- Embraer - EMB-312 / AT-27 Tucano - 1980 - Бразилия
- Embraer - EMB-314 / AT-29 Super Tucano - 1999 - Бразилия
EMBRAER EMB-312 Tucano и EMB-314 Super Tucano
Разработка турбовинтового учебного самолета EMB-312 Tucano была начата в 1978 году в ответ на требования ВВС Бразилии на самолет данного класса, который должен был прийти на смену Cessna T-37. Причем в обязательном порядке требовалось, чтобы самолет был разработан и серийно выпускался в Бразилии. Первый полет - 16 августа 1980 года, а в сентябре 1983 года первый из 133 самолетов, предназначенных для Бразилии и получивших обозначение T-27, был передан Военно-воздушной академии, расположенной около Сан-Паулу.
Самолет выполнен по нормальной аэродинамической схеме с низкорасположенным трапециевидным двухлонжеронным крылом, которое имеет однощелевые закрылки и элероны с электрически управляемыми триммерами, фюзеляж - типа полумонокок. Крыло и фюзеляж изготовлены из алюминиевых сплавов. Кабина - двухместная, с односекционным фонарем, откидывающимся вправо, и катапультными креслами. Управление шагом воздушного винта и оборотами двигателя выведено на одну ручку. В задней части фюзеляжа имеется багажный отсек объемом 0,17 м3. Стабилизатор и киль - кессонной конструкции, с двумя лонжеронами. Шасси - трехопорное, с носовым колесом. Каждая стойка имеет одно колесо, имеется система аварийного выпуска шасси в случае отказа гидронасоса основной системы. В крыле размещено два топливных бака суммарной емкостью 694 л с внутренним антидетонационным покрытием.
В сентябре 1983 года был заключен контракт с Египтом на поставку 134 самолетов Tucano, причем кроме первых десяти все были собраны по лицензии в египетском Хелуане. ВВС Египта получили 54 самолета, остальные - переданы ВВС Ирака. Затем бразильские самолеты приобрели ВВС Аргентины, Колумбии, Гондураса, Ирана, Парагвая, Перу и Венесуэлы, а в июле 1990 года Франция объявила о намерении приобрести 80 самолетов EMB-312F с поставкой с июля 1993 года (позже заказ был сокращен до 50 машин).
Предназначенная для Франции модификация отличалась увеличенным усталостным ресурсом, подфюзеляжным воздушным тормозом, антиобледенительной системой для воздушного винта и фонаря кабины, а также французской авионикой и рядом других усовершенствований.
В марте 1985 года Tucano стал победителем тендера, объявленного британскими ВВС на учебно-тренировочный самолет для замены УТС Jet Provost. Модифицированный под требования британцев самолет, Tucano T.Mk 1, выпускался по лицензии компанией "Shorts" (Северная Ирландия). Компания выпустила 130 самолетов, а также поставила такие машины для Кении и Кувейта.
EMBRAER EMB-312 Tucano
Тип: двухместный учебно-боевой самолет
Силовая установка: один ТВД Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-25C мощностью на валу 750 л. с. (559 кВт)
Летные характеристики: максимальная скорость на высоте 3050 м - 448 км/ч; крейсерская скорость на высоте 3050 м - 411 км/ч; начальная скороподъемность 680 м/мин; практический потолок 9145 м; дальность полета без дозаправки и ПТБ - 1844 км
Масса: пустого 1810 кг; максимальная взлетная 3175 кг
Размеры: размах крыла 11,14 м; длина 9,86 м; высота 3,40 м; площадь крыла 19,40 м2
Вооружение: до 1000 кг боеприпасов на четырех подкрыльевых узлах подвески
- EMBRAER EMB-312 Tucano и EMB-314 Super Tucano
- Shorts S.312 Tucano
Air International 1983-01 / J.Fricker - Embraer's Tractable Tucano
The first YT-27 in its original form; a small dorsal fin extension was later introduced
Мировая Авиация 133
16 августа 1980г.: первый прототип самолета EMBRAER EMB-312 Tucano (1300) был результатом программы, начатой в 1978 году под руководством Джозефа Ковача.
Air International 1983-01 / J.Fricker - Embraer's Tractable Tucano
The first YT-27 aircraft carrying rockets, these being typical of the optional underwing stores.
