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Страна : Великобритания
Год : 1944
Одноместный истребитель-бомбардировщик корабельного и аэродромного базирования
- Hawker - Fury / Sea Fury - 1944 - Великобритания
- WAR - Hawker Sea Fury - 1986 - США
Hawker Sea Fury
Истребитель Fury проектировался в соответствии с совместным требованием британских Министерства авиации и Адмиралтейства по техническим заданиям - спецификациям F.2/43 и N.7/43 и рассматривался как меньшая по размерам и более легкая модификация самолета Tempest. Компания "Hawker" должна была спроектировать и построить модель аэродромного базирования, a "Boulton Paul" - переделать ее в палубный вариант. К декабрю 1943 года было заказано шесть опытных самолетов: один - со звездообразным двигателем Bristol Centaurus XII, два - с двигателями Centaurus XXII, два - с V-образными двигателями Rolls-Royce Griffon, а последний предназначался для проведения различных испытаний и отработки конструкции. Первым 1 сентября 1944 года поднялся в воздух самолет с двигателем Bristol Centaurus XII, а 27 ноября начал испытания опытный самолет с двигателем Griffon 85 (на него впоследствии был установлен Н-образный двигатель Napier Sabre VII).
В апреле 1944 года были получены производственные контракты на 200 самолетов Fury для британских ВВС и такое же количество истребителей Sea Fury для морской авиации, из которых 100 должны были строиться на заводе компании "Boulton Paul". Однако в конце войны заказ ВВС был аннулирован, а вот усовершенствование самолетов Sea Fury продолжилось, и первый опытный экземпляр совершил полет 21 февраля 1945 года. На самолет был установлен двигатель Centaurus XII. Машина получила тормозной гак, но по-прежнему не имела складывающегося крыла, поэтому первой полностью морской модификацией стал второй опытный самолет - с двигателем Centaurus XV, совершивший первый полет 12 октября 1947 года.
Контракт с "Boulton Paul" был аннулирован в январе 1945 года, из 100 самолетов первые 50 истребителей были построены под обозначением Sea Fury Mk 10. Первый из них поднялся в воздух 7 сентября 1946 года, а третий зимой 1946-1947 годов проходил испытания на борту британского авианосца "Викториес". В мае 1948 года 802-я эскадрилья первой получила истребители-бомбардировщики Sea Fury FB.Mk 11. По заказу британских ВМС построили всего 615 машин, но 31 и 35 самолетов были переданы ВМС Австралии и Канады, соответственно. Sea Fury успешно применялись на раннем этапе войны в Корее. Королевские ВМС Великобритании также получили 60 двухместных учебно-тренировочных самолетов Sea Fury T.Mk 20, десять из которых по заказу Германии были позднее переделаны в самолеты-буксировщики мишеней.
Среди других заграничных эксплуатантов самолетов данного семейства были: Нидерланды (22 самолета Sea Fury F.Mk 50 и FB.Mk 50), Пакистан (93 Sea Fury F.Mk 60 и пять Sea Fury T.Mk 61), Египет (12 одноместных машин), Бирма (18 Sea Fury FB.Mk 11, переданных из британских ВМС, причем три из них эксплуатировались как буксировщики мишеней, а также три Sea Fury T.Mk 20), Куба (15 Sea Fury FB.Mk 11 и два Sea Fury T.Mk 20) и Ирак (50 одноместных сухопутных Fury и пять двухместных учебно-тренировочных Fury; иракские самолеты неофициально носили обозначение Baghdad Fury).
Тип: одноместный истребитель-бомбардировщик корабельного и аэродромного базирования
Силовая установка: один звездообразный ПД Bristol Centaurus XVIII мощностью 2480 л. с. (1849 кВт)
Летные характеристики: максимальная скорость на высоте 7470 м - 700 км/ч; набор высоты 9145 м - за 10 мин 48 с; практический потолок 10455 м; дальность полета на стандартной заправке топливом 1094 км
Масса: пустого 4191 кг; максимальная взлетная 5670 кг
Размеры: размах крыла 11,70 м; длина 10,57 м; высота 4,84 м; площадь крыла 26,01 м2
Вооружение: четыре 20-мм пушки Hispano Mk 5 в крыле, плюс до 907 кг авиационных средств поражения на двух подкрыльевых узлах подвески - обычно две 907- или 227-кг бомбы или восемь 27-кг НАР
- Описание
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-12 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (1)
The first prototype Hawker F.2/43, NX798, was powered by a Bristol Centaurus XII radial engine. It made its first flight at Langley on September I, 1944. The aircraft was later registered G-AKRY, and was subsequently sold to Egypt.
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / D.Nicolle - Fury over Palestine /Post-war conflict/ (1)
The first Hawker F2/43 (Fury I to be) NX798, which later became G-AKRY and was 'called up’ for the REAF.
Мировая Авиация 159
Первым прототипом Fury с мотором Centaurus стал борт NX798 (фото); позднее мотор заменили на Centaurus XVIII (с пятилопастным винтом) и продали машину Египту.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-12 / D.Robertson - A testing time (1)
An unidentified Hawker Fury at Farnborough in November 1946.
Air Enthusiast 2000-03 / T.Buttler - The RAF Hath no Fury...
Close-up of the neat Centaurus XII installation in the prototype Fury NX798.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-08 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (1)
Опытный "Облегченный истребитель Фьюри" прекрасно летал, но уже не соответствовал требованиям ВВС
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / D.Nicolle - Fury over Palestine /Post-war conflict/ (1)
The Hawker F2/43 prototype in British markings, and with the RAF serial number NX798, pictured in flight over England, late 1944.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-12 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (1)
Британские ВВС заказали 200 Fury перед самым окончанием Второй мировой войны. Этот заказ аннулировали в 1945-м. На снимке - второй прототип. Видно, как высоко расположена кабина пилота.
The Centaurus XV-powered Fury prototype, NX802, right, first flew on July 25, 1945. It was sold to Pakistan in 1949. -
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1947 / All the world's aeroplanes
The first prototype Hawker Fury Single-seat Fighter (Bristol Centaurus XII engine).
Air Enthusiast 2000-03 / T.Buttler - The RAF Hath no Fury...
The Centaurus-engined Sea Fury was a good-looking aircraft from the beginning. One of the prototypes tucking in close to the camera-ship.
The prototype Hawker Fury ended its days in Egypt fighting in the Palestine War -
Air Enthusiast 2000-03 / T.Buttler - The RAF Hath no Fury...
