Страна : Франция
Год : 1978
Средний транспортный вертолет с экипажем из двух/трех человек
- Aerospatiale - Puma / SA.330 - 1965 - Франция
- Aerospatiale - Super Puma / SA.332 / AS.532 Cougar - 1978 - Франция
Eurocopter (Aerospatiale) AS 332, AS 532, EC225, EC725 Super Puma и Cougar
Появившийся в 1974 году Super Puma (Aerospatiale AS 332) виделся преемником SA 330 Puma. Новая машина в целом сохранила компоновочные и конструктивные особенности Puma, включая трехопорное убираемое шасси, но была выполнена на новом технологическом уровне с использованием лопастей несущего винта из стеклопластика. Внешне Super Puma отличается от Puma установленным под хвостовой балкой килем и более развитым обтекателем в носовой части фюзеляжа, под которым возможна установка метео-РЛС Bendix/King RDR 1400 или Honeywell Primus 500. Вертолет предназначался для гражданского применения, тем не менее, в его конструкцию заложили и специфически военные особенности - например, возможность работы редуктора в течение часа без смазки, а пробитая 12,7-мм пулей лопасть выдерживала работу в течение 40 часов. Установленные на Puma двигатели Turmo заменили на Makila 1A мощностью по 1780 л.с., которые выходят на максимальный режим работы за 1,5 секунд.
Первый полет был выполнен 13 сентября 1978 года; на прототип внедрили все новинки - втулку несущего винта типа Starflex, новую трансмиссию, противообледенительную систему лопастей несущего винта, шасси с более широкой колей и одноколесными основными опорами. Эксплуатация Super Puma началась в 1981 году с военного варианта AS 332B и гражданского AS 332C. Оба варианта сохранили размер кабины Puma с объемом 11,40 м3, рассчитанную на перевозку 12-15 солдат в полной выкладке или 21 пассажира. На следующий год начались поставки удлиненных на 0,76 м вариантов гражданского AS 332L и военного AS 332M, объем кабины на этих машина составлял 13,30 м3, что позволяло перевозить на четыре пассажира больше.
В январе 1990 года военные варианты переименовали в Cougar (позже Cougar Mk I) и ввели для них новое обозначение AS 532 и новые суффиксы: AS 532AC и AS 532UC - для вооруженного и невооруженного с коротким фюзеляжем соответственно; AS 532AL и AS 532UL - для вооруженного и невооруженного с длинным фюзеляжем; невооруженный поисково-спасательный морской вариант стал обозначаться AS 532MC; морской противолодочный/противокорабельный AS 532SC. Ранее оба морских варианта обозначались AS 332F, морского варианта с длинным фюзеляжем не существовало. Для гражданского рынка выпускались AS 332L Super Puma, используемые, в основном, для обслуживания буровых платформ на континентальном шельфе. В настоящее время выпускается гражданский вариант с длинным фюзеляжем AS 332L1 на 20 пассажиров и улучшенная модификация AS 332L Tiger, разработанная специально для работы на буровых Северного моря и заказанная компанией "Bristow Helicopter". Последние построенные Cougar Mk I оснащены двигателями Makila 1A1 мощностью 1877 л. с.
6 февраля 1987 года выполнил первый полет прототип AS 532M2 Cougar Mk II (гражданский вариант AS 332L2 Super Puma Mk II) с двумя двигателями Makila 1A2 мощностью по 2104 л.с., втулками несущего и рулевого винтов типа Spheriflex с эластомерными подшипниками, удлиненными лопастями несущего винта, увеличенными бортовыми спонсонами, в которых разместили топливные баки, спасательные плотики и т. п. Дальнейшее увеличение длины фюзеляжа позволило разместить в кабине 28 пассажиров. Эксплуатация Cougar и Super Puma в варианте Mk II началась в 1992 году. Данный вариант использован как платформа для французской радиолокационной системы наблюдения за полем боя HORIZON (Helicoptere d'Observation Radar et d'Investigation sur ZONe), разработанной в конце 1990-х годов. Сухопутные войска Франции изначально заказали 20 вертолетов с системой Orchidee, проходившей отработку на AS 330B в варианте с РЛС меньших размеров Orphee. Работы по сочетанию Orchidee и Cougar Mk II прекратили в 1990 году из-за высокой сложности, но после операции "Daguet" (французская составляющая "Бури в пустыне") их возобновили. Опыт 24 боевых вылетов вертолетов с системой HORIZON не прошел даром, и с "Eurocopter" в октябре 1992 года заключили контракт на постройку двух вертолетов AS 532UL с системами Orchidee. Первый из них поднялся в воздух 8 декабря 1992 года, первый из шести серийных заказчик получил в апреле 1994 года. Сухопутные войска Франции заменили часть своих AS 330 на AS 532 Cougar, на конец 2009 года в армейской авиации имелось 22 таких вертолета.
Вооружение армейских Cougar ограничено пулеметами и блоками НАР. Морской AS 532C способен нести две противокорабельные ракеты AM39 Exocet или противолодочные самонаводящиеся торпеды, также предусмотрена возможность базирования вертолета на кораблях - шасси оборудованы баллонетами для посадки на воду. Развитые спонсоны с баллонетами могут, по желанию заказчика, устанавливаться на вертолете любой модификации.
Лицензионное производство AS 330 наладили в Индонезии на "IPTN (Eurocopter)", в начале 1980-х годов, затем завод переориентировали на выпуск AS 332C и AS 332L, выпускавшихся под обозначением NAS 332. Выкатка первого вертолета, заказанного для гражданского сектора рынка, состоялась в апреле 1983 года. В некоторых странах Super Puma получили собственные обозначения: CH-34 в Бразилии, HD.21 (поисково-спасательный) и HT.21 (VIP) в Испании, HKP 10 в Швеции. Рекламируемый как AS 532U2 военный вариант AS 532M2 воплотился в модификацию AS 532A2, на основе которого в 1999 году был создан боевой поисково-спасательный вертолет для ВВС Франции. "Eurocopter" также разработал дешевый вариант Mk II - AS532UB/AS532AB Cougar 100 - без спонсонов и с упрощенным составом оборудования.
На 2010 год линейка "Eurocopter" включала три военные модификации Cougar, включая перспективный EC725 с новым пятилопастным несущим винтом и двумя двигателями Makila 2A мощностью по 2413 л.с., рассчитанный на перевозку 29 солдат, а также AS 532SC с коротким фюзеляжем и AS 532AL с длинным фюзеляжем. Коммерческим заказчикам предлагаются EC225 (эквивалент EC725)и AS332L1 с длинным фюзеляжем.
AS532UB Cougar: упрощенный и менее дорогой военный Cougar Mk I для использования в качестве невооруженного транспортного вертолета с неубираемым шасси и максимальной взлетной массой 9000 кг
AS532AB Cougar Mk I: вооруженный вариант AS532UB
AS532U2 Cougar Mk II: невооруженный военно-транспортный вертолет с экипажем из двух человек, способный перевозить 29 солдат
Aerospatiale AS 532UC Cougar Mk I
Тип: средний транспортный вертолет с экипажем из двух/трех человек
Силовая установка: два турбовальных двигателя Turbomeca Makila 1A1 мощностью по 1877 л. с. (1400 кВт)
Летные характеристики: максимальная крейсерская скорость на уровне моря 262 км/ч; начальная скороподъемность 420 м/мин; динамический потолок 4100 м; статический потолок с учетом влияния земли 2700 м; статический потолок без учета влияния земли 1600 км; дальность со стандартной заправкой 618 км
Масса: пустого 4330 кг; максимальная взлетная 9350 кг
Размеры: диаметр несущего винта 15,60 м; длина с вращающимися винтами 18,70 м; площадь, ометаемая несущим винтом, 191,13 м2
Полезная нагрузка: до 21 солдата или груз массой до 4500 кг внутри и на внешней подвеске
- Описание
Мировая Авиация 70
13 сентября 1978г.: первый полет выполнил прототип вертолета Aerospatiale AS 332 Super Puma (F-WZJA) с двумя ТВД Turbomeca Makila 1A.
Air International 2016-08 / Airscene
One of the final two Super Pumas of EH 1/44 in front of the squadron's hangars in March 2016. The final two will be sold to Spain.
