На раннем A4D-2 можно видеть новый руль направления (по типу "tadpole"), хотя штанги топливоприемника на нем нет. Всего построили 542 самолета A4D-2 (A-4B).
NEW VERSION of the Douglas A4D-2 Skyhawk "midget" attack-bomber is now in service with the United States Navy. In addition to the two wing-mounted 20-mm. cannon it can carry various external loads of Sidewinder missiles, napalm bombs, an atomic bomb, and rockets. An in-flight refuelling store can be fitted when the aircraft serves as a buddy-system tanker. Details: Span 27.5 ft., length 39.4 ft., height 15 ft. Gross weight 23,000 lb. Maximum speed at sea-level 710 m.p.h.Самолёты на фотографии: McDonnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk - США - 1954
Pride of place among foreign military visitors to Blackbushe undoubtedly went to the Luftwaffe Dakota 4.
Самолёты на фотографии: Douglas DC-3 / C-47 Skytrain/С-53 Skytrooper / Dakota - США - 1935
Ariana's colours, seen here on YA-BAH at Bahrein, are natural metal, white top, blue trim, black letters, and the green, red and black national markings.
Самолёты на фотографии: Douglas DC-4 / C-54 / R5D Skymaster - США - 1942
In prime condition is this Spitfire XVI stored in the Auckland War Museum.
Самолёты на фотографии: Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX / XVI - Великобритания - 1942
THIRSTY DAGGER. Underwing fuel tanks fitted to the Convair F-102A Delta Dagger are used only for ferrying purposes. They are not used in combat as the aircraft carries enough fuel in its wings to perform its mission.
Самолёты на фотографии: Convair F-102 Delta Dagger - США - 1953
The strangely decorated S.E.5.
Самолёты на фотографии: RAF S.E.5 - Великобритания - 1916
Another S.E.5., F8990, this time from a New Zealand reader, Gordon Slatter.
Самолёты на фотографии: RAF S.E.5 - Великобритания - 1916
AGGRESSIVE PIONEER. The Military Twin Pioneer is the first twin-engined, fixed-wing, STOL aircraft to be designed for military purposes. It can be used for communication, transport, paratrooping, supply dropping, bombing and other duties.
Самолёты на фотографии: Scottish Aviation Twin Pioneer - Великобритания - 1955
EAST GERMAN MOOSE. On display in the Eastern Sector of Berlin in September was this Russian-built YaK-11 (NATO: "Moose") basic trainer. The red star marking of the Russian Air Force is faintly visible under the black, red and yellow diamond outlined in white. On the fin is serial 57211. Pale blue overall with red spinner and white fuselage numerals. Russian language instructions in cockpit.
Самолёты на фотографии: Яковлев Як-11 - Россия - 1946
FENCED IN. Now declared surplus to Troop Carrier Command (U.S.A.F.) requirements is the Chase YC-122C-CA light assault transport. Hitherto not illustrated are the wing fences and additional D/F loop under the nose section. Nine Chase YC-122Cs were delivered in 1950. The YC-122 is a powered version of the YC-18A-CA all-metal assault glider, and led to the Chase XC-123A/B, which is better known (in later production form) as the Fairchild C-123B-FA Provider. Hal. G. Martin took this photograph of N122M (ex-49-2880; code, GY 880) at Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on 26th September. Power, two 1,425-h.p. Lycoming-Wright R-1820-101 radials; a.u.w. 34,400 lb.; crew and troops 32; maximum speed 220 m.p.h.; span 95 ft. 8 in.; length 61 ft. 7 in.
Самолёты на фотографии: Chase C-122 Avitruc - США - 1948
Pride of place among foreign military visitors to Blackbushe undoubtedly went to the Dutch naval Mariner.
Самолёты на фотографии: Martin PBM Mariner / Type 162 - США - 1939
LOCKHEED CL-329 JETSTAR. Unchallenged leader in the field to develop and produce a new "off-the-shelf" light utility jet transport and crew readiness trainer for the U.S.A.F. is the Lockheed Aircraft Company. Its CL-329 JetStar took to the air for the first time on 4th September, just 241 days after development was authorised. Nearest rival to the JetStar is the North American Sabreliner now under construction. The prototype JetStar (N329J) is powered by two Bristol Orpheus turbojet engines (one each side of the rear fuselage) while a second prototype now nearing completion will be fitted with either four General Electric J-85 or Fairchild J-83 engines. By installing the Bristol engines Lockheed will be able to press forward with flight trials whilst awaiting delivery of the American engines. The engine location is designed to provide a minimum noise level in the cabin, and in the event of a nose-up landing the engines will be protected by the belly and low-set wing. The wing has a 34-degree sweep on the leading edge and owing to its location none of the structure interferes with cabin space. Stabilizer, which has similar sweep to the wing, is mounted approximately one-quarter of the way up the fin and is of the all-flying type. The cabin has accommodation for ten passengers and is pressurised to maintain an altitude of 8,000 ft. when the aircraft is flying at 45,000 ft. There is ample baggage room, and a galley may be fitted. A crew of two is the normal complement.
Самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed C-140 JetStar - США - 1957
All 800 Series Viscounts are now assembled at Weybridge and all 700 Series on the Hurn production line shown above. Second and fifth machines in the line are the 754s G-APCD and 'CE (c/n. 243 and 244) ordered by B.O.A.C. for Cyprus Airways.
Самолёты на фотографии: Vickers Viscount - Великобритания - 1948
Fiat's Heron, l-BKET (Blackbushe News), is the second number of a series created by the distortion of the original British registration G-AKET borne by its predecessor, the Dove l-AKET (c/n. 04056).
Самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Heron / D.H.114 - Великобритания - 1950
The Avro CF-100 Mk. 5 is a development of the Mk. 4 with increased wing and tailplane span. The fuselage gun pack has been removed and armament, which consists of fifty-eight 2.75-in. air-to-air missiles, or six Sperry Sparrow self-homing missiles, is carried in wingtip pods.
Самолёты на фотографии: Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck - Канада - 1950
ARROW UNVEILED. First authorisation for a design study of the Avro CF-105 Arrow was given to the company in July 1953, and the completed aircraft was rolled out from the final-assembly hangar at Malton Airport, Toronto, on 4th October. It is a two-seat supersonic all-weather interceptor, and the prototype is powered by two Pratt & Whitney J75 turbojets. Later aircraft will have Orenda Iroquois engines. It is claimed that the Arrow is on the threshold of the heat barrier, and that studies are now under way to adapt it for even greater speeds.
Самолёты на фотографии: Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow - Канада - 1958
The Supermarine 510 stored at R.A.F. Cardington, are now painted inl standard R.A.F. camouflage.
Самолёты на фотографии: Supermarine Swift - Великобритания - 1948
Westland Whirlwind S-55 Helicopter
Самолёты на фотографии: Westland Whirlwind - Великобритания - 1953
The Hawker P.1052 (with swept tailplane), stored at R.A.F. Cardington, are now painted inl standard R.A.F. camouflage.
Самолёты на фотографии: Hawker P.1052 / P.1081 - Великобритания - 1948
R.C.N. AVENGER. Photographed at Malton Airport by Air Pictorial's Toronto correspondent, Jack McNulty, this Royal Canadian Navy Eastern Aircraft (Grumman) TBM-3 Avenger (R.C.N. 53078; Buzz No. 38C) possesses a number of Canadian modifications hitherto not illustrated. The bulge along the whole of the port rear of the fuselage houses a retractable MAD (Magnetic Airborne Detection) arm (as on S2F-1/CS2F-1 Tracker and AF-2S Guardian) plus ventral (nose) and tail electronic "boxes". Note new stepped rear canopy.
Самолёты на фотографии: Grumman TBF/TBM Avenger - США - 1941
The Cessna T-37A is the standard two-seat primary trainer of the U.S.A.F. and will replace the present piston-engined T-34A Mentor. Flown for the first time on 12th October 1954, the T-37 was originally intended as an intermediate trainer between primary training on piston-engined aircraft and advanced training on a high-speed jet aircraft. Since then Air Force requirements have changed and the piston-engined aircraft phase has been dropped and an all-jet training scheme adopted. The T-37 features side-by-side seating for the instructor and pupil and is unusual in U.S. trainers in this respect. Of all-metal construction its wing incorporates high-lift slotted flaps, and an air brake is situated just aft of the nosewheel doors. Equipment includes provision for day and night instrument flying, jettisonable canopy and ejector seats. Engine inlet screens extend automatically over the wing-root air intakes when the undercarriage is locked in the down position, and they prevent stones or other debris entering the intake ducts during take-off and landings. The screens retract with the undercarriage. Power plant is two 920-lb.s.t. Continental J69-T-9 turbojets and they give the T-37 a maximum speed at 35,000 ft. of 393 m.p.h. Since the prototype was first flown the aircraft has been modified with the addition of a rear underfuselage strake, and a nose strake, one either side, which was fitted to increase fuselage damping and reduce spin rate.
