- Миль - Ми-8 / Ми-8Т - 1962 - Россия
- Миль - Ми-8ПП / Ми-8МТП - 1971 - Россия
- Миль - Ми-8МТ / Ми-17 - 1975 - Россия
- Миль - Ми-9 - 1976 - Россия
- Миль - Ми-8МТВ-5 / Ми-17В-5 / Ми-8АМТ - 1995 - Россия
Ми-8, Ми-9 и Ми-17
В 1997 году была создана новая серийная базовая модификация - Ми-8МТВ-5 (Ми-17В-5), отличающаяся задней рампой вместо двухстворчатого грузового люка и рядом других усовершенствований.
- Описание
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-05 - AIRCRAFT - ROTARY-WING - MILITARY/CIVIL
Kazan's `Hip' demonstrator RA-70937 in its 1997 guise as an Mi-17MD/Mi-8MTV-5 with flight deck armour and spine IR jammer (1998)
Air International 2012-09 / News
The vast majority of the new-generation Mil Mi-8s, in the form of the Mi-8AMTSh, were delivered to two army aviation branch airbases in the South Military District, the 387th at Budyonnovsk and the 393rd AvB at Korenovsk. This example, seen during an exercise in Nalchik, serves with the 393rd AvB.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-05 - AIRCRAFT - ROTARY-WING - MILITARY/CIVIL
Rear-loading ramp of Kazan/Mil Mi-17MD (1997)
Air International 2011-09 / News
The Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant has delivered a second batch of eight Mil Mi-8AMTShs to the Russian Air Force. The helicopters are part of the Government Defence Order 2011 and although no figure was given for the number handed over in the second batch, at least six examples are seen here on the flightline at Ulan-Ude, Buryatia. (The nearest helicopter, '51' red, also carries the civil RF- prefix on the tailboom, but no figures.) They were handed over in mid-May 2011 and departed at the end of the month for service units, while the original batch was delivered in December 2010. Further Mi-8AMTShs are due to enter Russian service in the second half of 2011.
Мировая Авиация 245
На Ми-8МТШ, вооруженном варианте Ми-8, установлен прицельный комплекс от Ми-24. ВВС России закупили 20 таких вертолетов, которые базируются в Кореновском районе, Краснодарский край.
Air International 2017-01 / Airscene
The first Mi-8AMTSh-VA was delivered to Russian Naval Aviation in November 2016 and assigned to the Pacific Fleet's 7060th Air Base at Yelizovo on the remote Kamchatka Peninsula.
Air International 2017-08 / A.Mladenov, A.Zinchuk - Aviadarts 2017 /Military/
Mi-8MTV-5 RF-90672 armed with one UPK-23-250 gun pod on the inner port outrigger pylon and a B8V-20 rocked pod on the inner starboard pylon.
Air International 2011-11 / J.Schoofs - Military at MAKS /Military/
Fifty years after its first flight in 1961, the Mil Mi-8/Mi-17 Hip is still one of the most successful helicopters in production with more than 11,000 delivered worldwide. The Russian Air Force received a first batch of ten Mi-8AMTSh Hip-H transport/assault helicopters, built by the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant (UUAP), in December 2010. A second batch was handed over in June 2011. The Hip-H can carry up to 36 fully equipped troops, 12 wounded on stretchers or four tons of cargo, internally or externally. For rapid evacuation of troops, the cabin has a standard size sliding door on the port side and a double-sized one on the starboard side. The former door has an electric hoist that can lift up to 150kg (330lb) in the SAR/CSAR role. Cargo or vehicles can be loaded easily through a full-width ramp in the back. Bombs, rockets, missiles and gun pods can be carried on triple pylons mounted on outriggers on both sides of the cabin. Night operations are facilitated by the installation of a 1,600 watt searchlight under the nose. The export version of the Mi-8AMTSh is designated Mi-171Sh and the latest variant produced by Kazan Helicopters is the Mi-8MTV-5 (with an export designation Mi-17V-5). Mi-8MTV-5 73 Yellow assigned to the Torzhok training centre was present at MAKS.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-12 / Д.Пичугин - "Запад-2013" /Репортаж/
Пара Ми-8 с тактическим десантом на борту над полигоном
Air International 2018-08 / Airscene
A pair of Mi-8AMTSh-V tactical transport helicopters from Novosibirsk-Tolmachevo in the Central Military District.
