BAe BAe-146 / RJ
Страна: Великобритания
Год: 1981

Коммерческий транспортный самолет малой дальности с экипажем из двух человек

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BAe 146 и Avro International RJ Avroliner

   Авиалайнер Avro International RJ Avroliner стал развитием самолета BAe 146, первоначально называвшегося Hawker Siddeley HS.146. 29 августа 1973 года компания "Hawker Siddeley Aviation" согласилась принять поддержку британского правительства для разработки нового регионального транспортного самолета HS.146. В своей начальной версии HS.146 Series 100 предназначался для перевозки 71-88 пассажиров, мог использовать короткие слабо подготовленные ВПП и был вполне экономичным. Первый полет предсерийной машины намечался на декабрь 1975 года.
   После нефтяного кризиса 1973-1974 годов фирма "Hawker Siddeley" в октябре 1974 года решила приостановить работы по программе HS.146. Но программу не аннулировали окончательно, разработка проекта продолжалась с минимальным финансированием. 29 апреля 1977 года "Hawker Siddeley" вошла в новое британское аэрокосмическое объединение BAe ("British Aerospace"). Только после этого разработка возобновилась в полном объеме. В результате исследования потенциальных рынков сбыта и правительственного одобрения 10 июля 1978 года был собран прототип HS.146.
   Сначала HS.146 прошел этап исследования различных конфигураций крыла и силовых установок. Итоговым эскизным проектом под названием BAe 146 стал высокоплан с крылом из легких сплавов. Особенностями проекта стали: Т-образное хвостовое оперение и трехстоечное шасси с уборкой основных опор в боковые обтекатели в нижней части фюзеляжа. Фюзеляж был круглого сечения диаметром 3,56 м, пассажирский салон был герметичным, с кондиционированием воздуха. В нем комфортно размещалось до 71 пассажира (в ряду по пять кресел). При установке шести кресел в ряд самолет вмещал до 94 пассажиров. В концерне BAe вскоре решили, что в дополнение к машинам Series 100 надо выпускать самолеты BAe 146 Series 200 с удлиненным на 2,39 м фюзеляжем, вмещающим до 112 пассажиров.
   Долго подбирали подходящие двигатели и, наконец, остановились на турбовентиляторных Avco Lycoming ALF 502R-3 высокой степени двухконтурности. Четыре таких двигателя установили в подкрыльевые гондолы. Самолет BAe 146, оснащенный сдвоенными колесами на каждой стойке, мощными тормозами, автоматами торможения, гасителями подъемной силы и аэродинамическими тормозами, обрел исключительные взлетно-посадочные характеристики.
   В программу создания вошла американская фирма "Avco Corporation" (силовая установка и кессоны крыла) и шведская "Saab-Scania" (стабилизатор и рулевые поверхности). Английским субподрядчиком стала фирма "Short Brothers", делавшая мотогондолы.
   Прототип BAe 146 Series 100 впервые взлетел 3 сентября 1981 года, вторая машина - 25 января 1982 года. 4 февраля 1983-го первая модель получила сертификацию. Самолет BAe 146 Series 200 впервые взлетел 1 августа 1982 года и получил сертификацию с такими же данными, как у машины BAe 146 Series 100. За ними последовал BAe 146 Series 300, вмещающий от 103 до 128 пассажиров в удлиненном на две секции фюзеляже. BAe 146 Series 300 впервые взлетел в июне 1988-го и был сертифицирован в сентябре того же года.
   Производство BAe 146 завершилось в 1993 году поставкой всего 219 самолетов. К этому времени уже разрабатывался проект преемника - машины Avro RJ (региональный реактивный). Впервые о проекте объявили в августе 1990-го. В сущности, RJ был модифицированной версией BAe 146 с более мощным турбовентиляторным двигателем AlliedSignal LF 507 тягой 31,14 кН, усиленной конструкцией крыла, фюзеляжа и шасси для полетов с большей нагрузкой, и полностью цифровым БРЭО, включая пилотажно-навигационную систему фирмы "Honeywell", соответствующую категории метеорологического минимума IIIa. Результатом этих изменений стало увеличение полезной нагрузки и дальности.
   Машины RJ, как и BAe 146, предлагались в трех вариантах в зависимости от пассажировместимости, обозначенной цифровым суффиксом в обозначении. Самолет Avro RJ Avroliner впервые взлетел 23 марта 1992 года и получил сертификацию 1 октября 1993-го. Со спадом авиаперевозок в сентябре 2001 года концерн BAe решил прекратить его производство.
   В 2008 году "BAe Systems" сообщил, что фирма "Minden Air Corporation of Nevada" переделывает самолеты BAe 146 в противопожарные машины. В 2009 году "BAe Systems" предложил использовать снятые с эксплуатации авиалайнеры BAe 146 и Avro RJ в качестве военно-транспортных.
   Всего было изготовлено 387 самолетов всех вариантов BAe 146 и Avro RJ. К июню 2009 года около 300 из них все еще перевозили пассажиров в различных авиакомпаниях.