Centaurus XV-engined NX802, first flown on July 25, 1945.
Мировая Авиация 159
За первым Fury последовал борт LA610 (фото) с двигателем Rolls-Royce Griffon 85 и шестилопастными соосными винтами встречного вращения.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1947 / All the world's aeroplanes
The second prototype of the Hawker Fury with a Rolls-Royce Griffon 81 engine and contra-rotating airscrews.
Air Enthusiast 2000-03 / T.Buttler - The RAF Hath no Fury...
LA610 photographed at Langley in its original configuration with a Rolls-Royce Griffon 85 engine and contra-rotating propellers. Date late 1944 or early 1945.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-12 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (1)
The second prototype Fury, LA610, began life with a Roll-Royce Griffon 85 engine. It is seen being re-engined with a Napier Sabre VII in 1946.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-12 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (1)
The second prototype Fury after installation of the Napier Sabre, which drove a four-bladed propeller.
Мировая Авиация 159
С мотором Napier Sabre VII (фото) скорость достигла 781 км/ч. Самолет стал, вероятно, самым скоростным из построенных компанией "Hawker" летательных аппаратов с поршневыми двигателями.
The Hawker Fury I Single-seat Fighter (Napier-Sabre VII engine). -
Air Enthusiast 2000-03 / T.Buttler - The RAF Hath no Fury...
LA610 on show at the September 1945 SBAC display at Radlett.
Air Enthusiast 2000-03 / T.Buttler - The RAF Hath no Fury...
Official view of LA610 taken in June 1946 after the Sabre VII had been fitted. Note the leading edge radiators
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / D.Nicolle - Fury over Palestine /Post-war conflict/ (1)
The Sabre-powered Fury prototype LA610, later civilian-registered as G-AKRZ.
Air Enthusiast 2000-03 / T.Buttler - The RAF Hath no Fury...
Official view of LA610 taken in June 1946 after the Sabre VII had been fitted. Note the leading edge radiators
Мировая Авиация 55
11 мая 1949 года Невилл Дьюк на истребителе Fury установил рекорд, преодолев расстояние от Лондона до Каира всего за 6 ч 32 мин 10 с.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-12 / D.Middleton - Neville Duke /Test Pilot Profile/ (8)
Neville Duke photographed in front of a Hawker Fury at the time of his record flights to Rome and Karachi in May 1949.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-12 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (1)
The first Sea Fury prototype, SR661 flew for the first time on February 21, 1945.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1947 / All the world's aeroplanes
The Hawker Sea Fury X Fleet Fighter (Bristol Centaurus XVIII engine and Rotol five-blade airscrew).
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-12 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (1)
The second Sea Fury prototype, SR666, had a Centaurus XV engine and Rotol five-bladed propeller.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-08 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (1)
Демонстрация складывания крыла на втором опытном "Си Фьюри"
Air Enthusiast 2000-03 / T.Buttler - The RAF Hath no Fury...
The first fully-navalised Sea Fury prototype SR666 with smaller hook, five-blade propeller and wing folding
Air Enthusiast 2000-03 / T.Buttler - The RAF Hath no Fury...
The semi-navalised Sea Fury prototype SR661 adapted from the standard Fury with Centaurus XII and four-blade propeller; date probably early 1945. Note the large hook
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-08 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (1)
Первый "Си Фьюри" Mk.X, переделанный из "Облегченного истребителя"
Air Enthusiast 2000-03 / T.Buttler - The RAF Hath no Fury...
Fully navalised Sea Fury prototype VB857 with Centaurus XV, manufactured by Boulton Paul but assembled by Hawker.
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1946 / 03 - All the world's aeroplanes
The Hawker Sea Fury Single-seat Naval Fighter (Bristol Centaurus XVIII engine).
Мировая Авиация 65
21 февраля 1945г.: взлетел первый создававшийся специально для ВМС прототип истребителя Hawker Sea Fury (SR661) с двигателем Centaurus XII и четырехлопастным воздушным винтом Rotol.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-12 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (1)
A little more than 18 months later the first production Sea Fury, TF895, seen before application of its Naval colour scheme, made its maiden flight.
Air Enthusiast 2000-03 / T.Buttler - The RAF Hath no Fury...
The first production Sea Fury F.Mk.10 was TF895 with a four-blade prop, a feature of early production examples
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-08 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (1)
Первый серийный "Си Фьюри", еще с четырехлопастным винтом
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-12 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (1)
Another view of TF895, with wings folding.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-01 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (2)
F Mk X TF906. Note the four-bladed propeller.
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-04 / Hooked Furies
Sea Fury F.Mk X TF905 served with No 778 Sqn FAA.
Aeroplane Monthly 1978-04
The close-up of Hawker test pilot Bill Humble in Hawker Sea Fury F.X TF905 from the first production batch was taken by CHARLES E. BROWN.
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-04 / Hooked Furies
Another view of Sea Fury F.B. Mk X TF905
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-01 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (2)
Another view of F.X TF952. The Fleet Air Arm received its first F.Xs in February 1947.
АС 1993-02 / В.Бородкин, И.Коледенок - Хоукер "Си Фьюри" /Авиационный мир/
Седьмой серийный "Си Фьюри" Mk.X (TF 901) - один из двух, поставленных в Канаду в 1947г.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-01 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (2)
Sea Fury F.X TF952. The aircraft’s powerplant was an 18-cylinder Bristol Centaurus 18 radial, developing a maximum of 2,560 h.p.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-01 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (2)
Sea Fury F.X TF901, from the first production batch, shows off its pugnacious profile.
Мировая Авиация 160
"Си Фьюри" Mk.X над авианосцем "Формидейбл"
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-01 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (2)
An arresting shot of the fourth production Sea Fury F.X., TF898, aboard HMS Illustrious in 1947.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-01 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (2)
The third Sea Fury F.X, TF897.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-01 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (2)
Sea Fury FB.11 TF988, photographed in November 1947. The FB.11 first entered first-line service in February 1948.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-01 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (2)
Sea Fury FB.11 VR944 of No 806 Sqn FAA at RCNAS Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, on June 19, 1948.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-09 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (2)
"Си Фьюри" FB.11 (WE 726).
