Страна : Великобритания
Год : 1930
Транспортный самолет с экипажем из трех человек
Handley Page H.P.42 и H.P.45
Авиакомпания "Imperial Airways" испытывала необходимость в новом самолете для своих авиалиний, призванных связать различные уголки Британской Империи. В начале 1928 года компания "Handley Page" получила от нее контракт на четыре самолета H.P.42E (Eastern - Восточный) и четыре H.P.42W (Western - Западный) для эксплуатации на дальних маршрутах авиакомпании. Через несколько лет обозначение модели H.P.42W было изменено на H.P.45.
Самолеты являлись бипланами с крыльями разного размаха, связанными массивной ферменной конструкцией Уоррена. Машина была цельнометаллической конструкции, кроме полотняной обшивки крыльев, стабилизатора и задней части фюзеляжа. Самолет имел трехкилевое бипланное хвостовое оперение с рулями направления, шасси с хвостовым колесом и широко расставленными основными стойками. Также машина получила силовую установку из четырех звездообразных ПД Bristol Jupiter (на Н.P.42E - четыре Jupiter XIF мощностью 490 л. с., а на H.P.42W - четыре двигателя с турбокомпрессором Jupiter XFBM), два из которых ставились на верхнем крыле, и по одному - с каждой стороны фюзеляжа на нижнем крыле. Экипаж размещался в закрытой кабине вверху носовой части фюзеляжа, а пассажиры - в двух салонах перед крылом и позади него. Вместимость салонов могла меняться. Самолеты H.P.42E на линиях в Индию и Южную Африку вмещали шесть (затем 12) пассажиров в переднем салоне и 12 в заднем; каждый из самолетов H.P.42W, применявшихся на европейских маршрутах, имел 18 мест в переднем салоне и 20 в заднем, но их багажный отсек был уменьшен. Первый полет самолета H.P.42E, названного Hannibal, состоялся 14 ноября 1930 года.
Первый самолет для эксплуатации на европейских авиалиниях - Heracles - был поставлен в сентябре 1931 года, остальные авиалайнеры носили имена: для H.P.42E - Horsa, Hanno и Hadrian, а для H.P.42W - имена Horatius, Hengist и Helena. В эксплуатации самолеты заслужили хорошую репутацию за счет высокой надежности и простоты эксплуатации и обслуживания, но скорость машин была, конечно, слишком низкой. Авиалайнеры были сняты с эксплуатации 1 сентября 1939 года, почти десять лет прослужив без единой авиакатастрофы.
Handley Page H.P.42W (H.P.45)
Тип: транспортный самолет с экипажем из трех человек
Силовая установка: четыре звездообразных ПД Bristol Jupiter XFBM мощностью по 555 л. с. (414 кВт)
Летные характеристики: максимальная скорость на оптимальной высоте 204 км/ч; крейсерская скорость на оптимальной высоте 153-169 км/ч; начальная скороподъемность 204 м/мин; практический потолок - нет данных; дальность полета 805 км
Масса: пустого 8047 кг; максимальная взлетная 12701 кг
Размеры: размах верхнего, большего крыла 39,62 м; длина 28,09 м; высота 8,23 м; площадь крыльев 277,68 м2
Полезная нагрузка: см. выше
- Handley Page H.P.42 и H.P.45
- Flight, June 1929
British Aircraft - Flight, July 1933
Flight 1935-05 / Flight
The Handley Page H.P.42 "Hannibal" (4 Bristol "Jupiters") landing at Croydon. Note “Imperial Airways” lettering along the bottom of the fuselage.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-12 / D.Middleton - Maj James Cordes /Test Pilot Profile/ (5)
The prototype H. P.42, G-AAGX, was jointly tested by Maj Cordes and Tom Harry England in November 1930 from Radlett, Hertfordshire. Named Hannibal this HP.42 flew with Imperial Airways until it was lost at sea over the Gulf of Oman on March 1, 1940.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-08 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
Hannibal on a test flight, with crude artificial horizon ahead of the nose. The oleo legs are still unfaired but mudguards are in place.
Flight 1931-07 / Flight
COMPLETE WITH CERTIFICATE OF AIRWORTHINESS: The Handley Page "Hannibal" (four Jupiters) leaving Hanworth for Croydon.
