Lodestar L-18/C-59/R5O
Военно-транспортный самолет. Двухмоторный цельнометаллический моноплан с двухкилевым оперением и убирающимся шасси. Военный вариант пассажирского самолета L-18 "Лоудстар", созданного в КБ "Локхид эйркрафт корпорейшн" под руководством Дж. Коулинга. Первым военным "Лоудстаром" стал опытный XR5O-1, выпущенный в 1940 г. по заказу авиации флота США. В том же году моряки получили первую серию транспортных R5O, мало отличавшихся от базовых пассажирских моделей. Массовое производство уже по-настоящему приспособленных для военных перевозок C-59 развернули в 1942 г. Всего построили 625 "лоудстаров", в т.ч. 480 военных.
Экипаж - 3 чел., 14 - 18 пассажиров. Двигатели в зависимости от модификации. Штатного вооружения нет, но на вариантах C-57 и C-60A предусмотрены гнезда в окнах кабины для ведения огня из оружия десанта.
Самолеты семейства "Лоудстар" состояли на вооружении морской (с осени 1940 г.) и армейской авиации (с мая 1941 г.) США, ВВС Великобритании (с февраля 1940 г.), Южно-Африканского Союза (с середины 1940 г.), Голландской Ост-Индии (с лета 1941 г.), Австралии (с июня 1942 г.), Канады (с января 1943 г.), Новой Зеландии (с июня 1943 г.) и Бразилии (тоже с 1943 г.).
Выпускались следующие специализированные военно-транспортные варианты:
- R5O-1 на базе модели L-18-40 с моторами R-1820-97;
- R5O-2 на базе L-18-07 с моторами R-1690-25;
- R5O-3, самолет для перевозки высшего командного состава с салоном-люкс на базе L-18-10 с моторами R-1830-34A;
- C-59 ("Лоудстар" IA) на базе L-18-07 с моторами R-1690-25;
- C-60 ("Лоудстар" II) на базе L-18-56 с моторами R-1820-87;
- C-60A с моторами R-1820-87;
- R5O-4, штабной самолет на 7 мест на базе L-18-56 с моторами R-1820-40;
- R5O-5, аналог R5O-4 с обычным салоном на 14 мест.
Кроме этого, ВВС армии США реквизировали значительное количество гражданских L-18 и эксплуатировали их под обозначениями C-56 и C-57. Американские "лоудстары" использовались на территории США, в Южной Америке и на Тихом океане, преимущественно для тыловых перевозок.
Британские Королевские ВВС забрали у компании BOAC пассажирские L-18 и приняли их на вооружение как "Лоудстар" I. Ими частично укомплектовали транспортные части в Северной Африке. С февраля 1941 г. они базировались в Египте, откуда летали на Мальту, в Грецию и на о. Крит. В апреле 1941 г. участвовали в эвакуации из Югославии и Греции. Впоследствии вместе с прибывшими из США самолетами типов IA и I осуществляли перевозки пассажиров, почты и срочных грузов в Африке и на Ближнем Востоке.
Голландцы закупили партию этих транспортных самолетов, которые использовали при недолгой обороне Индонезии, а затем продали их австралийским ВВС. Австралийцы и новозеландцы применяли "лоудстары" для связи своих частей на Тихоокеанском театре военных действий с родиной.
В Южной Африке конфисковали пассажирские машины местных авиакомпаний. Часть из них вооружили и превратили в бомбардировщики (в боях они не применялись). Транспортные "лоудстары" южноафриканских ВВС участвовали в захвате Мадагаскара в 1942 г.
Канадские и бразильские самолеты применялись только для внутренних перевозок. Выпуск последней модификации, C-60A, прекратили в конце 1943 г.
"Лоудстары" сняли с вооружения в Голландской Ост-Индии в апреле 1942 г., в Великобритании - в октябре 1942 г., в Австралии и ЮАС - в 1944 г., в Новой Зеландии - в конце 1945 г., в Бразилии - в 1948 г.
Размах:||19,96 м
Длина:||15,19 м
Моторы, количество х мощность:||2x1200 л.с.
Взлетная масса, максимальная:||9525 кг
Максимальная скорость:||428 км/ч
Практический потолок:||9175 м
Дальность:||4025 км
- Lodestar L-18/C-59/R5O
- Lockheed 18 Lodestar
Aviation Historian 16 / N.Mathisrud - The Other Stockholm Run
Lockheed 18-08 G-AGDE Loch Lesja (c/n 2086) operated as part of the Norwegian Detachment from mid-August 1941. The aircraft was painted in American variants of Dark Green, Dark Earth and Sky Grey before its ferry flight to Britain, and had the undersides repainted Aluminium after its arrival.