Air International 2013-02 / H.-P.Grolleau - Corsican Lion /Military/
An Armee de l'Air Super Puma of EH 1/44 'Solenzara' was drafted in to provide transportation during the VIP and press days and the end of Corsican Lion.
Air International 2013-02 / H.-P.Grolleau - Corsican Lion /Military/
Hyeres Naval Air Station was extremely busy during the last few days of Corsican Lion. Here, a Flottille 31F NH90 is towed back towards a hangar while a French Super Puma waits to pick up VIPs.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: NH Industries NH-90 - International - 1995
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Армия Испании эксплуатирует вертолеты Puma (местное обозначение HT-21, на снимке) и Cougar (HT-27).
Air International 2015-07 / News
Spanish Army/BHELMA IV AS332B1 Super Puma HT.21-09/‘ET-507'at Cuatro Vientos Air Base on May 30, 2015 on temporary loan to the Spanish Air Force's 803 Escuadron. The helicopter will reinforce the unit's depleted Super Puma fleet, which is operated in the combat search and rescue role. After an initial two-year loan a decision will be made on whether to keep it on air force strength. This will depend on the availability of new NH90s due for delivery to the army.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-05 - AIRCRAFT - ROTARY-WING - MILITARY/CIVIL
Spanish Army AS 532UL Cougars were delivered from 1998 onwards (1999)
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Объем кабины у AS 532UC остался таким же, как на вертолете Puma, но в его днище строго под осью несущего винта сделан люк, дающий возможность перевозить на внешней подвеске груз массой до 4500 кг.
Мировая Авиация 65
Наряду с вертолетами UH-1, AB212 и Chinook, армейская авиация Испании в качестве транспортных эксплуатирует и вертолеты AS 532 Super Puma/Cougar.
Мировая Авиация 65
Лопасти несущего винта Super Puma - композитные, накладки носка выполнены из титана с термонагревательным элементом. Такие лопасти легче и аэродинамически эффективнее лопастей, установленных на вертолетах Puma.
Мировая Авиация 67
Три эскадрили испанских ВВС вооружены вертолетами Super Puma (на фотографии) и Puma. Для выполнения спасательных работ по правому борту их фюзеляжей смонтированы лебедки.
Air International 2016-11 / Airscene
A brand-new AS332C1 Super Puma purchased by the Spanish Government arrived at Airbus Helicopter’s plant at Albacete at the end of July 2016 for modification to search and rescue configuration and painting took to the air for the first time in full Ejercito del Aire colours on September 22.
Air International 2018-08 / K.van der Mark - Getting them out /Commercial/
An Ejercito del Aire Super Puma, armed with an M3M 0.50 machine gun approaches a landing zone at Ederheide to drop off British extraction force personnel.
Air International 2019-05 / Airscene
Fourth H215 taking off from Albacete on March 21, 2019, to begin a series of testing flights with a Centro Logistico de Armamento y Experimentation (Logistics Centre of Armament and Experimentation) crew, before entry in service in the Canary Islands with 82 Grupo.
Air International 2018-07 / R.Yanez, A.Rodriguez - Training over La Mancha /Military/
An Italian HH-101 and an AB212ICO, together with a Spanish Super Puma, took part in two CSAR missions during FC 2018-01.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Agusta Westland AW.101 / EH-101 Merlin - International - 1987Bell Model 212 / UH-1N - США - 1968
Air International 2018-08 / K.van der Mark - Getting them out /Commercial/
A recovered aircrew, one of them made-up to simulate injuries, is guided to the rescue helicopter, in this case an Ejercito del Aire Super Puma from Cuatro Vientos-based Escuadron 803.
Air International 2018-08 / K.van der Mark - Getting them out /Commercial/
Italian extraction force personnel carry a Dutchman acting as a wounded aircrew member to a French NH90.
Air International 2018-08 / K.van der Mark - Getting them out /Commercial/
Six areas of heathland in the Netherlands and three airfields in Belgium were used as training locations during APROC.
Air International 2018-03 / Airscene
The third Spanish H215, HD21-17/802-17, at the Airbus Helicopters plant in Albacete, ready for delivery on February 1, 2018.
Air International 2018-08 / K.van der Mark - Getting them out /Commercial/
Gilze-Rijen's secondary runway acted as flight line for the foreign helicopters and E-550 CAEW participating in APROC.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Agusta Westland AW.101 / EH-101 Merlin - International - 1987
Air International 2018-01 / Airscene
The final Ejercito del Aire H215 seen after landing at the Airbus Helicopters plant at Albacete. Behind is the second H215 bought by the Ejercito del Aire (registered HD.21-18/802-18) starting engines for a test flight, prior to its delivery to the Gando, Canary Islands-based 82 Grupo in December 2017.
Air International 2019-01 / Airscene
H215 with test registration F-WWOA is pictured landing at the Airbus Helicopter plant in Albacete after a ferry flight from Marignane. The helicopter will become HD.21-19/802-19 in the EdA inventory.
Мировая Авиация 67
Одна эскадрилья авиации ВМС Бразилии вооружена вертолетами AS 332M Cougar, которые применяются в качестве транспортных и поисково-спасательных.
Air International 2012-02 / News
Night time operations were conducted on the Marinha do Brasil (Brazilian Navy) aircraft carrier NAe (Navio Aerodromo, naval airfield) Sao Paulo (A12) following upgrade work on the optical landing system. Eurocopter UH-14 (AS332F-1) Super Puma helicopters of the Aviacao Naval's (Brazilian Naval Aviation) HU-2 performed the sorties at the end of November 2011, during which the unit's pilots qualified for carrier operations. The NAe Sao Paulo rejoined the fleet in late 2011 after undergoing over five years of modernisation and repairs. Other helicopter units are expected to start night operations from the ship soon.
Air International 2011-11 / News
On September 8, 2011 the first Elliniki Polemiki Aeroporia (Hellenic Air Force) Eurocopter AS332C-1 Super Puma to be overhauled in Spain arrived at the Eurocopter Espana plant in Albacete. The helicopter (2509, c/n 2509) belongs to 384 MED 'Pumas' and is based at Elefsis Air Force Base. It is seen here on a test flight after arrival.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-05 - AIRCRAFT - ROTARY-WING - MILITARY/CIVIL
AS 532SC Cougar naval variant of the Royal Saudi Navy equipped with Exocet missiles (1997)
Мировая Авиация 67
В авиации ВМС Чили имеются вертолеты AS 332 и AS 532. На фотографии - вертолет из ударной противолодочной эскадрильи НА- 7.
Air International 2006-12 / D.Hobbs - World Ship-Borne Helicopter Survey /Military/
A Chilean Navy AS332 Super Puma carrying an Exocet missile. It operates this type of helicopter from the country’s County class destroyers and Leander class frigates.
Air International 2002-06 / R.Francillon - Eurocopter. The old continent scores worldwide successes /Rotary wing/
Chilean Navy AS 532SC Super Puma 72, armed with AM 39 Exocet air-to-surface anti-ship missiles. The last aircraft with the old AS 332 and AS 532 designations were ordered in 2001 and now the type is in production with new EC designations.
Air International 2015-12 / News
The third Bolivian Air Force AS332C1e Jatun Puma FAB782 seen arriving at the Airbus Helicopters' plant at Albacete, Spain on October 15, 2015. The aircraft was formally accepted by the Bolivian Air Force at Marignane in France and was ferried to Albacete to continue training Bolivian pilots and technicians.
Air International 2018-07 / Backpages
Heliswiss International AS332C1 Super Puma HB-XVY visited Elstree in May 2018 to lift heavy power equipment for installation in a London building.
Мировая Авиация 70
"Tyrolean Airways" эксплуатирует данный вертолет AS 332C Super Puma с начала 1980-х годов. Он применялся для выполнения широкого круга работ, например, для монтажа опор подъемника на горнолыжной трассе.
Air International 2016-05 / Airscene
To be built in Romania with a rollout in 2017, Airbus Helicopters H215 (Model AS332 C1) made the final stop of its US Demo Tour at McClellan Field for AFF 2016. This latest example in the Super Puma/Cougar series is powered by two 1,877shp (187kW) Turbomeca Makila 1A1 engines that give it the ability to lift a 9,920 lb (4,499 kg) external sling load. Internally the utility version can carry 20 fully equipped firefighters, while a slightly longer model has seats for 22.