   BAe 146 Series 100: начальная модель вместимостью от 92 до 94 пассажиров при максимальной взлетной массе 38102 кг, увеличенной до 43 999 кг в варианте "New Generation" с усиленным фюзеляжем и дополнительным запасом горючего в конформных баках
   BAe 146 Series 200: вторая модель вместимостью от 82 до 112 пассажиров в удлиненном на 2,39 м фюзеляже, максимальной взлетной массой 42185 кг, увеличенной до 43 999 кг в варианте "New Generation"
   BAe 146 Series 300: третья модель вместимостью от 103 до 128 пассажиров в удлиненном на 4,80 м фюзеляже, максимальной взлетной массой 44226 кг, увеличенной до 46040 кг в варианте "New Generation"
   BAe 146-QT (Quiet Trader): транспортная версия любой из трех исходных моделей
   BAe 146-QC (Convertible): модель BAe 146 Series 200 и 300 с возможностью переоборудования из грузового самолета в пассажирский авиалайнер и наоборот
   BAe 146 Statesman: административно-транспортная версия любой из трех исходных моделей; ВВС Англии оценивали два арендованных самолета под обозначением BAe 146 CC.Mk 1 перед покупкой трех самолетов BAe 146 CC.Mk 2 для перевозки членов королевской семьи и особо важных персон
   BAe 146M: предлагавшаяся для военно-транспортных перевозок версия с возможностью загрузки с хвостовой части
   BAe 146STA: предлагавшаяся для военно-транспортных перевозок версия BAe 146-QT с возможностью бортовой загрузки
   RJ 70: первый вариант модифицированной серии вместимостью от 70 до 94 пассажиров в фюзеляже длиной 26,20 м; максимальная взлетная масса 43092 кг
   RJ 85: второй вариант модифицированной серии вместимостью от 85 до 112 пассажиров в удлиненном до 28,60 м фюзеляже; максимальная взлетная масса 43 999 кг
   RJ 100: третий вариант модифицированной серии вместимостью от 100 до 125 пассажиров в удлиненном до 30,99 м фюзеляже; максимальная взлетная масса 46040 кг
   RJ 115: версия самолета RJ100 с дополнительными аварийными выходами и другими изменениями для обеспечения вместимости от 116 до 128 пассажиров в компоновке по шесть кресел в ряд
   RJX: обозначение для возможного дальнейшего обновления машин RJ со снижением эксплуатационных расходов на 15% и снижением затрат на техническое обслуживание более чем на 20%; изменения могли включать снижение массы конструкции за счет использования композиционных материалов, упрощенных электро- и гидросистем, повышение крейсерской скорости, приборного оборудования на основе многофункциональных ЖК-дисплеев и четырех турбовентиляторных двигателей AlliedSignal AS907 или Pratt&Whitney Canada PW308


   BAe 146 Series 100

   Тип: коммерческий транспортный самолет малой дальности с экипажем из двух человек
   Силовая установка: четыре турбовентиляторных двигателя Avco Lycoming ALF 502R-3 или -5 тягой 3039-кг (29,80 кН или 31,00 кН)
   Летные характеристики: макс, скорость 767 км/ч на высоте 8840 м, экономичная скорость 669 км/ч на высоте 8840 м; дальность полета с максимальной полезной нагрузкой 1631 км или 3002 км со стандартной
   Масса: пустого самолета 23 336 кг; максимальная взлетная 38102 кг
   Размеры: размах крыла 26,21 м; длина 26,20 м; высота 8,61 м; площадь крыла 77,29 м!
   Полезная нагрузка: см. выше, максимальная полезная нагрузка до 7735 кг
British Aerospace BAe 146, the third of the Srs 100 flight development aircraft, seen as the test hours passed the 500-mark.
The three BAe 146 Series 100s engaged in flight testing at Hatfield share a common house livery and, with the registration letters only discreetly displayed, colours provide the most immediate distinguishing clue. Aircraft No 3 (shown) is in brown trim while No 2 is blue and the first to fly was in red.
Первым в семействе 146-го стал этот G-SSSH. Самолет использовали в программе сертификационных летных испытаний, сертификат летной годности тип получил в феврале 1983 года.
Pictured here is the British Aerospace 146 on the occasion of its first flight at Hatfield - an event that brought from the pilot of the chase 'plane, Peter Tail, the opinion "I think we have ourselves a pretty aeroplane".
Prototype BAe 146, G-SSSH, touches down after its maiden flight from Hatfield on September 3, 1981 while the chase aircraft, BAe 125 G-BFAN, overshoots.
3 сентября 1981г.: BAe 146, вскоре получивший прозвище Whisper jet, пролетел над урбанизированной местностью, продемонстрировав очень низкий уровень шума.
The 146 prototype, G-SSSH, at Hatfield in July 1982. The first three aircraft were painted in a rather stylish promotional four-tone colour scheme, the first and third in warm yellow and orange bands thickening aftwards over a white fuselage and a dark belly; the second, G-SSHH, in the same scheme but in a cooler blue palette.
Второй прототип BAe 146 сфотографирован в бело-голубой окраске, он стал первым из машин семейства, совершившим полет за границу - посетил Исландию и Гренландию для испытаний в условиях низких температур. Затем в рамках испытаний самолета в жарком климате состоялся полет в Шарджу (ОАЭ), где и была сделана эта фотография.
The three BAe 146 Series 100s engaged in flight testing at Hatfield share a common house livery and, with the registration letters only discreetly displayed, colours provide the most immediate distinguishing clue. Aircraft No 3 is in brown trim while No 2 (shown) is blue and the first to fly was in red.
Unretouched photograph, taken during flight tests, with starboard leading edges and engine intakes painted for anti-icing trials.
In a revised promotional colour scheme, the first 146-200, G-BMYE (originally G-WISC for its maiden flight on August 1, 1982), comes in to land after displaying at the SBAC show at Farnborough in September 1986. Note the distinctive open airbrake at the tail. The 146-200 was “stretched” by 7ft 11in (2-4m), allowing a maximum of 112 passengers in rows of six abreast.
Последний серийный вариант BAe 146 - существенно удлиненная модификация машин 300-й серии. На фотографии - первый самолет семейства в полете вместе с самолетом 200-й серии перед поставкой "Air Wisconsin". Компания работала в тесном сотрудничестве с "United Airlines" и некоторое время располагала флотом из 18 самолетов BAe 146 (один Series 100, двенадцать Series 200 и пять Series 300), летавших в цветах "United Express".