Aviation Historian 16 / N.Mathisrud - The Other Stockholm Run
Lockheed C-60A G-AGLH (c/n 2616) circa the spring of 1945. It was delivered in standard USAAF camouflage of Dark Olive Drab 41 and Neutral Gray 43. After its arrival in the UK, disruptive areas of Extra Dark Sea Grey were painted on the upper surfaces and the lower surfaces were painted Night.
Мировая Авиация 165
Как и другие представители двухдвигательных самолетов компании "Lockheed", Model 18 не пользовался особой популярностью у авиакомпаний США. Одним из исключений была компания "Alaska Star Airlines" (на снимке).
Aviation Historian 18 / D.Stringer - Ted Baker & National Airlines
Following National’s programme of modernisation the company’s Lodestars continued to work hard on the airline’s services. Lodestar N45324 (c/n 2260), seen here in the post-1949 colour scheme, joined National in January 1946 and was sold in South America when the company finally withdrew the type in the spring of 1959.
Aviation Historian 35 / A.Grandolini - On the wings of the Hansa (3)
Lockheed 18 Lodestar N5135 (c/n 18-2496) was leased from Ken Benesh by air taxi company Indhanu Airlines, co-founded by Su Sampong’s sister, Sokhomaly Suon Kaset, in the wake of the cessation of American military operations in Cambodia in August 1973. The aircraft later escaped to Singapore, where it was scrapped.
Мировая Авиация 174
Loadstar можно назвать грациозным. На фотографии - XR5O-1 в окраске Береговой охраны США и с серийным номером V188. Самолет использовался для штабной связи.
Air Pictorial 2002-05
A surviving Lockheed R5O-5 Lodestar, 833538, exhibited at the March Field Museum, Calif. A transport type flown by both civil and military operators, the Lodestar appeared in a number of different versions and production reached 625.
Мировая Авиация 165
Компания "Howard Aero" серьезно занималась модификацией Lodestar/Ventura, выпустив ряд впечатляющих самолетов (на снимке представлен Howard 250). Отличительной чертой этих машин был обтекаемый фюзеляж, широкие окна и роскошный интерьер.
Aviation Historian 37 / L.Hellstrom - Sweden's Carribean connection
In perpetual fear of being deposed, the Trujillo government spent heavily on defence, particularly the air arm. As a result, the AMD’s mix of aircraft types was truly astonishing; this panorama shows Vampire F.1s, Thunderbolts and Mustangs as well as Douglas B-26s, Curtiss C-46s, a Lockheed Lodestar and a PBY Catalina.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Consolidated PBY Catalina - США - 1935Curtiss-Wright C-46 / CW-20 Commando - США - 1940De Havilland Vampire / D.H.100 - Великобритания - 1943Douglas A-26 / B-26 Invader - США - 1942North American P-51D Mustang - США - 1944Republic P-47D-25 / P-47N Thunderbolt - США - 1943
Flight 1939-12 / Flight Advertisements
Transports for TRADE and bombers for DEMOCRACY
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed Hudson A-28 / A-29 - США - 1938
Aviation Historian 18 / D.Stringer - Ted Baker & National Airlines
Another photograph of NC25687, again probably before delivery, this time showing off the clean lines which gave the Lodestar a distinct speed advantage over the bigger - and considerably more comfortable - DC-3. Note the legend ‘‘The Buccaneer Route” above the windows on the fuselage and the Air Mail routes (31 and 39) marked on the starboard fin.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1946 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
The Lockheed Lodestar Twin-engined Fourteen-passenger Airliner.
Мировая Авиация 165
Вместительный фюзеляж Lodestar побудил компанию "National Airways" заказать самолет для своей почтовой линии "Buccaneer". В 1940 году этот самолет установил национальный рекорд скорости трансконтинентального перелета.
Aviation Historian 18 / D.Stringer - Ted Baker & National Airlines
With its c/n, 2039, stencilled on the nose, Lodestar NC25687 is probably seen here in California before its delivery to National on November 6, 1940. The type was brand new, the first purpose-built L-18 having made its maiden flight in February 1940
Aviation Historian 18 / D.Stringer - Ted Baker & National Airlines
National Airlines groundcrew load mail aboard a Lockheed Lodestar with the help of a company tricycle. Note the refuelling truck, also emblazoned with full National Airlines titles. National acquired the first of its total of 17 Lodestars in November 1940.
Aviation Historian 18 / D.Stringer - Ted Baker & National Airlines
National’s Executive Secretary Robert Forman (third from right) hands the Mayor of St Petersburg, Florida, a letter of congratulation from New York City’s Mayor LaGuardia and Jacksonville’s Mayor Whitehead, expressing goodwill on the airline’s newly-established link between the three cities, at Pinellas Army Air Field in early 1944.