Air International 1983-01 / J.Fricker - Embraer's Tractable Tucano
The first YT-27 aircraft carrying gun pods, these being typical of the optional underwing stores.
Мировая Авиация 190
Первый (в перевернутом полете) и второй прототипы YT-27 Tucano на раннем этапе летных испытаний. Помимо двух летных прототипов, контракт предусматривал постройку двух самолетов для статических испытаний.
Air International 1983-01 / J.Fricker - Embraer's Tractable Tucano
The first production example of the EMBRAER EMB-312 Tucano, now on the point of entering service in Brazil.
Air International 1983-01 / J.Fricker - Embraer's Tractable Tucano
The pre-production T-27, registered PP-ZDK for its visit to Europe in September, with underwing fuel tanks for ferry flying.
Air International 1984-12
Наиболее известны в Америке самолеты Tucano из "Esquadrao da Fumaca" - бразильской пилотажной группы, базирующейся в Пирасунунга.
Air International 1985-05 / ??? - Latin America's Largest Air Arm ... Emphasis placed on equipment "Brazilianization"
Embraer T-27 Tucano trainer in service with the Esquadrilha da Fumaga, the aerobatic demonstration team of the Forca Aerea Brasileira.
Aviation Historian 39 / J.Jackson - Shorts Tucano vs Pilatus PC9
The third prototype Embraer EMB-312 Tucano, PP-ZDK, made its first flight on August 16, 1982, and flew across the Atlantic a matter of days later to participate in that year’s SBAC show at Farnborough, where it is seen here in its attractive demonstration colour scheme. It was also test-flown by an RAF pilot during the same UK visit.
Air International 2008-08 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Due to make its RIAT debut, had conditions permitted, was the Brazilian Air Force Esquadrilha da Fumaga (Smoke Squadron). One of the team's seven Embraer EMB-312 Tucanos (FAB 1307/'2’) was photographed departing from RAF Fairford on July 14, 2008 with two long-range drop tanks on the underwing stations.
Air International 1985-02 / ??? - Embraer ... The Brazilian Phenomenon
An intriguing echelon formation of the representatives of the current Sao Jose dos Campos product range, with the EMB-312 Tucano in the foreground, the EMB-121 Xingu, the EMB-110 Bandeirante, and, furthermost from the camera, the EMB-120 Brasilia. Of these, the Xingu is now available only against special orders and the Brasilia is just coming on stream.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Embraer EMB-110 Banderiante - Бразилия - 1968Embraer EMB-120 Brasilia - Бразилия - 1983Embraer EMB-121 Xingu - Бразилия - 1976
Air International 1987-05 / ??? - RAF Prepares for Tucano
First flown at the end of December 1986, ZF135 is the first of 130 Tucano T Mk Is to be produced for the RAF by Short Brothers in Belfast. Installation of the Garrett TPE331 engine, to meet RAF performance requirements, results in some small external differences from the PT6A-powered Brazilian model; other, less obvious, changes are described in the accompanying article.
Air International 1985-06 / World Trainer Directory
Мировая Авиация 23
14 февраля 1986г.: первый полет выполнил учебно-тренировочный самолет EMBRAER Tucano с турбовинтовым двигателем Garret TPE331 мощностью 1100 л.с. (820 кВт). Самолет Shorts/EMBRAER Tucano победил в конкурсе на замену самолета Hunting Jet Provost; конкурентами Tucano были AAC/Westland A-20, Hunting Turbo-Firecracker и Pilatus PC-9. Помимо замены двигателя, в конструкцию и оборудование кабины самолета Tucano внесли множество изменений согласно требованиям ВВС Великобритании. На снимке представлен опытный самолет фирмы EMBRAER.
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7 и 8 апреля 1993г., специалисты EMBRAER облетали второй и первый предсерийный EMB-312F Tucano для ВВС Франции
Air Enthusiast 1998-07 / Round-Out
A delightful pre-delivery view of an EMB-312F destined to serve with the Armee de l'Air's Groupement d'lnstruction 312 from Salon de Provence, replacing CM-170 Magisters from 1993.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-02 - AIRCRAFT - FIXED-WING - MILITARY/CIVIL
EMB-312F Tucano tandem-seat trainer of the French Air Force (1999)
Air International 2000-03 / R.Niccoli - French Lessons /Military aviation/
To extend its service life, the EMB-312F Tucano has a strengthened wing. Other features of the French Air Force variant are a ventral airbrake and 37 Sextant instruments.