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-08 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (1)
Образцы вооружения, применяемые на "Си Фьюри": ракеты, бомбы, баки с напалмом
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-05 / Hawker Sea Fury FB 11 /Preservation Profile/ (73)
Restoration almost complete.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-07 / C.Burkett - The 1988 Fighter meet
In amongst the new types at the Fighter Meet was the Royal Navy Historic Flight’s more familiar Hawker Sea Fury FB.11, TF956, one of two Sea Furies kept airworthy at Yeovilton for regular display appearances. The other one is T.20 two-seater WG655.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-08 / Personal album
One of 1833’s FB.11s, possibly WJ288, at Bramcote. WJ288 is currently preserved by Patrick Luscombe and, registered G-SALY, is being restored to airworthy status.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-02 / Grapevine
The star of the Air Day at Archerfield, Brisbane, Australia on October 13 was Guido Zuccoli's Sea Fury FB.11, VH-HFG which made its public debut at the display.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-12 / R.Williams - The Navy's Northern Reservists (1)
A Sea Fury of 1831 Squadron during exercises Mariner/Momentum, August/September 1953, displays “invasion” stripes.
Air International 1995-01 / P.Jackson - Testing Times
Airwork has been involved in operating aircraft on behalf of the UK forces for several decades. Seen here in 1961 at Hurn is Sea Fury FB.11 VR930 of the Airwork-operated Fleet Requirements Unit (now FRADU). This aircraft is still extant in storage with the RN Historic Flight at Yeovilton while coincidentally, the other FRU example in the background, TF956, was also operated by the Flight until its demise on June 10, 1989.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-08 / Personal album
The Bramcote-based Sea Furies of 1833 Sqn lined up at RNAS Ford. The squadron flew the Sea Fury FB.11 from February 1954 until July 1955, when it was replaced with the Attacker FB.24.
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-08 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
Another type on display at the RNAY Fleetlands Open Day on June 16, 1990 was Hawker Sea Fury WJ231 from the Fleet Air Arm Museum at Yeovilton.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-02 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (3)
Spare 802 Sqn Furies being loaded aboard HMS Ocean in August 1952.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-11 / M.Gaines - Own goal
The 690ft long Theseus pictured off Spithead in August 1950, ready to join the Far East Fleet in Korea. On June 19 that year the first night landing by a jet was made on this carrier.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-11 / M.Gaines - Own goal
HMS Theseus off Korea in October 1950.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-02 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (3)
HMS Ocean off Korea in the Yellow Sea on July 25, 1952. Aboard can be seen 802 Sqn Sea Furies and 825 Sqn Fireflies.
Мировая Авиация 160
Самолеты Sea Fury из 802-й эскадрильи и Firefly из 825-й эскадрильи на палубе авианосца "Оушн", следующего из Японии к берегам Кореи (июль 1952 года). Авианосец ходил к берегам Кореи дважды - в 1952 и 1953 годах.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-09 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (2)
Несмотря на непогоду "Си Фьюри" готовится к вылету с авианосца "Сидней"
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-01 / 1986 UK Aircraft Collections and Museums Guide
Hawker Sea Fury FB.11 VX653 photographed in 1963.
Мировая Авиация 159
В школе морских летчиков (NAFS, 736-я и 738-я эскадрильи) на базе Калдроуз совершенствовались пилоты Sea Fury авиации Королевского флота Великобритании (RNAS). Самолет FB.Mk 11 из состава школы готовится к взлету с палубы авианосца "Венженс", начало 1950-х годов.
АС 1993-02 / В.Бородкин, И.Коледенок - Хоукер "Си Фьюри" /Авиационный мир/
"Си Фьюри" FB.11 (VR 943) 804-й эскадрильи на борту авианосца "Глори".
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-09 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (2)
"Си Фьюри" на палубе авианосца "Тезеус"
Мировая Авиация 159
Самолеты Sea Fury FB.Mk 11 авиации британского флота и ВМС Австралии участвовали в корейской войне. Самолет из 802-й эскадрильи сфотографирован на борту британского авианосца "Оушн" в 1952 году.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-11 / M.Gaines - Own goal
HMS Theseus off Falmouth on May 28, 1951 on its return from a ten-month spell in Korea. The 18,000 ton Colossus Class Theseus carried 12 Hawker Sea Furies of 807 Sqn and 23 Fairey Fireflies of 810 Sqn, plus a Sea Otter for air/sea rescue duties, later replaced by an S-51 Dragonfly.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-02 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (3)
HMS Glory’s Sea Furies in action off the coast of Korea in June 1951.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-09 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (2)
"Си Фьюри" стартует с палубы, неся под крылом 120-кг бомбы и подвесные баки
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-02 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (3)
A Sea Fury makes a rocket-assisted take-off from the flight deck of HMS Glory in Korean waters. In 14 months more than 1,000 sorties were flown from this carrier.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-09 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (2)
Старт с помощью пороховых ускорителей
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-02 / R.Sturtivant - The Navy's spare time fliers (1)
Hawker Sea Fury FB.11 WE687 “156/BR” of 1833 Sqn takes off from Stretton in the mid-Fifties.
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-04 / Hooked Furies
Взлетает "Си Фьюри"
Lt Cdr Harrington just airborne during a flying display at the St Merryn open day in July 1950. Sea Fury F.B.Mk 11 VW654 was attached to RNAS Anthom. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-01 / R.Wilson, R.Winslade - Naval Nostagia
Sea Fury FB.11 TF956.
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-04 / Hooked Furies
Hawker Sea Fury F.B.11 WF619, later attached to RNAS Anthom. The Mk 11 was the FAA’s front line single-seat fighter until replaced by the Hawker Sea Hawk in 1953.
Air Enthusiast 2000-03 / T.Buttler - The RAF Hath no Fury...
Production FB.Mk.11, WF619, poses for a company publicity shot.
Air International 1986-07 / ??? - Under Two Hats /Veteran & Vintage/
The Hawker Sea Fury FB Mk 11 TF956 are representative of Fleet Air Arm equipment in the early post-war years. Its marked with Korean war stripes, as this photo shows.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-11 / M.Gaines - Own goal
RICHARD WINSLADE’S plate depicts the Royal Navy Historic Aircraft Flight's Sea Fury FB.11 TF956 painted up to represent a Theseus-based 807 Sqn aircraft that fought in Korea.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-01 / R.Wilson, R.Winslade - Naval Nostagia
The stalwarts of the Royal Navy’s Historic Flight, Swordfish LS326 and Sea Fury TF956, both continue to produce lively displays.