Air Pictorial 1969-06 / N.Parnell, C.Lynch - History of the R.A.A.F. (6)
After the evacuation of Java Lockheed Lodestars on order for the Dutch forces (serial block LT-9) came to Australia. This particular aircraft was at No. 1 A.D., Laverton, during June 1942
Моделист-Конструктор Военно-транспортные самолеты Второй мировой войны
L-18-40 ВВС Голландской Ост-Индии, конец 1941г.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-04 / S.Howe - A monument in the sky
Though not part of the CWH collection, this Lockheed Lodestar attended one of the collection's airshows and dropped parachutists.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-07 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Lockheed Lodestar N7001 is being used in an attempt to beat Howard Hughes's round-the-world record of 1938.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-08 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Lockheed Lodestar N7001 Spirit of J&B, which set out from Paris on June 18, 1987 to beat Howard Hughes's 1938 round-the-world record, achieved its objective on June 21. It landed back at Le Bourget after a trip lasting 88hr 48min, having clipped some 2 1/2hr off the record. It was due to fly via Moscow, but Russian helpfulness “suddenly vanished when that boy landed in Red Square", says pilot Patrick Fourticq.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1946 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
The Lockheed C-60 Lodestar Military Transport (two Wright R-1820-87 engines).
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-01 / E.Shackleton - Confederate Air Force update
Lockheed C-60 Lodestar N250D Sweet Charlotte.
Air Enthusiast 1994-09 / A.Wood - Airline at War
Impressed Lockheed 18-08 Lodestar G-AGDD Lake Losna in late 1941. It survived to join the Royal Norwegian Air Force in July 1945.
Air Enthusiast 1994-09 / A.Wood - Airline at War
Another view of Lodestar G-AGDD showing the underside application of the registration and the red-white-blue ‘underlining’.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1980 / Encyclopedia of Aviation - Aircraft A-Z - v4
Lockheed C-60 Lodestars towing troop-carrying gliders.
Aviation Historian 16 / N.Mathisrud - The Other Stockholm Run
One of the eight C-60A Lodestars acquired by the Norwegians during the latter half of 1943. It may be c/n 2594, which went on to serve on the Stockholm Run as G-AGIK. It is seen here from the cockpit of G-AGDD, still in its delivery colours while on a domestic UK flight.
Aviation Historian 16 / N.Mathisrud - The Other Stockholm Run
Lodestars of No 20 Transport Sqn at Fornebu, Oslo, in the summer of 1945. The unit’s designation was reportedly inherited from Luftwaffe transport unit Transportfliegergruppe 20, which operated from Fornebu during the war.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-12 / H.Seabrook-Smith - An Anglo-Nordic saga
This Lockheed 18 Lodestar Loch Lesja was lost when it crashed into the sea off Leuchars on December 17, 1943. Most of the Lodestars were acquired by the Norwegian Air Force after the war.
Air Enthusiast 1994-09 / A.Wood - Airline at War
BOAC Lodestar G-AGCT circa 1944/1945.
Aviation Historian 16 / N.Mathisrud - The Other Stockholm Run
Lockheed 18-10 Lodestar c/n 2087 was one of the two acquired by the Royal Norwegian Air Force in the early summer of 1941 and immediately leased to BOAC. Given the British registration G-AGDD and named Loch Losna, the aircraft was in service with BOAC by the end of July and made its first flight to Stockholm as part of the company’s Norwegian Detachment on August 18, 1941.
Aviation Historian 16 / N.Mathisrud - The Other Stockholm Run
Lodestar G-AGEI (c/n 2084), named Loch Loen, was acquired by the Norwegian government-in-exile under Lend-Lease arrangements in June 1942. By the end of the month it had been taken on strength with BOAC’s Norwegian Detachment, and by mid-September 1942 it had begun operating from Leuchars, where it is seen here in late 1943 or 1944.
Aviation Historian 16 / N.Mathisrud - The Other Stockholm Run
Lockheed C-60A G-AGII (c/n 2492) was used by Royal Norwegian Air Transport on the Sweden service from August 1944, and is seen here at Torslanda on August 15. Note the internal blanking-off of most of the cabin windows.
Aviation Historian 16 / N.Mathisrud - The Other Stockholm Run
Another of the C-60As acquired by the Norwegians under the provisions of Lend-Lease, G-AGIK (c/n 2594) is seen here being refuelled at Bromma in late 1944, having been leased to BOAC at the end of March that year. It was returned to the Royal Norwegian Air Force coded “F” in July 1945, to serve with the newly-formed No 20 Transport Flight.
Air Pictorial 1957-03 / Air Pictorial's photo-review
A rare Chilean-registered Lockheed Model 18-56 Lodestar (two 1.200-h .p. Wright Cyclones).