Air International 2015-05 / A.Mladenov - Russia's Helicopter Country /Military/
The Mi-8MTV-5-1 is a new-generation tactical transport rotorcraft operated by the Torzhok centre in addition to three frontline units, all of them stationed in the Western Military District, each equipped with one squadron flying the type.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2014-11 / Д.Пичугин - Дальневосточная проверка /Учения/
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Сухой Су-30 - Россия - 1988
Авиация и Время 2011-05 / Р.Мараев - МАКСа разноцветье
Вертолеты Ми-8АМТ и Ми-26Т2
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-26 - Россия - 1977
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-06
Вертолеты - участники парада Победы 9 мая в Москве
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-26 - Россия - 1977
Авиация и Космонавтика 2014-06
Вертолеты армейской авиации - участники Парада Победы в Москве
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-26 - Россия - 1977
Авиация и Космонавтика 2012-09 / В.Бакурский - Праздник в воздухе
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-26 - Россия - 1977
Air International 2012-10 / P.Butowski - Russian Air Force at 100
One of two brand new Mi-26 Halo heavy lift helicopters delivered to the Russian Air Force appeared at Zhukovsky, accompanied by two new Mi-8MTV-5-1 Hips.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-26 - Россия - 1977
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-08 / С.Ковалев - Праздник в небесах
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-26 - Россия - 1977
Авиация и Космонавтика 2015-06 / Участники Парада Победы 9 мая 2015 г.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-26 - Россия - 1977
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-06
Вертолеты - участники парада Победы 9 мая в Москве
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-26 - Россия - 1977
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-06
Воздушный парад над Москвой, посвященный 75-й годовщине Великой Победы
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-26 - Россия - 1977
Авиация и Космонавтика 2010-07
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-24П / Ми-35П - Россия - 1974Миль Ми-26 - Россия - 1977
Air International 2018-02 / V.Trendafilovski - Russian military aviation in Crimea /Military/
Mi-8AMTSh 58 blue (RF-91165, c/n AMTS00643105802U) of 39 VP deploys special forces troops at the Pogonovo range near Voronezh on June 17, 2017 as part of the Aviadarts 2017 competition.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2021-10
Вертолеты ВКС России во время демонстрационных полетов на Международном военно-техническом форуме "Армия-2021"
Air International 2002-08 / Airscene
Kazan Helicopter Plant’s demonstrator Mil Mi-17V-5 96370 seen whilst displaying at the FIDAE 2002 air show at the beginning of April 2002, shortly before embarking on a Sotuh American demonstration tour during which it crashed in northern Chile on June 4.
Air International 2021-08 / A.Mladenov - Power struggle
Currently only a small proportion of the Mi-171Shs and Mi-17V-5s built for export customers are powered by enhanced VK-2500-02 engines, with the majority of the newly-built Hip derivatives still sporting the more affordable TV3-117VMA
Мировая Авиация 193
Вертолеты семейства Ми-8/17 стали без преувеличения самыми популярными в истории мирового вертолетостроения. На фотографии - вертолет выпуска улан-удинского авиазавода.
Мировая Авиация 231
Модернизированный Ми-8МТВ-5 (Ми-17МД) выпуска Казанского вертолетного завода. Отличительные особенности - современная РЛС, композитные лопасти несущего винта, система аварийного приводнения, современное БРЭО, увеличенная масса груза и внешней подвески и др. Индия в мае 2000 года заказала 40 машин.
Air International 2015-10 / News
The Mi-8AMTSh-037’s Vitebsk L370E8 self-defence suite.