In the early 1990s British Aerospace decided on a number of improvements to the 146 family, such as digital avionics and integrating a different engine. To emphasise the changes, British Aerospace decided to re-brand the aircraft in 1992 as the Avro Regional Jet, with each model identified by its approximate passenger capacity: RJ70 (former 146-100), RJ85 (former 146-200) and RJ100 (former 146-300).
Specially painted to promote the Avro series of regional jetliners, these Avro RJs illustrate the three family variants which were launched in the early 1990s.
"Smoke on, go!" This remarkable photograph of three BAe 146s in close formation was taken at the 1992 Farnborough Air Show by B. G. Gardiner of Tilford, near Farnham in Surrey.
Самым коротким в семействе RJ является RJ70, но большого спроса на данный вариант не возникло в силу его малой пассажировместимости. Многие эксплуатанты используют свои RJ, как и 146-е, выполняя полеты в аэропорты, расположенные прямо в городской черте.
Classic English background for the RJ100, one of the members of the newly renamed BAe 146 family of regional jet airliners.
BAE Systems final major development of the 146 was named the RJX. However, the programme was cancelled in November 2001 for reasons which included the small number of firm orders (14) and the downturn in the market which followed the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
This impromptu formation fly-by of BAE Systems Nimrod MR2 (PA3) ZJ517 and BAe 146 G-TBAE was photographed at Warton on April 18, 2007.
Marking the end of commercial aircraft production at BAE Systems Woodford facility, the final production Avro RJ, RJ85 G-CBMH (c/n E2394), leaves Woodford on June 24, 2002 for Filton, where it has been placed in storage pending sale. A further four fuselages had been under assembly on the Woodford production line at the time of cancellation of the programme, but these have not been completed and are being scrapped.
Aer Lingus Commuter BAe 146-300 EI-CLG/Fionnbar/St Finbarr. the second of three on lease from BAe's AMO, was delivered to the airline on June 8, 1995 and entered service the following day. The third aircraft achieved what is believed to be a record, entering service only 40 minutes after delivery!
Previously operated in Air France livery by Jersey European, the BAe 146-300 G-JEAL has now been leased by BAe Asset Management to Aer Lingus Commuter as EI-CTM Fiachre
Irish airline CityJet has sold British Aerospace Avro RJ85 EI-RJS (c/n E2365, ex N531XJ) to Air Annobon of Equatorial Guinea. The regional airliner was withdrawn by CityJet on January 22, 2014 and painted in the livery of the new carrier at Shannon Airport, Ireland. It is seen arriving at Dublin on February 27 where it will receive attention prior to delivery to its new owner. Already carrying the new name Mebana on its nose, the airliner will be registered 3C-MAA when it is handed over. It will be based at San Antonio de Pale in Annobon. The airline currently operates a pair of BAe 146-300s (ZS-SOR, c/n E3155, ex G-BTNU, and ZS-SBR, c/n E3120, ex N611AW), both leased from Fair Aviation of South Africa, on domestic flights.
High-profile airlines are still supporters of the 146/RJ family, and aircraft can be found in the colours of British Airways, Swiss, Lufthansa Cityline and Air France, for example. The latter’s aircraft are operated by Dublin-based CityJet, a subsidiary of the French flag-carrier.
Dublin-based Cityjet is fully owned by Air France and operates a fleet often BAe 146-200s in the parent airline’s colours. Five of the aircraft are leased from BAE Systems Asset Management and one by Brimstage Lease. The airline serves Irish Sea-UK mainline routes and on behalf of Air France on routes into France.
Former Flybe BAe 146-200 G-JEAW (c/n E2059, to be ZS-PUM) seen at Southend Airport, Essex, on April 2, 2007 after painting by Sprayavia at Norwich, Norfolk, in the colours of South African Airways feeder airline Airlink, which is leasing the aircraft from BAE Systems. After pre-delivery work at Southend by Inflite it was delivered to South Africa in early April to supplement Airlink's existing fleet of Jetstream 41s and Embraer ERJ-135s.
Four RJ70s were delivered to Air Malta (1999)
Одним из первых заказчиков BAe 146 стала компания "Airpac"- авиаперевозчик с Аляски, осуществлявший грузопассажирские перевозки между Анкориджем и Датч-Харбором, вдоль Алеутских островов. На фотографии - самолет "Airpac" готовится к посадке на ВПП в Датч-Харборе. Обратно в Анкоридж самолеты обычно вывозили королевского краба, известного у нас как камчатский.
Компания "Air UK" остается одним из основных эксплуатантов 146-го, основу парка составляют 146-300. Это типичный представитель семейства, оптимизированный для выполнения полетов на небольшую дальность.
Air Zimbabwe's single BAe 146-200 Z-WPD taxies in at Harare.
This Albanian Airlines BAe 146 is a pre-owned aircraft that was acquired...again. Perhaps, in the (hopefully) temporarily depressed airliner market, this will prove to be a financially attractive way for airlines seeking jets in the 70-110 seat category. This particular aircraft, BAe 146-200 (E2054), is operated on behalf of Albanian Airlines by Hemus Air of Bulgaria, under the latter's Air Operator’s Certificate.
Further to BAe 146QT Customer Named Amerer Air of Linz in Austria has taken delivery of the first new example of the Quiet Trader produced on the conversion line at Bacau in Romania. The aircraft (OE-IAA c/n E2099, ex G-JEAJ) was painted in Amerer's red scheme at Southend, Essex, in late July, 2008. It was handed over to its new owner in August.
"Ansett New Zealand" приобрела шесть -300, три -200 и два -200QT. Эти "тихие" авиалайнеры очень пригодились для полетов в аэропорты Куинстоун и Веллингтон, где действовали жесткие ограничения уровня шума.
Ansett New Zealand operate a fleet of eight BAe 146s (five Series 300s - one of which is seen here; two Series 200s and one Series 200QC Convertible).