Самолёты на фотографии: Cessna T-37 Tweety Bird - США - 1954
CONVAIR F-106 DELTA DART. Latest of the Convair delta-winged interceptors is the F-106A Delta Dagger, a direct development of the world's first jet-powered, delta-winged aircraft to fly, the XF-92A. Development of the latter led to the design of the F-102 Delta Dart, which is now in service with the U.S.A.F. The first YF-102 was flown on 24th October 1953 and its speed fell well below official expectation. It was about this time that the area-rule theory was being applied to aircraft and Convair incorporated it into their F-102 design. The result was a much improved interceptor capable of supersonic speed. With the need for an all-weather fighter/trainer the TF-102A was produced as a two- seat combat proficiency trainer/tactical interceptor. It was first flown on 8th November 1955 and has the same armament and similar fire-control system to the single-seat version. Each operational fighter squadron will have twenty-one F-102As and four TF-102As. As can be seen by the silhouette, the F-106A bears a strong resemblance to its predecessors and is claimed to be, by its makers, the fastest all-weather interceptor. In the head-on view it is similar to the Convair XF2Y-1 Sea Dart, a water-based, hydro-ski fighter which never reached the production stage. The supersonic F-106A is to be used with the Air Defense Command of the U.S.A.F. and will, in time, replace completely the F-102.
Самолёты на фотографии: Convair F-106 Delta Dart - США - 1956
The assets of Arrow Aircraft Ltd. recently acquired by Slingsby Sailplanes Ltd. included the solitary Arrow Active Mk. 2, G-ABVE (c/n. 2). Built in 1932, this Gipsy III-powered aerobatic biplane averaged 137.65 m.p.h. in the 1933 King's Cup Race, piloted by F/O. H. H. Leech.
Самолёты на фотографии: Arrow Active - Великобритания - 1931
Auster A.O.P.9 (serial) XK421 display the new Army Air Corps markings.
Самолёты на фотографии: Auster AOP.9 - Великобритания - 1954
The C.A.S.A. 207 Azor passenger liner was developed from the C.A.S.A. 202 Halcon, and is basically a scaled version of the latter. It is intended primarily as a thirty/thirty-eight-seat passenger aircraft, but is likely to be produced in military transport form to replace the obsolete types now in service with the Spanish Air Force. The prototype Azor was completed in August 1955 and made its first flight a month later. A development of the Azor, the C.A.S.A. 209 Super Azor, or HFB-209, may be constructed in collaboration with German Hamburger Flugzeugbau Company. Power plant for this aircraft is expected to be two Napier Eland N.El.6 turboprop engines of 3,500 e.h.p. each.
Data: Low-wing, twin-engined, thirty/thirty-eight-seat passenger and military transport of all-metal structure. Power plant is two Bristol Hercules 730, fourteen-cylinder, sleeve-valve, air-cooled engines of 2,040 h.p., each driving D.H. 4/4000/C constant-speed airscrews. Fuel capacity is 676 Imp. gallons giving a still-air range (with crew of four and thirty passengers) of 1,100 miles.Самолёты на фотографии: CASA C-201 Alcotan / C-202 Halcon / C-207 Azor - Испания - 1949
Newest aircraft on the New Zealand register is the Mooney M.20, ZK-BUN (c/n. 1130), erected by Airwork (N.Z.) Ltd, it Harewood Airport, Christchurch, and first flown 14/9/57
Самолёты на фотографии: Mooney M20 - США - 1953
Chipmunk T.10 (WP972) display the new Army Air Corps markings.
Самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Canada DHC-1 Chipmunk - Канада - 1946
Самолёты на фотографии: Percival Pembroke / Sea Prince / P.66 - Великобритания - 1952
Among the Air France visitors to the Airways Club at Croydon in September were examples of the NC-853, fitted with Minie 4 DC-32B motors.
Самолёты на фотографии: SNCAC NC.850 Norvegie - Франция - 1947
AUSTER ATLANTIC. Three-view drawing shows the latest from the Auster stables. Powered by a Continental E185-10 engine of 205 h.p. it will appear in two versions, the Winchester and the luxury Windsor de luxe.
Самолёты на фотографии: Auster C.6 Atlantic - Великобритания - 1957