Aviation Historian 1 / P.Brooks - One furious summer
Brooks photographed Lockheed 18 Lodestar F-ARTF, one of five operated by Air Afrique, at Nice.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-12 / Personal album
Lockheed Lodestar F-BALX of Air France, passed through Eastleigh on October 5, 1946.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-12 / Personal album
Passing through Eastleigh on November 2, 1946 was Air France Lockheed Lodestar F-BAMA, one of nine then in service on the company's North African routes.
Air Pictorial 1957-03
Two ex-British aircraft which recently visited Bromma Airport, Stockholm, were Argus 2, OH-FCG (c/n. 858, ex-G-AJSR), and Lodestar 18-56, SE-BUF (c/ n. 2070, ex-G-AGBR). The latter was once B.O.A.C. 's Almaza-based "Lewes" before going to E.A.A.C. as VP-KFE, "Lake George", and thence to Sweden in 1952.
Air Pictorial 1977-11 / M.Hooks - Finland's Air Show
Kar-Air's veteran Lockheed Lodestar OH-VKU with survey equipment
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-12 / Grapevine
Lockheed Lodestar OH-SIR which arrived at North Weald from Finland in September 1985, has been put up for sale by Aces High together with several other vintage aircraft.
Мировая Авиация 165
После Второй мировой войны "Lodestar" был снова выведен на пассажирские линии рядом авиакомпаний, включая " Trans-Australia Airlines".
Aviation Historian 24 / N.Stroud - Vikings in Africa /The John Stroud Archive/
One of several gleaming Lockheed Lodestars of East African Airways at Nairobi West during John’s visit, VP-KFA (c/n 18-2076), named RMA Lake Victoria, was a former BOAC example (ex-G-AGBT Lincoln), and, like all the company’s Lodestars, was highly polished.
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-03 / Personal album. Civil
Lockheed Lodestar VP-KFA again, refuelling from drums at Nachingwea airfield, Tanganyika circa 1950. Note the thatched Shell BP oil and fuel store in the background.
Aviation Historian 24 / N.Stroud - Vikings in Africa /The John Stroud Archive/
VP-KFA (c/n 18-2076), named RMA Lake Victoria, was a former BOAC example (ex-G-AGBT Lincoln), and, like all the company’s Lodestars, was highly polished, as the groundcrew member demonstrates.
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-03 / Personal album. Civil
Lockheed 18-07 Lodestar VP-KFA of East African Airways caught during take-off from Nachingwea circa 1950. Earlier, in 1941, this Lodestar was nominally registered to BOAC and, manned by Norwegian crews, flew as G-AGBT on the Leuchars-Stockholm route. The aircraft later flew for many years as SE-BUU in Sweden.
Air Pictorial 1978-01 / C.Shores - The Occupation of Madagascar, 1942 (1)
The ground echelon and equipment of No. 20 Squadron, S.A.A.F.. were flown to Madagascar by a dozen S.A.A.F. Lockheed Lodestar transports, which were also used to maintain supplies throughout the campaign. Lodestar No. 243 is seen here at Diego Suarez; it was formerly ZS-ATD, c/n. 243
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-04 / Personal album
This impressed South African Airways Lockheed Lodestar, bearing the SAAF serial 242, dropped into Watercloof in March 1942. Its Civil identity was ZS-ATB Hendrik Swellengrebel and its c/n was 2047. However, it never saw civil operations, as it was destroyed during the war. This Lodestar was one of 28 ordered by the airline shortly before the war’s outbreak and impressed in two batches, 231-249 and 1370-1379.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1964 / 01 - Aircraft
The Dalaero conversion of the Lockheed Lodestar light transport
Aviation Historian 16 / N.Mathisrud - The Other Stockholm Run
King Haakon VII of Norway, resident in London from June 1940 to June 1945, in the cockpit of a BOAC Lodestar, probably during a visit to Leuchars on May 7, 1943.
Aviation Historian 18 / D.Stringer - Ted Baker & National Airlines
A 1940 magazine advertisement for National Airlines’ Lodestar services, by then stretching from the southern tip of Florida to New Orleans.
Aviation Historian 16 / N.Mathisrud - The Other Stockholm Run
An original painting by ROGER MIDDLEBROOK of Lockheed Lodestar G-AGDE, named Loch Lesja, over the mountains of Norway while operating with BOAC’s Norwegian Detachment. The flights to and from Sweden in the slow and vulnerable Lodestars were always made at night and often in appalling weather.
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-08 / Painted Wings
Leslie Urwin’s watercolour of a Lockheed Lodestar is entitled Khartoum stopover 1944.
Моделист-Конструктор Военно-транспортные самолеты Второй мировой войны
Lockheed C-60A Lodestar
- Фотографии