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-04 / Hooked Furies
Still going strong in the USA is Frank Sanders’ Sea Fury, a regular air race competitor.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-09 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (2)
FB.11 в патрульном полете над побережьем Кореи
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-08 / Personal album
Another view of three 1833 Sqn FB.11s in formation over the South Coast.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-08 / Personal album
A trio of 1833 Sqn Sea Furies in formation over the South Coast. Nearest the camera is VX558.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-02 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (3)
На снимке времен войны в Корее виден Sea Fury авиации британского флота, с подвешенными бомбами и ПТБ, который заходит в атаку на выявленную цель противника. Британские Sea Fury и Firefly привлекались преимущественно для ударов по транспортным узлам или дорогам, как на фотографии.
A Sea Fury demonstrates its destructive power. Normal armament was four fixed 20mm wing guns with provision for twelve 60 lb bombs, rocket projectiles or two 1,000 bombs below the wings. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-04 / Hooked Furies
A Sea Fury firing a dozen 3in rockets with 60 lb warheads over the Triligga ranges, Cornwall, in 1951.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (4)
Four Sea Furies over Cape Town, South Africa in 1949. These 802 Squadron FB.11s embarked on HMS Vengeance in August 1948 for service in Home waters and the Atlantic.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-01 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (2)
Three Sea Furies in formation over Avro Canada’s factory at Malton, Ontario, during 806 Sqn’s North American tour in 1948.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-07 / News Spotlight
The RN’s Fairey Swordfish and Hawker Sea Fury fly past at Biggin.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Fairey Swordfish - Великобритания - 1934
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-06 / News Spotlight
A flypast on May 1, 1974 by aircraft of the FAA Historic Aircraft Flight over HMS Ark Royal, they are, left to right, Hawker Sea Fury, Fairey Firefly and the Fairey Swordfish.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Fairey Firefly - Великобритания - 1941Fairey Swordfish - Великобритания - 1934
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-04 / Hooked Furies
Sea Fury F.B. Mk 11 TF969 was attached to No. 8 Training Unit, and was re-purchased by Hawker Aviation from RNAS Abbotsinch in 1957-58.
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-04 / Hooked Furies
Sea Fury F.B.Mk 11 TG120 was delivered to the Royal Canadian Navy in 1948, and is seen landing on HMCS Magnificent, an 18,000 ton light fleet carrier, during deck landing trials in 1948. This aircraft was subsequently lost in a ditching on June 12, 1951, while serving with VF870 Sqn.
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-04 / Hooked Furies
A Royal Canadian Sea Fury landing on HMCS Magnificent. Many ex-FAA Sea Furies were transferred to the RCN.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-09 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (2)
После промаха с зацеплением посадочного троса "Си Фьюри" останавливается на тормозном барьере
Мировая Авиация 4
9 августа 1952 года лейтенант Питер Кармайкл (второй справа) стал единственным британским пилотом, одержавшим победу в небе над Кореей на самолете английского производства. На этом поршневом истребителе Sea Fury он сумел сбить МиГ-15.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-12 / R.Williams - The Navy's Northern Reservists (1)
A Sea Fury being armed at RNAS Hal Far, Malta, May 1951.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-08 / Personal album
Practice bombs looking rather incongruous beneath the wing of a Sea Fury FB.11.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-02 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (3)
Two RAAF naval airmen arming a RAAF Sea Fury aboard the aircraft carrier Sydney in Korean waters.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (4)
Sea Fury FB.11s in storage at Langley after repurchase by Hawker.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-05 / Hawker Sea Fury FB 11 /Preservation Profile/ (73)
During wind generation operations (Dept of Construction photo).
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-09 / P.Jarrett - Grapevine
The Museum’s Sea Fury, WJ228, undergoes a complete overhaul in the Luscombe Aircraft Company's unit at Lympne.
Air Enthusiast 2003-11 / A.Thomas - Fighter finale
The MLD was the first export customer for the Sea Fury, ordering 22 Mk.50s from Hawker and producing them under license.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-09 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (2)
Голландский "Си Фьюри" FB.50, выпущенный по лицензии на "Фоккере"
Мировая Авиация 160
Sea Fury поступили на вооружение ВМС и ВВС шести зарубежных стран. Первую партию из десяти самолетов варианта Mk 50 в октябре 1946 года заказали Нидерланды (фото), до 1948 года они базировались на АВ "Наирана". Затем с 1950 года были поставлены еще 12 самолетов, и 26 машин по лицензии выпустила компания "Fokker". Самолеты входили и в состав авиагруппы АВ "Карел Дорман" (бывший британский "Венерэйбл"), полученного в 1948 году и проданного Аргентине в 1969 году.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (4)
Голландский "Си Фьюри" во время захода на посадку на авианосец
The Royal Netherlands Navy took delivery of 22 Sea Fury FB.50s. A further 25 Furies were licence-built in Holland. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-05 / Personal album. Military
A Netherlands Naval Air Squadron Hawker Sea Fury about to land on HMS Illustrious, between the second and third crash barriers, in 1951.
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-05 / Personal album. Military
A Dutch Sea Fury enters No 1 barrier, although a late wire has caught.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (4)
Iraqi Air Force Hawker Sea Fury FB.60 312, one of many Sea Furies supplied to that country.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-09 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (2)
Иракский "Фьюри" во время перегонки заказчику
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-12 / Skywriters
A photograph taken in 1956 of a “Baghdad Fury” which landed at Habbaniya with engine trouble.
Air Enthusiast 2007-07 / D.Nicolle - Fury over Palestine /Post-war conflict/ (3)
Ирак использовал в той войне несколько "Фьюри" Mk.50
The first 'Baghdad' Fury delivered to Iraq late in 1947, serial number 231. -
Aviation Historian 37 / L.Andersson - Wings over Baghdad
A line-up of the first batch of 'Baghdad' Furies delivered to the RIAF late in 1947. Several of these are believed to have operated from Jordan and Syria during the course of the Palestine War.
Ferry crews pose beside single-seat Fury serial 233 at Langley in 1948, eager to exchange the British snow for the warmer climes of Iraq. Furthest left is Lt Jackson of the Fleet Air Arm; to the right of him is Hawker’s John Gale; next are two FAA ferry pilots who helped with ferry work, with Hawker test pilot Bill Humble furthest right. -
Aviation Historian 37 / L.Andersson - Wings over Baghdad
The Royal Iraqi Air Force’s Hawker connection continued in the late 1940s with the air arm’s acquisition of the company’s Fury fighter, essentially a denavalised Sea Fury.