BAe 146-200 of Ansett New Zealand
New Greek charter airline Astra Airlines took delivery of its first aircraft on May 20, 2008, BAe 146-300 c/n E3206 on lease from Trident Aircraft Leasing of Jersey. The former FlyBe aircraft was painted in its new colours by Air Livery at Southend Airport, Essex. It departed Southend on May 20 (still as G-JEBE) for its delivery flight to Thessaloniki International Airport, Greece, where it became SX-DIZ.
Atlantic Airways originally painted its aircraft in the colour scheme worn by this BAe 146. The airline opted to adopt its current livery in 1999.
Atlantic Airways fixed-wing fleet comprises seven BAe 146s and Avro RJs, which operate from Vagar Airport in the Faroe Islands and provide vital overseas connections. Three of the airline's aircraft are pictured in front of Vagar's terminal building.
Atlantic’s last Avro RJ100 will be phased out this month.
To date, only AzzurraAir, among Italy’s domestic airlines, operates Avro RJs, Meridiana flying the earlier BAe 146.
Finland's Blue1, the former Air Botnia, became Star Alliance's first regional member last year and provides a feeder service for other members.
BA Cityflyer took delivery of its first two BAe RJ85s in early June 2008 at London City Airport for use on a daily service to Barcelona in Spain. G-LCYB and G-LCYC (c/ns E2383 and E2385) were previously operated by Blue Air of Finland (as OH-SAH and OH-SAI respectively). The latter is depicted arriving at London City on June 23 in full BA Cityflyer colours.
British European has 12 firm orders and eight options for the RJX100. The type will be used for the carrier’s independent network and for its Air France franchise services, for which they will operate in a 100-seat configuration.
Appropriately registered G-JEAJ (for Avro Jet), one of the 17 British European 146s is seen here during a recent photocall to show off its new livery.
Former DAT Delta Air Transport Avro RJ100, OO-DWE, is pictured at Manchester on March 26, 2002 wearing the titles of Sabena’s successor, SN Brussels Airlines.
SN Brussels Airlines Avro RJ100 OO-DWC shows off the livery of SN Brussels Airlines, the new carrier which emerged following the demise of Sabena. As can be seen, the new colour scheme adopted is very similar to the previous Sabena colours to avoid having to undertake a major rebranding.
Over the last couple of months two SN Brussels Airlines aircraft have been flying with depictions of world-famous comic strip heroes Asterix and Obelix on their forward fuselages as part of a collaboration with the publishers of the long-running adventures of Asterix, Editions Albert-Rene. Seen here is Avro RJ100 OO-DWH painted with Asterix chasing a Roman soldier.
На фотографии один из 72 RJ100 бельгийской "Brussels Airlines". Вместимость самолета - 97 пассажиров в салоне одного класса. Парк "Brussels Airlines" также включает девять меньших по размерам RJ85.
Avro RJ100 OO-DWL (c/n E3361), one of 12 left in Brussels Airlines service.
KLMuk subsidiary buzz and its associated low-cost operation in the Netherlands, KLM's Basiq Air, are to be merged under a single brand name in the near future under KLM's cost-cutting strategy. Full details of KLM’s plans for these two subsidiaries have yet to be revealed, but they are expected to include replacement of the eight BAe 146-300s currently operated by buzz.
Photographed at the start of buzz services in January 2000, BAe 146-300 G-UKSC had previously operated as KLM UK's City of Innsbruck out of Stansted.
Seen here at Edinburgh on September 28, 1999, only six days after KLMuk announced the formation of its new low-cost airline, Buzz, the parent airline’s BAe 146-300 G-UKSC had already been painted in the basic Buzz colour scheme, albeit without titles.
BAe 146-300 G-UKSC was due to transfer to Buzz, the new low-fare operator established by KLM. It was seen at Manchester in October 1999.
Passing through Southend, Essex, on November 9, 2006 en route from Belgrade, Yugoslavia, to Kemble, Gloucestershire, for storage were former Centavia BAe 146-200S YU-AGL (c/n E2210) still in full colours and all white VU-AGM (c/n E2220). Seen here on approach to Southend is YU-AGL. Centavia had leased the two aircraft from BAE Systems Regional Aircraft and undertook its first charter flight on July 8, subsequently planning to add daily scheduled services from Belgrade to Podgorica. On the day these were due to commence, the airline's Air Operators Certificate was withdrawn by the Montenegrin Civil Aviation Directorate, forcing the carrier to return the aircraft to BAE Systems.
Centavia (Central European Aviation) is a new Serbian budget airline, based in Belgrade, which received its Air Operators Certificate for charter flights on July 7, 2006, following which it operated its first revenue service the next day from Belgrade to Corfu and Bodrum. Two former Meridians BAe 146-200S have been taken on lease from BAE Systems, the first of which, YU-AGL (c/n E2210, ex G-BVMP and l-FLRE) seen here, has now been delivered. The second aircraft, l-FLRI (c/n 2220), is expected to be delivered to Belgrade shortly.
CityJet's British Aerospace RJ85 EI-RJX (c/n E2372, ex N536XJ) completed a soccer game charter to Manchester Airport on March 26, 2014. It has carried 'Leinster Rugby' titles since May 2012.
Irish regional airline CityJet flies more Avro RJs than any other European operator.
Cobham Aviation Services is now using five BAe 146/Avro RJ family aircraft to operate from unpaved surfaces in Western Australia.
The increased MTOW for the BAE 146-100/200 came after Cobham Aviation Services' 146-100 VH-NJC (c/n E1013) was equipped with accelerometers to measure G loads during operations from Kambalda.
Jetstream 31 компании "Continental Express" сфотографирован рядом с BAe 146-200 из "Air New Orlean", 1980-е годы.
