Eurocopter EC.135
Airbus H135
Eurocopter - EC.135 - 1994 - International
Страна: International
Год: 1994

Многоцелевой легкий вертолет с экипажем из одного человека

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Eurocopter EC135 и EC635

   Созданный в результате начатой в середине 1980-х годов программы разработки демонстратора технологий, вертолет BO 108 выполнил первый полет 15 октября 1988 года. Он имел силовую установку из двух турбовальных двигателей (ТВаД) Allison 250-C20R, четырехлопастный несущий винт от BO 105 и стандартный рулевой винт (с 1990 года установили новый полностью композитный бесподшипниковый рулевой винт). В январе 1991 года производитель анонсировал разработку вертолета, созданного на основе BO 108 и предназначенного для замены легкого многоцелевого BO 105, но с меньшими на 25% эксплуатационными расходами. В январе 1992 года вертолет получил наименование Eurocopter Deutschland EC135, отражавшее слияние подразделений "Aerospatiale" и MBB в вертолетное отделение "Eurocopter".
   Первый настоящий прототип поднялся в воздух 5 июня 1991 года с двумя ТВаД Turbomeca TM319-1B Arrius. Главным изменением конструкции по ходу НИОКР стало увеличение вместимости до семи человек и замена рулевого винта многолопастным винтом-фенестроном в кольцевом канале. Лопасти бесшарнирного несущего винта полностью изготовлены из композитов. За прототипом последовали две предсерийные машины, выполнившие первые полеты 15 февраля и 16 апреля 1994 года - с различными силовыми установками, предлагавшимися в качестве альтернативы для серийных вертолетов; на первой машине стояли двигатели Arrius 2B мощностью по 583 л.с, на второй - 621-сильные ТВаД Pratt & Whitney Canada PW206B. Был построен и третий предсерийный прототип, все три интенсивно использовались в программе летных испытаний. Сертификаты летной годности Европы и США получены в июне и июле 1996 года соответственно. Первый серийный вертолет передан заказчику в июле 1996 года, а к декабрю 1998 года вертолет EC135 был сертифицирован для визуальных полетов и для полетов по приборам. Основным вариантом EC135 является EC135P1 с ТВаД PW206B. На EC135T1 изначально ставились двигатели Turbomeca Arrius 2B, позже - Arrius 2B1. EC135 ACT/FHS (Active Control Technology/Flying Helicopter Simulator), разработанный в рамках германской программы по изучению технологии "fly-by-light" - компоненты систем управления, многожильные кабели и их жгуты заменяют на оптоволокно. На EC135 Police предусмотрена возможность установки различных целевых систем. EC635 - военный вариант с упрощенным интерьером и возможностью установки специальных систем и вооружения.
   На основе базовой модели созданы варианты повышенной комфортности EC135 Hermes, предназначенный для корпоративных и VIP-перевозок, а также медико-эвакуационный вариант и другие модификации.


   Eurocopter EC135T1

   Тип: многоцелевой легкий вертолет с экипажем из одного человека
   Силовая установка: два турбовальных двигателя Turbomeca Arrius 2B1 мощностью по 670 л. с. (550 кВт)
   Летные характеристики: максимальная крейсерская скорость на уровне моря 267 км/ч; начальная скороподъемность 504 м/мин, динамический потолок 6100 м; статический потолок с учетом влияния земли 4040 м; статический потолок без учета влияния земли 3100 м; дальность с дополнительным запасом топлива 880 км, дальность со стандартной заправкой 745 км
   Масса: пустого 1465 кг; максимальная взлетная 2900 кг
   Размеры: диаметр несущего винта 10,20 м; длина с вращающимися винтами 12,16 м; высота с вращающимися винтами 3,62 м; площадь, ометаемая несущим винтом, 81,71 м2
   Полезная нагрузка: до семи пассажиров или груз массой до 1260 кг (в том числе на внешней подвеске)
15 февраля 1994г.: семиместный двухдвигательный легкий вертолет Eurocopter ЕС 135 выполнил первый полет в Мюнхене, Германия.