Air International 2021-08 / A.Mladenov - Power struggle
All of the helicopters ordered by the Russian MoD are now receiving engines manufactured at Klimov in St Petersburg. In turn, some of the export derivatives still use Motor Sich-supplied VK-2500 ad TV3-117VM/VMA turboshafts. This is a Russian VKS Mi-8AMTSh-V assault transport helicopter powered by the VK-2500-03 to endow it with a vastly improved hot-and-high performance, with first deliveries reported in 2015
Air International 2015-10 / News
Configured with ECM for jamming enemy air defence radars, the Mi-8MTPR1 Rychag is the only in-production Russian helicopter.
Air International 2018-10 / News by countries
Mil's Mi-8AMTSh-VN is designed with the lessons learned by Russia's armed forces during its involvement in the devastating war in Syria.
Air International 2017-09 / P.Butowski - New Russian Rotorcraft /Military/
The export version of the Mi-8MN, dubbed the Mi-171Sh-VN in a digital colour scheme configured for special operations.
Air International 2017-09 / P.Butowski - New Russian Rotorcraft /Military/
The Mi-171Sh-VN displayed at MAKS loaded with guided 9M120 Ataka anti-tank missiles, 80mm S-8 unguided rockets, and a forward-firing 12.7mm Kord machine gun.
Air International 2021-10 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology, Space
The latest Mi-171Sh variant
Air International 2015-08 / A.Mladenov - Workhorse Soldiers On /Commercial/
The new derivatives of the Mi-8/Mi-17/Mi-171, such as this UTair Mi-8AMT, are more expensive than the Mi-8T/P in price and direct operating costs. Most, if not all, existing Mi-8T operators do not see them as direct replacements.
Air International 2014-10 / A.Mladenov - Revitalising a Legend /Paramilitary/
The current production-standard Mi-171A (this one is operated by UTair) is now regarded as an ageing design and Russian commercial operators have raised requirements for a more modern aircraft featuring a rapidly re-configurable cabin and a type certification in accordance to European and US airworthiness requirements.
Air International 2007-10 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Seen here devoid of registration during pre-delivery test flying, this Mi-171 is one of two acquired by Rosneft, Russia's largest oil company, from the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant. These brand-new helicopters, manufactured and delivered in July 2007, will be operated by UTAir on behalf of Rosneft to support exploitation of the Vankorsk oil and gas field, one of the largest in the world. Of note are the two additional external fuel tanks, mounted on pylons above the sponsons on each side of the helicopter to enable long-range flights to be undertaken.
Air International 2017-06 / Airscene
The Mi-8/Mi-17/Mi-171 family will continue to be Russian Helicopters’ best-selling model until the mid-2020s.
Air International 2021-08 / A.Mladenov - Power struggle
The Mi-8AMTSh-VA is a Hip derivative on steroids that comes powered by the VK-2500-03 turboshaft designed for use in Arctic conditions
Air International 2017-09 / P.Butowski - New Russian Rotorcraft /Military/
The Mi-8AMTSh-VA configured and painted for arctic operations.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2018-07
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Камов Ка-52 Аллигатор - Россия - 1997
Air International 2018-03 / Airscene
Uprated engines and a composite tail rotor are key features of the Mi-171E2. The new version is intended to offer improved opportunities for use in hot-and-high environments.
Air International 2020-08 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology
Russian Helicopters' Mil MI-8AMT, now optimised for Arctic operations.
Air International 2018-02 / Airscene
The Mi-171E is a generic designation that covers a family of sub-versions delivered to military and government customers but the new, much enhanced helicopter, is expected to be re-designated as the Mi-171E2 upon entering into service.
Air International 2015-01 / News
The first Mi-171A2 prototype, OP-1, making its maiden flight on November 25, 2014.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2015-11 / А.Юргенсон - Сюрпризы МАКС-2015
Ми-171А-2 и Ми-38-2
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-38 - Россия - 2003
Air International 2014-10 / A.Mladenov - Revitalising a Legend /Paramilitary/
The Mi-171 A2’s rotor hub and blades were derived from those fitted to the Mi-38.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-38 - Россия - 2003
Air International 2014-10 / A.Mladenov - Revitalising a Legend /Paramilitary/
The first prototype Mi-171A2 (OP-1) pictured during its public debut at the MAKS airshow at Zhukovsky near Moscow in August 2013.