Air Enthusiast 2007-07 / D.Nicolle - Fury over Palestine /Post-war conflict/ (3)
A 'Baghdad' Fury, on loan from the Royal Iraqi Air Force to the REAF, in its protective pen at al-Arish late in 1948. Iraqi Furies loaned to Egypt retained their Iraqi national markings but had black and white Egyptian fighter recognition stripes added. The large serial number on the fuselage, to the rear of the triangular Iraqi insignia, was overpainted in 'sand' yellow. Instead the letters 'RIAF' followed by the serial number in European numerals (in this case either 235 or 237) was added, very small, beneath the triangle.
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / D.Nicolle - Fury over Palestine /Post-war conflict/ (1)
Hawker test and demonstration pilot Bill Humble (in suit) with REAF officers in front of G-AKRY at Almaza.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-07 / Personal album
The Hawker Fury F.Mk I is seen at Luqa on its way to Egypt in 1948. This aircraft was Hawker’s first prototype and was first flown on September 1, 1944, at Brooklands. The civil marks G-AKRY were allotted for the overseas delivery flight only. The aircraft crashed in Egypt in 1949.
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / D.Nicolle - Fury over Palestine /Post-war conflict/ (1)
Этот "Фьюри" F.2/43 был продан англичанами Египту
The Hawker F2/43 prototype, carrying the British civil registration G-AKRY, in England prior to its sales promotion flight to Egypt. -
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / D.Nicolle - Fury over Palestine /Post-war conflict/ (1)
G-AKRY at Luqa, Malta, during its sales promotion flight to Egypt.
Мировая Авиация 160
Египет получил в 1950-1951 годах 12 самолетов (на фотографии - один из таких самолетов перед поставкой), два из них дослужили до Суэцкого кризиса 1956 года. Два самолета варианта ISS были переданы Ираком.
Aviation Historian 17 / T.Cooper - Baptism of War
One of the 12 Sea Furies delivered to Egypt in 1950-51, this particular aircraft having been used in an attempt to establish a new London-Cairo record in February 1950.
In early 1950 the EAF received a total of 12 denavalised Hawker Sea Fury FB.11s, diverted from production for the Fleet Air Arm. This example, serial “703”, set a speed record on its ferry flight from Blackbushe in the UK to Almaza, near Cairo, in February 1950, Hawker’s Assistant Chief Test Pilot Neville Duke taking 6hr 32min 10sec. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (4)
One of 12 Sea Fury FB.11s ordered by the Egyptian Air Force in 1949.
Air Enthusiast 2007-07 / D.Nicolle - Fury over Palestine /Post-war conflict/ (3)
Egyptian Dakota 818 glimpsed from behind the first Hawker Fury (702).
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Douglas DC-3 / C-47 Skytrain/С-53 Skytrooper / Dakota - США - 1935
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / D.Nicolle - Fury over Palestine /Post-war conflict/ (1)
Sqn Ldr Abd al-Hamid Abu Zaid with the first Fury prototype, in REAF markings and desert camouflage al Almaza during the summer of 1948.
Air Enthusiast 2007-03 / D.Nicolle - Fury over Palestine /Post-war conflict/ (1)
Surviving fragment of the original photograph of Sqn Ldr Abd al-Hamid Abu Zaid's Fury prototype, taken at Almaza in the summer of 1948. It shows the skull and crossbones motif he painted in black and white on the aircraft's red spinner.
Aviation Historian 1 / P.Brooks - One furious summer
Hawker test pilot Neville Duke taxies out at Langley in Fury FB.60 K857 on May 12, 1949, shortly before taking off for London Airport (Heathrow), where he was to begin his record-setting flight to Karachi via Rome. Duke set new records to both points, reaching Rome in 2hr 31min and Karachi in 15hr 24min, giving an average speed of 256 m.p.h.
Aviation Historian 3
Fury K857 Jahanzeb
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-09 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (2)
Пакистанский "Си Фьюри"
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (4)
Pakistan took delivery of 98 Sea Furies; FB.60 L982, photographed in 1954, was one of them.
Aviation Historian 1 / P.Brooks - One furious summer
Fury FB.60 L935 on the flight test line at Langley before its delivery to Pakistan, in company with unpainted Sea Fury VX691, which went on to serve with the Fleet Air Arm’s 807 Sqn in the Korean conflict.
Aviation Historian 1 / P.Brooks - One furious summer
By the time the Furies had reached Sharjah, their factory finish was somewhat the worse for wear, despite the group being given specific orders to deliver the aircraft in pristine condition.
Aviation Historian 1 / P.Brooks - One furious summer
A line-up of Royal Pakistan Air Force (RPAF) Hawker Fury FB.60s at an RPAF base in the North-West Frontier Province (now the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province) in the early 1950s.
Мировая Авиация 160
Пакистан разместил самый крупный зарубежный заказ на Sea Fury - 98 самолетов FB.Mk 60 поставлены в 1949-1954 годах, включая пять FB.Mk 11, переданных из авиации британских ВМС, и пять спарок. Выше приведен фотоснимок варианта Mk 60 из 9-й эскадрильи, но самолеты также состояли на вооружении 5-й и 14-й эскадрилий, они активно применялись в Афганистане. Большинство к 1955 году были заменены на F-86 Sabre, хотя часть машин в качестве буксировщиков мишеней служила до 1963 года.
Aviation Historian 1 / P.Brooks - One furious summer
Истребители "Фьюри" из 9-й эскадрильи ВВС Пакистана
Furies of the RPAF’s No 9 Sqn being readied for a sortie with wing-mounted rocket projectiles. The type was the last of the RPAF’s piston fighters, the Service entering the jet age with the introduction of the Supermarine Attacker in 1951. The Furies were phased out of Pakistani service with the arrival of the F-86 Sabre from 1957. -
Aviation Historian 1 / P.Brooks - One furious summer
Brooks’s machine, L904, at Nice, where the Fury delivery team stayed overnight. Although the aircraft had developed a fault with one of its air intakes, it was decided to press on with it as it was until arrival on Malta . . .
Aviation Historian 1 / P.Brooks - One furious summer
Standing beside Brooks’s Fury at Bahrain are fellow pilots Jimmy Hall (furthest left) and Johnny Johnson (beside droptank). On landing at Bahrain one of the other pilots told Brooks that his engine had momentarily cut just after taking off from Baghdad - a foretaste of Brooks’s own later troubles.