Pictured nosing in to noise-sensitive Lugano airport is one of Crossair’s three leased BAe 146-200s, a fourth will be introduced into service in September 1991 pending delivery of four new-build aircraft from 1992. The aircraft displays the “Jumbolino” logo below the cockpit.
Третий BAe 146 проходил испытания окрашенным в цвета стартового заказчика - компании "Dan-Air". В рамках испытаний самолет совершил полеты в Амстердам, Париж и Лондон, в ходе которых отрабатывались различные чрезвычайные ситуации. "Dan-Air" получила первый серийный лайнер 100-й серии 21 мая 1983 года.
Delta Air Transport, the regional airline associate of the Belgian national airline Sabena, has taken delivery of the first of four BAe 146-200s. These aircraft are to introduce jet services to Stockholm and Frankfurt, taking advantage of the low environmental noise of the BAe 146 to operate from Brussels and Antwerp. This aircraft was delivered in January 1990.
One that fell by the wayside - London/Luton-based Debonair began operations on June 19, 1996, its early fleet comprising seven BAe 146-200s leased from US Airways, which had previously stored the aircraft for six years at Mojave. A further three Srs 200s, two Srs 100s and latterly a pair of Boeing 737-300s joined the fleet, but the carrier consistently failed to make a profit and finally succumbed to the inevitable on October 1, 1999, when it entered receivership. At that time it was operating eight of its fleet under franchise agreements for Lufthansa Cityline and Swissair Express, but its refusal to drop fares to compete with its rivals, and its use of the 146s rather than larger 737s to maximise revenues, probably contributed to its downfall. Seen here is one of the first two aircraft to join the fleet, BAe 146-200 G-DEBC, which remains active today with BMI Commuter as G-CLHA, as one of four operating Lufthansa flights under a wet-lease agreement.
Former USAir BAe 146-200 N171US following extensive refurbishment by Marshall Aerospace, as G-DEBA, the first aircraft for new UK carrier Debonair Airways.
One of the ten BAe 146s operated by Eurowings, a type which has given the airline a number of problems regarding despatch reliability.
BAE Systems RJ85 JU-9909 (c/n E2257) has recently been delivered to the Mongolian airline Eznis Airways. It arrived at Norwich Airport, Norfolk, from storage at Kemble, Gloucestershire, as G-CGTP for repainting in the airline's colours on June 6, 2011, being rolled out in its new scheme eight days later. It returned to Kemble on June 15 and departed on its ferry flight to Mongolia on June 23, using St Petersberg as its first refuelling stop-off. The airliner is seen at Norwich on June 14.
Prior to standardising on the Q400 and E195, flybe and its predecessors operated a large fleet of BAe 146 variants.
Flybe currently has 12 BAe 146s in its fleet, which were due to be relinquished by 2008. However, the date will slip to 2009 if the purchase of BA Connect goes ahead.
FlyBe BAe146-300 G-JEBG has been painted in the colours of online casino and is seen here departing Glasgow Airport, Scotland, on its first day of operation.
A Flightline BAe 146 operating for the Integrated Aviation Consortium touches down at Aberdeen. This is a grouping of oil companies which has contracted three of these aircraft to ferry their workers from Aberdeen to Scatsa in the Shetland Islands, where they are flown by helicopter to offshore installations.
BAe 146-200 G-FLTF (c/n E2022, ex EI-DMK of Cityjet) seen on April 7, 2008 shortly after being rolled out from the Inflite hangar at Southend Airport, Essex, in IAC (Integrated Aviation Consortium) colours. The aircraft has been acquired by Southend-based Flightline to operate out of Aberdeen on its contract to fly oil rig workers around Scotland for IAC.
Former Royal Jet British Aerospace RJ85 G-CFZM (c/n E2299, ex A6-RJE) was repainted in the livery of Jagson Airlines of Delhi, India, at Bournemouth Airport, Dorset. It arrived at Southend Airport, Essex, on December 17, 2010, for predelivery checks and is due to become VT-JJC upon entering service with the regional airline. Jagson started operations in November 1991 and is acquiring BAe 146/ RJ85s to augment its Dornier Do 228-200s and Mil Mi-172s.
JEA calls its BAe 146s, Whisper Jets, and the type will be operated on the Channel Islands route from June 1999.
JOTA Aviation is an ACMI specialist based at Southend with ex-PSA, US Air and CityJet BAe 146-200 G-SMLA (c/n E2047) used for charter flights.
Passenger operations restarted at London Southend Airport in 2012.
Old and new at London City, with a recently-painted KLM uk BAe 146 being turned round, and another example in earlier colours arriving from Edinburgh
"... colour pictures which give excellent contrast", says Braybrook, "provided they are reproduced in colour". This recent issue from the British Aerospace public relations department, depicting a BAe 146, would be less effective if reproduced in black-and-white which, claims the author, is still a much-used medium.
Lufthansa CityLine is to receive Embraer 190s and additional CRJ900s, which, among others, will replace five Avro RJ85s, an example of which is illustrated here. Thirteen RJ85s are to remain in the fleet as their leases have been extended. Steve
Тайваньская "Makung Airlines" из "UNI Airways Corp." эксплуатирует 146-й с мая 1996 года. Несколько авиакомпаний Азии закупили эти самолеты большей частью у "Asset Management Organisation", входящей в BAe.
Making a sprightly departure from Innsbruck Airport is Malmo Aviation Avro RJ100, SE-DSX, wearing a special livery to advertise a Swedish financial newspaper.
Manx Airlines has become the first airline in the world to operate all three of British Aerospace’s current trio of regional airliners - Jetstream 31, ATP and the BAe 146. The airline has also ordered two BAe Jetstream 41s.
New carriers continue to find the 146/RJ family attractive as their first aircraft. Indian operator MDLR Airlines decided to opt for two RJ70s as many of the airports it flies to have short runways, basic infrastructure and are in mountainous terrain.