Eurocopter EC 135T1 (Turbomeca Arrius 2B turboshafts) (1999)
Этот специально оборудованный EC135 стал первым в мире вертолетом, оснащенным ЭДСУ в качестве основной системы управления. ЭДСУ повышает безопасность и устойчивость ЛА и облегчает управление им.
Современное оснащение. Полицейские вертолеты обычно оснащены сложным целевым оборудованием. Стандартными являются FLIR и мощные прожектора. К внешнему оборудованию также относятся лебедка, громкоговоритель и надувные баллонеты. Оборудование кабины, совместимое с очками ночного видения, включает движущуюся карту местности, метео-РЛС, цифровой канал передачи видеоинформации и др. Интерьер кабины можно изменять в зависимости от задачи. В большой черной турели этого EC 135 полиции Германии установлена FLIR Wescam MX15HDI.
Полиция Германии эксплуатирует EC135 с двигателями "Turbomeca" и "Pratt & Whitney Canada". Вертолеты германской полиции и пограничной службы оснащены громкоговорителями, прожекторами, линиями передачи данных, телевизионными и тепловыми обзорными системами, видеозаписывающим оборудованием, а также лазерной системой предупреждения о препятствиях Hellas.
The de-icing rotor blades on the AS332L1 allows the German Federal Police Air Support Group to operate even in extreme cold weather conditions. Here an AS332L1 flies with an EC135T2 over northern Germany.
The EC135 replaced the Bell 212 in the maritime patrol role. Here these types and an AS332L1 are pictured at Fuhlendorf.
The growth of the offshore wind farm market will surge over the next decade, opening opportunities for operators such as HTM Helicopter Travel Munich.
HTM's helicopters begin a new day at the company’s main German Bight operational centre at Emden, northwest Germany.
HTM Helicopter Travel Munich Managing Director Bernd Brucherseifer in the hangar at Emden airport with the latest H135, which has been fitted for offshore wind farm operations.
German Ministry of the Interior Eurocopter EC135T2i D-HZSA is the first of 16 that will be delivered over the next two years.
The Federal Ministry of Interior is responsible for 12 air rescue centres throughout Germany. The EC135T2i assigned to Christoph 2, seen here at its BG Trauma Clinic Frankfurt am Main base, operates up to four rescue missions a day.
The EC135T2i carries medical equipment such as a Corpuls 3 defibrillator, Oxylog 3000 ventilation system, an Accuvac Rescue suction pump, a Braun Perfusor Compact S automated infusion system, stretcher and regular medical provisions.
Up to 10 H135s may be acquired by Romania's Serviciul Mobil de Urgenta, Reanimare si Descarcerare (SMURD - Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication) emergency rescue service.
Ertzaintza (Basque Police) EC 135T1 EC-GNA (c/n 0017) was one of two (the other being EC-GMZ c/n 0016) delivered to Eurocopter’s first police customer for the type in March 1997. It is one of only three currently registered in Spain, the third example being EC 135P2 EC-IFU (c/n 0223), delivered in April 2002 to the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Government of the autonomous Spanish community of Catalonia and based at Sabadell Airport, near Barcelona.
The Spanish Police has received all three Airbus Helicopters H135s (formerly EC135P2+S) with deliveries of EC-MGL (c/n 1184, ex-EC-034) and EC-MGM (c/n 1185, ex-EC-035). They joined EC-MDY (c/n 1177, ex-EC-030), which was handed over in December. EC-MGL is seen landing after the acceptance flight at the Airbus Helicopters plant in Albacete on June 2, 2015.
Seen here taking off from Albacete for its delivery flight on December 15, 2010 is Policia Nacional EC135P2+ EC-094, which will enter service as EC-UZ.