"Owing to his great size it is difficult to appreciate Hannibal's proportions, except at a considerable distance; as seen from the ground, or preferably from another plane, he appears quite graceful in flight." -
Flight 1930-11 / Flight
Handley Page 42
Мировая Авиация 39
Хвостовое оперение H.P.42
Flight 1930-11 / Flight
HANDLEY PAGE 42-SEATER: The photographs show this new large passenger aeroplane on the ground and ni the air. In front of the wings is a saloon for 18 passengers while the rear saloon will accommodate 20 more. Machines of this type will be used by Imperial Airways on the routes Croydon-Salonika and Cairo-Karachi.
Flight 1939-06 / Flight Advertisements
The first of eight H.P.42s supplied to Imperial Airways, who ordered the machines "off the drawing board." The “42” will go down in aviation history as a really outstanding aeroplane.
Flight 1931-02 / Flight
THE HANDLEY-PAGE "HANNIBAL": Fitted with 4 Bristol "Jupiter" engines, this machine, which was designed to carry 42 passengers, is intended for the European and Cairo-Karachi sections of the Empire air routes next summer.
Air Pictorial 1977-12 / J.Hunt - Aviation in the Sudan - before independence
In November 1932 Imperial Airways introduced the Handley Page H.P.42E on their Cairo-Cape route; G-AAGX "Hannibal" Illus.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-08 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
Hannibal at Radlett, probably on November 17, 1930. The oleo leg is unfaired and the mudguards have not been fitted. The diagonal of the N strut was replaced with wire bracing.
Flight 1935-10 / Flight
The Handley Page "Hannibal" class the first really large British commercial aeroplane, set a new standard in comfort for passengers.
Flight 1931-06 / Flight
An unusual touch was lent to the Parliamentary visit to Hanworth by the presence of a replica of the old Bleriot monoplane, Type XI, and the latest commercial aircraft, the Handley Page "Hannibal." Many of the visitors saw, for the first time, a Bleriot monoplane in flight
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-02 / Radlett /Gone but not forgotten/ (9)
The scene in the main hangar during the official opening on July 7, 1930 with the fuselage of H.P.42 G-AAGX still under construction and the remains of the 1910 Yellow Peril nestling under it.
Prince George making his speech. The remains of the 1910 "Yellow Peril" stand beside the fuselage of a 40-seater passenger machine.Другие самолёты на фотографии: Handley Page Type A/C/D (H.P.1/3/4) - Великобритания - 1910
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-08 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
G-AAUC Horsa flying near Kisumu, the African terminus for the H.P.42s.
Flight 1933-09 / Flight
Malakal Aerodrome (Sudan): Imperial Airways' Horsa landing on the finished runway. The machine is actually touching the southern turning circle, and the reeds seen in the background are in the backwater of the Nile, which runs beside the aerodrome.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-09 / Personal album
Handley Page H.P.42E G-AAUC Horsa, somewhere in Africa in the mid-Thirties. The aircraft was first registered to Imperial Airways Ltd on September 19, 1931 and remained in service with the airline until it was impressed into RAF service as AS981 in May 1940.
Flight 1934-06 / Flight
THE PENNANT IN EGYPT: Sir Miles Lampson, High Commissioner at Cairo, inspects the crew of the Imperial Airways airliner Horsa, after presenting the Royal Air Mail Pennant. Later he went up for a flight over Cairo.
Air Pictorial 1995-04 / G.Swanborough - British aircraft at war, 1939-1945 (16)
The Handley Page H.P.42E G-AAUC after impressment as AS981, in service with No 271 Sqn at Doncaster in 1940.
Мировая Авиация 40
"Hanno" заправляется топливом в Бахрейне. По маршруту полета была организована сеть пунктов дозаправки. Некоторые имели обслуживающий персонал, некоторые представляли собой просто склады.
Aeroplane Monthly 1989-02 / Skywriters
A Lockheed 10 Electra, Bloch 221 and an HP.42 diverted to RAF Kenley during bad weather in 1938.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Bloch MB.220 - Франция - 1936Lockheed Electra 10 - США - 1934
Aeroplane Monthly 1974-03 / P.Moss - Wings for the Empire (3)
H.P.42 Hanno at Gwadar, Baluchistan. Registered G-AAUD, it was wrecked in a gale at Whitchurch in March 1940.