Avro RJ85 of Northwest Airlines (1998)
Former Mesaba Airlines/Northwest AirLink RJ85 N516XJ (c/n E2334) departs Southend Airport, Essex, on September 14, 2006 for Exeter, Devon, prior to delivery to Ireland's CityJet as EI-RJD. The aircraft had arrived from Goose Bay, Newfoundland, via Reykjavik, Iceland, and had been preceded by similar aircraft N518XJ (c/n E2337) which arrived on September 7 from Reykjavik, departing the following day for Cologne for pre-delivery work and painting by Nyack. The aircraft are the first two of a total of 23 acquired by CityJet that will be delivered over the next 18 months.
The single biggest order for the RJ was placed by Northwest, and deliveries are currently underway.
RJ85, как и другие региональные самолеты английской компании "БАЕ Системз", не пользуются большой популярностью на рынке
Seen here at Dublin Airport, Ireland, on January 24, 2008 is former Northwest/Mesaba Airlines Avro RJ85 N508XJ (c/n E2318) en route to South Africa. The aircraft had been in storage at Marana, Arizona, but left there on January 22, routing via Detroit Metro, Goose Bay and Keflavik to Dublin. It then left via Lisbon and Tenerife before going on to South Africa. It had been preceded by two other former Mesaba RJ85s, N505XJ (c/n E2313) and N507XJ (c/n E2316), which left Marana on November 27 and Pinal Air Park on December 24, respectively. Up to five of these aircraft have been acquired, reportedly by Comair.
The first of 20 British Aerospace 146-200s for Pacific Southwest Airlines, which put this jetliner into service in California during June 1984.
Avro RJ85 OO-DJR was the seventh example acquired by Sabena and following delivery on July 31, 1996 it entered service on August 3 on the Brussels-Amsterdam-Brussels route. As with the rest of the RJ fleet, it is operated on lease by subsidiary DAT in full Sabena colours.
Largest of the Avro family is the RJ100, Sabena’s OO-DWD being given this scheme to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Belgian carrier Sabena (1999)
Фирма "Avro" разработала самолет RJ100 в качестве прямой замены машин BAe 146-300. Самолеты серии RJ пользуются такой же популярностью, как и их предшественники. На бывшие в употреблении, но пригодные к полетам BAe 146 все еще есть спрос на рынке. В парке авиакомпании "SAM Colombia" состоят только самолеты RJ100, всего до девяти машин.
First of eight BAe/Avro RJ100s for SAM-Colombia at Woodford. In service, the aircraft will be registered N505MM. C/n’s of the other aircraft include 3221, 3245, 3247, 3248 and 3250.
African start-up airline Starbow was due to take delivery of its first aircraft, British Aerospace BAe 146-300 9G-SBA (c/n E3125, ex G-UKSC), in June 2011. The aircraft will be based at Accra in Ghana and operate services within Central Africa. It was painted at Southend, Essex, and was pushed out of the Air Livery hangar for the first time in its new colours and markings on May 18, before passing to Inflite Engineering to receive its interior fit. A second BAe 146 (c/n E3123, ex G-UKHP) was due to be ferried to Southend from storage at Bacau in Romania during June for preparation work. Both aircraft are on lease from BAE Systems.
Swiss plans to replace the Avro RJs on its London City services with the Bombardier CSeries from summer 2016.
Swiss International Airlines Avro RJ100 HB-IYU seen on December 1, 2007 being moved back to London City Airport by barge after completion of repairs following its heavy landing there on August 18.
The Debonair BAe 146-200 G-DEBL is employed on Swissair Express franchise services between Zurich and points in Italy. Of note are the small Air Europe titles on the nose
146-й, обладающий малой шумностью, можно эксплуатировать на большинстве аэродромов даже ночью, что для реактивных самолетов довольно необычно. 146QT, разработанный на базе 146-200, предназначен для грузовых перевозок в темное время суток.
Для увеличения объемов перевозок TNT сотрудничает с крупными авиакомпаниями. В 2012 году TNT располагала флотом из 18 грузовых самолетов BAe 146 в вариантах -200QT и -300QT.
Турецкая национальная компания "Turkish Airlines" в числе первых закупила RJ 100, заказав девять самолетов (все перепроданы к 2008 году) и четыре RJ70 (перепроданы в 2007 году).
Air Wisconsin/United Express BAe ATPs with a BAe 146 during a ‘bank’ at O'Hare in August last year.
На момент покупки ее авиаперевозчиком "US Air", компания "Pacific Southwest Airlines" имела 24 самолета 200-й серии. Новый владелец полностью удалил цветовую схему "Pacific Southwest Airlines" и эксплуатировал машины в натуральной металлической окраске, несмотря на рекомендации производителя не делать этого. Изображен самолет, вылетающий из аэропорта Джона Уэйна, Орандж-Каунти, штат Калифорния.
Former USAir BAe 146-200 N171US in desert storage at Mojave, California, on October 6, 1994, having been there since retirement in May 1991
Southend, Essex-based Flightline's BAe 146-300 G-BPNT (c/n E3126) seen shortly after returning to Southend on April 12, 2007 after repainting by Sprayavia at Norwich, Norfolk, in VLM colours and with the name 'Spirit of Rotterdam'. This is the first jet aircraft for the Belgian carrier and it has now been delivered on wet lease from Flightline, operating its first revenue service on April 16, supplementing VLM's Fokker 50s on London City services.
Braathens/Malmo operated BAe 146-200 SE-DRD into Edinburgh recently, painted with a Web Ware logo. It flew a summer weekend charter from Gothenburg, returning via Innsbruck and Bologna.
Многие аэропорты, в которых ранее выполняли посадку только самолеты с ТВД, такие как DHC-7, приветствовали появление 146-го. Эксплуатация в аэропорту Лондон-Сити стала своего рода революцией - реактивные самолеты стали летать в самый центр мегаполиса.
