPA Mission /Military/
Four countries, including Chile, now use the C295MPA, with Airbus Defence and Space forecasting a need for 152 MPA aircraft in the next ten years.
Air International 2013-11 / J.Dorschner - Gulf Patrol /Military/
Chile's Airbus Military C295MPAs are equipped with the Fully Integrated Tactical System and can undertake over-the-horizon targeting.
Air International 2015-11 / D.Isby - Searchers & Hunters /Military/
Portuguese Air Force C295 Persuader 16702, one of five in service with Escuadron 502 'Elefantes' based at BA6 Montijo.
Air International 2013-09 / News
Airbus Military C295MPA Persuader 16710 (c/n S-063) of the Forca Aerea Portuguesa (Portuguese Air Force) has been fitted with new equipment. It is one of two Portuguese C295MPAs that are in the process of receiving the EADS Fully Integrated Tactical System, which was installed on the other three in service prior to delivery. The aircraft was noted conducting a test flight at San Pablo, Seville in Spain on July 17, 2013, prior to making its public debut at the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire, three days later.
Air International 2016-08 / M.Ayton - Elefantes /Military/
One of Esquadron 502's C295s configured for the maritime surveillance role, serial number 16710, seen at RAF Fairford after its arrival for the Royal International Air Tattoo 2013.
Air International 2016-08 / M.Ayton - Elefantes /Military/
Esquadron 502 C295 16708 on the flight line at BA6 Montijo. The photo shows one of the Terma SLAR 9000 antennas, the chin-mounted Wescam MX-15 turret, and radomes for the Elta ELM-2022A radar (under fuselage) and the Northrop Grumman AN/APN-241 colour weather radar (nose).
Air International 2016-08 / M.Ayton - Elefantes /Military/
Each six-bladed Hamilton Standard 586-F propeller is driven by a Pratt & Whitney Canada PW127G turboprop rated at 2,645hp (1,972kW).
Air International 2016-08 / M.Ayton - Elefantes /Military/
Esquadron 502 shares it's flight line at BA6 Montijo with the C-130H Hercules-equipped Esquadron 501. Both the C295 and the C-130H shown in this image were ready to launch in the event of an emergency situation.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed C-130 Hercules - США - 1954
Air International 2013-11 / J.Dorschner - Gulf Patrol /Military/
A torpedo launched from an Airbus Military C295MPA during a weapons trial.
Air International 2014-07 / N.Pittaway - C295 FITS the MPA Mission /Military/
The Mk 46 torpedo is the C295MPA’s principal anti-submarine warfare weapon.
Air International 2015-12 / N.Pittaway - Cautious Optimism in Seville /Military/
More than 160 C295s have been sold to 22 operators in 23 countries, with the type having accumulated more than a quarter of a million flying hours.
Air International 2018-07 / Airscene
The Airbus C295MPA variant has been sold to countries that include Oman (pictured here at Seville, prior to delivery in October 2015) and Chile.
Авиация и Время 2017-06 / А.Хаустов - Dubai Air Show-2017
Новинка салона - морской патрульно-спасательный самолет на базе C295W
Авиация и Время 2011-03
7 июня 2011г. в Испании, с аэродрома авиазавода Airbus Military в Севилье, совершил первый полет прототип самолета РЛДН C-295AEW. Полет продолжительностью 2 ч 48 мин прошел в штатном режиме, а экипаж во главе с командиром Апехандро Мадруга (Alejandro Madruga) положительно оценил поведение машины. Планируется, что C-295AEW примет участие в международном авиакосмическом салоне Paris Air Show-2011 в Ле Бурже в конце июня этого года. Информация о технических особенностях самолета и потенциальных заказчиках на данный момент отсутствует.
Air International 2013-02 / News
On January 2, 2013, Airbus Military announced it is testing winglets on the C295 tactical transport. The fuel-saving devices have been flown on EC-295 (c/n P-001), which is also being used as the airborne early warning testbed. The aircraft completed its first flight with winglets on December 21,2012, from Seville-San Pablo Airport in Spain, where it is seen here on January 14. The winglets are expected to improve hot and high runway performance, and increase range, endurance and lower fuel consumption.
Air International 2011-07 / T.Withington - C295 AEW Makes Maiden Flight /Military/
Airbus Military's company-owned C295 takes off from Seville-San Pablo on June 7, 2011. The aircraft mounts a mock-up rotodome.
Air International 2014-07 / N.Pittaway - C295 FITS the MPA Mission /Military/
Winglets on the C295W offer a 3% to 6% improvement in overall fuel consumption over the baseline aircraft.
Air International 2013-07 / News
Airbus Military used this year's trade media briefing to launch the C295W fitted with winglets, which is aimed at improving hot-and-high airfield performance.
Air International 2021-07 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology
Unmarked C-295W FIST EC-001 (c/n S-163) at Seville-San Pablo Airport, Spain, on April 7, 2021. Although unconfirmed, this is believed to be the aircraft used for the new COMMOMISS capability trials, as it was the only C-295 FIST aircraft fitted with the Ka-Band antenna dome
Air International 2021-02 / News: Commercial, Military
Anonymous-looking new Airbus C-295 EC-003 (c/n S-188, allocated N291LH) callsign ‘CASA988/AED988’ on approach to Getafe, Spain, on December 16, 2020 after flying over from Seville/San Pablo Airport prior to departing for Lajes and onwards to the USA. The aircraft was one of three departing from Seville on that date, the other two, EC-002 (c/n 189, to be N292LH) ‘AED989’ and EC-006 (c/n S-191, to be N293LH) ‘AED991,‘ routed direct to Lajes. The following day all three, wearing the same overall military-style grey scheme, continued to St John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. They are believed to be for L3Harris Technologies in Greenville, Texas.