Air International 2019-06 / Backpages
The recently-delivered H215 Super Puma will allow China's SGGAC to expand its operations in remote regions of the country.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-05 - AIRCRAFT - ROTARY-WING - MILITARY/CIVIL
Eurocopter AS 532UB/AB Cougar 100 economy utility helicopter with fixed landing gear (1997)
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6 февраля 1987г.: "Aerospatiale" начала летные испытания Super Puma Mk II с новой втулкой несущего винта, лопастями увеличенной хорды и слегка удлиненным фюзеляжем.
Air International 2018-03 / J.Kraak - Athena the art of special ops /Military/
Except for two aircraft assigned to the Groupement Aero Mobilite de la Section Technique de I'Armee de Terre, the Aviation Legere de I'Armee de Terre test and evaluation unit, the AS532UL Cougar fleet is now entirely based at Pau with the helicopters being assigned to 4e RHFS and 5e RHC.
Air International 2011-09 / H.-P.Grolleau - Mixed Patrols /Military/
This Cougar is fitted with a door-mounted M3M 12.7mm heavy machine gun.
Air International 2011-09 / H.-P.Grolleau - Mixed Patrols /Military/
The M3M 12.7mm machine-gun equipped with a holographic sight has recently been adopted by the 4e RHFS.
Мировая Авиация 65
"Aerospatiale" удлинила фюзеляж AS 532U2 на 0,76 м, что позволило довести пассажировместимость до 25 человек. В фюзеляже AS 532U2 сделано два дополнительных окна, емкость внутренних топливных баков увеличена.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-05 - AIRCRAFT - ROTARY-WING - MILITARY/CIVIL
Eurocopter AS 532U2 Cougar (1999)
Мировая Авиация 65
Оснащенный радаром вертолет AS 532UL HORIZON выполняет задачи, аналогичные тем, которые в ВВС США возложены на самолет Е-8 J-STARS. Антенна РЛС смонтирована в обтекателе под фюзеляжем.
Air International 1994-12 / A.Wooley - SAR - Eyes of the Battlefield
Allied forces in the Gulf War were alerted to possible enemy ground attacks by French 6th Light Armoured Division Super Puma Mk 2s equipped with the demonstrator Orchidee airborne radar. As a result of the success of this battlefield surveillance and target designation radar, the French Army intends to deploy a version known as Horizon, in the latter half of the 1990s. Whilst not a SAR system, it typifies the great need for high resolution radar systems in a modern battlefield scenario.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-12 / М.Никольский - Вертолетный парк вооруженных сил стран Западной Европы /Вертолетная техника/ (2)
AS 532 "Кугар" (военный вариант вертолета "Супер Пума")
Air International 1999-11 / Airscene
The first RESCO AS 535 A2 Cougar Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) helicopter, seen here during predelivery test fiying as F-ZVMC, was formally handed-over to the Armee de l'Air (French Air Force) at Eurocopter’s Marignane facility on September 9, 1999.
Мировая Авиация 121
Франция заказала AS 532A2 Cougar Mk II для использования в качестве боевого поисково-спасательного. Вертолет получил наименование Cougar RESCO (Recherche et Sauvetage en Combat). На фотографии - французский EC725.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-05 - AIRCRAFT - ROTARY-WING - MILITARY/CIVIL
Combat SAR equipped Cougar Mk II displaying 7.62 mm machine gun in doorway; 20 mm cannon pod and rocket launcher (nineteen 2.75 in rockets); telescopic air-to-air refuelling probe and chin FLIR (1998)
Мировая Авиация 67
Вертолеты Puma и Super Puma пользуются популярностью как у военных, так и у гражданских заказчиков. Данный AS 332L-1 Super Puma эксплуатируется авиакомпанией "Airlift" в малонаселенном регионе Норвегии.
Мировая Авиация 70
Крупный заказ на вертолеты AS 332L/L2 Super Puma для обслуживания нефтяных месторождений на континентальном шельфе поступил от компании "Helikopter Service of Norway". Ее дочерняя фирма "Lufttransport" использовала вертолеты также на внутренних рейсах. В 1999 году фирму "Helikopter Service of Norway" поглотила компания "СНС Helicopter", которая продолжает эксплуатацию вертолетов Super Puma.
Мировая Авиация 121
AS 332L2 способен выполнять полет в течение 2 часов при отказе основного электрогенератора.
Air International 2007-10 / D.Carrara - Rotors and Rigs - North Sea Helicopter Operations /Commercial/
CHC is the second biggest operator at Aberdeen flying over 117,000 people last year. One of the company's AS332L2s is pictured returning to Aberdeen with offshore workers while a bmi regional ERJ-145 holds for departure. Air traffic controllers at Aberdeen have the challenging task of co-ordinating the slower-moving helicopters with a large number of fixed-wing aircraft.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Embraer ERJ-145 / ERJ-140 / ERJ-135 - Бразилия - 1995
Мировая Авиация 70
Эксплуатируемые на континентальном шельфе вертолеты Super Puma обычно комплектуются надувными баллонетами. Устройства серого цвета в носовой части и на спонсоне вертолета компании "СНС" как раз и являются баллонетами, используемыми при аварийной посадке на воду.
Мировая Авиация 16
11 марта 1982г.: фирма "Bristow Helicopters" получила в Мариньяне первый из 12 заказанных вертолетов Aerospatiale AS 322L Super Pumas с удлиненным фюзеляжем.
Air International 1994-12 / R.Cowan - Civil Helicopter Directory
BHL является крупнейшим гражданским эксплуатантом вертолетов Super Puma, получивших прозвище "Bristow Tiger". Большинство этих вертолетов используется в районе Восточных Шетландских островов.
Extensively used in the offshore support role, Eurocopter's AS 332L2 is the latest version of the Super Puma. The Bristow Helicopters' example illustrated is one of 24 operated by the company on oil rig support operations, mainly in the North Sea. -
Air Pictorial 1999-10 / Register Review
The Bristow Helicopters' Super Puma G-TIGM at Heathrow on 1/8/99 prior to being loaded on to a Cathay Pacific flight for Hong Kong. Its ultimate destination was with China Ocean Helicopters at Shenzen Heliport
Air International 2007-10 / D.Carrara - Rotors and Rigs - North Sea Helicopter Operations /Commercial/
Oil workers board a Bond Offshore Helicopters' AS332L2 en route for two weeks work on an installation in the North Sea. They are required to wear a survival suit and lifejacket on each flight.
Air International 2007-10 / D.Carrara - Rotors and Rigs - North Sea Helicopter Operations /Commercial/
A Bond Offshore Helicopters' AS332L2 makes its final approach to the Miller platform This company is the latest entrant to the North Sea market having started operations in 2004. It currently operates seven AS332L2s, though it also has two EC225LPs on order as well as three options.
Air International 2007-10 / D.Carrara - Rotors and Rigs - North Sea Helicopter Operations /Commercial/
In addition to crew change flights, Bond won a contract from BP to provide two provide AS332L2 for search and rescue. These helicopters are specially equipped for their role and to date have rescued 56 people One AS332L2 is kept at Sumburgh while the other is based offshore on the BP Miller platform.
Air International 2021-11 / M.Broadbent - Crash barriers
A million people are transported to work on UK offshore
Air International 2007-01 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
CHC Helicopters International AS332L Super Puma C-GOSE (c/n 2048) is seen here departing from Sky Harbour Airport, Goderich, Ontario, Canada, on November 20, 2006 after being repainted in CHC's new corporate colours by Sky Harbour Aircraft Refinishing Inc. As CHCs helicopters come up for major overhaul, they are progressively being painted in the company's new corporate colours. This particular helicopter is a recent acquisition by CHC, although it originated in Europe with Norwegian CHC subsidiary Helikopter Service as LN-OMD, before being exported to Cougar Helicopters in Canada in 1997 and registered as C-GTCH. More recently it was registered back to CHC on November 20, 2006, as C-GOSE. After departing from Goderich, it was flown to Halifax, Nova Scotia, to service offshore platforms in that area.