Aviation Historian 3
The scene at Karachi’s Drigh Road aerodrome;
Aviation Historian 1 / P.Brooks - One furious summer
Established with the independence of Pakistan from British India in August 1947, the Royal Pakistan Air Force was initially equipped with predominantly British aircraft, eventually receiving a total of 93 Hawker Furies, including five two-seat trainers.
Aviation Historian 1 / P.Brooks - One furious summer
Johnny Johnson prepares for the final leg of the flight, from Sharjah to Karachi.
Aviation Historian 1 / P.Brooks - One furious summer
Brooks photographed the RAF fitter who fixed the filter shutter into the ram-air position.
Aviation Historian 1 / P.Brooks - One furious summer
Two of Brooks’s fellow Fury delivery pilots at Luqa: Johnny Johnson (left) and Paddy Norton.
Мировая Авиация 160
Австралия получила британский АВ "Террибл" в конце 1948 года, после чего корабль получил имя "Сидней". К нему была приписана 20-я корабельная авиагруппа - самолеты Fairey Firefly и Sea Fury FB.Mk 11 из 805-й аэ. "Сидней" вышел к берегам Австралии в 1949 году, но в 1950 году вернулся в Великобританию и принял на борт 21-ю корабельную авиагруппу, имевшую те же типы машин (Sea Fury из 808-й аэ). Австралийцы получили около 100 самолетов Sea Fury, которые поступили также в 850-ю аэ и ряд других подразделений. На верхнем снимке - самолет, приписанный к авиабазе Ноура и окрашенный в цвет "синий ВМС Австралии" ("RAN Blue").
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-11 / Hawker Fury X WH589/VH-HFX /Preservation Profile/
Hawker Sea Fury WH589, which VH-HFX represents, photographed at Bankstown on September 17, 1966.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-07 / ??? - Haydon-Baillie's air force
Ormond Haydon-Baillie’s Hawker Sea Fury during service with the Royal Australian Navy.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-05 / Grapevine
Hawker Sea Fury VH- HFX/WE729 at RAAF Base Fairbairn, Canberra, Australia on March 17, 1986. Owned by Bruce Andrews, this ex-Iraqi aircraft was recently restored by Guido Zuccoli. It wears the overall blue colour scheme of Fury WH589 “775”, which flew with the RANFAA aerobatic team in the Sixties.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-11 / Hawker Fury X WH589/VH-HFX /Preservation Profile/
Bruce Andrews's Sea Fury X VH-HFX pictured at Canberra in March 6, 1987, when it bore the serial number WE729. The number was changed to WH589 in December 1986.
Aeroplane Monthly 1991-11 / M.Oakey - Grapevine
John Bradshaw's newly-imported Hawker "Baghdad" Fury N36SF being towed from Southampton Docks to Eastleigh Airport at dawn on September 29, 1991. Bought by Bradshaw in the USA last August, the Fury has been restored in blue Royal Australian Navy Aerobatic Team colours, and bears the roundels of Australia, Canada, the UK and Holland - the major countries which operated the type. Based at Wroughton, the Fury will be available for airshows - contact "Tempus Fury" on 0734 883248.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-07 / ??? - Haydon-Baillie's air force
The Sea Fury at Bankstown, Australia, in 1969, just as Haydon-Baillie found it.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2001-07 / М.Никольский - Развитие авиации корабельного базирования после Второй мировой войны
Австралийский "Си Фьюри" FJ-1
Air International 1982-03 / ??? - Mustang Resurgent /Veteran & Vintage/
Photographed at last year's Reno Air Races by Chuck Aro, the P-51A illustrated here is a welcome addition to the ranks of airworthy Mustangs. It carried "91" for the qualification flights and was then re-numbered "1” for the actual races, as seen as it taxies out behind Lloyd Hamilton's Hawker Sea Fury.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: North American P-51 Mustang - США - 1940
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-01 / P.Jarrett - Grapevine
Also at Scone was Ted Allen’s Hawker Fury. It is one of four imported into Australia from the USA. Three of them, including Ted Alien’s, were restored by Guido Zuccoli of Darwin, Northern Territory; of these, two have already flown. The third is expected to fly within the year, as is the fourth Fury, owned by Rob Poynton of Perth, Western Australia. Ted Alien’s Fury is painted to represent a Sea Fury operating from HMAS Sydney during the Korean War.
Мировая Авиация 160
803-я и 883-я эскадрильи авиации британских ВМС были расформированы в 1946 и 1948 годах, соответственно, а затем были воссозданы в составе авиации ВМС Канады. Получив самолеты Sea Fury, они были переименованы в 870-ю и 871-ю эскадрильи.
Мировая Авиация 160
Канадские ВМС, как и австралийцы, получили Sea Fury, снятые после войны с вооружения британских ВМС. Всего было получено около 40 самолетов. Канадский флот также получил два легких авианосца - "Уорриор" (с самолетами Firefly и Sea Fury Mk 11 из 803-й аэ) и "Магнифисент" (с Sea Fury из 883-й аэ). В 1951 году эскадрильи получили новые номера - 870-я и 871 -я.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-02 / B.Service - Ghost squadron
Bill Sims Canadian Navy Hawker Sea Fury, N232J
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-07 / M.O'Leary - Iraqi Fury
Although N19SF was one of 55 Furies supplied to Iraq, it wears Canadian Navy colours. Tom Crevasse intends to restore another in Iraqi markings.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-08 / C.Sloat - Maple leaf Lanc
Lancaster X KB892 at RCN base Shearwater (Dartmouth) in early 1955. Note RCN Sea Furies and Expediter in background.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Avro Lancaster / Type 683 - Великобритания - 1941Beechcraft Model 18 / C-45 Expeditor - США - 1937
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-09 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (2)
Бирманский "Си Фьюри"
Aviation Historian 12 / D.Lockspeiser - Our Main in the Middle East
One of 18 single-seat Sea Fury FB.11s bought back from the Royal Navy by Hawker and refurbished for sale to the Union of Burma Air Force during 1957-58, UB459 (originally VR693 in Fleet Air Arm Service) is posed for the camera. Three two-seat Sea Fury T.20s were also supplied to Burma.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-09 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (2)
Кубинский "Си Фьюри" в музее
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-06 / Grapevine
A rarely-photographed surviving Hawker Sea Fury is FB.11 542 in the Museo da la Revolucion in Havana, Cuba. Seventeen Sea Furies (15 FB.11s and two T.20s) were delivered to Cuba in 1958.