Air International 2013-12 / News
A firefighting modification for the Airbus Military C295 recently conducted a flight test from the manufacturer’s airfield at San Pablo in Seville, Spain. The C295 prototype (EC-295, c/n P-001) was noted making a test flight on October 17, 2013, returning an hour later with the rear emergency door and newly-installed under fuselage hatches open. Five days later the company announced it had begun water-bombing trials at a site near Cordoba. Further tests are planned to evaluate the aircraft’s potential in the firefighting role.
Air International 2020-02 / News: Commercial, Military
A maritime surveillance configured C295 in Irish Air Corps colours.
Air International 2015-08 / News
Uzbekistan Air Force C295W '01 White' during a pre-delivery test flight from Seville-San Pablo Airport, Spain, on June 25, 2015. No order from Uzbekistan has been announced, but the aircraft is believed to be one of four on order.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2021-02 / С.Дроздов - Авиация силовых ведомств Узбекистана
В полете C-259W ВВС Узбекистана
Авиация и Космонавтика 2021-02 / С.Дроздов - Авиация силовых ведомств Узбекистана
Совместный полет узбекских C295, H-225 и AS350
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Aerospatiale Ecureuil / SA.350 - Франция - 1974Aerospatiale Super Puma / SA.332 / AS.532 Cougar - Франция - 1978
Авиация и Космонавтика 2021-02 / С.Дроздов - Авиация силовых ведомств Узбекистана
На стоянке - все 4 узбекские C295W
Air International 2021-11 / News: Commercial, Military
The IAF will become the 35th operator of the C295, with the global programme reaching 278 aircraft, 200 of which are already in operation
Air International 2017-07 / Airscene
The single Bangladesh Army Aviation C295W transport aircraft ordered in October 2016 is undergoing flight test at the Airbus facility at Seville. The aircraft, registered as S3-BRT (msn 170), should be delivered in the second half of this year under a contract that includes customer support and training. The aircraft is seen during a ground test at Seville on June 2, 2017.
Air International 2019-03 / Airscene
The Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) will receive a single Airbus Military C295 airlifter for its small airforce, becoming the 28th nation to order the type. C295TU-VMC will be delivered in transport configuration and built to the latest C295W standard with winglets and uprated engines. It will add to the two former Bulgarian An-26B transports (TU-VMA and TU-VMB) delivered in July 2018 and the single An-12 delivered in 2005. Cote d'Ivoire is slowly rebuilding its small air force, which was largely destroyed by French forces in November 2004 in retaliation for a deadly attack on French soldiers and the subsequent 2011 civil war. Cote d'Ivoire is also due to receive a single CN235 from PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI). The aircraft was ordered via AD Trade Belgium in April 2018.
Air International 2017-01 / Airscene
Canada's new search and rescue aircraft is going to be the C295. On December 8, 2016, the Government of Canada announced selection of the Airbus C295W to meet its Fixed-Wing Search and Rescue program. The Royal Canadian Air Force will receive 16 C295s modified for search and rescue with in-service support provided by a joint venture between Airbus Defence and Space and PAL Aerospace. Canadian content is substantial in the C295. Each aircraft comes with two Pratt & Whitney Canada engines; an L3 Wescam electro-optical system; and pilot training from a new facility developed by CAE. The first Royal Canadian Air Force C295 will be delivered three years after contract award.
Air International 2019-11 / Airscene
The first Canadian C295 SAR, to be designated CC-295 by the RCAF in its distinctive search and rescue colours. It wears the serial number 295501 and has construction number 183.
Air International 2020-11 / News: Commercial, Military
The first operational Royal Canadian Air Force Airbus Defence CC-295 Kingfisher, serial number 295501, prepares to land at CFB Comox, British Columbia, on September 17, 2020.
Air International 2019-09 / Airscene
The first C295 Fixed Wing Search and Rescue Aircraft for the RCAF will be delivered to Comox, British Colombia, before the end of 2019.
Air International 2015-05 / News
Winglet-equipped Mexican Navy C295M ANX-1254 (c/n S-133) takes off for a test flight from Seville-San Pablo Airport, Spain, on March 27, 2015. This is the first production C295 to be fitted with performance-enhancing winglets, which will become standard on future aircraft.
Air International 2017-11 / Airscene
The Bangladesh Army received its first twin-engine fixed-wing aircraft in mid-September 2017 when Airbus Defense & Space C295W S3-BRT (msn S-170) was delivered via Malta following an order for the aircraft in October 2016.
Air International 2016-06 / A.Drwiega - Fighting the Fires /Commercial/
A new market entrant is the Airbus C295W Water Bomber. The aircraft has been trialled with 3,500-litre (925 US gallon) roll-on/roll-off internal tanks in trials in France.
Air International 2018-01 / Airscene
The two guns suggested for the C295; lighter 12.7mm is mounted in the doorway.
Air International 2018-01 / Airscene
Roketsan’s Cirit laser-guided missile in the foreground and the same company's Teber-82 laser bomb-guidance kit under the wing of a C295.
Air International 2016-08 / M.Ayton - Elefantes /Military/
Close-up of the port side SLAR radar antenna.
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