Air International 2000-03 / R.Niccoli - French Lessons /Military aviation/
Formation flying is an important element of student training.
Air International 2000-03 / R.Niccoli - French Lessons /Military aviation/
Students usually find landing the most difficult phase of flying to grasp, but the Tucano’s wide-spaced undercarriage and docile handling characteristics ease the task.
Air International 2005-09 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Making a change from the usual fighters in their tiger schemes, French Air Force EMB-312 Tucano 472 ‘312-JQ’ from Groupement d'Ecole 00.312 at Salon appeared at the Kleine-Brogel Spotters Day in Belgium on July 20, 2005 in these tiger markings.
Air International 2000-03 / R.Niccoli - French Lessons /Military aviation/
Removal of the engine cowling provides excellent access to the Tucano’s Pratt & Whitney PT6A-25C turboprop engine.
Мировая Авиация 190
Tucano неплохо продавался в Южной Америке. На снимке - в одном строю самолеты из Венесуэлы (на переднем плане), Перу, Бразилии и Аргентины. Позднее к ним присоединились Колумбия и Парагвай.
АвиаМастер 2004-03 / А.Котлобовский - Часовые "зеленого ада": бразильская авиация против "наркобаронов" /Горячая точка/
AT-27 "Тукано" бразильских ВВС.
Мировая Авиация 190
Бразилия использует вооруженные AT-27 Tucano (обратите внимание на семизарядные блоки НАР и пулеметный контейнер) для борьбы с наркотрафиком. На снимке самолет из состава подразделения 1°/7° ETA, базирующегося в Боа Виста.
Air International 1987-01 / ??? - Venezuela Takes to Tucano
18 учебно-тренировочных самолетов T-27 поступили на вооружение ВВС Венесуэлы наряду с 12 учебно-боевыми самолетами AT-27.
Air International 1987-01 / ??? - Venezuela Takes to Tucano
Venezuela is the latest nation to introduce the Embraer Tucano basic trainer, and will have 30 in service by April 1987.
Air Pictorial 1995-04 / ??? - Military aircraft markings (2)
Venezuelan EMB-312 Tucanos displaying large and small markings on the wings depending on the role of the aircraft. Note that aircraft of the FAV usually carry the fin flash on the sides of the fuselage, leaving the tail for unit insignia.
Мировая Авиация 169
21 мая 1987г.: первые пять EMB-312 Tucano переданы ВВС Аргентины в Сан-Жозе дос Кампос, Бразилия.
Air International 2019-01 / Airscene
On of three IRGCAF EMB-312 Tucano training aircraft involved in the daily aerobatic display.
Air Enthusiast 2002-09 / G.Warner - From Bombay to Bombardier (2)
Early production Tucano T.1s ZF138 and ZF139.
Aviation Historian 39 / J.Jackson - Shorts Tucano vs Pilatus PC9
Shorts Tucano T.1 ZF510 is put through its paces on a low-level training flight.
Мировая Авиация 23
Серийный Tucano T.Mk 1.
Aviation Historian 39 / J.Jackson - Shorts Tucano vs Pilatus PC9
In March 1985 it was announced that the Shorts-built Tucano fitted with the Garrett TPE-331 powerplant was the winner of AST.412, with 130 to be purchased for the RAF. The Tucano T.1 entered RAF service in 1988, providing sterling service in both red-and-white and all-black (adopted in 1996) colour schemes for 30-plus years.
Air International 1999-11 / B.Taylor - Military Aircrew Training. What's Next? /Military aviation/ (7)
RAF fast-jet navigators learn the fundamentals of formation flying at the Tucano Air Navigation Squadron which flies from Topcliffe using aircraft from the pool operated by No 1 Flying Training School at Linton-on-Ouse. The old and new (upper) colour schemes applied to the type are seen on two 1 FTS aircraft flying over Sutton Bank near their base.
