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Страна : Россия

Год : 1995


Twin-turbine multipurpose helicopter

Ми-8, Ми-9 и Ми-17

   В 1997 году была создана новая серийная базовая модификация - Ми-8МТВ-5 (Ми-17В-5), отличающаяся задней рампой вместо двухстворчатого грузового люка и рядом других усовершенствований.

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  • Описание
  • Мировая Авиация 234

    Восстановление воздушной мощи Ирака. Закупки техники для ВВС производятся, главным образом, в США, исключая Eurocopter EC 635, сербские учебные самолеты Lasta и российские Ми-17. На снимке: два иракских Ми-17 принимают участие в медико-эвакуационной операции, авиабаза Балад, декабрь 2008 года. Восемь новых вертолетов, переданных иракским силам спецопераций, получили дополнительное бронирование и подвесные блоки НАР.

  • Air International 2007-05 / News: Headline, Military, Civil

    Поставляемые на экспорт вертолеты модификации Ми-8АМТ получили обозначение Ми-171 (имеются подварианты). Недавно Ирак закупил партию модифицированных вертолетов Ми-171Э.
    Military Transition Team members stand next to a newly refurbished Mi-171 helicopter for the Iraqi Air Force (IqAF) at New Al Muthana Air Base, Baghdad, Iraq, on February 17, 2007. The helicopter was later transferred to Taji Air Base, where it is one of four refurbished examples of the type now in service with the IqAF's 4 Squadron, which had logged 67 flying hours with the helicopters by March 29, including their first two operational missions. None of the Mi-171 s yet wear serials and are flying unmarked, apart from national insignia.

  • Air International 2009-01 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents

    Four new Mil Mi-17-V5 Hips arrived at Camp Taji on October 29, 2008 and were handed over to the Iraqi Air Force two days later. A total of 15 Mi-17-V5s have been delivered by Kazan Helicopters to Iraq, and others are due for hand-over by the end of 2008, assigned to 15 Squadron. Iraqi aircrews are being trained to operate them by US Air Force personnel from the 770th Expeditionary Advisor Squadron from the Coalition Air Force Transition Team of the Multi-National Division-Baghdad.

  • Air International 2011-03 / News

    SPAF-112 was one of a pair of Sudan People's Air Force Mi-17-V5s that flew over the city of Juba on January 25, 2011. Both carried the South Sudan flag during the flight.

  • Air International 2014-02 / News

    Both Mil Hips operated by the Sudanese Police Air Wing were noted at their home base at Khartoum International Airport in mid-December, 2013. Mi-171 100 (c/n 59489605704, ex OB-1646) can carry up to 22 people in its cabin and has clamshell rear doors. It was previously operated by Amazon Helis in Peru. Ramp-equipped Mi-17-V5 101 (c/n 736M07) was delivered new and is configured for 16 seats.

  • Авиация и Время 2015-05 / С.Дроздов - Нестареющая "восьмерка" (1)

    Ми-171Е (зав. № 171E.00.364.07.3505U) спасательной авиаслужбы Красного полумесяца Ирана. Аэродром Киш, 10 ноября 2010 г.

  • Мировая Авиация 234

    Вертолет Ми-17В-1 пакистанской армии готовится принять на борт медиков СВ Австралии во время ликвидации последствий наводнения в районе Кот Адду, Пакистан, осень 2010 года.

  • Air International 2014-02 / J.Dorschner - Hungary's Fleet Revolution /Military/

    There is considerable support within the Hungarian armed forces for new Mi-17s, a type that is familiar and well liked by air and ground crews, and by the troops they support. The main prospect is an even more refined version of the Mi-17V-5, similar to this example in service with the Venezuelan Air Force.

  • Air International 2012-07 / News

    Seen recently at Kazan in Russia was this Mil Mi-17V-5 destined for the Egyptian Air Force. The helicopter is armed with 80mm rocket pods, twin 23mm cannon pods and 12.7mm machine-guns mounted in the door and rear window. It is part of an order for 20 placed by Egypt with the Kazan Helicopter Plant.

  • Air International 2020-12 / 'Hippo' - Flying into the Bazar

    A relatively new Bangladesh Air Force Mi-171Sh operating with 31 Sqn touches down at Cox’s Bazar Airport's air force facility. Note the external fuel tank attached to one of the helicopter’s stores stations

  • Air International 2011-05 / News

    One of the three Mi-17V5s handed over to the RTA on March 28, 2011 departs Bang Khen helipad in Bangkok for a demonstration flight.

  • Air International 2000-03 / Airscene

    Seen during pre-delivery test flying by Kazan Helicopters, Mil Mi-17MD (Mi-8MTV-5) Hips RAF-1707 and RAF-0210 are two of the four examples which were delivered to the Rwandan Air Force last November 1999. One further VIP-configured example is also in production for later delivery. Apart from two Mi-24 Hinds acquired in 1997, these are the first aircraft acquired by Rwanda since the end of the civil war in 1994, which left the Air Force without any active aircraft.

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