Air International 2020-06 / J.Duke - Finland's Flying Watchmen
A striking capture of a Rajavartiolaitos Dornier Do 228 performing a low-level fly-by while an H215 lowers a rescue swimmer to an inflatable life raft.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Dornier Do.228 - Германия - 1981
Air International 2023-05 / M.Doran - Beating the Flames
The SEI Bambi Bucket is seen on firegrounds worldwide
Air International 2020-06 / J.Duke - Finland's Flying Watchmen
The Airbus H215 is crewed by two pilots, a flight mechanic acting as hoist and systems operator, and two rescue swimmers.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-05 - AIRCRAFT - ROTARY-WING - MILITARY/CIVIL
First of three AS 532U2s for Luftwaffe's 3 Staffel/Flugbereitschaft at Berlin-Tegel (1998)
Turbomeca Makila turboshafts power the Eurocopter AS 532 Cougar (1998) -
Air International 2016-05 / Parapublic Helicopter Special /Airfocus/
The EC135 replaced the Bell 212 in the maritime patrol role. Here these types and an AS332L1 are pictured at Fuhlendorf.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bell Model 212 / UH-1N - США - 1968Eurocopter EC.135 - International - 1994
Air International 2019-10 / Backpages
The 1,000th Super Puma joins three H215s delivered to Germany's Bundespolizei in December 2018 and will operate alongside 19 earlier AS332 L1 helicopters.
Air International 2014-12 / K.van der Mark - Days of the Jackal /Military/
A Bundespolizei (German Federal Police) Airbus Helicopters Super Puma D-HEGO (c/n 2050) taxiing at Den Helder Airport during Exercise Poseidon.
Air International 2019-02 / Backpages
GERMANY'S BUNDESPOLIZEI (Federal Police) has taken delivery of three H215 Super Pumas, Airbus Helicopters announced on December 14, 2018. A fourth Super Puma will be delivered in early 2020 and all four will be used to support the Central Command for Maritime Emergencies for maritime missions off the German coast.
Air International 2016-05 / Parapublic Helicopter Special /Airfocus/
AS332L1 Super Puma D-HEGF was used to transport German Chancellor Angela Merkel during the G7 Summit in 2015.
Air International 2016-05 / Parapublic Helicopter Special /Airfocus/
The de-icing rotor blades on the AS332L1 allows the German Federal Police Air Support Group to operate even in extreme cold weather conditions. Here an AS332L1 flies with an EC135T2 over northern Germany.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Eurocopter EC.135 - International - 1994
Air International 2016-05 / Parapublic Helicopter Special /Airfocus/
The Super Puma has fast-roping equipment on both sides of the cabin to support GSG 9’s counter-terrorism operations.
Air International 2019-03 / Airscene
RUAG will upgrade eight Schweizer Luftwaffe AS532UL helicopters at Emmen, with the work to be completed in 2022.
Мировая Авиация 67
Три вертолета AS 332M1 Super Puma в 1986 году были поставлены ВВС Швейцарии, за ними в 1993 году последовало еще 12 машин более поздней постройки. На вооружении также состоят вертолеты AS 532UL Cougar.
Air International 2014-10 / News
Eurocopter AS332M1 Super Puma (designated TH89 by the Swiss military) T-313 (c/n 2226) was the last to be upgraded as a TH06.
Мировая Авиация 126
Швейцария передала свои Cougar Силам по поддержанию мира в Косово (KFOR), действующим в этой стране под контролем ООН.
Air International 2005-12 / ??? - RAF Squadrons Celebrate 90 Years /Military/
The event was opened on both days by a Eurocopter AS.532UL Cougar, which ejected 128 flares using its RUAG Aerospace ISSYS self-protection system.
Air International 2019-01 / Airscene
US Army UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters assigned to the 1st Battalion, 244th Aviation Regiment (Assault), 449th Combat Aviation Brigade on board LHD Juan Carlos I (L61), in the Persian Gulf on May 23, 2018. Their mission was to escort the Spanish Cougar helicopters assigned to Task Force Toro, to Camp Buehring, Kuwait as a preliminary location before flying to Camp Taji, Iraq in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk / S-70 - США - 1974
Air International 2013-01 / News
Eurocopter AS532UL Cougar Mk I HU27-04/'ET-671' destined for the UME is seen at Albacete on November 16, 2012.
Air International 2018-06 / Airscene
The Ejercito del Aire's 402 Escuadron based at Cuatro Vientos Air Base near Madrid is about to receive its first AS332M1 Super Puma from overhaul at Airbus Helicopters, Albacete facility with some paint changes. The helicopter registered HT.21A-3/402-22 has new titles applied; 'Reino de Espana' (Spanish Kingdom) on the forward upper fuselage, 'Ejercito del Aire' (Air Force) on the boom, and the EU flag on the tail. Title changes had been implemented on the VIP aircraft operated by 45 Grupo based at Torrejon Air Base some time ago. Helicopters assigned to 402 Escuadron are used to transport members of the Spanish royal family and government ministers around the country. Seen at Airbus Helicopters' Albacete facility on May 11, 2018, AS332M1 Super Puma HT.21A-3/402-22 resplendent after its overhaul and repainting before its test flights. This is the first 402 Escuadron helicopter to incorporate the new titles.
Air International 2014-08 / News
The first Airbus Helicopters EC225 for the Spanish SASEMAR (Sociedad Estatal de Salvamento Maritimo) arrived at the manufacturer's facility at Albacete on June 11, 2014 after a 3.5 hours flight from the company's site at Marignane, France. The contract for the helicopter (EC-004, c/n 2892) was signed on September 5, 2011. It is part of SASEMAR's plan to gradually replace Sikorsky S-61Ns operating in the northeast of the country and from the Canary Islands on all-weather rescue and surveillance missions. It will be repainted in the white and red colours of SASEMAR prior to delivery.
Air International 2018-07 / Airscene
Seen here at its home base Betera on June 2, 2018 is AS532AL HU.27-01/ET-668 (c/n 2733), the first of four Cougars ordered in 2006 by the Spanish MoD to equip the battalion.
Air International 2012-05 / News
The Spanish Unidad Militar de Emergencies (UME, Military Emergency Unit) BHELEME II (Emergency Helicopter Battalion II) based at Betera, Valencia, is testing new high-visibility marking on its Eurocopter AS532AL Cougar Mk Is to improve safety during fire-fighting operations. HT27-01/'ET-668' is seen taking off from its home base on March 15, 2012 wearing one of the new schemes being tested. A fourth Cougar is due to be delivered to the unit soon. The helicopter is currently at Eurocopter's plant in Albacete receiving additional equipment and modifications to match the configuration of the other three Cougars already in UME service.
Air International 2013-03 / News
Noted on February 4, 2013 at Den Holder Airport in the Netherlands was Eurocopter AS332L2 PH-NHR (c/n 2572, ex G-CHLF), the first of the type for Belgian company Noordzee Helikopters Vlaanderen. It arrived at Den Helder on December 6, 2012, and NHV began operations with it and EC155B1 OO-NHP (c/n 6762, ex G-ISSU), supporting the offshore industry, on January 1. The company is due to receive a second Super Puma (PH-NHS, c/n 2599, ex G-CHLJ) for operation from Den Helder and has ten Eurocopter EC 175s on order, which will be delivered between 2013 and 2015.
Air International 1996-07 / G.Kromhout - Dutch Air Force Revised
Latest helicopter to join the KLu is the AS 532 U2 Cougar Mk II. S-400, one of the first examples to be delivered to 300 Squadron at Soesterberg, is seen here undergoing post-flight maintenance on May 31, 1996, the day the KLu’s Tactische Helikopter Groep (THG) officially took on charge both the AS 532 U2 and CH-47D in a formal ceremony at Soesterberg. The camouflage scheme seen here will also be applied to the Chinooks at a later date.
Air Pictorial 1998-03
Camouflaged in a disruptive scheme to assist its concealment during tactical operations, the RNethAF’s Eurocopter AS532 Cougar is included in the new book on Dutch colours reviewed below.
Air International 2018-04 / Airscene
It was announced last December that 300 Squadron is saved from the axe after all and the Cougar will stay in service until 2030.
Air International 2014-06 / K.van der Mark - Securing the Summit /Military/
AS532U2s Cougar Mk2s from 300 Squadron were on standby to support ground forces.
Air International 2011-02 / K.van der Mark - Training the Elite /Military/
Sitting in a hovering Cougar, a member of the Army's Special Forces unit aims his Accuracy International AWSM sniper rifle during a personnel recovery mission at a camp site near Oldehove.