Flight 1933-08 / Flight
THE KARACHI-CALCUTTA AIR MAIL: The accompanying illustrations show incidents in connection with the first air mail service between Karachi and Calcutta, which was inaugurated on July 7. Mails (635 lb.) were transferred to the Imperial Airways machine Hanno for the remaining portion of the journey to Croydon.
Flight 1933-11 / Flight
FROM MONOPLANE TO BIPLANE: From Karachi the journey was continued in Hannibal, of the Handley Page 42 class, similar to Hadrian shown above.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-08 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
G-AAUE Hadrian at Khartoum. The aircraft was delivered to Imperial airways on July 10,1931, and ended its life wrecked in a gale at Doncaster on December 4, 1940.
Aviation Historian 36 / R.Pegram - The golden age?
A trio of typical aircraft operating commercial services in Africa in the 1930s, including two of IAL’s most important landplanes; Handley Page H.P.42E G-AAUE Hadrian (furthest right) and Armstrong Whitworth AW.15 Atalanta G-ABTJ Artemis, behind Wilson Airways’ de Havilland D.H.84 Dragon VP-KBG, at Kisumu in Kenya.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Armstrong Whitworth Atalanta / A.W.15 - Великобритания - 1932De Havilland Dragon / D.H.84 - Великобритания - 1932
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-09 / Personal album
Handley Page H.P.42E G-AAUE Hadrian with Armstrong Whitworth Atalanta G-ABTH Andromeda at an unknown African aerodrome in the mid-Thirties. This Atalanta was originally put on the Cape Town - Kisumu route in February 1933. The aircraft was eventually withdrawn from Imperial Airways service at Alexandria after suffering mainspar damage.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Armstrong Whitworth Atalanta / A.W.15 - Великобритания - 1932
Flight 1931-09 / Flight
DIGNITY AND IMPUDENCE: The Comper Swift (Pobjoy R) sheltering under the bow of Hadrian at Croydon just before Flt. Lt. N. Comper set out for Italy.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Comper Swift / CLA.7 - Великобритания - 1930
Flight 1931-07 / Flight
JACK-THE-GIANT HAULER: This is the Fordson caterpillar tractor, now used at Croydon for hauling the giant airliners about.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-11 / Personal album
Imperial Airways' Handley Page H.P.42 G-AAUE Hannibal is seen taking on November 24, 1931 bound for Egypt. This aircraft was lost over the Gulf of Oman, between Jask and Sharjah, on March 1, 1940.
Flight 1931-07 / Flight
"Hadrian" has a look at the meeting.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-02 / Radlett /Gone but not forgotten/ (9)
H.P.42 G-AAXC leaves Radlett on its first flight, summer 1931.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-08 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
Handley Page H.P.42 G-AAXC Heracles on test at Radlett. Note the aerofoil elevator balance and the underwing outboard exhaust pipes on the upper engines.
Air Enthusiast 2000-11 / G.Warner - Founding Fathers (2)
Arguably that the most successful landplane to operate in Imperial Airways livery were biplanes - the eight magnificent and sedate HP.42s - G-AAXC 'Heracles' illustrated.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-07 / Whitchurch /Gone but not forgotten/ (10)
H.P.42W, G-AAXC, arriving at the Bristol & Wessex Garden Party on October 1, 1932, with Captain O. P. Jones in command.
Flight 1932-10 / Flight
Heracles was very imposing as "she" arrived over the hangar at Bristol Airport. The broadcasting van on the left was most ably worked throughout the meeting by Mr. Dick Ashley Hall.
Aeroplane Monthly 1980-09 / Personal album
Handley Page H.P.42W G-AAXC Heracles was registered to Imperial Airways Ltd in August 1931. The 42W variant carried 38 passengers, but had less room for baggage than the standard 42E, though both were externally identical. Heracles made an unscheduled extended stay at Hanworth Park in June 1932, when one of its wheels sank into a drainage culvert while the aircraft was preparing to leave the Royal Aeronautical Society’s Garden Party. There followed many trouble-free years of service until a gale wrecked the old dear at Whitchurch, Bristol, on March 19, 1940.