Eurocopter Espana recently began crew training for the first Croatian Police pilots to be certified on its new Eurocopter EC135 (9A-HBA, c/n 689, ex EC-032). The helicopter is seen operating from Albacete on September 16, 2013. The Croatian internal affairs ministry issued a public tender for a new helicopter worth 29.2 million kuna (€3.9 million), plus tax, in July 2012, resulting in the order for the EC135.
Falcon Air Services became the launch customer for the Eurocopter EC 135 Hermes VIP corporate helicopter at EBACE in late May 2008. It will take delivery by the end of this year for service in the UAE and Gulf area. Eurocopter launched the EC 135 Hermes at the NBAA convention at Atlanta, Georgia, last year.
Низкий уровень шумности и надежная двухдвигательная силовая установка в сочетании с современным дизайном сделали EC135 популярным вертолетом для эксплуатации в урбанизированной местности.
Франция была одним из пионеров в деле создания вертолетной горно-спасательной службы, начав использовать вертолеты во французских Альпах и Пиренеях для эвакуации раненых альпинистов. На фотографии: EC135 из коммерческой организации "SAF Helicopteres", располагающей внушительным парком вертолетов и выполняющей поисково-спасательные и санитарные задачи в интересах правительства Франции.
На фотографии представители нового поколения полицейских вертолетов Eurocopter - ЕС 135T без контейнеров с целевым оборудованием и ВК 117C-1 в полном оснащении.
Five Airbus H135s cover 55,500 km2 on behalf of the UK’s largest electricity distribution network operator
UK executive helicopter charter company Air Harrods, based at London Stansted Airport, owns and operates this EC 135T1, G-HARP (c/n 0116), in a VIP configuration. Initially delivered in January 2000 with Cayman Islands registration VP-CAF, the helicopter was upgraded for single-pilot IFR operations by Eurocopter at Donauworth in early 2001 before being allocated its current UK registration on April 25, 2001. This luxuriously-appointed helicopter was recently offered for sale through Michael Wheatley Helicopters of Chertsey, Surrey.
Вертолет EC135T2 авиационной медицинской службы Корнуолла выполнил посадку на побережье, что для данного графства типично. Множество пляжей недоступно для автотранспорта, однако они часто посещаются спортсменами-экстремалами. Графство Корнуолл первым в Великобритании обзавелось санитарной авиацией.
EC135T2+, G-POLB (msn 283), was the first of seven upgraded EC135s handed over by Babcock MCS (Mission Critical Service) to the National Police Air Service.
ON NOVEMBER 12, 2018, Airbus Helicopters delivered the first of seven upgraded National Police Air Service H135s, under a £1.5 million contract signed in December 2017.
The BladeSense project involved a former Norwegian Police H135.
One of Scotland's Charity Air Ambulance's two Airbus Helicopters EC135s.
Strathclyde Police Air Support Unit EC 135T1 G-SPAU (c/n 0142) was leased from Bond Air Services Ltd from mid-2000 and based at Glasgow's City Heliport, alongside the River Clyde. It was unfortunately destroyed in a non-fatal accident on February 17, 2002, at Muirkirk, Ayrshire. Formed in 1989, the unit also operates Eurocopter BO 105CBS-4 G-SPOL.
Airbus Helicopters H135s, comprising both EC135P2s like G-SUFK (msn 0730) pictured here and upgraded EC135T2s, make up most of the police helicopters operated in the UK.
Fifteen EC135s are operated by the UK’s National Police Air Service.
EC 135T1 G-WCAO (c/n 0201) was the first McAlpine Helicopters-developed single-pilot Advanced Police Helicopter (APH) EC 135 with the revised police mission pod. Delivered to McAlpine Helicopters Ltd in December 2001 as D-HECU, it was officially UK-registered on April 8, 2002, and is due for delivery in June to Western Counties Police Air Operations Unit, based at Bristol/Filton. A consortium of the Avon, Somerset and Gloucestershire Police forces, the unit was formed in 1995 and currently operates Eurocopter AS 355F2 G-OASP.