Air International 2012-08 / News
The two RNLAF AS 532U2 Cougars deployed to the Gulf of Aden on board Hr Ms Rotterdam are fitted with flotation gear, as seen on S-447 at Maritime Air Station De Kooy earlier this year while 300 Squadron was preparing for the Ocean Shield deployment.
Air International 2011-02 / K.van der Mark - Training the Elite /Military/
Adding to the surprise effect by flying at 'tree top level' over the flat landscape of the northern part of the Netherlands, a Cougar and Chinook arrive on the scene for a hostage release operation as part of HWIC Recovery.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing-Vertol CH-47 Chinook - США - 1961
Air International 2011-05 / News
RNLAF Cougars took part in what is likely to be their final TAC Blaze exercise in late March and early April 2011. S-450 of No.300 Squadron is seen departing the forward operating base for a reconnaissance mission over the Electronic Warfare Range at Spadeadam, Cumbria on April 4.
Air International 2011-02 / K.van der Mark - Training the Elite /Military/
Tactical operations practiced in HWIC included fast-roping from Cougars, as shown by S-445 in the new grey colour.
Air International 2015-04 / News
AS532U2 Cougar Mk2 S-453, seen on stand-by at Leeuwarden in January 2015, is one of two from 300 Squadron that took over the patient airlift role on January 1, 2015.
Air International 2012-05 / News
Royal Netherlands Air Force CH-47D Chinook D-101 is seen returning from a mission to its forward operating base at Carlisle Airport, Cumbria, during Exercise Tac Blaze 2012/1.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boeing-Vertol CH-47 Chinook - США - 1961
Air International 2011-02 / K.van der Mark - Training the Elite /Military/
The loadmaster/gunner of a Cougar keeps a watchful eye over his gun as soldiers approach the helicopter with 'wounded' colleagues on stretchers for a casualty evacuation flight in exercise HWIC Recovery.
Мировая Авиация 65
Береговая охрана Исландии эксплуатирует два AS 332L2 Super Puma, которые базируются в Рейкьявике и привлекаются к поисково-спасательным операциям, перевозкам больных и патрулированию районов рыбного промысла.
Air International 2002-08 / Talkback
This Forsvarsmaktens Helikopterflottilj (Swedish Defence Helicopter Wing) HKP-10 (AS 332M1 Super Puma), 97, is on the strength of 1 Helikopterbataljon (Helicopter Battalion), based at Lulea in northern Sweden. It is one of 12 of the type strategically distributed at various air bases around the country to provide search and rescue, and was photographed in June 2002 during a SAR demonstration.
Air International 2006-10 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Eurocopter AS532AL Cougar tactical transport helicopter 701 (ex F-ZKBL) was officially handed over to the Bulgarian Air Force in a ceremony at the 24th Air Force Base at Krumovo, Bulgaria, on August 28, 2006, following completion of its delivery flight from France. The helicopter, seen here at Marignane on August 21 prior to delivery, is the first of 12 Cougars, comprising eight in tactical transport configuration and four outfitted for the combat search and rescue role, that were ordered in January 2005, with all 12 due to enter service by 2009. The deal also included six AS565MB Panther helicopters for the Bulgarian Navy, the first of which is due for delivery in 2010 and the last in 2011.
Air International 2012-03 / News
The first Eurocopter AS532AL Cougar for the Albanian Air Force (FA-630) has been noted flying from the manufacturer's facility at Marignane in France. It first flew late last year and is one of five of the type ordered in December 2009 under a €78.6 million contract. All are scheduled to be delivered by early 2013.
Air International 2022-09 / M.Scharenborg - Fighting the fires
The Hellenic Fire Service Aviation Unit is located in Athens, Greece. With a mixed fleet of three MBB MK-117C.1s and two AS-332L.1 Super Pumas, it can conduct a wide range of tasks that go far beyond simply fighting wildfires
Air International 2022-09 / M.Scharenborg - Fighting the fires
In the period outside the fire-season there is time to perform maintenance and conduct training with the helicopters, often focusing on hoist operations. Here, rescue workers from the 1st EMAK based at Elefsina can be seen being hoisted on to an AS.332L.1 of the Hellenic Fire Service Aviation Unit
Air International 2022-09 / M.Scharenborg - Fighting the fires
In 2005, AS-332L.1 Super Puma (SX-HFF) was donated by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation. It is on fire alert during the season, mainly at Athens Airport and equipped with a Bambi Bucket
Авиация и Космонавтика 2019-09 / С.Дроздов - Авиация силовых ведомств Грузии
Два вертолета «Супер Пума», приобретенные Грузией
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-05 - AIRCRAFT - ROTARY-WING - MILITARY/CIVIL
Eurocopter AS 532UL Cougar of the Turkish Army (1998)
Air International 2016-11 / Airscene
UH-1H, AH-1P and S-70A helicopters at Akinci MJB. After it became apparent that the plot was going to fail, rebel helicopters gathered at the base, which was the command centre of the coup.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bell AH-1 HueyCobra / Model 209 - США - 1965Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk / S-70 - США - 1974
Мировая Авиация 67
В составе ВВС Сингапура есть две эскадрильи вертолетов AS 332M Super Puma/AS 532UL Cougar, закупленных в конце 1980-х - начале 1990-х годов. Вертолеты используются, прежде всего, как транспортные.
Air International 1986-08 / C.Pocock - Singapore Sting
One of the AS 332M Super Pumas of No 125 (Starling) Sqn which operates this helicopter from Sembawang;
Air International 2022-01 / N.Pittaway - Regional Resurgence
The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) is replacing its Aerospatiale AS332M/AS332M1 Super Puma Helicopters with the Airbus Helicopters H225M. The first H225Ms were delivered to Singapore in March 2021
Air International 2016-03 / News
Seen on at test flight from the Airbus Helicopters plant in Albacete, Spain, on January 19, 2016 is Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Udara (Indonesian National Defence - Air Force) AS332L2 Super Puma H-3204 (c/n 2565). The aircraft was nearly ready for delivery after a major overhaul; the helicopter arrived in Spain within a container on November 11, 2014.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 2000 / 2-05 - AIRCRAFT - ROTARY-WING - MILITARY/CIVIL
IPTN NAS-332L1 Super Puma of the Indonesian Air Force (1998)
Air International 1987-11 / P.Jackson - Royal Jordanian Air Force: Air Power at Three-continent Crossroads
One of the seldom-illustrated AS 332 Super Pumas at King Abdullah AB, flown by No 7 Squadron.
Air International 2007-07 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF) AS 332 Super Puma 716/F-ZKCB is seen on May 31, 2007 on the first day of a two-day visit to Belgium to undertake rocket firing trials on the Pampa Range. On June 1 the helicopter returned to the Eurocopter factory at Marignane, France, where the manufacturer is nearing completion of a two-year programme to undertake major inspections on all 20 RSNF Super Pumas, at the same time carrying out retrofit and upgrade of the navigation/communication equipment and weapons systems. Eighteen of the helicopters have now been completed at Marignane, whilst work on the remaining two will be undertaken in Saudi Arabia.
Air International 2007-03 / H.-P.Grolleau - CEV Military Acceptance Testing /Military/
CEV personnel carry out acceptance testing for overseas customers which have contracts with French companies. In 2006, this testing included upgraded Mirage 5SDEs for Egypt and Royal Saudi Naval Forces AS.532 Cougars.
Air International 2018-10 / S.Dworkin - A tradition of service /Parapublic/
The Los Angeles Sheriff's Department provides helicopter search and rescue using three AS332 L1 Super Pumas.
Air International 2018-10 / S.Dworkin - A tradition of service /Parapublic/
The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Aero Bureau helicopters cover a large territory, from urban areas to the coastline, up to the highest elevations of the Angeles National Forest and to desert communities.
Air International 2018-10 / S.Dworkin - A tradition of service /Parapublic/
Two of the Aero Bureau's 18 helicopters, which is the largest fleet operated by any Sheriff's Department in the United States.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Aerospatiale Ecureuil / SA.350 - Франция - 1974
Air International 2018-10 / S.Dworkin - A tradition of service /Parapublic/
Two Turbomeca Makila 1A1 engines power the Super Pumas, each offering 1,877shp (1,376kW) power.