Flight 1932-06 / Flight
The Lord Mayor of London, Sir Maurice Jenks, and party make a tour of inspection of Croydon Aerodrome before flying to Lancashire in a Handley Page 42 airliner on June 6.
Aeroplane Monthly 1985-08 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
This view of Heracles shows the engine layout, anhedral on the lower wing, and wide-track undercarriage.
Мировая Авиация 40
Самолет Н.Р.42 хорошей аэродинамикой не отличался: лес стоек и расчалки бипланной коробки, неубираемые шасси с подкосами серьезным образом увеличивали лобовое сопротивление машины. Н. Р.42 развивал скорость немного больше, чем курьерский поезд, но в шуточной гонке Лондон-Эдинбург с трудом, но выиграл у поезда "Летучий шотландец".
Air Enthusiast 1972-06 / L.Coombs - Front-office evolution (2)
The first significant British multy-engine aeroplane with an enclosed cockpit was the H.P.42 Heracles-class of Imperial Airways airliner.
Flight 1937-07 / Flight
"HERACLES," best known of Imperial Airways' H.P. 42's, last week celebrated her 1,000,000th mile in the air.
Flight 1932-09 / Flight
On the Thursday afternoon even the large seating accommodation of the H.P.42 "Heracles" was unable to cope with the demand for tea flights over London by our enthusiastic visitors.
Flight 1932-09 / Flight
AT CROYDON: The Heracles (with the Spartan "Cruiser") just before the start for Denmark.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Spartan Cruiser - Великобритания - 1932
Aviation Historian 24 / R.Pegram - Imperial Airways. The 1930s: a cause for concern?
With Handley Page H.P.42 Heracles nosing into the picture from the right, Boulton Paul P.71A G-ACOX is prepared for a flight at Croydon. Only two examples of the P.71A feederliner were completed and both were delivered to Imperial in February 1935. Both had been lost in accidents by the end of 1936.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Boulton Paul P.71 - Великобритания - 1935
Aeroplane Monthly 1990-07 / J.Stroud - Wings of Peace
READY FOR ACTION: The first of the passenger-carrying D.H. Albatross monoplanes at Croydon last week. Suitably posed in the background will be seen Heracles, which has done so much good work and which will still be essential for dealing with the tremendous mail loads on the Empire routes during the Christmas season. Two of the D.H. Frobisher class are expected to be ready before the middle of December; afterwards they will be put on the Zurich route.
A contrast in styles. Imperial Airways D.H.91 Frobisher at Croydon in 1939 with the Handley Page H.P.45 Heracles.Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Albatross / D.H.91 - Великобритания - 1937
Flight 1935-03 / Flight
DEMONSTRATION: One of the two Swissair Douglas machines, which were demonstrated recently at Croydon, being refuelled beside the Imperial Heracles. Actually, the "Scylla" class will probably be used, as last year, for our own part of the Zurich service. The Government has offered a prize of ?25,000 to encourage the production of medium-sized commercial machines.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Douglas DC-1 / DC-2 / C-32 / C-39 - США - 1933
Flight 1935-05 / Flight
REFUELLING: An impressive picture of the two largest types in European passenger service - the Handley-Page "Heracles" and the Short "Scylla' - on the tarmac at Croydon.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Short Scylla / L.17 - Великобритания - 1934
Aeroplane Monthly 1983-03 / Skywriters
This rare photograph of H.P. 42 G-AAXC in wartime livery was probably taken at Whitchurch, Bristol in March 1940
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-12 / Hanworth /Gone but not forgotten/ (14)
H.P.42 G-AAXC being dismantled at Hanworth in June 1932 after breaking a wheel on a drain culvert.
Aeroplane Monthly 1993-04 / C.Prower - From Brisfit to Beverley (1)
Handley Page H.P.42W G-AAXD Horatius about to touch down at Croydon in the early Thirties.
Мировая Авиация 40
"Horatius" (Н. P.42W) после взлета из аэропорта Кройдон. Самолет стал первым британским летательным аппаратом, в который в полете ударила молния, это случилось 9 мая 1932 года.