Air International 1995-01 / P.Jackson - Testing Times
Tucano T.1 ZF376 from 1 FTS at Linton-on-Ouse in uncharacteristic pose for the camera with undercarriage lowered at altitude over North Yorkshire in October 1992. Ground support for RAF Tucano T.1s is one of a growing number of functions in the services which are steadily being contractorised.
Air International 2012-05 / News
The RAF's primary Short Tucano T1 display aircraft for the 2012 season will be ZF269. It was painted in the special markings at its home base of RAF Linton-on-Ouse, North Yorkshire, as was the back-up aircraft (ZF374). While ZF374 retained the standard Tucano black finish, ZF269 has been transformed with an attractive red, white and blue scheme. It will be demonstrated by Flt Lt Jon 'Bondy' Bond at over 50 venues in the UK and abroad - including Belgium and Malta - during the year. Flt Lt Bond joined the RAF in 2007 and was posted back to RAF Linton-on-Ouse after completing his Advanced Flying Training at RAF Valley on Anglesey. He hopes to return to the Welsh base at the conclusion of the display season to complete his Tactical Weapons Training on the Hawk T2.
Air International 2013-05 / News
Short Tucano T1 ZF269/'RA-F' of No.72(R) Squadron based at RAF Linton-on-Ouse, South Yorkshire, is the 2013 display aircraft. It has been painted in a desert camouflage design to represent that applied to the squadron's Spitfires in North Africa and Malta in 1943.
Air International 2011-07 / News
Shorts Tucano T1 ZF378 is No. 1 Flight Training School's 2011 display aircraft and has been painted in this attractive silver scheme, with a red, white and blue 'sunburst' on the upper surfaces and blue undersides. The aircraft made its public debut at the Duxford Spring Airshow in Cambridgeshire (seen here) on May 22, 2011. The 2011 display pilot is Flt Lt Dan Hayes.
Air International 2018-08 / ??? - UK Air Power /Military/ (1)
Built by Short Brothers in Belfast, Northern Ireland between 1986 and 1993, the Tucano T1 is now in its twilight years of service with the Royal Air Force. When its replacement, the Texan T1 is fully operational the surviving Tucano T1s based at RAF Linton-on-Ouse, Yorkshire will be retired.
Air International 2007-09 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Following the formation of 76 (Reserve) Squadron at RAF Linton-on-Ouse, North Yorkshire, several Tucano T.1s have appeared in the unit’s World War Two-style markings. The first of these was ZF239 'MP-T'/ 'Topsy', seen here at Linton on June 21, 2007. Others that have appeared to date include ZF172 'MP-D'/'Dorothy', ZF269 'MP-O'/'Ho-De-Ho', ZF343 'MP-S'/'Sunshine' and ZF378 'MP-W'/'Whizzo'.
Air International 2007-07 / M.English - School For Fast-Jet Pilots /Military/
A VT Aerospace ground crewman marshals Tucano T.1 ZF515 from its slot on the flight line. Although this aircraft sports the colours of 72(Reserve) Sqn, aircraft are not allocated to specific squadrons.
Air International 2014-05 / News
Shorts Tucano T1 ZF244 of No. 72 (Reserve) Squadron is the RAF’s 2014 display aircraft, commemorating the centenary of the start of World War One in July 1914. The aircraft is based at RAF Linton-on-Ouse, Yorkshire, and painted with poppies on its nose, a red spinner and the words ‘Lest We Forget’ along the fuselage and under the wings. Tucano display pilot for the 2014 season is Flt Lt Dave Kirby, a Qualified Flying Instructor on the aircraft since 2009.
Мировая Авиация 235
Tucano эксплуатируется преимущественно в 1-й летной школе британских ВВС, расположенной в Линтон-он-Уз. В середине 1990-х годов красно-белую схему окраски заменили на черную.
Air International 1999-05 / B.Taylor - Military Aircrew Training. What's Next? /Military aviation/ (2)
To aid visual conspicuity, the yellow flashes applied to the wings and tailplane of the RAF\Shorts Tucano T.1 display aircraft are now being applied fleet-wide.