Air International 2014-10 / A.Mladenov - Revitalising a Legend /Paramilitary/
An attractive payload/range capability and a considerable increase in the cruise speed are promised for the Mi-171A2 due to the all-new rotor system and more powerful and fuel-efficient engines.
Air International 2014-10 / A.Mladenov - Revitalising a Legend /Paramilitary/
Only minor cosmetic changes were made from the Mi-171's external layout to reduce development time and costs.
Air International 2014-10 / A.Mladenov - Revitalising a Legend /Paramilitary/
A forward-facing KOS-17 camera, mounted in the nose of the helicopter, covers a 120° arc in the horizontal plane for enhanced situational awareness.
Air International 2019-12 / Backpages
RUSSIAN HELICOPTERS Holding Company announced on October 11, 2019, that its board has made the decision to merge the Mil Moscow Helicopter plant and Kamov into a single entity, to be known as the JSC National Helicopter Centre (NHC).
Air International 2020-02 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology
India and Colombia are the latest countries to certify the Mi-171 A2.
Air International 2014-10 / A.Mladenov - Revitalising a Legend /Paramilitary/
The X-shaped tail rotor provides better efficiency and produces 20% less noise.
Air International 2014-10 / A.Mladenov - Revitalising a Legend /Paramilitary/
Pall intake filters are intended to provide reliable operation and save the engines from wear and tear in dusty and sandy conditions.
Air International 2019-10 / P.Butowski - Aviadarts 2019 /Military/
Fitted with a Vitebsk self-defence suite, the crew of Belarussian Mi-8MTV-5 85 won the Aviadarts transport assault category.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2018-08 / С.Дроздов - Крылья над берегами Каспия
Ми-17 Специальной государственной службы охраны
Авиация и Космонавтика 2018-08 / С.Дроздов - Крылья над берегами Каспия
Ми-17 МЧС Азербайджана
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-11 / С.Дроздов - Авиация силовых ведомств Туркменистана
Ми-17-1В МВД Туркменистана
Авиация и Космонавтика 2020-11 / С.Дроздов - Авиация силовых ведомств Туркменистана
Ми-24 и Ми-8 туркменских ВВС
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Миль Ми-24 / Ми-35 - Россия - 1969
Air International 2016-11 / Airscene
Recently delivered Serbian Air Force (Ratno Vazduhoplovstvo i Protivvazduhoplovna Odbrana - RViPVO) Mil Mi-17V5 was displayed to the general public for the first time at the Batajnica Air Base open day on October 1, 2016. One of two Mi-17V5s was in the static display, serial number 12491, while aircraft 12492 took part in a combat search and rescue demonstration with an SA342 Gazelle. The brand-new helicopters were delivered from Russian Helicopters/Kazan Helicopters in late June and are assigned to the 890. mesovita helikopterska eskadrila (890th Combined Helicopter Squadron), part of the 204. vazduhoplovna brigade (204th Aviation Brigade) at Batajnica.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Aerospatiale Gazelle / SA.341/SA.342 - Франция - 1967
Air International 2020-02 / I.Bozinovski - Police Hawks at 50 /Parapublic Helicopters/
Responsible for the force's first operational deployment outside national borders, Mi-17V-5 MAP-7714 was deployed to neighbouring Serbia between May 18-23, 2014, to support disaster-relief operations after catastrophic floods.
Air International 2020-02 / I.Bozinovski - Police Hawks at 50 /Parapublic Helicopters/
Macedonian Police Mi-171 serial 710 (c/n 171E00067842806U) was one of two Mi-171s built in November 2007 and supplied in the colours of their planned customer, the Iraqi Air Force. Serial 710 now serves as MAP-7710.
Air International 2020-02 / I.Bozinovski - Police Hawks at 50 /Parapublic Helicopters/
Macedonian Police Mi-171 MAP-7710 during the Autumn Storm 2018 military/police exercise. The Mi-171s are combat-capable and a first firing of the Elbit STAR guided rocket occurred in the first half of 2013.