Вертолет EC135 востребован на рынке санитарной авиации в значительной степени благодаря наличию люка-двери в хвостовой части фюзеляжа, облегчающего погрузку носилок с больными.
The helicopter fleet of the Gendarmerie Nacional comprises mainly Airbus and Leonardo types. The AW169, seen at the front of this formation, is the largest helicopter of the force, bought to replace the Huey 2s that failed conversion
Part of the Gendarmeria fleet seen in front of their hangar at Campo de Mayo Airfield, where the AW169, the two Turbo Porters, the EC135, two Ecureuils and one PC-12 can be seen. The force currently operates a small but efficient fleet to operate in difficult areas where there is not much infrastructure
EC135T3 launch customer Aiut Alpin Dolomites will replace its T2i (l-HALP), used for mountain rescue missions in the Italian Dolomites.
On display at the airshow held at Panevezys in Lithuania on July 19, 2008 was one of the two Eurocopter EC 135s assigned to the Aviacijos Rinktine (Aviation Group) of the Valstybes Sienos Apsaugos Tarnyba (Border Guards) based at Trakai. LY-HCO and -HCE (ex D-HECJ and ’CN) were delivered to Vilnius on December 19, 2006. The helicopter on display was equipped with a Nitesun searchlight, a FLIR, loud speakers and comprehensive communications suite.
The SBGS EC135T2s each have a FLIR Systems UltraFORCE 2 and a Nightsun searchlight mounted on the nose.
Four EC135s are used for surveillance missions, the three others 'slick' examples are used as multirole helicopters.
The Austrian Flugpolizei operates seven FLIR-equipped EC135P2+ helicopters, which are based at Vienna-Schwechat, Salzburg and Klagenfurt.
An EC135P2+ undergoing work at the unit's Wartungsbetrieb (maintenance unit) at Meidling.
The Flugpolizei is only allowed to rescue people in specific types of difficulty to avoid overlap with the dedicated HEMS mission allocated to Austria's OAMTC service operating a fleet of yellow H135T3s.
The quartet of EC135P2+ helicopters used for surveillance are equipped with Nightsun illumination and multispectral cameras, with the crew wearing night-vision goggles.
Отличные высотные характеристики вертолета, обеспеченные мощными и компактными двигателями, позволяют использовать EC135 для горноспасательных работ, например - в Альпах.
The Dutch Police Air Support Unit is headquartered at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, where the fleet remains on 24/7 standby
Helicopters have proven invaluable in policing one of the most heavily populated parts of Europe
H135s over the densely populated countryside of the Netherlands. The H135 P2+ replaced the old but reliable MBB Bo-105 from 2009
An H135 and AW139 at sunset over the North Sea. Formation flying is practised on a regular basis for missions to transport special police units such as the Dienst Speciale Interventies (DSI)
Police Aviation Unit AW139s and EC135P2+s operated from Valkenburg for the summit.
Eurocopter Vostok, Eurocopter's agent for the Russian market, displayed an EC135 light helicopter, one of seven currently operated by Gazprom Avia. In compliance with Russian requirements, the helicopters are fitted with the TTA-12H terrain awareness and warning system and a TTS satellite navigation receiver compatible with the Russian Glonass system. Both units are manufactured by Transas. The company's avionics will also be fitted to other Eurocopter helicopters delivered into Russia, including the EC175, which UTair will receive in 2013. The Russian operator ordered 15 EC175s in 2008, with options on 15 more.
Swedish National Police EC135P2+ SE-HPU/'944’ (c/n 0225) departs after refuelling during Exercise Poseidon.