Мир Авиации 1994-01 / В.Морозов - Самолеты над Заливом Свиней /Война в воздухе/
Кубинский летчик у "Си Фьюри" перед боевым вылетом.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2015-02 / В.Ильин - ВВС Кубы
Sea Fury FB.11 во время боев на Плайя-Хирон
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-12 / B.Martin - Britain's civil aircraft register
Two more Hawker Sea Furies have arrived at Blackbushe. They have been registered G-BCOV and B-COW and were formerly German target tugs D-CACE and D-CACO.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-07 / ??? - Haydon-Baillie's air force
Ormond Haydon-Baillie’s Hawker Sea Fury as it is today
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-07 / ??? - Haydon-Baillie's air force
The Hawker Sea Fury FB 11 G-AGHB.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-07 / ??? - Haydon-Baillie's air force
The Sea Fury in 1973 later seen competing in the Reno races in America.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-03 / News Spotlight
Ormond Haydon-Baillie recently flew his two T-33s and Hawker Sea Fury to Southend from Canada for British registry. Two Bolingbrokes with spares are being shipped over at the time of press. One of the T-33s and the Sea Fury are seen here.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Lockheed T-33A - США - 1948
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-07 / ??? - Haydon-Baillie's air force
The Sea Fury in company with Bill Ross’s Spitfire Mk.16, flying over St. Louis in May 1971. The photographer, Paul Neuman, was flying in a Grumman Avenger.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX / XVI - Великобритания - 1942
Air Enthusiast 1972-05 / Unlimited racing with the hot ships /Veteran & Vintage/
A newcomer to the US racing scene in 1971 was the Canadian-registered (CF-CHB) Sea Fury of Flt Lt Ormond Haydon-Baillie, finished in authentic RN colours as WH589.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-10 / B.Martin - Britain's civil aircraft register
Hawker Sea Fury FB Mk XIs G-BCKH and G-BCKG at Blackbushe.
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-12 / News Spotlight
One of Doug Arnold's Sea Furies, G-BCKH, has been sold in the USA and is seen here at Blackbushe before departure.
Aeroplane Monthly 1976-09
The Hawker Sea Furies of Frank Sanders (nearest, N232) and Lloyd Hamilton (N588) practicing at the Mojave Air Races March 1976.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-09
Hawker Sea Fury N232 was built up from several ex-Royal Canadian Navy machines by Frank Sanders and used to develop his successful smoke generators. MICHAEL O’LEARY’S photograph shows N232 adding a bit more smog to the Los Angeles Basin.
Aeroplane Monthly 1978-02
A trio of Confederate Air Force classics, photographed by Michael O’Leary. Nearest is a Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, below is a two-seat Hawker Sea Fury, and behind is a North American P-51D Mustang.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: North American P-51D Mustang - США - 1944Republic P-47D-25 / P-47N Thunderbolt - США - 1943
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-04 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (5)
Lloyd Hamilton’s Sea Fury N588 at the 1973 Reno races, repainted to represent a Royal Australian Navy Sea Fury.
Aeroplane Monthly 1978-11 / News Spotlight from Reno, Nevada
Lloyd Hamilton flew his gleaming Sea Fury to sixth place in the final.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-08
A Hawker Sea Fury two-seater photographed by JIM LARSEN in the USA.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-04 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (5)
Lloyd Hamilton’s Sea Fury N443P with a 3,800 h.p. Wasp Major fitted.
Air Enthusiast 1972-03 / Britons in exile /Veteran & Vintage/
Among the several veteran aircraft preserved at Bankstown Airport, Sydney, is this fine specimen of the Hawker Sea Fury FB Mk 11. Originally WH588, it was operational in Korea and is now owned by Arnold Glass, carrying the registration VH-BOU.
Aeroplane Monthly 1978-11 / H.Best-Devereux, I.Best-Devereux - Oshkosh '78
Frank Sanders' ex German Navy Sea Fury TT20, N924G
Air International 1984-03 / ??? - Round Engine Racers at Reno /Veteran & Vintage/
One of unmodified Sea Furies at Reno was Frank Sanders' T Mk 20 N924G.
Air International 1985-03 / B.Johnston - Reno '84 in Retrospect
The Sea Fury T Mk 20 N924G, flown by Dennis Sanders.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-04 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (5)
Frank Sanders pylon racing in July 1971.
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-03
Alas, Spencer Flack's immaculate Hawker Sea Fury FB.XI G-FURY/WJ244 is no longer with us, having crashed near RAF Waddington on August 2, 1981. This photograph, by Jeremy Flack, (no relation) was taken near Mildenhall on May 23, 1981. Pilot of the Sea Fury was Stefan Karwowski.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-09 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (2)
Гоночный "Си Фьюри" - "Критическая масса"
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-09 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (2)
Гоночный "Септембер Фьюри"
Air International 1984-03 / ??? - Round Engine Racers at Reno /Veteran & Vintage/
One of unmodified Sea Furies at Reno was Lloyd Hamilton's FR Mk 11 N588
Air International 1984-03 / ??? - Round Engine Racers at Reno /Veteran & Vintage/
Powered by an R-4360 Double Cyclone, Lloyd Hamilton's single-seat Sea Fury, the “Havnaught".
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-12
Lloyd Hamilton's racing Hawker Sea Fury, NX4434P Furias, powered by Pratt & Whitney R-4360, was photographed by MICHAEL O'LEARY in August this year.
АС 1993-02 / В.Бородкин, И.Коледенок - Хоукер "Си Фьюри" /Авиационный мир/
Гоночный "Си Фьюри" (N4434P) Ллойда Хамильтона с двигателем Пратт-Уитни R4360 мощностью 3800 л.с.