Air International 2007-06 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Seen at low level in the Lake District on April 13, 2007 is RAF/1 FTS Tucano T.1 ZF295, which had just emerged from the paint shop after being painted up as this year's display aircraft. It will be flown at shows around the country, displayed by 72 (Reserve) Squadron instructor Flt Lt Bobby Moore. The first of these displays took place at Abingdon, Oxfordshire, on May 6.
Air International 2007-07 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Whilst Linton-on-Ouse celebrates the formation of 76 (Reserve) Squadron, another element of 1 Flying Training School, 72 (Reserve) Squadron, is marking its 90th anniversary with the application of this special colour scheme to Tucano T.1 ZF448 'Basuto'. The unit was formed on July 2, 1917, at Netheravon, Wiltshire.
Air International 2007-07 / M.English - School For Fast-Jet Pilots /Military/
Tucano T.1 ZF269 photographed against the distinctive backdrop of York Minster. Only five miles from Linton, York is the usual 'watering hole' for students in their rare leisure time.
Air Pictorial 1999-12 / R.Lindsay - A Sharp Operation
All-black Tucano ZF168 tucks in close to the author’s aircraft during the Blade Formation flight.
Air International 2007-07 / M.English - School For Fast-Jet Pilots /Military/
As may be seen from this classic portrait of a Tucano T.1, the large canopy gives the student an excellent, unrestricted view, and the raised rear seat aids forward visibility for the instructor.
Air International 2012-04 / News
Shorts Tucano T1 ZF374 of No.1 Flying Training School is one of two that will receive special markings for the 2012 display season. The primary aircraft, ZF269, is currently being painted in an eye-catching scheme with red, white and blue upper surfaces and red underside with the royal 'E II R' cypher under the wings and fuselage. ZF374 (seen here), the spare aircraft, retains the basic gloss black scheme but with 'E II R' titles. It's seen at its base, RAF Linton-on-Ouse in North Yorkshire, on February 24. The 2012 display pilot is Flt Lt Jon Bond.
Air International 2007-07 / M.English - School For Fast-Jet Pilots /Military/
During their first familiarisation sortie at Linton, students are treated to some basic aerobatics and a few minutes at low-level. This demonstrates just what the Tucano is capable of and what they will shortly be expected to achieve. It will be leaps and bounds beyond what they have experienced before.
Air International 2020-03 / M.Ayton - Texan Time /Military/
The old and the new: a Tucano T1 peels away from a Texan T1.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Beechcraft T-6A Texan II - США - 1995
Air International 2012-07 / I.Harding - E II R /Military/
Twenty Tucano T1s formed a '60' formation.
Air Pictorial 1999-12 / R.Lindsay - A Sharp Operation
After painstaking effort, the ‘80’ is formed and flies sedately over Linton.
Air International 2007-07 / M.English - School For Fast-Jet Pilots /Military/
Photographed about to touch down, during circuit training at Linton, is ZF294 in the colours of 207 (R) Sqn. With its higher speed, and more complex systems than the aircraft they flew during elementary flying training, the Tucano presents students with a considerably higher work-load.
Air Pictorial 1999-12 / R.Lindsay - A Sharp Operation
Part of the static display at the base in July 1999 to celebrate 1 FTS’ anniversary. The Avro 504 replica, Meteor F.8, Jet Provost T.4 and Hunter T.7 were all from the Yorkshire Air Museum at Elvington. At the end of the line is a Hawk T.1A and Slovenian Bell 412EP.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Avro Avro 504 - Великобритания - 1913Bell Model 412 / UH-1Y - США - 1979Gloster Meteor F.Mk.8 / FR.Mk.9 - Великобритания - 1948Hawker Hunter T - Великобритания - 1955Hunting Percival Jet Provost / P.84 - Великобритания - 1954
Мировая Авиация 190
Помимо большой партии Tucano Mk 1 с ТВД TPE331 для RAF, фирма "Shorts" также строила T.Mk 51 для Кении и T.Mk 52 (на снимке) для Кувейта.
Мировая Авиация 55
21 сентября 1990г.: поднялся в воздух первый из 16 турбовинтовых самолетов Short Tucano T.Mk 52 для базовой подготовки военных летчиков, заказанных Министерством обороны Кувейта.
Air Enthusiast 2002-09 / G.Warner - From Bombay to Bombardier (2)
One of 16 Tucanos for Kuwait
Тип фотографий
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