At the end of July, 2013 Eurocopter Espana handed over two of the 17 Eurocopter EC135s ordered by the Turkish Aeronautical Association's commercial arm, THK Gokcen Aviation. The helicopters will be used in the air ambulance role. THK Gokcen Aviation has a five-year air ambulance service contract from the Turkish ministry of health. EC135 TC-HFV (ex EC-034) is seen at the manufacturer's facility at Aibacete in Spain on July 19 prior to being ferried to Turkey in company with TC-HFU (ex EC-030). EC135 operations by THK Gdkgen Aviation began in August.
Eurocopter sold 30 EC 135s during 1999, including two for the Kuwait national police. First orders of the new century to be revealed for the type came from UK-based Bond Air Services which has ordered five Arrius 2B1-powered EC 135s through UK distributor McAlpine Helicopters.
ADAC has placed an order for nine EC 135s that will be used for emergency medical services.
An EC135 lands in a field inside the Cazaux Air Base training area, which is ideal for practising winch­ing and fast roping techniques.
An EC135 moves forward while a student flight engineer tries to balance a heavy bag, simulating the weight of a person on the winch.
Winching exercise with the EC 135 of the GI.
The student flight engineer checks is everything is OK before he allows the member of the intervention team to fast rope down.
One of the GI instructors explains how to install and operate the fast-roping system to students before the start of an exercise.
Многоцелевой вертолет EC 135 T1 CDPS
Eurocopter EC635T2+ helicopters for the Iraqi Army have adopted German military markings during test flights. Noted at Manching on September 30 was 98+45 (c/n 0975). The military serials are believed to have been allocated to allow weapons trials to be undertaken in Germany. Iraq's EC635s will be equipped with the Eurocopter/ATE Stand-Alone Weapon System. A total of 24 have been ordered, with deliveries under way.
Eurocopter EC635 D-HECM (c/n 0529), the first of the type for the Swiss Air Force, undertakes its first flight from the manufacturer's Donauworth facility in Germany on May 23, 2007.
Swiss Air Force Eurocopter EC635P2 T-353 (c/n 0529, ex D-HECM), the first of 18 on order, was handed over at the manufacturer's facility at Donauworth, Germany, on March 7, 2008.
Rotary-wing students spend two years undertaking basic and advanced training on the EC635, which comprises 400 flight hours and 30 hours on the simulator.
At the beginning of December 2013 the Spanish Government authorised the purchase of eight new Airbus Helicopters EC135T2+S for the Centro de Ensehanza de Helicopteros (CEFAMET, Army Aviation Training Centre) at Colmenar Viejo, Madrid. The deal is valued at €49 million and the initial two were handed over by Eurocopter Espana (ECE) on January 1. Seen on the ECE apron is EC135T2+ HE26-21/10017 ‘ET-186' (c/n 990), one of the first pair for CEFAMET. The final delivery will take the school's EC135 fleet to 12.
Australia's HATS programme will include 15 EC135T2+ helicopters similar to this example flown by the Spanish Army's Military Emergency Unit.
Irish Garda Air Support Unit EC 135T1, still in UK civil markings as G-BZRM (c/n 0149), seen at McAlpine Helicopters' Oxford/Kidlington facility prior to delivery, expected in June 2002 when it will gain military serial 256 in the Irish Air Corps sequence. After a pre-acceptance test flight at Donauworth on December 8, 2000, the following day the helicopter was flown to Kidlington, where installation of mission equipment was undertaken by McAlpine Helicopters. With work now complete and airtesting under way, delivery is anticipated imminently.
EC135 serial 256, pictured at Baldonnel, was delivered to the Garda Air Support Unit in 2002.
Although based near Dublin, the equipment in EC135T2+ serial 272, including an NVG mode modification and extra endurance, mean it can operate anywhere in the Irish Republic.
The GASU is a joint Garda/lrish Air Corps unit and is jointly controlled by the IAC at Baldonnel and Garda HQ in Phoenix Park, above which EC135 272 is seen.