Flight 1932-06 / Flight
The Band of the Coldstream Guards in the foreground competing with the four "Jupiter" engines of Horatius at Heston.
Aeroplane Monthly 1981-11 / Personal album
The photograph of the H.P.42 G-AAXD, was taken at Wiener Neustadt. Horatius was a H.P.42W or Western model, identical externally to the 42E, Eastern model, but able to carry 38 passengers though luggage space was reduced by half. G-AAXD flew with Imperial Airways for eight years until wrecked in a forced landing at Tiverton, Devon in November 1939.
Flight 1938-01 / Flight
Shoreham Airport; the photograph was taken when Horatius landed there during recent bad weather.
Flight 1933-11 / Flight Advertisements
The type H.P.42 "Hannibal" class (4 Bristol "Jupiter" Engines)
Flight 1932-05 / Flight
SAFETY IN THE AIR: His Royal Highness the Duke of York inspected the aerodrome building at Croydon, and the Handley Page "Horatius," on the occasion of the Inauguration of the Air Safety Section of the National Safety First Association on May 5.
Aeroplane Monthly 1984-11 / ??? - Fortuna
Another view of Fortuna taken at Croydon with an H.P.42 and a D.H.86 in the background.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Albatross / D.H.91 - Великобритания - 1937De Havilland Express Air Liner / D.H.86 - Великобритания - 1934
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-03 / R.Williams - Ensigns for the Empire (1)
Croydon scene just before the war. In this view are the A.W.27s Ettrick, Elysian, Elsinore, Eddystone and Explorer, the D.H.91s Frobisher and Falcon, the H.P.45 Horatius and the Short L.17 Syrinx. Just visible in the background is a Junkers-Ju 90.
Imperial Airways airliners grounded at Croydon during the last month of peace had to stand in the open. Behind G-ADSX Ettrick can be seen G-ADSZ Elysian and G-ADST Elsinore.Другие самолёты на фотографии: Armstrong Whitworth Ensign / A.W.27 - Великобритания - 1938De Havilland Albatross / D.H.91 - Великобритания - 1937Junkers Ju.90 - Германия - 1937Short Scylla / L.17 - Великобритания - 1934
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1938 / 01 - The progress of the world in civil aviation during the year 1937-38
WHERE WE GET OFF. - Croydon Aerodrome, the London Terminal Airport, whence our Imperial Airway takes off for the Continent.
Flight 1936-03 / Flight
A NEW COAT for Horatius in Imperial Airways' workshops being quickly administered by the B.E.N. Patents P.10-type portable spraying plant seen in the foreground. Driven either by an electric motor or small petrol engine this plant is particularly suitable for dope spraying, and is one of the several different types made by B.E.N. Patents Ltd., Gorst Road, Park Royal, London, N.W.10 - who, incidentally, have recently received a Government contract for similar equipment.
Aeroplane Monthly 1986-03 / K.Desmond - H.P. (2)
The H.P.42 was renowned for passenger convenience and comfort.
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-11 / B.Gunston - The classic aero engines (3)
WINGED WORDS: Hengist, her Civil Air Ensign and Air Mail Pennant fluttering, prepares to take off from Croydon with the first Australian Air Mail.
The four 555 h.p. Bristol Jupiter XFBMs of H.P.42W G-AAXE running sweetly at Croydon on December 21, 1934 prior to Hengist’s departure with the Australian Air Mail. -
Jane's All the World Aircraft 1938 / 01 - The progress of the world in civil aviation during the year 1937-38
UGANDA. - An Imperial Airways' Liner at Entebbe, on Victoria Nyanza.
Aeroplane Monthly 1979-10 / Croydon /Gone but not forgotten/ (5)
Typical apron scene at Croydon in the early ’30s with Fokker F.VIII PH-AEl, later to become G-AEPU with British Airways, and H.P.42 G-AAXE Hengist about to depart.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Fokker F.VIII - Нидерланды - 1927
Flight 1934-09 / Flight
A ROYAL PASSENGER: Prince George leaving Hengist at Croydon after his flight from Paris last week.