Air International 1984-03 / ??? - Round Engine Racers at Reno /Veteran & Vintage/
The "Dreadnought", a re-engined Sea Fury T Mk 20 in which Neil Anderson won the Unlimited Class Championship at Reno in 1983.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-09 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (2)
Гоночный "Си Фьюри" - "Дредноут"
Air International 1984-06
This photograph from Louis Cazeau shows the fire truck in attendance when the engine of the Pratt & Whitney Wasp Major engined Sea Fury "Dreadnought" played up at Reno
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-06 / J.King - Foxes in the Roaring Forties (2)
FRANK MORMILLO’s centre-spread picture depicts Hawker Sea Fury T.Mk 20 NX20SF in company with an Edwards AFB F-16. Dreadnought was last year's Reno Races winner and is being flown by Neil Anderson. The F-16 pilot is Maj Bruce Stott, a Canadian Armed Forces test pilot. The photograph was taken in December 1983.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: General Dynamics F-16A/C/E Fighting Falcon - США - 1974
Air International 1988-02 / ??? - Records at Reno
The most extreme modification of a Sea Fury to date, "Blind Man's Bluff' used highly volatile, exotic fuels that led Skip Holm to declare several in-flight emergencies during the heats and resulted in three engine changes.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (4)
Baghdad Fury Trainer IDT 1.
Aviation Historian 37 / L.Andersson - Wings over Baghdad
In December 1946 the RIAF ordered 30 single-seat Hawker Furies and four two-seat Fury Trainers, one of which, serial 263, is seen here in the UK before delivery. The original “two-bubble-canopy” configuration was found to be weak and subsequent two-seat Furies were fitted with an interconnecting cockpit “tunnel”. Only two of the four originally ordered Trainers - 261 and 263 - were delivered to the RIAF.
Мировая Авиация 159
Fury с номером "263" - один из пары поставленных в Ирак в 1949 году учебных самолетов первой версии. Это самые первые двухместные Fury. За ними последовали 60 доработанных Sea Fury T.Mk 20 для британского флота.
Мировая Авиация 160
Двухместный учебный Sea Fury изначально создавался для Ирака, но были поставлены лишь два таких IDT-1 (Iraqi Dual Trainer-1). Спарка вначале имела отдельные фонари для каждой кабины (фото), но после проведенных по заказу командования авиации ВМС Великобритании исследований оба фонаря были соединены специальной вставкой. T.Mk 20 получил также зеркало, установленное над фонарем кабины инструктора - это позволило ему наблюдать за тем, что делает курсант. Также с машины сняли две пушки.
Мировая Авиация 160
Двухместный учебный Sea Fury изначально создавался для Ирака, но были поставлены лишь два таких IDT-1 (Iraqi Dual Trainer-1). Спарка вначале имела отдельные фонари для каждой кабины, но после проведенных по заказу командования авиации ВМС Великобритании исследований оба фонаря были соединены специальной вставкой. T.Mk 20 (фото) получил также зеркало, установленное над фонарем кабины инструктора - это позволило ему наблюдать за тем, что делает курсант. Также с машины сняли две пушки.
Авиация и Космонавтика 2008-08 / В.Котельников - Истребители "Фьюри" и "Си Фьюри" (1)
"Си Фьюри", использовавшийся ВВС ФРГ в качестве буксировщика мишеней
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (4)
The first Hawker Sea Fury T.20, VX818, after the connecting transparent tunnel had been added between the two canopies.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (4)
This Pakistan Air Force Fury Trainer K852 is seen at Hawker’s Langley aerodrome before delivery to Pakistan.
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-12 / News Spotlight
Photographed recently at Yeovilton, two-seat Sea Fury WG655 was acquired some time ago from Cologne, where the Rhine Flugzeugbau had operated it as a target tug. After complete renovation, WG655 made its maiden flight from Yeovilton on February 17 this year.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-01 / R.Wilson, R.Winslade - Naval Nostagia
The Historic Flight's latest recruit is Sea Fury T.Mk 20 WG655, which came back from Germany in June 1976.
Aeroplane Monthly 1988-06
The subject of FRANK B. MORMILLO'S breathtaking photograph, taken on March 24 this year, is Frank Saunders’ Hawker Sea Fury T.20 N924G.
Aeroplane Monthly 1987-08 / Personal album
Fine view of 1833 Sqn Sea Fury T.20 VZ351 flying over the South Coast. The T.20 had only two 20mm guns (the FB.11 had four). The mirror mounted on the tripod above the rear cockpit allowed the instructor to see the reflector gunsight over the head of his pupil. Sixty T.20s were built and they were used by second-line FAA squadrons.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-12 / R.Williams - The Navy's Northern Reservists (1)
Another Sea Fury T20, VX307/210/JA, in 1952-53.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-12 / R.Williams - The Navy's Northern Reservists (1)
Sea Fury T20 VZ354/212/ST in 1954-55.
Air Enthusiast 2000-03 / T.Buttler - The RAF Hath no Fury...
After the prototypes, the greatest change in shape came with the two-seater T.20. Prototype VX818 first flew on January 15, 1948.
Aeroplane Monthly 1977-04 / Hooked Furies
Первый двухместный "Си Фьюри" T.20 (VX 818).
Sea Fury T.Mk 20 prototype VX818, photographed in January 1948. An ex-Iraqi Sea Fury, this variant first flew on January 15, 1948. Note the strut-mounted periscope viewer and the absence of an arrester hook. Sixty production T.20s were built, and all were land-based and devoid of arrester hooks. The powerplant was a 2,480 h.p. Bristol Centaurus 18. -
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / R.Williams - Sea Fury (4)
The first Hawker Sea Fury T.20, VX818, after the connecting transparent tunnel had been added between the two canopies.
Мировая Авиация 153
Прототип учебно-тренировочного Sea Fury T.Mk 20 оснащен хорошо заметным телескопическим прицелом инструктора, установленным между кабинами.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-10
Sea Fury T.20 VX302 was photographed at Blackbushe on July 16, 1977 by Peter Elliott.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-08 / N.Webbe - Warbirds over Blackbushe
Doug Arnold watches from his Rolls, DA 32, as his Hawker Sea Fury TT.20 WG562, runs up prior to a flight at Blackbushe.
Air Pictorial 1956-03 / Photos by request
This crop-spraying Cessna Model 180 (VH-BQD) is owned by Hazelton Air Charter & Taxi Service of Toogong, N.S.W. Note strut-mounted rotary brushes and underwing tanks. In the background are Sea Furies and Fireflies.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Cessna 180/185 Skywagon / U-17 - США - 1953Fairey Firefly - Великобритания - 1941
Aviation Historian 33 / M.Willis - From reject to rocketship
A signed photograph of Neville Duke in the late 1940s, standing astride a Sea Fury, which along with the Tempest, was a type he flew frequently while seconded from the RAF as a production test pilot during 1945-46. Duke succeeded Trevor Wade as Hawker’s chief test pilot when Wade was killed flying the Hawker P.1081 in April 1951.
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