Air International 2018-10 / S.Dworkin - A tradition of service /Parapublic/
Inside the Sheriff's Department Aero Bureau hangar at Long Beach Airport.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Aerospatiale Ecureuil / SA.350 - Франция - 1974
Air International 2018-10 / S.Dworkin - A tradition of service /Parapublic/
The Super Puma Block I upgrade included the installation of the fully-digital, four-axis gyro-stabilised Axsys V9 Thermal Imager and Camera System.
Air International 2018-03 / J.Kraak - Athena the art of special ops /Military/
The EC725 Caracal is equipped with a five-blade rotor, a MAG-58 machine gun and an aerial refuelling probe. To improve its autoprotection and assault capabilities, in the near term the Caracal will be equipped with additional heavy weapons.
Air International 2015-11 / M.Scharenborg, R.Wenink - France's Guardian Angels /Military/
The Caracal's autopilot has an automatic hover mode and the flight engineer can take control of the aircraft above a landing area.
Air International 2020-02 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology
Airbus Helicopters and Heli-Union have signed a long-term support agreement with the French armed forces.
Air International 2018-08 / News by countries
Caracals will receive new armament systems in the upcoming months.
Air International 2008-09 / H.-P.Grolleau - EC725. Son of Cougar /Military/
An EC725 in the marking of the Centre d'Experiences Aeriennes Militaires, the French Air Force Operational Evaluation Centre. This aircraft transferred to EH1/67 in 2006. Note the Thales Chlio ST FLIR turret mounted under the nose. The Chlio is used on a wide variety of French helicopters, including the Fennec and the Puma.
Мировая Авиация 232
Caracal: совершенная поисково-спасательная система
Air International 2008-09 / H.-P.Grolleau - EC725. Son of Cougar /Military/
Caracals of the secretive DAOS work mainly with French special units and are rarely photographed. Although the helicopters are stationed in Pau, southwest France, they routinely operate within Africa.
Air International 2007-03 / H.-P.Grolleau - CEV Military Acceptance Testing /Military/
Pictured is a French Army EC725 hovering near Istres while carrying out engine tests. The CEV flies three acceptance sorties, in addition to the 17 hours of flight testing carried out by the manufacturer, Eurocopter.
Air International 2019-08 / Airscene
The additional H225M will be delivered in a configuration compatible with the Armee de I'Air's existing Caracal fleet.
Air International 2019-05 / News by countries
EC725 Caracal helicopters assigned to the 4e Regiment d'Helicopteres des Forces Speciales will be transferred to EH 1/67 once the Aviation Legere de I'Armee de Terre receives six NH90s configured for special operations.
Air International 2013-11 / H.-P.Grolleau - French Opeval /Military/
Like all other Armee de I'Air aircraft, the EC725 Caracal was thoroughly tested by CEAM experts.
Air International 2015-06 / News
The Polish Government has pre-selected the H225M Caracal as its future tactical helicopter.
Air International 2008-09 / H.-P.Grolleau - EC725. Son of Cougar /Military/
This Air Force Caracal was photographed in the Pyrenees in late June 2008. The unit markings of EH 1/67 'Pyrenees' are clearly visible on the main door.
Air International 2011-09 / H.-P.Grolleau - Mixed Patrols /Military/
The 4e RHFS is trained to operate in all weathers, day and night.
Мировая Авиация 232
Один из двух EC225 из состава Flotille 32F ВМС Франции. EC225 - промежуточный вариант, предназначенный для замены Aerospatiale Super Frelon в качестве дальнего поисково-спасательного вертолета. Этот EC225 базируется в западной части Франции.
Air International 2016-11 / Airscene
An Armee de I’Air EC725 Caracal from Escadron d’Helicopteres 1/67 ‘Pyrenees’.
Air International 2011-09 / H.-P.Grolleau - Mixed Patrols /Military/
The Caracal and the Cougar are the standard airlift helicopters in use with the 4e RHFS
Air International 2015-02 / H.-P.Grolleau - Tigre's Progress /Military/
The Tigre HAP and the EC725 Caracal are the most modern types in service with the 4e RHFS.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Eurocopter PAH-2 / EC.665 Tiger - International - 1991
Air International 2018-06 / J.Kraak - Dark Dune /Military/
While the MC-130J crew sets up for another series of plugs, the Caracals keep their distance. Note the Dune de Pila, the biggest sand dune in Europe, in the background.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed C-130J Super Hercules - США - 1996
Air International 2018-06 / J.Kraak - Dark Dune /Military/
Helicopters only move into the pre-plug position after the MC-130J crew has tested the two hoses to ensure they have extended correctly and are functioning properly.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed C-130J Super Hercules - США - 1996
Air International 2018-11 / News by countries
Armee de l'Air Caracal pilots regularly qualify in aerial refuelling with US Air Force Special Operations Command.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed C-130J Super Hercules - США - 1996
Air International 2018-06 / J.Kraak - Dark Dune /Military/
The lead Caracal helicopter moves into position while a second Caracal waits for clearance from the MC-130J crew to move to the other side to commence a series of six aerial refuelling plugs.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed C-130J Super Hercules - США - 1996
Air International 2018-06 / J.Kraak - Dark Dune /Military/
This picture clearly shows the difference in height between the lead Caracal plugged into the basket and the second aircraft.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed C-130J Super Hercules - США - 1996
Air International 2019-11 / Airscene
An A400M test aircraft, EC-404, in formation with Airbus H225M F-ZWCS over southern France. The trials proved the suitability of the A400M to refuel helicopters in flight from the wing-mounted pods, a procedure that had previously been problematical because of turbulence.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A400M - International - 2009
Air International 2015-03 / H.-P.Grolleau - Modernising the ALAT /Military/
Special forces commandos at the door of this 4e RHFS Caracal, flying at very low level.
Air International 2015-11 / M.Scharenborg, R.Wenink - France's Guardian Angels /Military/
The annual Combined Joint Personnel Recovery Standardisation Course trains participating nations in conducting multinational personnel recovery missions.
Air International 2015-11 / M.Scharenborg, R.Wenink - France's Guardian Angels /Military/
Introduced in 2006, the Caracal can carry 11 tonnes and offers a 250 nautical mile range.
Air International 2017-06 / J.Kraak - French Air Power /Military/
A Caracal from EH 1/67 ‘Pyrenees’ banks above the water near BA120 Cazaux during an exercise with Armee de I’Air divers. Since April 2017, the Caracal is responsible for the SAR alert at Cazaux.
Air International 2011-09 / H.-P.Grolleau - Mixed Patrols /Military/
French Army Aviation's 4 RHFS has been engaged in nearly all French combat and special operations since the early nineties using the Gazelle and more recently the EC725 Caracal.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Aerospatiale Gazelle / SA.341/SA.342 - Франция - 1967
Air International 2011-09 / H.-P.Grolleau - Mixed Patrols /Military/
The sniper at the door of this Gazelle takes aim with his HK417 7.62mm precision rifle.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Aerospatiale Gazelle / SA.341/SA.342 - Франция - 1967
Air International 2017-12 / News by countries
Due to budget cuts, the Armee de I'Air will have to wait longer before it can order a new H225M Caracal to replace one written off during recent operations.
Air International 2017-05 / Airscene
The ceremony held at BA 120 Cazaux on March 10, 2017 also meant the end of joint (SA330 and EC725) combat search and rescue missions for EH 1/67. From now on the squadron only operates the Caracal.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Aerospatiale Puma / SA.330 - Франция - 1965
Air International 2012-05 / H.-P.Grolleau, J.-P.Palomeros - The Armee del'Air's Quiet Revolution /Military/ (1)
The EC725 Caracal has proved to be a very popular and reliable helicopter. Here, a Caracal practises with Armee de I'Air commandos during a CSAR training exercise.
Air International 2018-03 / J.Kraak - Athena the art of special ops /Military/
A flight engineer lowers an airborne tactical extraction platform, which is immediately readied by the Special Forces team on the ground. The troops can get on to the platform and hook-up within a few seconds, after which the helicopter crew can immediately take off.
Air International 2018-03 / J.Kraak - Athena the art of special ops /Military/
The airborne tactical extraction platform is an alternative to ropes used for Special Patrol Insertion/Extraction (SPIE). Troops are above one another when using the SPIE, but are all at the same level on the extraction platform, which allows for a quicker ingress and egress.