Irish Air Corps EC 135P2 270 (c/n 0425), seen here at Baldonnel on November 8, 2005, arrived on delivery from the Eurocopter factory in Germany on November 3 in company with 271 (c/n 0431). The helicopters had left Donauworth the previous day and after a night stop at Norvenich Air Base, Germany, they left for a refuelling stop at Koksijde Air Base, Belgium, before flying on to Ireland. The helicopters will be operated by 301 Squadron at Baldonnel, finally replacing the veteran Alouette Ills, which have served for almost 40 years.
An EC135 hovering at Custume Barracks. This platform first conducted EAS taskings before the role was taken over by the larger, more-capable AW139
Used for both rotary wing training and ranger transportation, the IAC operates three Airbus Helicopters EC-135
Air Corps 112 parked, rotors running, on the helipad at University Hospital Galway in west Ireland. Note the IAC EC135 orbiting overhead
В числе первых военные вертолеты EC135 получили Королевские ВВС Иордании, где они используются как легкие транспортные и учебно-тренировочные.
The first EC135T2+ for the Australian Defence Force (ADF), N52-001/D-HECG (c/n 1179) ‘841’, which made its maiden flight on January 16, 2015 at Donauworth, Germany, during a subsequent test flight three days later. The helicopter was formally accepted during a ceremony there on July 23.
An EC135 helicopter painted with the 723 Squadron Taipans logo and Army and Navy, at the top of, and on opposite sides of the helicopter's fenestron.
EC135 N52-001/841 during trials at HMAS Albatross.
Australia's Helicopter Aircrew Training System project uses EC135 T2+ helicopters, a joint programme for training both Army and Navy aircrew.
EC135T2+ N52-002/842 over Jervis Bay, New South Wales. The helicopter is one of 15 H135s being acquired for the joint Army-Navy Helicopter Aircrew Training System programme for the ADF’s Joint Helicopter School based at HMAS Albatross, near Nowra, New South Wales.
EC135 helicopters await their first trainees at the Joint Helicopter School at HMAS Albatross.
The Airbus Helicopters H135 serves as the Australian Defence Force's rotary-wing training platform. Fifteen helicopters are based at HMAS Albatross, south of Sydney and flown by a joint Navy-Army squadron
On December 11, 2017, HMAS Albatross conducted ceremonial divisions. The occasion marked the withdrawal from Royal Australian Navy service of the S-70B-2 Seahawk and the AS350BA Squirrel helicopters. An Australian Army OH-58A Kiowa leads a Royal Australian Navy AS350BA Squirrel and its replacement a Eurocopter EC135 over the skies of Nowra, New South Wales.
Eurocopter is renowned for launching new models at major trade shows and Heli-Expo was no exception. The Marignane-based company chose the event to unveil the EC135P3/T3, which features a number of improvements over the version currently in production. This latest variant of the light twin helicopter features optimised software for the FADEC (full authority digital engine control) system, 100mm (4in) longer rotor blades and enhanced air intakes compatible with inlet barrier filters. The combined effect of the improvements provides a 30kg (66 lb) increase in the maximum take-off weight to 2,980kg (6,570 lb) and better performance in hot-and-high environments. The EC135T3 also features auxiliary fuel tanks and a new interior design.
An early production EC135T3 with only 9.5 hours on the clock was demonstrated to Aiut Alpin pilots at Trento in July 2014.
The latest variants of the EC135 are the P3 and T3, powered by different engine options. The EC135T3 uses the Turbomeca Arrius 2B2 Plus.
The EC135T3 made its European debut at the Berlin Air Show in May 2014.
The H135s to be used by NOLAS for air ambulance work in Norway are the first to have the Helionix avionics suite.
The last of five H135 helicopters to be acquired under a lease arrangement has now been delivered to the German Armed Forces.
Crews prepare for the offshore work using a training tower at Emden, Germany.
A hoist in the H135 makes it possible for HTM to use the type for offshore wind farm work.