Flight 1934-05 / Flight
THE ROYAL AIR MAIL: Sir Kingsley Wood, the Postmaster-General, presents the first Royal Air Mail Pennant to Sir Eric Geddes, who hands it over to Capt. H. J. Horsey of the good ship Hengist.
Flight 1933-10 / Flight
THE ALTERNATIVE AIRPORT: Weather conditions were too bad on Sunday for this Imperial Airways machine to land at Croydon, and so it made Heston its port of call.
Flight 1935-03 / Flight
The nose of the Imperial Airways H.P.42 Hengist, showing the rotating loop aerial used in conjunction with the Marconi-Robinson homing device.
Flight 1935-01 / Flight Advertisements
Rotating loop aerial of the new Marconi "homing" device on the Imperial Airways liner "Hengist."
Мировая Авиация 40
Самолет "Helena" изначально строился как H.P.42W, но его интерьер выполнили по восточному варианту. Получивший повреждения при посадке в Донибристле, самолет в дальнейшем использовался как "домик" для отдыха летчиков авиации британских ВМС.
G-AAXF Helena en route from Croydon to Le Bourget with the first South African mail. -
Flight 1935-12 / Flight
Large commercial type: The Handley Page 42.
Flight 1932-01 / Flight
Flight 1932-01 / Flight
The first regular through air mail service between England and Cape Town started on Jan. 20.
Flight 1937-05 / Flight
The scene at Croydon when "the first 12.30 for Cape Town" left in 1932.
Air Pictorial 1956-10
One of the few photographs of Helena which shows the civilian wingtip markings as well as the R.A.F. markings.
Flight 1933-11 / Flight
A FULL COMPLEMENT: Passengers emplaning in a Handley Page at Paris en route for London.
Air Pictorial 1977-12 / J.Hunt - Aviation in the Sudan - before independence
Baggage being unloaded from a Handley Page H.P.42E at Khartoum. A comfortable if sedate type, the H.P.42 operated reliably through the Sudan for five years, 1932-37
Flight 1936-12 / Flight
CHRISTMAS RUSH: A tarmac impression at Croydon on December 24. Beneath the port wing of the Swissair Douglas can be seen an Air France Wibault, an H.P. 42, Scylla and Syrinx, while behind the Douglas is a Railway Air Services' D.H.86.
Другие самолёты на фотографии: De Havilland Express Air Liner / D.H.86 - Великобритания - 1934Douglas DC-1 / DC-2 / C-32 / C-39 - США - 1933Short Scylla / L.17 - Великобритания - 1934Wibault Wibault 280 - Франция - 1930
Flight 1932-05 / Flight
The Annual Display of the Scottish Flying Club was held at Moorpark Aerodrome, Renfrew, on May 21, 22 and 23 in "some" rain. "Heracles," the Imperial Airways H.P.42, flew up so that visitors were able to have joy rides in a modern large aircraft. On Saturday there was a display by No. 602 (City of Glasgow) (Bomber) Squadron, A.A.F., in their Westland "Wapitis."
Aeroplane Monthly 1982-12 / Hanworth /Gone but not forgotten/ (14)
An aerial view of Hanworth taken in September 1931 with the prototype H.P. 42 G-AAGX amongst the small fry.
Flight 1934-12 / Flight
Le Bourget from the air; an Imperial Airways H.P.42 can be seen on the tarmac.
Flight 1934-12 / Flight
Imperial Airways H.P. 42's, too large for the Heliopolis aerodrome hangars at Cairo, produce "Mother and little pigs" effect.
Flight 1929-07 / Flight
On the Handley Page Stand: In the foreground the fuselage of the 40-passenger machine. Behind that the "Hinaidi."
Другие самолёты на фотографии: Handley Page Hyderabad/H.P.24 / Hinaidi/H.P.33 / Clive/H.P.35 - Великобритания - 1923
Flight 1930-11 / Flight
THE TAIL: Rudder balances of an unusual type are used. These take the form of separate surfaces, placed some distance from, but linked to, the outer rudders. The balances are provided with fixed slots.
Flight 1930-11 / Flight
The elevator is of Duralumin construction, with rigid drag bracing.
Flight 1930-11 / Flight
The tail plane is, like the main wings and control surfaces, of Duralumin construction.
Тип фотографий