Air International 2011-09 / H.-P.Grolleau - Mixed Patrols /Military/
A spectacular, but very fast, way of extracting troops from a hotspot. The French Special Forces master a whole range of techniques and tactics that have proved their worth on a number of occasions.
Air International 2011-09 / H.-P.Grolleau - Mixed Patrols /Military/
A 1e RPIMa assault team fast ropes from a Caracal during an exercise at Tarbes.
Air International 2011-09 / H.-P.Grolleau - Mixed Patrols /Military/
A 1e RPIMa assault team embarks into a Caracal with commandos ready to provide suppressive fire.
Air International 2011-09 / H.-P.Grolleau - Mixed Patrols /Military/
A 1e RPIMa assault team displays an assortment of M4 5.56mm carbines and 12 bore shotguns. The M4, which is now being replaced by the HK416, is progressively being relegated to training duties.
Air International 2021-06 / B.Taghvaee - Mixing it up in Mariner
A pair of NH90 NFHs (???) aboard HNLMS 'Rotterdam', south of Hyeres
Авиация и Космонавтика 2013-12 / М.Никольский - Вертолетный парк вооруженных сил стран Западной Европы /Вертолетная техника/ (2)
Потребность ВВС Франции в новом боевом поисково-спасательном вертолете привела к появлению EC725. Вариант R2 Caracal состоит на вооружении эскадрильи 1/67 Pyrenees, дислоцированной в Южной Франции. С 2006 года эти вертолеты используются в Афганистане.
Мировая Авиация 128
10 февраля 2005г.: первый серийный вертолет EC725 Cougar Mk II+, предназначенный для проведения так называемых боевых поисково-спасательных операций (эвакуация раненых, сбитых летчиков и пр.), был передан ВВС Франции. Вертолет пришел на смену Puma, первым его получила 1-я вертолетная эскадрилья 67-й эскадры "Pyrenees" (авиабаза Казо). Вертолет позже получил название Caracal.
Air International 2016-04 / News
Caracals from EH 1/67 typically fly personnel recovery missions, equipped with a refuelling boom and a MAG58 machine gun on each side.
Air International 2008-09 / H.-P.Grolleau - EC725. Son of Cougar /Military/
Standard armament is the MAG 58 7.62mm machine-gun for Caracals. The one shown lacks the holographic sight now adopted for improved accuracy.
Air International 2018-06 / J.Kraak - Dark Dune /Military/
The third and final sortie of the daily exercise schedule took place after dark, for which the Caracal crews fly the entire sortie with night-vision goggles.
Air International 2016-05 / H.-P.Grolleau - Airlifters /Military/
A French Air Force EC725 Caracal loaded onto an Atlas at BA120 Cazaux. The ability to quickly airlift special forces helicopters to hot spots is a welcome capability.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Airbus A400M - International - 2009
Air International 2007-10 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Armee de l'Air (French Air Force) Eurocopter EC725 Caracal 2552 'SE' from Escadron d'Helicopteres 1/67 'Pyrenees' at Cazaux is unloaded from a Volga-Dnepr Airlines An-124-100 at Mont-de-Marsan on September 11, 2007 after return from Kabul, Afghanistan. The helicopter is one of two EC725s that had been deployed to Kabul for the last nine months to support the International Security Assistance Force. During their stay they undertook 221 tactical transport missions, totalling some 680 flying hours, without any serious incidents.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Антонов Ан-124 Руслан - Россия - 1982
Мировая Авиация 188
С установкой специальных систем EC225 получил способность менять конфигурацию для выполнения самых разных задач. На вертолете можно смонтировать лебедку, громкоговорители, систему наблюдения и другую аппаратуру.
Air International 2012-02 / A.Drwiega - Eleven Ton Twin /Commercial/
In December 2011, Malaysian operator MHS Aviation confirmed an order for one additional EC225 which will be used for offshore oil and gas operations.
Air International 2007-10 / D.Carrara - Rotors and Rigs - North Sea Helicopter Operations /Commercial/
Bristow Helicopters has been a long-term user of the Super Puma (or Tiger as the company calls them, and is continuing this tradition with the introduction of the latest variant - the EC225LP. The latter helicopter is faster and can carry 19 passengers much further than the earlier models.
Air International 2009-01 / J.Lake - Your Money or Your Life? UK Search and Rescue /Military/
One of the larger aircraft types expected to be offered for SAR(H) is the Eurocopter EC225 seen here configured for oil rig support.
Air International 2008-04 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
In a ceremony at Heli-Expo in Houston, Texas, on February 26, 2008, Eurocopter marked formal delivery of the first EC225 in the US to Era Helicopters. This followed granting of US Federal Aviation Authority type certification for the EC225 on January 30. Era will take delivery of three more EC225s this year, two in 2009 and a further two in 2010.
Air International 2012-02 / A.Drwiega - Eleven Ton Twin /Commercial/
Top down shot of an EC225 showing the Speriflex five-bladed main rotor and four-bladed tail rotor.
Мировая Авиация 188
EC225 - это Super Puma нового поколения. Первый полет состоялся в 2000 году. EC225 очень похож на AS332L2, но летчикам приходится переучиваться на новый тип.
Air International 2012-02 / A.Drwiega - Eleven Ton Twin /Commercial/
Главным внешним отличием EC225 является пятилопастный несущий винт, в то же время на Super Puma использован четырехлопастный. EC225 востребован как "паром" между берегом и буровыми на континентальном шельфе.
Approximately 70% of the civilian-operated EC225s are supporting oil and gas operations. -
Air International 2019-05 / Backpages
One of the new H225 Super Puma helicopters leased by the Icelandic Coast Guard for SAR operations.
Air International 2012-02 / A.Drwiega - Eleven Ton Twin /Commercial/
Search and rescue is a primary role for the EC225 requiring powerful performance, easy handling in all weathers and long-range. Bristow Norway operate two including LN-ONF seen over choppy water off the coast of Norway.
Air International 2012-02 / A.Drwiega - Eleven Ton Twin /Commercial/
Airtelis took delivery of its first EC225 in mid-November 2011. The aircraft features a unique sling system specifically developed by Eurocopter for cable inspection and maintenance work and designed to provide ease of use and maximum safety.
Air International 2012-02 / A.Drwiega - Eleven Ton Twin /Commercial/
Bond Offshore Helicopters Ltd operates four EC225LPs including G-REDV seen landing at Aberdeen-Dyce International Airport.
Air International 2012-09 / News
Eurocopter EC225LP Super Puma II+ JA119Y (c/n 2678) was delivered to the Tokyo Fire Department in December 2011. A second example was recently ordered
Air International 2021-11 / M.Broadbent - Crash barriers
Airbus Helicopters’ civil helicopters range
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Aerospatiale Ecureuil / SA.350 - Франция - 1974Airbus H145 - International - 2010Airbus H160 / X4 - International - 2015Eurocopter EC.130 - International - 1999Eurocopter EC.135 - International - 1994Eurocopter EC.175 - International - 2009
Air International 2007-08 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Securite Civile EC725 F-ZWTV seen during flight-testing on June 28, 2007 near Marseille, from where the helicopter was delivered on July 2 to Corsica for fire-fighting trials.
Air International 2012-02 / A.Drwiega - Eleven Ton Twin /Commercial/
The Japanese Coast Guard has added another three EC225s to the pair it initially purchased in 2006.
Air International 2015-04 / News
The third Japan Coast Guard EC225LP, JA691A/MH691, during its formal hand-over ceremony on January 16, 2015.
Air International 2008-03 / P.Thompson - Japan's Saviours /Military/
Super Puma JA6686 hovers astern the deck of the Patrol Vessel Large (PL) Erimo, one of 28 JCG ships capable of supporting helicopter operations. Primarily used for search-and-rescue missions, JCG Super Pumas helped to save the lives of 94 people in 2006.
Air International 2015-11 / R.Niccoli - Silvio Angelucci /Military/
An Italian Air Force KC-130J conducts air refueling with two French Air Force EC725 Caracal helicopters.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed C-130J Super Hercules - США - 1996
Air International 2019-12 / Backpages
AIRBUS HELICOPTERS has concluded a deal with Air Greenland to deliver two H225 Super Puma helicopters to support the latter company's bid for Greenland's SAR helicopter contract.