The for­mer Safair BAe 146-200QC ZS-NCB, which arrived at Exeter for attention at JEA Engineering on 6/2/95, was restored to the UK register as G-BTIA ten days later
With its clam-shell airbrakes deployed, a BAe 146 passes over the threshold of London City Airport’s runway. The high obstacles surrounding the airport call for a particularly steep approach.
British Aerospace is taking a serious look at selling the series, together with refurbished BAe 146s, to the executive market. This rare privately-owned 146-100, N114M, had a full executive interior.
One of Brussels Airlines' last Avro RJ100s, OO-DWE (c/n 3327), at London Southend Airport during its return journey to lessor Falko Aviation.
Titan Airways’ BAe 146-200QC G-ZAPN, ex ZK-NZC of Ansett New Zealand, was delivered to Exeter on 1/10/99 for pre-delivery attention by Jersey European Technical Services
Staging through Southend Airport, Essex, on a ferry flight to America from Bacau in Romania on July 8, 2011 was British Aerospace BAe 146-200 N18FF (c/n E2138, ex G-JEAY of Jersey European). It is due to be modified by Tronosjet Maintenance, which will install a 3,000 US gallon capacity fire-fighting system in the aircraft. It left Southend for Reykjavik in Iceland, then went on to Goose Bay and Summerside, Prince Edward Island in Canada. Following conversion it will join the prototype BAe 146 air tanker (N608AW) for continued flight testing at Prince Edward Island.
Для замены Hercules W.Mk 2 был выбран лайнер BAe 146-300, прошедший значительные доработки. Его эксплуатация финансируется научным сообществом, и MRF "покупает время" для своих исследований. Самолет остается в собственности "BAE Systems" и эксплуатируется гражданским экипажем.
8 августа 1988г.: British Aerospace 146STA (Small Tactical Airlifter), военный вариант хорошо известного авиалайнера с коротким взлетом и посадкой, выполнил первый полет.
Попытки создания на базе BAe 146 военной модификации завершились ничем. Второй самолет после эксплуатации в компании "Las Vegas" переоборудовали в грузовой и передали "Pemco Aeroplex" (на левом борту за крылом установили большую грузовую дверь). Затем он предлагался в качестве тактического военно-транспортного самолета (BAe 146STA - от Sideloading Tactical Airlifter) и даже совершил демонстрационные полеты в Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион.
Административный самолет BAe-146 CC2 из состава 32-й эскадрильи RAF, которая занимается перевозкой первых лиц Великобритании. Самолет оснащен бортовым комплексом обороны, датчики обнаружения угроз и системы постановки помех размещены снаружи фюзеляжа. Бамако, 31 января 2013 г.
A BAe146 is bathed in light at its home base of RAF Northolt. The type has proved particularly useful for operating in the 'hot and high' conditions found in Afghanistan in the summer months.
Royal Air Force No.32 Squadron BAe 146 ZE700 seen at Zurich Airport, Switzerland, on January 21, 2016 with a large hunting horn decal on the tail to mark the 100th birthday of the unit. The aircraft received the decals just prior to flying to Zurich.
All three types currently operated by 32 (TR) Squadron - BAe146 CC.2, HS.125 CC.3 and AgustaWestland A.109E - are illustrated in this photograph at their home base of RAF Northolt.
BAe146s are the largest aircraft operated by RAF Northolt-based 32 (TR) Squadron. The unit's aircraft carry subtle squadron marks in the form of three diagonal white stripes on the cheatline and a small badge.
Prior to March 31, 1995, the Queen's Flight was the dedicated unit for flying members of the royal family. This BAe146 of the aforementioned unit is pictured at East Midlands Airport in 1992, note the royal standard flying above the forward fuselage.
BAe 146 CC.2 2.E700 was the first of three Srs 100 examples delivered to the RAF in VVIP configuration for operation by the Queen’s Flight at RAF Benson, to which it was delivered on April 23, 1986. The unit was amalgamated into 32 Squadron at RAF Northolt on April 1, 1995, becoming 32 (The Royal) Squadron, and continues to operate the aircraft in the VVIP role transporting members of the UK Royal Family.
The four BAe146 aircraft in service with the RAF will leave service on March 31 next year
Три 146-100 в составе британских ВВС налетали 800 часов, выполняя грузовые полеты ежедневно, после чего самолеты вернули BAe, а взамен приобрели два новых самолета для Королевского звена. Машины используются для VIP-перевозок.
British Aerospace BAe 146C3 ZE707 (c/n E2211, ex OO-TAY) is one of two BAe 146-200QCs for the RAF acquired to augment the service's transport capabilities. The aircraft is seen departing RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, on February 18, 2013, where it and ZE708 (c/n E2188, ex OO-TAZ) arrived the previous day. Both were noted during late February and March at various locations completing trials before being accepted into service for operation by No.32(TR) Squadron based at RAF Northolt in West London. They will be flown alongside the service's two existing BAe 146CC2s (based on the Series 100). The new aircraft were previously flown by TNT Airways and were acquired under a ?47 million programme to meet intra-lift requirements in Afghanistan (see BAE Systems Acquires BAe 146s for RAF, August 2012, p6). Both are expected to deploy to Afghanistan once acceptance trials and pilot training have been completed.
One of the two Bae146 C3 Quick Change aircraft photographed at its home station, RAF Northolt, Middlesex.
The BAE 146s of No.32(TR) Squadron, one of which is pictured preparing for departure at Brize Norton, and Agusta 109E based at RAF Northolt in west London are other types supported by the AMOCU.
The BAe 146 fleet will be retired and replaced, it has emerged, with commercial business jets from French manufacture Dassault
By adding an aeromed capability to its CC3 fleet, the RAF has further expanded its already significant medical support mission within its Air Mobility Force and Joint Helicopter Command.