Air International 2020-02 / I.Bozinovski - Police Hawks at 50 /Parapublic Helicopters/
The ANVIS-HUD helmet system displayed in front of Macedonian Police Mi-171 MAP-7711. Between 2012 and 2014, all four police 'Hips' underwent the two-stage 'Balkan' upgrade that provided them with NVG-compatible cockpits.
Мировая Авиация 234
Восстановление воздушной мощи Ирака. Закупки техники для ВВС производятся, главным образом, в США, исключая Eurocopter EC 635, сербские учебные самолеты Lasta и российские Ми-17. На снимке: два иракских Ми-17 принимают участие в медико-эвакуационной операции, авиабаза Балад, декабрь 2008 года. Восемь новых вертолетов, переданных иракским силам спецопераций, получили дополнительное бронирование и подвесные блоки НАР.
Air International 2007-05 / News: Headline, Military, Civil
Поставляемые на экспорт вертолеты модификации Ми-8АМТ получили обозначение Ми-171 (имеются подварианты). Недавно Ирак закупил партию модифицированных вертолетов Ми-171Э.
Military Transition Team members stand next to a newly refurbished Mi-171 helicopter for the Iraqi Air Force (IqAF) at New Al Muthana Air Base, Baghdad, Iraq, on February 17, 2007. The helicopter was later transferred to Taji Air Base, where it is one of four refurbished examples of the type now in service with the IqAF's 4 Squadron, which had logged 67 flying hours with the helicopters by March 29, including their first two operational missions. None of the Mi-171 s yet wear serials and are flying unmarked, apart from national insignia. -
Air International 2009-01 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Four new Mil Mi-17-V5 Hips arrived at Camp Taji on October 29, 2008 and were handed over to the Iraqi Air Force two days later. A total of 15 Mi-17-V5s have been delivered by Kazan Helicopters to Iraq, and others are due for hand-over by the end of 2008, assigned to 15 Squadron. Iraqi aircrews are being trained to operate them by US Air Force personnel from the 770th Expeditionary Advisor Squadron from the Coalition Air Force Transition Team of the Multi-National Division-Baghdad.
Air International 2016-04 / News
Kazan’s booming business since 2010 was achieved from two Indian military orders for a total of 151 Mi-17-V5s. An order for 48 more is expected within the next 12 months.
Air International 2022-09 / A.Mladenov - In a tail spin
The Indian Air Force Mi-17V-5s are a mixture of helicopters with single-piece rear ramps and the old-style manually operated clamshell doors as shown here
Air International 2013-02 / News
«Вертолеты России» рассчитывают до конца года подписать контракте Индией на поставку 48 Ми-17В5, сообщил журналистам глава холдинга Андрей Богинский: «Надеемся, что до конца года выйдем на подписание контракта с Индией по Ми-17В5 и соответственно в 2018 г. поставим первые вертолеты».
Mil Mi-17B-5 ZP5166 is one of the latest batch of the type delivered to the Indian Air Force.
Авиация и Время 2015-05 / С.Дроздов - Нестареющая "восьмерка" (1)
Ми-171 (зав. № 171C.00.496.07.1810U) авиакомпании Mongolyan ALT, сентябрь 2014 г.
Air International 2008-05 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant (UUAP) announced on March 14, 2008 that the Mongolian Civil Aviation Department had awarded a Type Acceptance Certificate for the UUAP-built Mi-171 helicopter, paving the way for them to be delivered and flown by Mongolian civil aviation operators. One such customer is Ulaan Baatar-based mining company Mongolyan Alt MAK Corporation, which will take delivery of this Mi-171, JU6601.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2017-02 / В.Морозов - В степях, где течет Керулен: Авиация Монголии 1924-2016 (2)
Один из двух новых Ми-171 ВВС Монголии. Не ранее 2014 г.