Air International 2019-02 / Airscene
Hungary’s order for H225Ms forms part of the Hungarian government's 'Zrinyi 2026’ armed forces modernisation programme.
Air International 2019-02 / Backpages
One of the 21 H225Ms ordered by the Ukraine government, '53' blue (M-ABKB, c/n 2744) is seen here after a ground engine test run at Albacete on December 18, 2018. It will be operated by the Ukraine State Rescue Service after having been converted from the EC225LP to H225M standard. The helicopter was previously in service with CHC Norway as LN-OJD.
Авиация и Время 2019-05 / Р.Мараев - Оружие и Безопасность 2019
Новейшее приобретение Нацгвардии Украины вертолет H 225LP «Супер Пума»
Авиация и Космонавтика 2021-02 / С.Дроздов - Авиация силовых ведомств Узбекистана
Совместный полет узбекских C295, H-225 и AS350
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Aerospatiale Ecureuil / SA.350 - Франция - 1974CASA C.295 - Испания - 1997
Air International 2007-07 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Airshow, Accidents
Eurocopter displayed this EC 225 at the Show, it being one of two destined for delivery later this year to the Chinese Ministry of Communications for operation on search and rescue duties by the Rescue and Salvage Bureau.
Air International 2011-09 / News
On August 5, 2011 Eurocopter announced that it had fulfilled the 2009 contract to supply two EC225s to the Chinese Ministry of Transport's Rescue and Salvage Bureau. Both B-7136 and B-7137 (seen here with the test registration F-WJXS on a test flight from Marignanne on June 16, 2011) have joined the Nanhai No.1 Rescue Flying Service of the Bureau. B-7136 was delivered at the end of June and B-7137 on August 5. They are used for offshore search and rescue, and are equipped with searchlights, weather radar and a rescue hoist. They join an initial pair of EC225s (B-7125 and B-7126) delivered in 2007 and assigned to the Donghai and Beihai No.1 Rescue Flying Services, and three Eurocopter AS365N Dauphins, two Sikorsky S-76As, four S-76C+s, four S-76C++s and three Harbin Y-12s.
Air International 2008-02 / News: Headline, Military, Civil, Accidents
Eurocopter EC 225 B-7126 (ex F-WWOY) was one of two handed-over on December 18, 2007 in Zhuhai to the Chinese Ministry of Communications for search and rescue operations with the China Rescue and Salvage Bureau.
Air International 2021-05 / News: Commercial, Military
One of the first Republic of Singapore Air Force H225Ms, serial number 202, during a pre-delivery flight test near the factory at Marseille-Marignane
Air International 2018-11 / Airscene
Airbus Helicopters announced on September 20, 2018, that it has secured an order from the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) for four additional H225M Caracal helicopters.
Air International 2019-03 / Airscene
PTDI (Persaero) will complete assembly and customisation of eight Airbus Helicopters H225M Super Pumas and nine Bell 412EPI helicopters for the Indonesian military.
Air International 2012-01 / News
The first Eurocopter EC725 for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (M55-01) was unveiled via a live broadcast from Marignane in France to the Langkawi Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition in Malaysia on December 6, 2011. Malaysia ordered 12 EC725s in April 2010, eight of which were being assembled in late 2011. The first is due to start flight tests in early 2012, with deliveries expected to start later that year and due to continue into early 2014. They will be used for search and rescue, and transport roles.
Air International 2017-05 / Airscene
H225Ms M55-01 and M55-02 were the first two of 12 such helicopters built by Airbus Helicopters at Marignane, France for the Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia.
The Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (Royal Malaysian Air Force) operates 12 EC725AP Caracals in the Combat Search And Rescue (CSAR) role. Although Airbus Helicopters had hoped to sell further examples to the TUDM, to replace the Nuri fleet, an order has not materialised to date
Air International 2014-10 / News
Airbus Helicopters EC225LP A4O-HD (c/n 2648, ex F-WWOC) of the Oman Royal Flight (ORF) made a rare appearance in the Netherlands on August 28, 2014. It made a fuel stop at Groningen Airport Eelde while en route to Stavanger-Sola airport in Norway where, it is understood, the helicopter will undergo maintenance at the Heli-One facility. The helicopter is the oldest of six EC225LPs delivered to the ORF between 2007 and 2009.
Air International 2022-01 / A.Warnes - Near normality? /Dubai airshow/
A Kuwait Air Force Airbus Helicopters H225M on display at the Dubai Airshow 2021
Air International 2020-01 / Focus: Rotary, Business, Technology
Air Center Helicopters Inc (ACHI) has signed HCare Smart contracts for ten H225s.
Air International 2011-08 / News
Eurocopter EC725 1001/F-ZWBU destined for the Fuerza Aerea Mexicana (Mexican Air Force) is seen near Marignane in the south of France on June 16, 2011 on a test-flight out of the manufacturer's nearby factory. The helicopter is one of 12 aircraft for the service from two batches of six ordered in March 2009 and September 2010. Others that have been noted flying are 1002/F-ZWBG and 1003/F-ZWBE. Deliveries are due to start at the end of 2011.
Мировая Авиация 232
Мексика стала очередным крупным заказчиком EC725. ВВС Мексики поставлены 12 вертолетов (на снимке). ВМС Мексики заказали девять EC725 для использования в качестве поисково-спасательных, санитарных и транспортных вертолетов.
Air International 2011-11 / News
Fuerza Aerea Mexicana (Mexican Air Force) Eurocopter EC725 1007/F-ZWBE flew a series of weapons trials over the Belgian Armed Forces Pampa Weapons Range in September 2011. The helicopter fired FN Herstal 2.75in (70mm) unguided rockets over the range. It is seen here on September 19 carrying a rocket pod mounted on the cabin hardpoint.
Air International 2011-01 / News
The first three EC725 Cougars were handed over to the Brazilian Government recently in the presence of Eurocopter President, Lutz Bertling. Known as the UH-15 by the Brazilian armed forces, the first example (N-7101, seen here) has been transported to the Helibras facilities in Itajuba, Minas Gerais state, for delivery to the Brazilian Navy by the end of the year.
Air International 2011-06 / News
The first of 15 Brazilian Navy U-15s (EC725s), shown with an Exocet anti-ship missile.
Мировая Авиация 232
ВС Бразилии являются крупнейшим покупателем EC725. Сборка вертолетов налажена на "Helibras". Намечено собрать более 50 вертолетов для Армии Бразилии, ВМС (на фото) и ВВС. Вертолет на снимке представлен в предпоставочной окраске.
Air International 2022-01 / Focus: UAV, Rotary, Business, Technology, Space
The first Aviacao Naval Brasileira H225M H-4101 toting an MBDA Exocet AM39 B2M2
Air International 2011-02 / News
ВС Бразилии являются крупнейшим покупателем EC725. Сборка вертолетов налажена на "Helibras". Намечено собрать более 50 вертолетов для Армии Бразилии (на фото), ВМС и ВВС. Вертолет на снимке представлен в предпоставочной окраске.
Eurocopter EC725BR EB-5001 (seen with the test registration F-ZWBR) was one of three assembled by Eurocopter at Marignanne in southern France handed over to Helibras for delivery to Brazil on December 20, 2010. Helibras will outfit the helicopters with their mission equipment, and from 2012 assemble 44 of the 50 on order at Itajuba, Minas Gerais. The final example will be delivered in 2016, by when Brazilian content will have risen to 50%. A total of 16 will be delivered to the Forca Aerea Brasileira (FAB, Brazilian Air Force) as H-36s, while another two ordered for the Presidency will be operated by the FAB as VH-36s. Another 16 will serve as UH-15 and UH-15As with the Commando da Forca Aeronaval (Naval Aviation Command), the first being N-7101 (ex F-ZWBS), while 16 (including EB-5001) are destined for the Comando de Aviacao do Exercito's (Brazilian Army Aviation Command). -
Air International 2015-06 / News
Latin American first: the H-36 on display at LAAD.
Air International 2012-02 / A.Drwiega - Eleven Ton Twin /Commercial/
The sling system specifically developed by Eurocopter for Airtelis uses a standard load hook, fits under the cabin and above the load and provides the pilot with a visual guide as to the attitude of the load.
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