The BAe146 aircraft, although able to perform a number of roles, have mostly been used for VIP transport in recent years and will be replaced by commercially derived business jets
Former Air China BAe 146-100 N76HN/B-632L (c/n E1076), which had been stored at Southend Airport, Essex, for some time, is seen here at the airport on December 5, 2006 after hasty application of Fuerza Aerea Boliviana (FAB - Bolivian Air Force) serial FAB-098 and a Bolivian flag on the fin. The aircraft is one of two ex-Air China aircraft acquired by the FAB for operation by Grupo Aereo 71 at La Paz, which currently flies the Fokker F27. The second aircraft, N81HN/B-633L (c/n E1081), was also previously at Southend, but has been in the USA for some time and will be delivered from there. Both were due to be flown to Bolivia during December.
Avro RJ70 FAB-107 arrived at Southend Airport on July 15, 2017 on its ferry flight to TAM Bolivia, the military airline of the Fuerza Aerea Boliviana (Bolivian Air Force). The aircraft had been held in open storage at Bacau, Romania for eight years in the colours of former Indian operator MDLR Airlines, which ceased operations in 2009.
Australian Air Express (AAE) BAe 146-300QT freighter VH-NJF is one of two examples of this variant, together with a 146-100QC freighter operated by the Melbourne/Tullamarine-based carrier, which is a joint venture between Qantas Airways and Australia Post Corporation. Operating its first service on August 1, 1992, carrying mail for Australia Post, AAE has grown rapidly to operate an express air freight service across Australia and throughout the world. The AAE fleet also includes two freight-configured Boeing 727s operated on its behalf by Air Cargo Australia and three SA227AT Expeditor freighters operated by Pel-Air.
A new UK operator is JOTA Cargo, which will operate a fleet of four former ASL Airlines BAE 146-300QT freighters on aircraft, crew, maintenance and insurance charter work. Here G-JOTE c/n E3182 (ex-ASL Airlines EC-MFT) arrives at its Southend base after repainting by Air Livery at Norwich.
One of a growing number of smaller carriers operating worldwide on behalf of the huge TNT freight network is Pacific East Asia Air Cargo of Manila which flies BAe 146QTs on behalf of the parent company. G-TNTD is seen here on August 31, 1993 at Dublin.
British Aerospace originally launched two variants of the 146 that could be used for cargo - the Quiet Convertible and Quiet Trader. BAE Systems has showed renewed interest in the freighter market and is to convert two passenger 146-200s to this role. A new operator of the Quiet Trader is West Air Sweden, which added this aircraft, SE-DRN, in October last year.
В марте 1986 года неокрашенный самолет с бортовым номером E2056 перегнали из Хатфилда в Дотан, Алабама, где фирма "Pemco" впервые переоборудовала машину в грузовой вариант. В хвостовой части фюзеляжа прорезали грузовой люк, усилили пол кабины, установили ролики для перемещения груза и систему пожаротушения. Вариант Series 200QT (Quiet Trader) мог перевозить грузы массой 10206 кг, a Series 300QT (на фото) - 11 512 кг.
Aero Flite Avro RJ85A N839AC (c/n E2270, ex G-CLHX) departs McClellan Field in Sacramento, California, to fight the nearby Applegate fire, which burned through 459 acres of land in Placer County in October 2014. This aircraft, which spent 11 years with Lufthansa CityLine as D-AVRI before being converted to a tanker, is one of nine BAe 146s/Avro RJs used for aerial firefighting by American and Canadian companies. It can deliver 3,100 US gallons (11,734 litres) of retardant.
For decades, former airliners such as the Douglas DC-4, DC-6, and DC-7 have dominated what is now known as the large air tanker (LAT) category. Today the LAT platforms of choice are the BAe 146 and Avro RJ85. Both of these four engine jets can operate from smaller airfields to deliver a payload of 3,000 US gallons (11,356 litres). Owned by Aero-Flite of Spokane, Washington, this RJ85A N354AC, Tanker #161, shows the distinguishing cheek tanks that differentiate it from internal tanks on the BAe 146 tanker.
Saddle tanks on the outside of the pressure hull hold up to 3,236 US gallons (12,253 litres) of retardant.
Conair Avro RJ85 Airtanker N355AC fought fires in Victoria, the Adelaide Hills, Western Australia and Tasmania during its three months in Australia.
Each Airtanker has a 3,000 US gallon capacity tank. In 2016, the 14 converted BAe 146/ Avro RJs in North America dropped a combined 12.5 million US gallons of retardant.
The US Forest Service has again contracted Neptune Aviation and Conair/Aero Flite to provide BAe 146-200/Avro RJ Airtankers to support fire-fighting efforts.
Wearing a distinctive vinyl wrap forest paint scheme, Air Spray USA Tanker 170, BAe 146-200 N907AS (c/n E2156), makes a demonstration drop during AFF 2018 at McClellan Field. Delivered to Discovery Airways in January 1990 as N884DV, and last operated by Aerolineas Star Peru as OB-1948-P, Tanker 170 is awaiting approval from the Interagency Airtanker Board before beginning a Call When Needed contract this summer. It is the first of five BAe 146 aircraft to be converted by Air Spray USA at their Chico, California base.
Unique among the 146/RJ fleet is G-LUXE, operated as an atmospheric research aircraft. As well as task-specific equipment, it is also fitted with extra fuel tanks to increase endurance.
Regional Aircraft converted a BAe 146-301 large Atmospheric Research Aircraft for the Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements, a UK scientific research organisation based at Cranfield.
Before focusing on hydrogen, Airbus has explored hybrid electric flight alternatives. It partnered with Rolls-Royce and Siemens on the E-Fan X project, which would have involved the test-flying of an Avro RJ100. It should have flown from Cranfield in 2020 but the project has been abandoned.