HTM's new hoisting training tower with a functioning wind turbine in the background. The tower is two thirds the size of a regular turbine. Winching can be practised from the main tower without the need for helicopter participation.
The twin-engine H135 Juno HT1 will replace the single-engine H125 Squirrel HT1. The Juno is powered by Safran Arrius 2B2Plus turbines.
Airbus Helicopters signed a contract valued at ?500 million over 17 years to deliver 29 Airbus Helicopters H135 Juno HT1s and three hoist-equipped H145 Jupiter HT1s, with full associated support services into the programme.
Jupiter HT1 G-CJIV/ZM500 and Juno HT1 G-CJIW/ZM505 at RAF Shawbury, Shropshire on April 3, 2017.
RAF Shawbury is home to H135 Junos of the Defence Helicopter Flying School
A Juno HT1 from the Defence Helicopter Flying School at RAF Shawbury conducting out-of-area training.
A number of Defence Helicopter Flying School Juno HT1s were active on Salisbury Plain during November 2018, participating in a variety of tactical exercises. Shown here is ZM520.
The Thames Valley Air Ambulance is operated by Babcock MCS Onshore, formerly Bond Aviation Services. This was the initial H135 used for HEMS in the UK.
Whiteout conditions are faced by Aiut Alpin Dolomites pilots during the winter season.
The sheer rock faces of the Langkofel Mountain provide a stunning backdrop to AD’s EC135T3.
The EC135 T3 has a 90m (295 ft) long cable for winching.
The EC 135 T3's power and stability are among reasons why Aiut Alpin Dolomites selected the type, which was delivered in December 2014.
A SINGLE H135 helicopter was delivered to the Heath Commission of Qingdao in China's Shandong Province, Airbus Helicopters announced on September 28, 2018.
Airbus helicopters make up 55% of the global HEMS helicopter fleet
The new H135s will be used for a range of roles in Forca Aeronaval da Mirinha do Brasil service, potentially including support for the country's Antarctic programme.
Airbus Helicopters demonstrated its H135 helicopter to the US Navy at the Naval Helicopter Association's Fleet Fly-in at NAS Whiting Field, Pensacola between October 22-26, 2018.
Airbus Helicopters made the engine selection announcement at the Heli-Expo 2019 exhibition in Atlanta, Georgia, on March 6, 2019.
NASA placed an order at the show for three H135 twin-engine helicopters. NASA
NASA's new H135s will support the launches from Cape Canaveral, Florida
Many operators prefer a twin-engined helicopter for operations alongside a yacht and the ACH135 is particularly popular in the role. Aircraft may be embarked for months at a time and require only minimal maintenance during the voyage
Airbus Helicopters’ civil helicopters range
A Spectrolab SX-16 searchlight (pictured), a Star Satire HD multispectral imaging system, FLIR, a loudspeaker and the (Helicopter Laser Radar) Obstacle Warning System are used on the EC135T2 to support police work.
The Spectrolab SX-16 searchlight mounted on NPAS H135s has 30 million candle power.
FLIR/TV. Одним из самых удачных новинок в полицейской авиации стало появление аппаратуры FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared), позволяющей следить за объектом ночью. В то время как полицейские на земле легко теряли убегающего преступника из вида, вертолеты, оснащенные FLIR, могли наблюдать за целью,ориентируясь по выделяемому ею теплу (при использовании тепловизора). На фото турель с LEO 2 FLIR/TV, установленная спереди от контейнера Macpod на полицейском Eurocopter ЕС 135T. За ней мегафоны громкоговорителя "Sky shout".
The EC135T3 revised air intakes are compatible with inlet barrier filters to provide engine protection from sand, dust and FOD.
The span of the EC135T3’s composite horizontal stabiliser has been increased, endplate fins removed, and the ventral fin beneath the Fenestron deleted.
The Airbus Helicopters EC135 production line at its Donauworth plant in Germany.