Air International 2012-06 / News
Afghan Air Force Mi-17V-5 715 is put through its paces at Kazan's production flight test centre. The manufacturer is currently fulfilling an order for 21 of the type for Afghanistan.
Авиация и Время 2015-06 / С.Дроздов - Нестареющая "восьмерка" (2)
Ми-17 из 377-й эскадрильи ВВС Афганистана. Кабул, 29 мая 2015 г.
Air International 2012-08 / R.Polderman - Afghan Workhorse /Military/
An order for ten Mi-17V-5 Hip helicopters for the AAF was placed during 2008, and the last four of this order were received during December of 2010. Seen taking off from Kabul with a few brightly coloured Hips in the background is Mi-17V-5 serial 710.
Air International 2012-03 / News
Mil Mi-17 helicopter crews of the Afghan Air Force are seen conducting a pre-flight briefing at Fayzabad in Badakhshan province, Afghanistan, on January 24, 2012. The Afghan crews, alongside members of the US Air Force's 438th Air Expeditionary Advisory Squadron, were preparing to fly their Mil Mi-17 helicopters to extract people injured by an avalanche near the village of Shewa.
Авиация и Время 2015-06 / С.Дроздов - Нестареющая "восьмерка" (2)
Ми-171Ш Армейской авиации HOAK. Новосибирск, 19 августа 2013 г.
Air International 2011-03 / News
SPAF-112 was one of a pair of Sudan People's Air Force Mi-17-V5s that flew over the city of Juba on January 25, 2011. Both carried the South Sudan flag during the flight.
Air International 2014-02 / News
Both Mil Hips operated by the Sudanese Police Air Wing were noted at their home base at Khartoum International Airport in mid-December, 2013. Mi-171 100 (c/n 59489605704, ex OB-1646) can carry up to 22 people in its cabin and has clamshell rear doors. It was previously operated by Amazon Helis in Peru. Ramp-equipped Mi-17-V5 101 (c/n 736M07) was delivered new and is configured for 16 seats.
Авиация и Время 2015-05 / С.Дроздов - Нестареющая "восьмерка" (1)
Ми-171Е (зав. № 171E.00.364.07.3505U) спасательной авиаслужбы Красного полумесяца Ирана. Аэродром Киш, 10 ноября 2010 г.
Мировая Авиация 234
Вертолет Ми-17В-1 пакистанской армии готовится принять на борт медиков СВ Австралии во время ликвидации последствий наводнения в районе Кот Адду, Пакистан, осень 2010 года.
Air International 2014-02 / J.Dorschner - Hungary's Fleet Revolution /Military/
There is considerable support within the Hungarian armed forces for new Mi-17s, a type that is familiar and well liked by air and ground crews, and by the troops they support. The main prospect is an even more refined version of the Mi-17V-5, similar to this example in service with the Venezuelan Air Force.
Air International 2012-07 / News
Seen recently at Kazan in Russia was this Mil Mi-17V-5 destined for the Egyptian Air Force. The helicopter is armed with 80mm rocket pods, twin 23mm cannon pods and 12.7mm machine-guns mounted in the door and rear window. It is part of an order for 20 placed by Egypt with the Kazan Helicopter Plant.
Air International 2020-12 / 'Hippo' - Flying into the Bazar
A relatively new Bangladesh Air Force Mi-171Sh operating with 31 Sqn touches down at Cox’s Bazar Airport's air force facility. Note the external fuel tank attached to one of the helicopter’s stores stations
Air International 2011-05 / News
One of the three Mi-17V5s handed over to the RTA on March 28, 2011 departs Bang Khen helipad in Bangkok for a demonstration flight.
Air International 2000-03 / Airscene
Seen during pre-delivery test flying by Kazan Helicopters, Mil Mi-17MD (Mi-8MTV-5) Hips RAF-1707 and RAF-0210 are two of the four examples which were delivered to the Rwandan Air Force last November 1999. One further VIP-configured example is also in production for later delivery. Apart from two Mi-24 Hinds acquired in 1997, these are the first aircraft acquired by Rwanda since the end of the civil war in 1994, which left the Air Force without any active aircraft.
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